Previous months:
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2011 - 1101(5) - 1102(3) - 1103(6) - 1104(6) - 1105(3) - 1106(8) - 1107(9) - 1108(7) - 1109(11) - 1110(10) - 1111(11) - 1112(9)
2012 - 1201(1) - 1202(3) - 1203(11) - 1204(5) - 1205(8) - 1206(6) - 1207(4) - 1208(9) - 1209(8) - 1210(10) - 1211(12) - 1212(8)
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2016 - 1601(23) - 1602(24) - 1603(42) - 1604(53) - 1605(34) - 1606(39) - 1607(50) - 1608(28) - 1609(46) - 1610(51) - 1611(78) - 1612(43)
2017 - 1701(34) - 1702(39) - 1703(50) - 1704(63) - 1705(64) - 1706(55) - 1707(71) - 1708(59) - 1709(59) - 1710(31) - 1711(20) - 1712(52)
2018 - 1801(55) - 1802(65) - 1803(85) - 1804(91) - 1805(64) - 1806(73) - 1807(71) - 1808(58) - 1809(67) - 1810(65) - 1811(77) - 1812(73)
2019 - 1901(62) - 1902(77) - 1903(70) - 1904(82) - 1905(82) - 1906(86) - 1907(96) - 1908(88) - 1909(91) - 1910(129) - 1911(93) - 1912(73)
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2021 - 2101(5) - 2102(14) - 2103(14) - 2104(9) - 2105(12) - 2106(13) - 2107(12) - 2108(12) - 2109(10) - 2110(7) - 2111(18) - 2112(10)
2022 - 2201(8) - 2202(7) - 2203(8) - 2204(13) - 2205(12) - 2206(15) - 2207(14) - 2208(9) - 2209(15) - 2210(14) - 2211(8) - 2212(12)
2023 - 2301(14) - 2302(14) - 2303(15) - 2304(12) - 2305(12) - 2306(16) - 2307(6) - 2308(8) - 2309(10) - 2310(15) - 2311(16) - 2312(9)
2024 - 2401(11) - 2402(7) - 2403(9) - 2404(6) - 2405(8) - 2406(8) - 2407(18) - 2408(7) - 2409(13) - 2410(18) - 2411(15) - 2412(13)
2025 - 2501(14) - 2502(14)
Any replacements are listed farther down
[5023] viXra:2502.0185 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-27 21:36:35
Authors: I. Prusis, P. Prusis
Comments: 5 Pages. 1 figure
The electron is the most widely used elementary particle and at the same time the least studied. It is known that the electron has mass, charge, and spin. The article shows that an electron moves along a complex trajectory, the main components of which are chaotic thermal motion, zitterbewegung, and the direction determined by the external electric field. The trajectory of an electron can be mathematically described as a wave, but from this QM draws the incorrect conclusion that the electron itself is a wave. What is mentioned in the article also applies to protons, neutrons, and other elementary particles.
Category: Quantum Physics
[5022] viXra:2502.0184 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-27 21:35:47
Authors: Jayesh Suresh
Comments: 14 Pages.
This article attempts to model spin of fermions and to explore possible connection to wave function. Zitterbewegung, originally introduced to describe the rapid oscillatory motion of relativistic particles, is not commonly used in modern physics. Here, zitterbewegung has been employed to develop a model that accounts for spin of fermions. It can explain wave particle duality.
Category: Quantum Physics
[5021] viXra:2502.0165 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-24 03:25:13
Authors: Bhushan Poojary
Comments: 15 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Author name should be separately listed after the article title)
In this paper, we extend the formulation of the Schrödinger equation into the complex spacetime framework, introducing a novel approach that bridges quantum mechanics, electromagnetism, and general relativity. By incorporating complex derivatives and applying the Cauchy-Riemann conditions, we reveal that the imaginary components of spacetime contribute to quantum fluctuations, while the real components govern classical behavior. This framework naturally connects the imaginary curvature of spacetime to electromagnetic field dynamics, suggesting that electromagnetic phenomena could emerge from the geometry of complex spacetime.We demonstrate that the imaginary Ricci tensor, derived from the curvature of the imaginary spacetime dimensions, aligns with the mathematical structure of Maxwell's equations in curved spacetime. This connection implies a geometric origin of electromagnetism, where quantum fluctuations arise from the imaginary curvature of spacetime. Furthermore, the preservation of standard quantum commutation relations within this framework suggests consistency with established quantum mechanical principles.
Category: Quantum Physics
[5020] viXra:2502.0126 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-18 21:15:02
Authors: Sergey Y. Kotkovsky
Comments: 28 Pages. This is an English translation of the paper in Russian viXra:2502.0040
Based on the developed chiral algebra of biquaternions, a new representation of the Dirac equation is obtained. Our formulation of this fundamental equation combines in a certain way the forward and reverse 4-gradient operators acting on the right and left chiral components of the particle wave function, as well as the cyclic transformation operator acting on the entire particle wave function. The obtained representation makes it possible to see in the Dirac equation the relationship between linear and cyclic times. The chiral algebra used in this approach provides new methods for studying relativistic spin physics. An analog of the Lorentz transformation, a new rotation transformation is derived, that creates the proper rotation of a massive particle. It is shown that the cyclic transformation included in our representation of the Dirac equation is expressed via complex-valued Hadamard matrix, which indicates the connection of the Dirac equation with known algorithms of noise-resistant information transmission.
Category: Quantum Physics
[5019] viXra:2502.0096 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-14 19:31:54
Authors: Wells M Chandler
Comments: 4 Pages.
What is the polarization basis of an entangled photon pair when exiting a beta-barium borate crystal (BBO)? Repeated experiments have confirmed there is no linear polarization basis that can account for the observed (anti-)correlations of the pair. Rather, the pair is initially defined by a real but inaccessible basis of polarization which is orthogonal to all linear polarization bases — a hidden basis[1]. The properties of orthogonality of the hidden basis to all linear polarization bases and the instantaneous decoherence of both members of the pair to a linear polarization basis following measurement of one member are exploited in the following experimental proposal to facilitate limited faster than light communication.
Category: Quantum Physics
[5018] viXra:2502.0080 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-12 13:41:42
Authors: Scott Wilson
Comments: 3 Pages.
I review the inequality given by Bell [1], and provide an interpretation to avoid the use of non-local entanglement. It is argued that what appear to be separate properties within an individual particle (usually regarded as independent state variables) exist as entangled properties (entangled state variables) that are not physically meaningful on their own. For example, it is not physically meaningful to refer to spin in a certain direction, as the spins in different directions are entangled with each other, and there is no meaning to regarding spin about one particular axis as a state variable of the particle.
Category: Quantum Physics
[5017] viXra:2502.0079 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-12 15:22:13
Authors: M. W. Roberts
Comments: 21 Pages.
The design of Delphi 4A is changed due to the fact that two of its system requirements were inconsistent. The proposed Delphi 5 quantum optical system is capable of superluminal communication.
Category: Quantum Physics
[5016] viXra:2502.0061 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-09 03:01:14
Authors: David Woods
Comments: This submission includes a 4-page paper, 4 pages of calculations, and a 1-page diagram illustrating magnetic force interactions.
Feynman’s diagrams suggest that photons can temporarily transform into a pair of charged particles, specifically an electron and a positron. This paper explores the possibility that a photon can be modeled as a rotating dipole composed of these opposite charges. The dipole radius is calculated by balancing the electrostatic attraction with centripetal acceleration. Initial calculations, assuming only electrostatic forces, yielded values for Planck’s constant that were close to the known value of 6.626 × 10u207b³u2074, with slight variations between 10u207b³² and 10u207b³u2076. These small deviations suggested the need for additional force contributions. By identifying an equilibrium frequency within the electromagnetic spectrum and incorporating magnetic interactions, the model fully reconciles with Planck’s constant across all frequencies.A full mathematical derivation supporting these conclusions is provided in the Appendix.Polarization states may bear relation to the direction of motion in relation to rotation and the model may suggest that photon-photon interactions contribute to diffraction. Further experimental correlations will be explored in future work, and a forthcoming paper will further justify the inclusion of magnetic forces and perhaps self-propelling effects due to the rotating motion of the charges.
Category: Quantum Physics
[5015] viXra:2502.0050 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-08 21:20:45
Authors: Bertrand Wong
Comments: 11 Pages.
A theory of everything (TOE), or, grand unified theory (which Einstein had been working on without success, with Superstring Theory now being a good candidate), is one which unites all the forces of nature, namely, gravity, electromagnetism, the strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force. Important as this theory might be, it is lacking in one important fundamental aspect, namely, the role of consciousness, which could in fact be considered the most fundamental aspect of physics, for example its apparently significant role and impact in quantum theory which would be explained in this paper. This paper also raises important points pertaining to the theory of everything. It explains that a theory of consciousness is more important than a theory of everything or grand unified theory and should be the theory of everything instead, or, at least, a part of the theory of everything. Consciousness is essential for information-processing, for example, deducing the laws of physics from natural phenomena; without the physicist and his intelligent consciousness for deducing the laws of physics there would not be physics. As consciousness is so important, it is no surprise that physicists are now studying consciousness to unravel the mysteries of the universe which might be in some sense a Great Mind or large organism with will and consciousness. The paper also delves into the behavior of quantum particles, for example, quantum entanglement which has utility in quantum computing but remains a great mystery, describing their apparent relationship with consciousness which has been the model for artificial intelligence (AI) that has become very powerful and a threat to society itself. This paper is the sequel to the paper "The Ultimate Law of Nature" which was published in Physics Essays in 2009.
Category: Quantum Physics
[5014] viXra:2502.0040 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-06 21:54:08
Authors: Sergey Y. Kotkovsky
Comments: 30 Pages. In Russian
Based on the developed chiral algebra of biquaternions, a new representation of the Dirac equation is obtained. Our formulation of this fundamental equation combines in a certain way the forward and reverse 4-gradient operators acting on the right and left chiral components of the particle wave function, as well as the cyclic transformation operator acting on the entire particle wave function. The obtained representation makes it possible to see in the Dirac equation the relationship between linear and cyclic times. The chiral algebra used in this approach provides new methods for studying relativistic spin physics. An analog of the Lorentz transformation, a new rotation transformation is derived, that creates the proper rotation of a massive particle. It is shown that the cyclic transformation included in our representation of the Dirac equation is expressed via complex-valued Hadamard matrix, which indicates the connection of the Dirac equation with known algorithms of noise-resistant information transmission.
На основе разработанной киральной алгебры бикватернионов получено новое представление уравнения Дирака. Наша формулировка этого фундаментального уравнения определённым образом сочетает в себе прямой и обратный операторы 4-градиентов, действующие на правую и левую киральные составляющие волновой функции частицы, а также оператор циклического преобразования, действующий на всю волновую функцию частицы. Полученное представление позволяет увидеть в уравнении Дирака связь линейного и циклического времён, а используемая при этом киральная алгебра даёт новые методы для исследования релятивистской физики спина. Выведено преобразование вращения — аналог преобразования Лоренца, который создаёт собственное вращение массивной частицы. Показано, что циклическое преобразование, входящее в полученное представление уравнения Дирака, в декартовом базисе выражается с помощью комплекснозначной матрицы Адамара, что указывает на связь уравнения Дирака с известными алгоритмами помехоустойчивой передачи информации.
Category: Quantum Physics
[5013] viXra:2502.0030 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-06 20:42:01
Authors: Yi Cao
Comments: 26 Pages.
In developing the {N,n} QM field theory, from the pure quantum mechanics (QM), I deduced out a positive precession for the circular orbital motion (see in SunQM-4). In the current paper, I used this positive precession to explain 1) the Mercury’s perihelion precession; 2) the fast-flow zonal band on Jupiter’s atmospheric surface. Then, using a newly developed concept (i.e., the "face-opposite-face locked binary orbital motion" in φ-1D bi-direction with the anti-parallel spin will automatically transform to be a θ-1D orbital uni-directional motion, see in SunQM-6s10), I further developed this positive precession to be a positive/negative precession cycle (also called the "Ylm cycle"), and it is driven by the half-cycle of m > 0 and half-cycle of m < 0 in the nLL QM state of the |n,l,m>. Then, I used it to explain the elliptic orbit motion (an Ylm cycle with the acceleration/deceleration cycle), the sunspot drift (an Ylm cycle with a period of 22 years), the continental drift (an Ylm cycle with a period longer than 10^5 years), etc. The results of these analysis made me to further hypothesize that: the residue nLL QM state’s positive/negative precession may even be the origin of all elliptic/parabolic/hyperbolic orbits (including the gravitational lensing that belongs to a hyperbolic motion). It may be possible to use QM’s positive precession at different (and combined) high-frequency n’ to fully explain Mercury’s perihelion precession (without using classical physics and/or general relativity (GR)). This work revealed that in a circular/elliptical orbital motion, QM not only may (intrinsically) generate a positive precession, but also may (intrinsically) generate a positive/negative precession cycle (i.e., the Ylm cycle). This work may also suggest that the QM and the GR are the two "faces" of the same "master mechanics". Finally, because of its completeness and self-consistence, I do believe that the {N,n} QM is qualified to be put into the "Feynman Pool" as one of the many co-existing QM theories.
Category: Quantum Physics
[5012] viXra:2502.0025 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-05 22:02:16
Authors: Victor Christianto, Florentin Smarandache
Comments: 10 Pages. Comments and suggestions are welcome.
We previously argued for a connection between the Navier-Stokes and Schrödinger equations, then used standard tunneling time theory [1][2]. Here, we propose an alternative interpretation of the Hartman effect in tunneling, suggesting that it represents the multivaluedness of solutions of the Schrödinger equation. This implies that an electron or entity can exist in two places simultaneously, explaining how an entity can seemingly appear on the other side of a tunnel almost instantaneously upon initiating a quantum tunneling experiment. While counter-intuitive, this interpretation aligns with E. Schrödinger's initial ideas. This phenomenon could be detected through near-field effects, such as spin supercurrent detector in low-temperature physics experiments. [Various discussions with Robert N. Boyd are acknowledged]
Category: Quantum Physics
[5011] viXra:2502.0021 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-03 20:29:32
Authors: Yuxuan Zhang, Weitong Hu, Tongzhou Zhang
Comments: 12 Pages.
This paper proposes a novel quantum gravityframework based on the transient annihilation and regeneration of positron pairs, aiming to unify quantum mechanics and generalrelativity. The model integrates insights from black hole thermodynamics by addressing the information paradox through Hawking radiation dynamics and incorporates phase transitionsinto the theoretical framework to explain the evolution of dark energy. The proposed graviton model is further supported by advancements in gravitational wave detection technology,Additionally, the paper explores the application of quantum sensing technologies, such as superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs), for dark matter detection, leveraging ultra-cold atom interferometers to study cosmicmicrowave background radiation fluctuations. The model's predictions are supported by a rigorous theoretical framework and experimental validation strategics, including quantitativeBayesian factor analysis and feature spectral matching tests. Future research directions include the development of numericalrelativistic codes for dynamic spacetime grids, the establishment of an inter-institutional dark energy time landscape observatory, and tabletop experiments using superconducting quantuminterference instruments to test the theory's predictions in Earth-based settings.
Category: Quantum Physics
[5010] viXra:2502.0013 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-02 20:59:11
Authors: Eran Sinbar
Comments: 3 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Please cite and list scientific references)
This paper will suggest a way to test the idea in which space-time itself is quantified into discrete building blocks in the size of Planck’s length and Planck’s time, by correlating between the expansion of spacetime, the increase in the gravitational constant G, number of black holes and the Schwarzschild radius of the black hole.
Category: Quantum Physics
[5009] viXra:2501.0130 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-24 21:44:03
Authors: Satoshi Hanamura
Comments: 14 Pages.
Bridging quantum mechanics and general relativity remains one of the fundamental challenges in modern physics. While these theories have been extensively validated in their respective domains, their reconciliation at microscopic scales continues to be a subject of intense study. This work establishes a direct algebraic connection between the anomalous magnetic moments of leptons and their Zitterbewegung velocities, unifying quantum mechanical phenomena with both special and general relativistic principles. Our initial special relativistic calculations predicted electron Zitterbewegung velocities of 0.040472c. However, by incorporating general relativistic effects through geodetic precession and utilizing the calculated muon critical radius of 3.431E-25 meters, we refined this prediction to 0.040374c. We further determine critical radii of 5.71E-24 meters for tau leptons, where their Zitterbewegung motion becomes unsustainable. This result naturally explains both the tau-to-muon and muon-to-electron decay processes while reinforcing the stability of electron motion. By analyzing the interplay of Lorentz contraction and geodetic precession, we propose a hypothesis for a mass-dependent transition point between classical and quantum gravitational regimes, implying that general relativistic corrections may play a role in influencing quantum mechanical phenomena at microscopic scales.
Category: Quantum Physics
[5008] viXra:2501.0110 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-20 20:18:19
Authors: Shokin Shigemitsu
Comments: 4 Pages.
Double-slit experiments form the cornerstone of quantum theory. This study simulated the movement of 100,000 particles individually based on a straightforward assumption. We assumed that the movement of a particle is influenced by the particle preceding it. Consequently, the simulation successfully reproduced the single-slit and double-slit experiment results.
Category: Quantum Physics
[5007] viXra:2501.0102 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-19 18:00:53
Authors: Remi Cornwall
Comments: 4 Pages.
APEC — Alternative Propulsion Engineering Conference is run by Tim Ventura and is a forum that lets all-comers present their researches into fringe science concepts, though mainly those concerned with propulsion. This brief letter will write about two presentations — LENR and "Quantised Inertia". I may comment on the other later presentations at some point. We find omissions in LENR experimental methodology and candidate theories based on current science but this wouldn’t exclude new science. We also find that McCulloch’s "Quantised Inertia" violates the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.
Category: Quantum Physics
[5006] viXra:2501.0100 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-18 20:51:36
Authors: John French
Comments: 17 Pages. This paper is a preprint
A quantization of classical spinning particle equations is carried out using the Euler angles of the particle. Relativistic corrections are found and compared to the Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation of the Dirac equation. We only consider constant linear electric and magneticfields, and find agreement up to order 1/c^6.
Category: Quantum Physics
[5005] viXra:2501.0094 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-16 04:56:42
Authors: Runsheng Tu
Comments: 9 Pages.
In the scientific community, the traditional concept has been formed that 'quantum mechanics is only applicable to microscopic systems, classical mechanics is only applicable to macroscopic systems, and the Schrödinger equation cannot be used to describe macroscopic objects'. Under the constraints of this traditional concept, there has been no attempt for a long time to establish and apply the Schrödinger equation of gravitational potential energy to describe the motion of the Earth. By replacing the potential energy in the Hamiltonian operator from electromagnetic interaction potential energy to gravitational interaction potential energy, the Schrödinger equation that can describe planetary motion was successfully obtained. Many examples provided can prove that classical mechanics and quantum mechanics are compatible. We can combine classical mechanics and quantum mechanics to describe the same system. For describing an object, mass size is no longer an important determining factor in choosing between classical mechanics and quantum mechanics methods. Establishing the Schrödinger equation for gravitational potential energy can prompt us to change our mindset and liberate our minds. The idea that classical mechanics and quantum mechanics are opposed to each other and should be mutually exclusive can be transformed into the idea that they coexist due to complementarity.
Category: Quantum Physics
[5004] viXra:2501.0069 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-11 22:45:11
Authors: Gaurav Kumar
Comments: 5 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Pleease cite and list scientific references)
This paper introduces the Spacetime Matrix Theory, a novel framework for understanding spacetime as a discrete matrix composed of fundamental "grains." Each grain encapsulates localized properties and interactions, forming a unified structure that bridges quantum mechanics and general relativity. The theory explains phenomena such as quantum entanglement through inter-grain connectivity, modeled as dynamic curvature. Derivations of key equations are provided, including a curvature equation linking the local grain structure to spacetime dynamics. Simulations demonstrate the energy density distribution and inter-grain interactions, validating the framework's predictive capability. This work aims to provide new insights into the fabric of spacetime and its underlying mechanics.
Category: Quantum Physics
[5003] viXra:2501.0063 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-10 19:38:30
Authors: R. K. Salimov, T. R. Salimov
Comments: 3 Pages.
The paper considers Lorentz invariant equations with infinite-order derivatives with solitonsolutions. Within the framework of the Lagrangian formalism for fields description and when describing point particles in the form of probability amplitudes, such equations are not considered. If the axiomatic nature of these approaches is abandoned and we limit ourselves only to the requirement of Lorentz invariance of differential equations, then the consideration of such equations allows for non-locality. The paper discusses some general features of nonlocality described by such equations and their differences from the description of nonlocality in the Copenhagen interpretation of the quantum mechanical description. In particular, it is shown that in such a model the question of paradoxes of the Einstein - Podolsky - Rosen type is removed.
Category: Quantum Physics
[5002] viXra:2501.0054 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-09 03:03:31
Authors: Rudolph Elliot Willis
Comments: 34 Pages.
This study proposes that quantum uncertainty arises from stochastic mass-energy interconversion at the subatomic level. Integrating Einstein's mass-energy equivalence and quantum mechanics, the hypothesis introduces fluctuating mass terms into mathematical frameworks like the Schrödinger equation, yielding novel implications for the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. The theory extends to quantum field theory, string theory, and cosmology, suggesting a dynamic mechanism for phenomena ranging from particle decay rates to black hole evaporation. By bridging quantum mechanics and general relativity through stochastic fluctuations, this framework offers testable predictions for high-energy physics, gravitational wave analysis, and cosmological observations, advancing the search for a unified Theory of Everything.
Category: Quantum Physics
[5001] viXra:2501.0046 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-08 21:37:53
Authors: Proloy Kumar Nath, Purnata Shovita Nath
Comments: 22 Pages.
In Clifford algebra, it would be found that spinors or spin group, where spinors are essential in describing spin as an intrinsic quantum property in quantum electrodynamics with the general nature of an intrinsic angular momentum of subatomic particles, and pinors or pin group, where pinors may be expected essential in describing pin as a further intrinsic quantum property in quantum electrodynamics with the general nature of an intrinsic linear momentum of subatomic particles. The physical consequences of spin and pin may be obtained in the phenomenon of uniform circular motion of a rotating point object about its axis of rotation such that spin is along the axis of rotation to the plane of rotation of the object and pin, like a tiny string, may be about the same axis of rotation on the plane of rotation of the object. As such, if spin is considered as an intrinsic quantum property of subatomic particles in quantum electrodynamics, then pin would also be considered as a further intrinsic quantum property of subatomic particles in quantum electrodynamics, where these two intrinsic quantum properties of subatomic particles, spin and pin, would be found perpendicular to each other. Therefore, spin and pin, by acting at right angle to each other in any reference frame, being quantized, would represent the observable quantum states such as subatomic particles in quantum mechanics and particle physics. It would also be found that a spin is associated together with an intrinsic magnetic moment along the same axis of rotation to the plane of rotation at ntiparallel to spin, and a pin may be associated together with an intrinsic electric moment about the same axis of rotation on the plane of rotation at antiparallel to pin in quantum electrodynamics. Thus, the presence of the four intrinsic properties — spin, pin, magnetic moment and electric moment — of subatomic particles in quantum electrodynamics may open a new perspective of quantum mechanics and particle physics, which may support to find out the isolated quantized electric mono-poles as free positive and negative electric charges, as well as, the isolated quantized magnetic mono-poles as free positive and negative magnetic charges carried by specific particles.
Category: Quantum Physics
[5000] viXra:2501.0044 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-08 13:17:12
Authors: Eugen Muchowski
Comments: 4 Pages.
Polarized photons have properties that can be explained, among other things, by their indistinguishability. These include superposition and entanglement. The locality of entangled photons can thus be explained without hidden parameters. We propose that the superposition state can be understood as the entirety of all mixtures of indistinguishable perpendicularly polarized photon beams. Superposition of indistinguishable photon beams can be demonstrated experimentally using a Mach-Zehnder interferometer. This explains how the polarization of the input state reappears at the output of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4999] viXra:2501.0034 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-07 21:57:11
Authors: Rajmohan Harindranath
Comments: 4 Pages.
We propose a speculative framework in which the underlying structure of reality is modeled as adensely connected neural network, with reality emerging from a computational substrate. In this approach, wave phenomena arise from subthreshold activations across many nodes, while particle phenomena occur when individual nodes exceed a threshold and "spike." We suggest that this model can capture key features of quantum mechanics, including wave-particle duality, measurement-induced collapse, and the generation of virtual particles when local energy surpasses threshold. Furthermore, a high concentration of spikes in one region may slow the local "computational speed," suggesting an interpretation of gravitational time dilation and space-time curvature. Though conceptual, theframework could be tested by scenarios in which a single photon or electron sometimes yields nodetection (lost to sub-threshold dissipation) or multiple detections (leftover activation combining with new signals). We conclude by discussing open challenges, especially regarding entanglement, non-local correlations, Lorentz invariance, and the full embedding of this idea into known gauge symmetries.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4998] viXra:2501.0030 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-06 21:18:49
Authors: Wei Zheng
Comments: 13 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Please cite and list scientific references; also any AI assisted article is in general not acceptable)
This document presents the Quantum Intrinsic Wormhole (QIW) hypothesis, which proposes a fundamentally discrete spacetime in which intrinsic wormholes oscillate at Planck-scale frequencies, allowing particles to "jump" between discrete grid points. We emphasize the independence of our jumping function from classical equations, showing how standard quantum mechanical results can be recoveredfrom our discrete model in the continuous limit, without resorting to any ad hoc or "mathematical patchwork." The extension incorporates electromagnetic fields and special relativity, successfully reproducing the Compton wavelength, de Broglie wavelength, Schroedinger equation, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, as well as theSchroedinger equation under electromagnetic fields, the Dirac equation, and the Klein-Gordon equation. This comprehensive process demonstrates the QIW’s ability to unify discrete spacetime concepts with fundamental quantum and relativistic principles.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4997] viXra:2501.0029 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-06 21:13:06
Authors: Stephane H. Maes
Comments: 6 Pages. All related details of the projects (and updates) can be found and followed at
This paper provides some pointers that are relevant to a few select topics about neutrons structures, neutron stars, and relationship to QCD, in particular with respect to confinement, and stangelets. Neutron stars observations seem to confirm the apparition of deconfined quark gluon plasma at the core of neutron stars, and the presence of a superconducting layer above, so that the crust and the superconducting/superfluid region can also explain neutron stars glitches.Aspects covered in the paper are related to the multi-fold analysis of QCD and QED, including confinement, asymptotic freedom and the mass gap, for which we provided new intuitive analyses and interpretations. It confirms the ability to deconfine, à la percolation, under high density and pressure, while still hiding colors, and the existence of superconducting phases. A consequence of the short analysis is that we can support a neutron star core that is an hybrid of deconfined quarks and nuclei, plus possibly hyperons, while proposing that strangelets are likely not produced by neutron stars: a good news for the future of normal matter, that otherwise could have been infected by any minuscule strangelets contribution, spelling (locally) the end of matter as we know it, even if it is a slow process.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4996] viXra:2501.0007 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-01 00:08:24
Authors: Satoshi Hanamura
Comments: 17 Pages.
We present an algebraic framework demonstrating that electron spin states arise dynamically rather than being predetermined. By reinterpreting Thomas precession in accelerated motion, we establish the natural quantization of spin angular momentum to ℏ/2, and its characteristic 4π periodicity. The 0-Sphere model introduces a dynamic photon sphere, characterized by Zitterbewegung oscillation at approximately 0.04c. This mechanism resolves the superluminal velocity paradox in classical electron models, while providing a physical basis for spin orientation. Our analysis of the outer product operation reveals that spin states emerge from periodic variations, with orientation determined by dynamic processes rather than predefined properties. The model naturally explains spin's pseudovectorial nature through the geometric properties of the photon sphere, providing a unified understanding of spin transformation under spatial inversion and time reversal. Furthermore, we propose a novel interpretation of quantum entanglement through temporal phase progression, where correlated spins maintain their relationship via coherent oscillations instead of non-local interactions. Our findings suggest that the violation of Bell's inequality originates from the failure of realism, not locality. This perspective preserves locality and explains entangled states through coherent temporal phase evolution, offering a novel understanding of quantum mechanical correlations.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4995] viXra:2412.0185 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-30 21:16:44
Authors: V.A. Kuzmenko
Comments: 3 Pages.
The e-print arXiv:2410.19671 [1] presents new, interesting results of the experimental study of scattered light by cold atoms. Here we propose an alternative explanation of the physical nature of anisotropic radiation scattering and a simple protocol for its experimental verification.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4994] viXra:2412.0172 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-28 23:21:07
Authors: Antonio Fazzolari
Comments: 43 Pages.
Following what already exposed in "The statistical origin of the Alpha constant2", a model based purely on statistical mechanics is proposed to explain and calculate with high accuracy the properties of the electron, likecharge, spin and magnetic moment. All these features, beyond the very existence of the electromagnetic interaction, derive essentially from the assumption that a boson wave field possesses a chemical potential and from the definition of two statistical sets of opposite temperature. It's also shown that the SU(2) algebra, which is normally just assumed for the half Spin particles, is a consequence of this statistical structure, as it happens for theelectric interaction. The only constants used are c, ħ and the Boltzmann constant. The model predicts also a light asymmetry between electric repulsion and attraction that could explain the origin of the weak interaction.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4993] viXra:2412.0162 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-25 22:51:42
Authors: Arieh Sher
Comments: 5 Pages. (Article title and author name added to the article by viXra Admin)
Modern physics is facing a profound conundrum. There are two major theories in physics: general relativity and quantum physics. Each of these theories has been proven to be correct with high confidence. Yet, no theory combines both. Specifically, quantum physics does not relate to gravity, whereas gravity is a profound parameter in general relativity. I claim that gravity is the residual strong nuclear force. In other words, gravity and the strong force are the same.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4992] viXra:2412.0161 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-25 15:44:31
Authors: Martin Kraus
Comments: 6 Pages.
Recently, a classical model of electrons has been proposed, which represents the peak of a rotating field solution of a modified Born-Infeld field theory by a point-like particle of half the mass of the whole field solution. While this model is consistent with many features of electrons, it does not include the theoretical frequency of an electron's Zitterbewegung, which is a central part of many other models of spinning point-like electrons. In an attempt to explain the absence of this frequency in the new model, this work hypothesizes that the Hamiltonian of a free electron in Dirac's theory of electrons could be modified by halving the electron's mass when describing its spin motion. This leads to a modified frequency (equal to the Compton frequency), which is consistent with not only the modified Born-Infeld model of electrons but also de Broglie's internal clock hypothesis.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4991] viXra:2412.0145 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-22 05:55:07
Authors: Stephane H Maes
Comments: 44 Pages. All related details of the projects (and updates) can be found and followed at
The principle of least action applies to many domains of Physics. Yet its justifications and derivations usually come from archaic classical principles like the Fermat or Maupertuis principles, or mathematical analytical frameworks used for classical mechanics. As is well known, it is widely applicable to other domains, without necessarily a clear justification for it. In addition, the Feynman Path Integral formulation of Quantum Mechanics gave it a second life. However, the conventional logic to reach these conclusions is at time circular, and the principle is applied without proof that it is applicable: it just works and everybody does it. It is this applicability that led us in the past to treat the Action path integral as God’s equation.The paper justifies the principle of least action and Feynman’s path integrals through different physical reasoning, and on that basis we confirm its validity in most situations, even if Hamiltonians or Lagrangians may be shaky to define, or the system may be dissipative. We also explain when, and why, sometimes, it may not conventionally apply. The derivation uncovers different links between Entropy and Action, which also opens a different way to look at the origin of the probability distribution of even just a single lone particle; especially when complemented with the W-type multi-fold hypothesis, and makes some considerations on Feynman diagrams, instantons, renormalons and resurgence. Also discontinuities in the paths of the path integrals imply that spacetime is discrete, and non-commutative, and supersymmetry in flat spacetime is unphysical. Surfaceology, as optimized computation of the Feynman diagram is shown to trivially predict that all gauge theories double copy dual to gravity share the same forbidden scatterings. We show how the results of the multi-fold theory, in particular the multi-fold space time matter induction and scattering, built explicitly on the path integral formalism, its underlying principles, and the principle of least action, allows recovering almost everything in Today’s physics. It leaves out essentially only some of the coupling constants and mixing angles/parameters. This goes a long way towards the ambition of a Theory Of Everything (TOE). Our justification of the principle of least action, and path integrals, and the multi-fold theory encounters relationships between Entropy and Action. We review these encounters, including that entanglement might be irreversible. Also, from our approach, we obtain a formulation of the evolution of entropy, including for irreversible systems, which matches Onsager and Prigogine’s famous models and principles.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4990] viXra:2412.0134 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-21 03:47:11
Authors: Xiao Lin Li
Comments: 13 Pages.
In quantum mechanics, particles have a new type of probabilistic property, which is quantum wave probability. Corresponding to this new probability, the particle has the property of quantum wave entropy, and it has the property of quantum wave temperature. Based on the quantum wave entropy, the Unruh formula, the black hole entropy formula, and the Verlinde entropy gravitational formula can be easily derived. It proves that these three formulas are not independent of each other, but are related to each other. These three formulas have the same physical origin, which is quantum wave entropy. The quantum wave temperature has similar properties to the Unruh temperature. The quantum wave temperature is not only directly proportional to acceleration, but also inversely proportional to velocity. The Unruh temperature is just a light speed case of quantum wave temperatures. Compared to the Unruh temperature, the quantum wave temperature is significantly larger and easier to test experimentally. All experiments to test the Unruh effect can be used to test the theory of quantum wave entropy. We can use experiments to test whether the theory is true. The quantum wave entropy can solve the contradiction between the time reversal symmetry of the dynamical equation and the law of entropy increase. The action corresponds to quantum wave entropy. The least action principle corresponds to the stationary quantum wave entropy principle. The quantum wave entropy creates a bridge between the dynamical equations and thermodynamics.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4989] viXra:2412.0100 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-18 03:29:29
Authors: K. H. Sørensen
Comments: 21 Pages.
This paper explores the concept of osmotic momentum within quantum mechanics, offering a novel theoretical framework that integrates stochastic mechanics with generalized electrodynamics. Byrevisiting Edward Nelson’s interpretation of the Schrödinger equation, we propose that osmotic momentum arises from interactions with gauge waves an extension to classical field components. Additionally, we outline a method for experimental detection of these waves using a "quantum lens", a device designed to convert gauge waves into detectable photons. This work bridges gaps between quantum mechanics, gravity, and dark energy, suggesting that gauge waves could unify these phenomena under a common theoretical framework.Experimental validation of this model could redefine our understanding of quantum and relativistic systems.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4988] viXra:2412.0096 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-17 00:12:35
Authors: Joel Ryan Ortiz
Comments: 6 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: The references are not cited and listed in a schoarlar manner)
This paper introduces a novel hypothesis that reinterprets the Big Bang as a quantum entanglement event connecting our observable, matter-dominated universe to a mirrored anti-universe dominated by antimatter, where time flows in reverse. The framework explores how this entanglement resolves long-standing cosmological questions, including the matter-antimatter imbalance, the arrow of time, and dark matter. Additionally, it provides explanations for anomalies observed in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), such as the Cold Spot and large-scale asymmetries, which may serve as quantum imprints of this dual-universe symmetry. By integrating quantum mechanics and cosmology, this theory offers testable predictions and a unified perspective on the origins and structure of the cosmos
Category: Quantum Physics
[4987] viXra:2412.0092 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-16 01:22:47
Authors: Lino Zamboni
Comments: 16 Pages. Extension of viXra 2411.0050
This work advances the theoretical framework of the electron model introduced in a previous paper (viXra: 2411.0050 - Quantum Physics), which describes the electron as composed of entangled mass elements. This model proposes an extension of the de Broglie-Bohm (dBB) paradigm, achieving compatibility with Special Relativity Explicit expressions for Z and ZC are derived , describing the sequence of orbitals and their associated masses, along with a detailed analysis of their physical significance. An innovative interpretation of spin and magnetic moment is presented , viewing them as invariant properties across orbitals , despite variations in the associated parameters. This perspective provides a potential explanation for the experimentally observed phenomenon of spatial spin separation from its particle. Additionally, the Appendix includes applications of the MZ matrix—a conceptual tool integral to the proposed formalism—for estimating particle masses, specifically those of the muon and tauon , with notable accuracy. This work represents the second part of a trilogy. A forthcoming extension will focus on the characteristics of orbitals , with particular emphasis on the definition of attractive and repulsive potentials and the associated Hamiltonian, thereby completing the theoretical framework.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4986] viXra:2412.0090 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-15 12:55:53
Authors: Jouni Puuronen
Comments: 15 Pages.
I point out that Pauli exclusion principle makes no sense, because it assumes that the wave functions of multi-electron quantum systems would separate into products of wave functions of individual electrons, while in reality the Coulomb repulsion between the electrons prevents this separation. I propose a conjecture that Pauli exclusion principle maybe somewhat works in some situations, because it approximates the Coulomb repulsion between the electrons. I also put under question whether it makes sense to demand that physical quantum systems should always have their eigenenergies bounded from below.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4985] viXra:2412.0081 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-13 10:12:15
Authors: Satoshi Hanamura
Comments: 7 Pages.
The Hartman effect—where quantum tunneling time remains invariant to barrier thickness—presents a fundamental paradox that challenges both classical physics and special relativity. Here, we introduce a theoretical framework that resolves this paradox by proposing a radiation-mediated energy transport mechanism coupled with the electron's Zitterbewegung oscillation occurring at four percent of light speed. Our model introduces a dual-kernel architecture where an electron's thermal potential energy simultaneously occupies two distinct spatial locations, providing a deterministic interpretation of quantum superposition and tunneling phenomena. During barrier traversal, we demonstrate that electrons undergo a particle-to-radiation transformation while kernel dissolution occurs over a duration corresponding to the time it takes to traverse the Compton wavelength at four percent of the speed of light, with radiation propagating at light speed over the Compton wavelength. Since the kernel dissolution period is long compared to the radiation propagation time, the overall tunneling duration remains effectively independent of barrier thickness. This theoretical framework accounts for both the Hartman effect and the experimentally verified absence of electrons within potential barriers, while maintaining consistency with both quantum mechanics and special relativity. Our findings recast quantum tunneling as a deterministic energy redistribution process, offering new insights into the fundamental nature of quantum phenomena while maintaining consistency with established physical principles.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4984] viXra:2412.0052 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-09 21:20:24
Authors: J. G. Moxness
Comments: 20 Pages. Mathematica Notebook code link included
This paper ‘with code’ presents several notable properties of the matrix U shown to be related to the isomorphism between H4 and E8. The most significant of these properties is that U.U is to rank 8 matrices what the golden ratio is to numbers. That is to say, the difference between it and its inverse is the identity element, albeit with a twist. Specifically, U.U-(U.U)−1 is the reverse identity matrix or standard involutory permutation matrix of rank 8. It has the same palindromic characteristic polynomial coefficients as the normalized 3-qubit Hadamard matrix with 8-bit binary basis states, which is known to be isomorphic to E8 through its (8,4) Hamming code. This combined with finding the construction of U from the Pauli matrices’ relationships to 2-qubit CNOT, SWAP and 3-qubit Toffoli CCNOT and Hadamard matrices will inform the understanding of group theoretic quantum mechanics (QM), quantum computing (QC), quantum chemistry, and particle physics.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4983] viXra:2412.0043 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-07 22:07:34
Authors: Nick Navid Yazdani
Comments: 8 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Please cite and list scientific references)
This work presents a generalized wave equation for photons derived from theirrelativistic energy-momentum relation. Using a scalar potential, the equation ex-tends to include spatial and temporal variations, providing a comprehensive frame-work for photon dynamics. A parametric formulation simplifies the solution process,and in free space, the equation naturally reduces to Maxwell’s equations. The step-by-step derivation elucidates the connections between classical electrodynamics andquantum-inspired wave mechanics.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4982] viXra:2411.0165 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-26 17:00:56
Authors: Bhushan Poojary
Comments: 4 Pages.
Photons, the fundamental quanta of light, are widely recognized as carriers of energy and mediators of electromagnetic interactions. This paper proposes that photons also encode the "address" of quantum interactions within the holographic plane, providing a mechanism for coordinating quantum phenomena across spacetime. Building on the framework presented in Emergent Universe from Many Unreal World Interpretation [6], this hypothesis suggests that photons function as messengers of spatial and informational coordinates, offering new interpretations of wave function collapse, quantum entanglement, and delayed-choice experiments. This approach integrates the holographic principle with quantum mechanics, potentially bridging two foundational theories of modern physics.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4981] viXra:2411.0164 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-26 19:06:53
Authors: Bhushan Poojary
Comments: 3 Pages.
The conventional interpretation of electron orbitals as probability clouds has been central to quantum mechanics. However, this paper proposes a novel framework in which electron orbitals are holographic planes defined by the fine-structure constant and relativistic principles. This holographic interpretation provides a deterministic yet flexible description of quantum behaviour, linking the electron's unique spacetime geometry to its interaction with the electromagnetic field. The model explains quantized energy levels, spectral line structures, and interference phenomena while aligning with relativity. The implications for quantum mechanics and the unification of physics are profound, offering testable predictions.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4980] viXra:2411.0158 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-25 00:01:09
Authors: Edward C. Larson
Comments: 16 Pages.
This paper builds upon and, which proposed a novel realist framework for making sense of standard quantum theory. The framework is said to be ``realist'' in that it provides a complete observerless picture of quantum state ontology and dynamics, in conjunction with a mechanistic account of measurement processes, that answers basic questions of what, where, when, and how.The framework embodies a general quantum ontology consisting of two entities, called W-state and P-state, that respectively account for the wave- and particle-like aspects of quantum systems. W-state is a generalization of the wavefunction, but has ontic stature and is defined on the joint time-frequency domain. It constitutes a non-classical local reality, consisting of superpositions of quantum waves writ small. P-state is a non-local hidden variable that constrains the probability distributions governing deferred measurement outcomes, such as in the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) thought experiment. The framework features a full solution of the core measurement problem, which pertains to the global coordination within quantum systems required to bring about wavefunction collapse in causal fashion consistent with special relativity.The extent of development in those preceding papers amounts essentially to a quantum theory of matter particles. In this paper, it is shown how the realist quantum-theoretic framework for particles can be extended to encompass electromagnetic fields. The paper elaborates upon the implications for quantum gravity and how other interpretations (e.g., Many Worlds, GRW) deepen understanding of the realist framework.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4979] viXra:2411.0133 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-20 20:58:55
Authors: Runsheng Tu
Comments: 8 Pages.
People believe that the Schrödinger equation cannot be used to describe macroscopic objects like the Earth, and Newtonian mechanics cannot be used to describe microscopic systems. The old concept of the relationship between the existing laws of quantum mechanics and classical mechanics undoubtedly has a serious impact on people's understanding of the natural world, the development of physics theories, and the application of existing physics theories. The continuous development of physics theory requires constant changes to some incorrect old concepts. The Schrödinger equation that can describe planetary motion was successfully obtained by replacing the potential energy in the Hamiltonian operator from electromagnetic interaction potential energy to gravitational interaction potential energy. If the distance between the sun and the earth is approximated as a constant, the energy eigenvalues obtained by solving the Schrödinger equation for the Earth's revolution are completely consistent with the results obtained directly using classical mechanics. The direct significance of establishing and applying such equations is that they can simultaneously use classical mechanics and wave dynamics to describe all objects (no longer limited by the mass of the objects), simplifying the calculation process of quantum mechanics. It has been proven that classical mechanics and wave dynamics are compatible. It has been proven that classical mechanics and wave dynamics are compatible, and there is no insurmountable gap between them. This result has a huge positive impact on the theoretical updates and applications of quantum mechanics.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4978] viXra:2411.0123 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-19 21:36:08
Authors: Arturo Tozzi
Comments: 7 Pages.
A unified mathematical framework, referred to as Picard—Fuchs Hypergeometric Manifolds (PFHM), is introduced to integrate modular symmetry, coupled dynamics and energy conservation. PFHM are constructed using a synthesis of Ramanujan’s real period functions, Picard—Fuchs differential equations and Gaussian hypergeometric functions. We argue that PFHM provide an effective representation of two-dimensional coupled subsystems embedded in three-dimensionalmanifolds with dihedral symmetry. These coupled subsystems exhibit constrained energy reciprocity, making PFHM a robust tool for elucidating stable, closed and homoclinic orbits in Hamiltonian systems. An application of the proposed method is explored in the context of quantum entanglement. The intrinsic energetic reciprocity and symmetry of PFHM are shown to be analogous to the nonlocal correlations in entangled quantum systems. Modelling entangled pairs as constrained subsystems, the PFHM framework sheds new light on the energy dynamics and nonlocal correlations underpinning quantum entanglement.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4977] viXra:2411.0117 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-17 08:09:32
Authors: Satoshi Hanamura
Comments: 22 Pages.
This paper explores the extension of free electron behavior to general relativity through a closed algebraic Hamiltonian description of electron micro-oscillations. The author's research, which predicted the anomalous magnetic moment of electrons from first principles using closed algebraic equations, for a single electron oscillator, the time difference between rest and laboratory frames can be explained through the anomalous magnetic moment, providing a concrete mechanism for reconciling quantum and relativistic time concepts. The framework unifies seemingly disparate physical principles - energy conservation, geometric structure, and proper time - while offering an exact mathematical description of quantum phenomena that suggests a natural path toward bridging quantum mechanics and general relativity without requiring modifications to Einstein's theory. We present a detailed analysis of how an electron, when moving from point A to B, completely converts its mass energy into kinetic energy and subsequently reconverts it to mass energy at point B. Our analysis reveals that Snell's law governs these microscopic electron motions; this applicability of Snell's law naturally leads to the principle of least action, enabling us to demonstrate that electrons undergo micro-oscillations along geodesic paths. While conventional quantum theory, based on field theory, has struggled to reconcile its inherent absolute time with the relative time of relativity theory, our proposed 0-Sphere model represents individual quantum particles as micro-oscillators through closed algebraic equations. This enables the incorporation of both rest-frame and laboratory-frame time scales, as the model does not rely on the absolute time of field theory.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4976] viXra:2411.0114 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-18 02:56:42
Authors: Alireza Sepehri
Comments: 34 Pages. (Title corrected by viXra Admin to conform with schoarly norm)
The instantaneous transfer of biological materials has many applications in medical treatments and other different industries, and for this reason, many scientists are researching the methods of implementing it. It seems that the key element in this discussion is quantum intelligence. This particle is unique for every creature and if is in every point of space and time; intelligent nature will build the body related to it. There are two ways to transfer quantum intelligence instantaneously. The first way is that the intelligent system of nature feels that the presence or absence of this particle causes the loss of order. In this case, it removes this particle at one point and creates it at another point. The second way is to use multidimensional fields. These fields are similar to electromagnetic fields in four dimensional space-time and different in N dimensional space-time. These fields could produce cold fire. Cold fire consists of a large number of bubbles that, by bursting and creating accelerated photons, create curved space-time and open gates to extra dimensions and string tunnels. Quantum intelligence is instantly transmitted to the target point through these string tunnels. It is possible that some transmitters and receivers, such as some types of mobile phones or the central transmitter, have the ability to identify these tensor fields and use them to teleport quantum intelligence. In addition to quantum intelligence teleportation; material teleportation is also possible. If the mass produced by the acceleration of the universe is removed and the particles become massless, they will be able to teleport. In fact, the acceleration of the world at the beginning of creation caused the creation of curved space and the production of additional scalar fields (Higgs bosons), which by connecting to particles; has made them massive. By removing these fields and demassing the particles; obstacles to their teleportation will be removed. To this aim; we use of noninertial frames that accelerate particles in opposite direction respect to acceleration of world.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4975] viXra:2411.0112 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-17 04:03:31
Authors: Nick Astraeus
Comments: 24 Pages. Video of the argument and contact information found here: (Note by viXra Admin: Please cite and list scientific references)
In this model, I show how quantum mechanics emerges out of two basic propositions: (1) that the universe expands relative to the observer and (2) that there are multiple observers. The game of fundamental physics is to derive as much as possible from the fewest and simplest propositions. Thus, in the context of this game, it is significant that all of quantum mechanics emerges once we define the observer as a reference frame for the universe. Just as significant is how easy and straightforward it is to demonstrate this seemingly audacious claim. Perhaps above all, it is significant that in the context of this model, quantum mechanics functions naturally on both microscopic and macroscopic levels. This model provides a natural opening, and a fertile framework, for physicists to work on the unification of quantum mechanics and spacetime.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4974] viXra:2411.0089 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-12 22:39:02
Authors: Wenhao Xiong
Comments: 4 Pages.
This study investigates the wave-particle duality of light, exploring how light exhibits wave and particle behavior in different contexts. By drawing a physical analogy of "water waves striking a rock," we analyze how light propagates as a wave in air and behaves as a particle upon interacting with matter. Through an in-depth analysis of the double-slit interference experiment and the photoelectric effect experiment, combined with recent data on quantum measurements, this paper reveals the influence of observational behavior on the wave-particle duality of light, suggesting that human observational methods deeply impact how light manifests at the quantum level. Additionally, the paper discusses the potential applications of wave-particle duality in quantum computing and imaging.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4973] viXra:2411.0077 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-11 02:49:16
Authors: Eric Stanley Reiter
Comments: 50 Pages. For Lecture delivered at Washington Quantum Computing Meetup 11/16/2024
This is the only serious challenge to quantum mechanics (QM), complete with history, theory and original experiments. Here in lecture slide format you will see offprints of original famous works that reveal how the early loading theory alternative to QM was misunderstood. My repaired loading theory, the threshold model (TM), employs wave properties inspired by famous experiments. Those properties are beats, thresholds, and ratios. Previous beam-split tests are shown to be inadequate to make the QM/TM distinction. Experimental justification for a sub-quantized state is plainly revealed in many original beam-split coincidence tests with gamma-rays and alpha-rays. The sub-quantized state explains how a wave can transmit its identity and deliver a crash-landing particle-like illusion. This was demonstrated by splitting the alpha-ray (helium) in a seemingly two-for-one effect, refuting the probability method of QM. By revealing the flaw of QM and its repair, we transcend the wave-particle problem and entanglement.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4972] viXra:2411.0070 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-09 23:36:31
Authors: Brian Strom
Comments: 30 Pages.
This paper builds on the results of a series of papers analyzing the foundations of physics, from first principles. Artificial Intelligence and pattern recognition have been used in the studies. The summation of the findings on atomic and molecular structure, potential energy wells and energy fields has led to this new ENERGYconjecture. In the conjecture there is no need for ‘electrical charge’. The movement and behavior of electrons is explained in terms of potential energy and potential gradient. The flow of energy creates energy fields. Photons are potential energy waves. Particles are potential energy standing waves. Particles have rotationalenergy (spin). Potential energy wells, treated as black-boxes, could be the key to the universe.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4971] viXra:2411.0050 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-08 03:25:26
Authors: Lino Zamboni
Comments: 9 Pages.
This paper introduces a new theoretical paradigm for elementary particles, specifically the electron, proposing an internal structure composed of entangled mass elements. The model extends Bohm’s quantum potential theory ,redefining the quantum potential as an emergent property of intra-particle entanglement, rather than as a purely mathematical non-local function. This framework offers a novel resolution to the problems of wave function collapse and non-locality, while ensuring compatibility with special relativity. Additionally, the model incorporates concentric "s"-type orbitals to describe the spatial arrangement of mass elements, providing a framework that aligns with the principles of quantum mechanics while allowing for a stationary and symmetric configuration of the electron. Though detailed electrostatic and relativistic derivations are beyond the scope of this work, this paradigm suggests a unified and physically grounded interpretation of quantum phenomena that bridges the gap between quantum mechanics and classical physics. Further developments and mathematical formalism will be discussed in subsequent works
Category: Quantum Physics
[4970] viXra:2411.0047 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-08 03:14:02
Authors: Moninder Singh Modgil
Comments: 4 Pages.
We introduce following four Ansatz — (1) That the human brain, can be regarded as a set of 100 billion quantum mechanical oscillators — with each oscillator, representing a Neuron. (2) The oscillator’s frequency ν corresponds to the Neuron’s firing frequency. (3) The amplitude A, represents the amount of neurotransmitters released at the synapse via vesicles. (4) Neuron-Quantum-Mechanical-Energy (NQME), of each oscillator/neuron is defined as analogous to the case of photons. We calculate the order of magnitude of the Brain’s Neuronal-Planck’s Constant (BNPC) h_Neuron which is 10^(-16) Joule-Seconds. Excitation level of neurons, are calculated for various brain regions.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4969] viXra:2411.0038 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-05 21:41:46
Authors: Alaya Kouki
Comments: 6 Pages.
The impact of a photon hitting a surface is determined. Newton law of dynamics is demonstrated from thermodynamics considerations in which Planck oscillator is considered as a 4-space dimensions oscillator. Wave-corpuscle duality is remodeled.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4968] viXra:2411.0005 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-01 01:07:02
Authors: Dennis Braun
Comments: 19 Pages.
In this paper, we investigate the interaction of two breathers in the Sine-Gordon model. We derive an explicit analytic expression for the two-breather solution of the Sine-Gordon equation and study its dynamics. We show that the breathers behave like classical particles of equal masses upon collision, but with the momentum continuously transferred via their fields. By suitably averaging the oscillations of the solution we derive analytic expressions for the trajectories of the two breathers. It is shown that in the non-relativistic limit, the interaction potential between the two breathers has the same form as the velocity-dependent interaction potentials used for Machian unified theories of gravity and inerita.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4967] viXra:2410.0187 [pdf] submitted on 2024-10-31 19:56:36
Authors: Mark Syrkin
Comments: 21 Pages.
Reviewing quantum fundamentals and related subtleties, which typically are not discussed sufficiently — even if at all — in standard texts and discussing "paradoxes" arising as a result. The purpose is to expose quantum ideology in manifestly wholesome, yet possibly plain and simple way, without mysterious surrogates. Main topics include: general Quantum Mechanical framework as imaginary "diffusion"; superposition / interference of probability amplitudes, not particles; Statistical vs Copenhagen interpretations of Quantum Mechanics; quantum measurements as mapping from amplitudes to probabilities; wave-ensemble parity instead of wave-particle duality; quantum field theory as a manifestation of quantum vacuum and the ideas of Grand Quantum Canonical Ensemble; entanglement as a consequence of an integrity of the quantum system and "spooky actions" as a mystification of simple conditional probabilities.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4966] viXra:2410.0162 [pdf] submitted on 2024-10-28 01:06:50
Authors: Bittu Kumar
Comments: 4 pages
This research proposes a new understanding of gravity, diverging from the classical views of both Newton and Einstein. Unlike Newton's gravitational force and Einstein's curvature of space-time, this study suggests that gravity originates from the positive charge force of an atom’s nucleus. It posits that gravity is a result of electrostatic interactions, where the nucleus of atoms exerts a weak attractive force on neutral atoms and repels similarly charged atoms. This framework offers an alternative approach to gravity by explaining it as a function of atomic structure rather than mass or space-time geometry. The study aims to establish a theoretical link between gravitational force and electrostatic force, proposing that nuclear charge at the atomic level is central to gravitational phenomena on Earth and throughout the universe.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4965] viXra:2410.0118 [pdf] submitted on 2024-10-21 09:21:20
Authors: Marcello Colozzo
Comments: 7 Pages.
The propagation of a wave packet in a dispersive and dissipative medium is really complicated. We limit ourselves to an analysis deriving from series expansions truncated to the first order. We will start from a one-dimensional De Broglie wave packet relating to two special cases: 1) free particle; 2) particle in a periodic potential. In these two cases we will refute the assertion according to which the energy is transported with the group velocity, since the observable energy is not defined (the wave packet is a superposition of eigenfunctions of the energy). We will show however that the expectation value of the energy is transported with the group velocity.The conclusions can be immediately generalized to the propagation of a packet of electromagnetic waves in a dispersive and dissipative medium, justifying the expression group delay of a wave packet.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4964] viXra:2410.0110 [pdf] submitted on 2024-10-19 12:48:06
Authors: Eran Sinbar
Comments: 4 Pages.
String theory and loop quantum gravity defines the elementary blocks of matter and space to be within the size of the Planck length. Einstein’s special relativity requires that any two frames of reference will experience length contraction in the direction of their relative movement one towards the other. Since the Planck length is a universal constant in all frames of reference, and it is the building block of matter and maybe even the fabric of space, how can this length contraction occur? This is the question that this paper will try to answer.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4963] viXra:2410.0087 [pdf] submitted on 2024-10-15 23:51:53
Authors: Alfonso De Miguel Bueno
Comments: 9 Pages. 3 diagrams
This paper proposes a reconceptualization of the neutron as an intermediate state between proton and antiproton transformations, introducing antimatter into nucleon dynamics and challenging traditional Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). It reconsiders the nature of quarks and offers a unified framework for strong, weak, and electromagnetic interactions. The model reveals a hidden flaw in the electroweak theory, reinterpreting the role of W and Z bosons in beta decay, and provides an explanation for the neutron's non-zero Electric Dipole Moment (EDM). Additionally, it offers insights into the relationship between matter and antimatter and hints at the connection between these field dynamics and dark matter, contributing to a deeper understanding of fundamental forces and particle transformations.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4962] viXra:2410.0086 [pdf] submitted on 2024-10-15 15:05:08
Authors: Levinus Haines
Comments: 4 Pages.
This paper explores a novel approach to differential topology by merging Lorentz-Minkowski space with the conceptual framework of a hypercube, thereby addressing discrepancies that arise in quantum mechanical systems. The model introduces a Scalar Lorentz-Minkowski Transformation (SLMT), extending classical four-dimensional spacetime to five dimensions in order to reconcile retrocausal activity and probabilistic outcomes observed in quantum experiments, such as the Quantum Eraser. By examining causality and the limitations of current Minkowski models, this work proposes a scalar modification to the topology of light cones, suggesting an hourglass-shaped structure to better represent the intersection of causal and retrocausal events. The paper delves into the implications for the Copenhagen and de Broglie-Bohm interpretations, and it provides a foundation for calculating relativistic relationships and probability cones in a five-dimensional space.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4961] viXra:2410.0067 [pdf] submitted on 2024-10-11 16:50:03
Authors: Damont Combs
Comments: 13 Pages.
Quantum computing faces significant challenges due to quantum noise and gate errors, particularly in noisy intermediate-scale quantum [9] devices. Traditional error mitigation methods often fall short of achieving high circuit fidelity due to inherent system imperfections. This paper introduces Quantum-Classical Evolutionary Optimization [1], a novel hybrid framework that integrates quantum circuit mutation strategies with classical optimization techniques. QCEO adapts quantum circuits in real-time by treating quantum gates as evolutionary genes, iteratively optimizing them for improved noise resistance and fidelity. In experiments on both simulated environments and IBM Quantum hardware, QCEO demonstrates a 10-15% improvement in fidelity compared to traditional methods such as readout error correction and zero-noise extrapolation. Beyond fidelity improvement, QCEO’s ability to dynamically adapt to different noise profiles positions it as a versatile tool that can be integrated with emerging quantum algorithms like Variational Quantum Algorithms [4] and Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithms [10]. This framework opens up new possibilities for advancing quantum computing in fields ranging from cryptography to quantum machine learning by ensuring higher performance in noisy quantum systems.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4960] viXra:2410.0055 [pdf] submitted on 2024-10-10 19:23:20
Authors: V. A. Kuzmenko
Comments: 4 Pages.
Counterfactual communication involves the transmission of information without particles traveling in the transmission channel. Here we propose an explanation of the physical nature of the phenomenon of counterfactual communication and a simpler and more convenient protocol for its experimental study based on the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4959] viXra:2410.0051 [pdf] submitted on 2024-10-09 20:17:41
Authors: Eric Edward Albers
Comments: 23 Pages.
This paper proposes a novel theoretical framework for understanding the nature of our universe, termed the Point Universe Model. Inthis model, the entirety of reality is conceptualized as emerging from the vibrations or pulsations of a single point entity, with our perceived three-dimensional space arising as a Fourier transform of these vibrations. We present the mathematical formalism for this model, discuss its implications for our understanding of space, time, and quantumphenomena, and explore potential experimental predictions.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4958] viXra:2410.0045 [pdf] submitted on 2024-10-08 18:55:17
Authors: Eric Edward Albers
Comments: 9 Pages.
This paper introduces the Spacetime Superfluid Hypothesis (SSH) to readers unfamiliar with the theory and explores how it provides a novel explanation for the expulsion of magnetic fields in superconductors. By modeling spacetime asa superfluid with a complex order parameter, the SSH offers a framework where electromagnetic fields emerge from the dynamics of this superfluid. We discuss the fundamental concepts of SSH, provide a rigorous derivation of how known electromagnetic phenomena emerge within this framework, and explore how superconduc-tivity can influence the spacetime superfluid to expel magnetic fields, consistent with the Meissner effect observed in conventional superconductivity. We also propose potential experiments that could validate or refute the SSH, strengthening the scientific merit of the hypothesis. This approach provides new insights into the interplay between superconductivity and the fabric of spacetime.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4957] viXra:2410.0041 [pdf] submitted on 2024-10-08 18:50:05
Authors: Canlun Yuan
Comments: 43 Pages.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4956] viXra:2410.0040 [pdf] submitted on 2024-10-08 18:46:50
Authors: Canlun Yuan
Comments: 57 Pages.
Based on the behavior of field in the potential well, this paper draws the conclusion that the field exists in the form of standing wave with energy in the potential well, thus finding out the reason of fluctuation in quantum mechanics. Only one physical model is used in this paper: the field forms a wave function, By using Compton wavelength, the relationships among electromagnetic wave energy and mechanical wave energy and frequency are deduced, and it is concluded that wave function has the significance of generalized field. It is pointed out that Sommerfeld's general principle of quantization is the basic equation of quantum mechanics, and thus a new theory of quantum mechanics is established. The superposition, orthogonal normalization and equivalent principle of wave function are analyzed, and it is pointed out that the superposition state of wave function does not exist. Every given conclusion has clear and obvious physical significance, which makes the problem of quantum mechanics simple and clear. A new atomic model is established, and the problems of electron transition, electron spin, electron emission and electron absorption are discussed. Matter is divided into solid matter and field matter. In particular, the essence of light is analyzed, and it is clearly pointed out that light is electromagnetic wave, not material particle. The electronic pattern of Davisson-Gemma experiment, the principle electron microscope, photoelectric effect, Compton effect, double-slit interference and other experiments are reinterpreted. A new uncertain relationship is put forward. It is clearly pointed out that there is no matter wave, no wave-particle duality, no quantum entanglement, Schrodinger equation is not a wave equation, and so on question.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4955] viXra:2410.0034 [pdf] submitted on 2024-10-06 21:55:47
Authors: Ahmad Eljader, Mohamed Anwar Batal, Mohamed Bashir Karaman
Comments: 14 Pages.
To make a heterojunction of FTO(p)/ZnS(p)/Si(n), first: FTO(p) was prepared using the thermal spraying method in order to deposit the FTO(P) layer on a glass slide, second: A semiconductor of ZnS(p) was prepared by the electrochemical deposition method in order to deposit it on the FTO(p) layer, and then the sample was treated to FTO(p)/ZnS(p) at a temperature of (150) C0 in a vacuum tube furnace, then it was attached to a Si(n) slide. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) showed surface images of the FTO(p)/ZnS(p) sample with dimensions of (48.5µm x 48.5µm), where the average atomic clusters appeared (89.3) nm with a semi-homogeneous granular structure, and the average surface heights of the granular cluster on the junction surface were (90.7) nm, indicating the formation of a homogeneous structure. X-ray diffraction measurements showed that the FTO(p)/ZnS(p) composite crystallized according to the hexagonal structure by electrochemical deposition method. The optical absorption spectrum of the FTO(p) substrate showed a sharp absorption peak corresponding to the wavelength of 306nm which corresponds to the energy gap (4.05) ev, and the optical absorption spectrum of the semiconductor ZnS(p) showed several optical absorption peaks corresponding to the wavelengths, indicating the presence of multiple impurity levels within the energy gap formed because of doping. The optical absorption spectrum of the FTO(P)/ZnS(p) sample was measured, where the optical absorption spectrum shows the presence of several optical absorption peaks within the visible and infrared range corresponding to several wavelengths, because of the overlap of energy levels during the deposition process in addition to the repositioning of the impurity levels within the forbidden band width of the semiconductor ZnS(p). The type of semiconductor FTO(p)/ZnS(p) was confirmed experimentally by studying the changes in the reciprocal square of the electrical capacitance in function of the applied potential. The I-V characteristic of the FTO(p)/ZnS(p)/Si(n) heterojunction showed a decrease in the threshold potential value when the junction surface is illuminated, with a constant saturation current in the reverse bias condition, which is identical to the diode condition. The ideality factor of the junction was calculated, and its value was very high (n=163), indicating the dominance of tunneling electronic transitions.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4954] viXra:2410.0029 [pdf] submitted on 2024-10-06 23:24:44
Authors: Stan Levandovsky
Comments: 5 Pages.
This paper presents a new theoretical framework that integrates the conceptsof time inversion and "reverse data" with quantum computing. We explore the hypothesis that the use of reverse data in quantum systems can lead to breakthroughsin quantum information processing and the creation of superintelligence. A model isproposed that enhances computational capabilities through the utilization of quantum states with reversed time flow, and it is argued that these methods can leadto new levels of self-optimization in intelligent systems. Potential experimental implementations of the proposed methods and their impact on the development ofquantum technologies are also discussed.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4953] viXra:2410.0028 [pdf] submitted on 2024-10-05 20:05:57
Authors: Bryce Petofi Towne
Comments: 13 Pages.
Division by zero, specifically 0, has been considered undefined due to its indeterminate nature [1]. In this paper, we propose treating 0 as an indeterminate state U, which belongs to a set of undefined states S. Drawing an analogy with quantum mechanics, specifically the concepts of superposition and wavefunction collapse [2, 3], we explore how such mathematical indeterminacies might behave similarly to quantum states prior to measurement. We introduce several types of"collapse"—conjugate, symmetric, asymmetric, and random—to describe the potential resolutionsof U into definite states. The framework presented here demonstrates mathematical consistency in representing and manipulating indeterminacies through (U1·0) = U2. Additionally, we propose hypotheses connecting this framework to quantum phenomena such as entanglement, the uncertainty principle, and cosmological singularities, suggesting that this approach may offer new insights into both mathematics and quantum theory.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4952] viXra:2410.0018 [pdf] submitted on 2024-10-05 03:07:50
Authors: Stan Levandovsky
Comments: 7 Pages.
This paper discusses the hypothesis of time inversion as a fundamental component of the universe’s structure. We explore the possibility that time inversion processes are an integral part of quantum mechanics and general relativity. Mathematical models are presented to describe time inversion mechanisms on both micro and macro levels, and the influence of these processes on causality and the evolution of the universe is also discussed.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4951] viXra:2410.0005 [pdf] submitted on 2024-10-02 20:56:27
Authors: John French
Comments: 7 Pages. This paper has been published in Physics Essays
A derivation of the Darwin term is given based on assuming a non-spherical charge distribution. The total translational energy of the system is obtained for a static electric field and the corresponding quantum equation is found to contain the Darwin term under certain conditions.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4950] viXra:2410.0001 [pdf] submitted on 2024-10-01 14:20:31
Authors: Nasser Ahani
Comments: 12 Pages.
This paper presents a novel theory in quantum physics that explains the creation of space and time at sub-quantum scales(In this theory, the term sub-quantum refers to scales significantly smaller than the Planck length, where the fundamental oscillations of the Zurvan particle occur, and where the conventional rules of quantum mechanics may no longer apply). The theory addresses fundamental mysteries in quantum mechanics, providing a comprehensive explanation of the origin and mechanism of the Big Bang, and revealing the internal structure of black hole singularities. Additionally, it rejects the existence of dark matter and dark energy, while explaining the nature and mechanism of gravitational force and proving the unification of fundamental forces. The theory also defines the structure of light and electromagnetic waves, and challenges the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle by offering a detailed explanation at scales far below the quantum level, ultimately refuting it. Furthermore, it rejects the existence of several accepted fundamental particles, including the Higgs boson, photons, and gluons. This theory proposes a unified framework that revisits foundational concepts of modern physics, offering new insights into the structure of the universe.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4949] viXra:2409.0170 [pdf] submitted on 2024-09-30 17:01:50
Authors: Moninder Singh Modgil
Comments: 2 Pages.
We develop a formalism to describe the two way interaction between the universe and the "Participators" — a term introduced by Wigner, to replace the usual term "Observers". Role of biological aspects — brain and body in the "Quantum Measurement" or rather as we emphasize, "Perception", is discussed. We cite the experiments on perception of Necker’s cube and confirmation of Quantum Zeno Effenct (QZE) within the brain. Our approach of interaction between the universe and the Participators is a Quantum Mechanical version of the approach in the book "Self and its Brain" by Ecclles and Popper, and is analogous to the Newton’s third law of action and reaction.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4948] viXra:2409.0168 [pdf] submitted on 2024-09-30 21:31:42
Authors: Laure Gouba
Comments: 7 Pages.
In this paper, quantum fidelity is introduced, starting with the Loschmidt echo. The quantum fidelity of teleportation is discussed and computed in an example of teleportation through a nonmaximally entangled channel.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4947] viXra:2409.0152 [pdf] submitted on 2024-09-27 01:54:20
Authors: Miroslav Pardy
Comments: 9 Pages. Original article
We consider the case of rotating black body (including the rotation of the black bath with gluons) where photons and gluons can perform the settling and sedimentation. The Planck formula for photons must be, in this situation, replaced by the Exner solution of the Lamm equation for photons.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4946] viXra:2409.0149 [pdf] submitted on 2024-09-27 01:51:31
Authors: James Conor O'Brien
Comments: 27 Pages.
In previous papers —specifically A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Potential [2018]—electrons were modelled as longitudinal electromagnetic scalar potentials which generate both electromagnetic waves travelling in R1,3 as well as perfectly spherical charged particles in R3 by satisfying Maxwell’s equations under the Wheeler-Feynman time symmetric theory. In this present paper that model is extended by giving derivations of the Klein-Gordon equation, the Gamma Matrices and the Dirac equation through an examination of the Wheeler-Feynman Time Symmetric theory through an examination of the Parallelogram Law and the Inner Product of the four-vector potentials.Keywords: Dirac’s Equation, Gamma Matrices, Spherical Electrons, Wheeler-Feynman Time-Symmetric Theory, longitudinal electromagnetic scalar potential waves, Wheeler-Feynman electromagnetic four-vector potential time symmetric theory (WFEFVPTST), Parallelogram Law.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4945] viXra:2409.0130 [pdf] submitted on 2024-09-23 11:54:22
Authors: Marcello Colozzo
Comments: 11 Pages.
The Hamiltonian operator of a one-dimensional nonrelativistic quantum system, consisting of a particle of mass m subjected to a periodic potential energy V(x) in the coordinate x, admits exclusively eigenfunctions in the improper sense. In this work, we show that a sufficient condition for the Hamiltonian to be endowed with eigenfunctions in the proper sense is constituted by a suitable local violation of the periodicity of the function V(x).
Category: Quantum Physics
[4944] viXra:2409.0109 [pdf] submitted on 2024-09-22 01:19:58
Authors: Greg P. Proper
Comments: 2 Pages.
Quantum Theory is embodied by the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle (HUP) which states that there is a natural limitation in the measurement of certain paired quantities. Perhaps the most direct explanation for this limitation is that uncertainty is caused by changes in the quantities themselves as the Universe evolves. This short paper references a solution to Einstein`s field equations that forms the basis for a cosmology in which the base quantities of space, time and energy (mass) change monotonically in an opposing manner parameterized by the expansion ($a$).[1} Each instance of $a$ would therefore be defined by its own unique inertial frame. The author postulates just such a possibility and then utilizes the HUP relationship to determine if an identifiable number appears mathematically. In this case a relatively straight forward calculation produces a number within a few percentage points of the empirically derived $h$.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4943] viXra:2409.0078 [pdf] submitted on 2024-09-14 22:49:48
Authors: Carlton Frederick
Comments: 4 Pages. (Abstract added by viXra Admin as required)
To show that the speed of light is constant in all reference frames, we need to, First, accept that space-time is granular and, second to entertain the postulate that a mass moving through spacetime affects the space-time. That torsion could be identified with magnetism was suggested by Kaare Borchenius. We will be following his suggestion.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4942] viXra:2409.0075 [pdf] submitted on 2024-09-14 22:33:21
Authors: Albert Saenz Coromina
Comments: 3 Pages. (Author name added to the article by viXra Admin as required)
In this article, we challenge the commonly accepted notion that the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle (HUP) applies universally, including to photons (electromagnetic waves). While photons are fundamentally linked to Quantum Mechanics (QM) through the Planck-Einstein relation (E = h⋅u), we argue that certain core aspects of their behavior (specifically their speed, wavelength, frequency, and phase) are fully deterministic and not subject to uncertainty. Through detailed mathematicalexploration and comparison with traditional QM principles, we demonstrate that the HUP, although fundamental to particles with mass (fermions), does not meaningfully apply to massless bosons like photons. This insight paves the way for further exploration of deterministic principles for introducing a new Quantum Gravity Dynamics (QGD) conceptual alternative.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4941] viXra:2409.0074 [pdf] submitted on 2024-09-14 20:31:52
Authors: Lamont Williams
Comments: 37 Pages.
In many early studies of the value of elementary electric charge (e), experimentalists identified what appeared to be substantial discrepancies among results. Some discrepancies were explained; some were not. This investigation provides evidence suggesting that some discrepancies among experimental findings for the value of e may have been the result of the electromagnetic field between interacting particles behaving somewhat like a spring undergoing simple harmonic motion. Here, the standard value of e is associated with the equilibrium position of the field and the other values are associated with displacement from that position. This would have led to higher values of e in some cases and lower values in others, consistent with the experimental findings. Implications for the spatiotemporal nature of electrons in materials, fine-structure constant, and Landau pole are discussed.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4940] viXra:2409.0039 [pdf] submitted on 2024-09-09 01:51:00
Authors: Sonali Tamhankar
Comments: 15 Pages.
This work makes three contributions. First, we propose a NEW Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. Second, we make a conceptual NEW Conjecture for gravitational interactions of quantum particles, that can serve as a seed for a new line of mathematical investigations into Quantum Gravity. Third, we explore experimentaltests of the NEW Conjecture and the NEW Interpretation.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4939] viXra:2409.0015 [pdf] submitted on 2024-09-03 21:13:18
Authors: Luis Rodolfo Cabrera Juarez
Comments: 8 Pages.
A new theory about light is presented, according to which it does not move in space, like particles or self-sustaining waves. It is transmitted as a resonance phenomenon between two tuned electromagnetic oscillators. This is demonstrated by using the helical model of the electron to calculate the frequency of the first quantum transition of the Lymann series of the emission spectrum of the hydrogen atom.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4938] viXra:2409.0011 [pdf] submitted on 2024-09-02 20:47:01
Authors: Damien Josset
Comments: 11 Pages. Open Hardware
There is currently no practical way to extract energy from the lowest quantum state of a system, the zero-point energy. A thought experiment is proposed here to define the principles of a current generator that would extract energy from this state. To improve the clarity of the concept, an open hardware prototype is also discussed. This thought experiment may help better understand the quantum fluctuations, the practical limitations involved in extracting zero-point energy, and the interaction of virtual particles with matter. If the concept has any practical applications, there are implications to have an alternative energy source based on matter/anti-matter interactions. Beyond the ideas discussed here, there are charged particles in most places in the universe (plasma, solar winds, cosmic rays), and the concept discussed here can be applied to measure the flux of particles in these environments.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4937] viXra:2408.0137 [pdf] submitted on 2024-08-31 22:03:32
Authors: Runsheng Tu
Comments: 12 Pages. In Chinese
Quantum field theory treats particles as fields and cannot describe the composition, structure and intrinsic motion state of electrons very specifically. Exploring the composition, structure and intrinsic motion states of electrons does not conflict with quantum field theory. Through an assumption of "the composition, structure and intrinsic movement of electrons" (photojunction electronic structure model), quantum mechanics - the important equations and operators of quantum mechanics (especially the calculations related to electron spin) has been greatly beautified. symbols) can be deduced based on this assumption. It can provide a reasonable and non-contradictory classical rotation model for electron spin and atomic structure. The classical planetary model of atoms can also be successfully applied to the calculation of the dissociation energy and bond length of hydrogen molecules, lithium molecules, and sodium molecules. Calculations for atoms and molecules can be performed both individually and in combination with wave mechanics methods and classical methods in the context of planetary models. There are hundreds of successful application examples. The successful application of the electronic structure model and its beautification of quantum mechanics have clearly become evidence of this model. "Bohr's planetary model approach and modern quantum mechanical approaches can be widely mixed" suggests that the two approaches are equivalent or compatible with each other. It can prompt humans to re-understand the characteristics of microscopic systems.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4936] viXra:2408.0057 [pdf] submitted on 2024-08-15 18:59:07
Authors: Jacob Biemond
Comments: 17 Pages, including 2 figures and 1 table
In 1915 Parson proposed the so-called ring model for the electron. This flat geometry for the electron can also be interpreted as a superposition of two orthogonal harmonic oscillators in the same plane. For these two harmonic oscillators a new relativistic Lagrangian is conjectured from which Hooke’s law follows. Explicit expressions for the spring constant and electron energy are deduced from this simple ring model.
Spring constants and energies for all leptons can also be deduced from the recently postulated more complex toroidal model for leptons. The ring torus model appears to apply to charged leptons and the electron neutrino, whereas the spindle torus model may apply to the muon and tauon neutrino.
It appears that the magnetic dipole moments of the charged leptons predicted by the toroidal model agree with the observed ones, first order anomalous corrections included. Furthermore, explicit expressions for the magnetic dipole moments of all neutrinos are also obtained.
Moreover, a comparison is made between the magnitude of the electromagnetic and elastic contribution to the energy of the electron. It is found that the elastic energy may be dominant.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4935] viXra:2408.0050 [pdf] submitted on 2024-08-12 19:31:14
Authors: Yi Cao
Comments: 31 Pages.
The newly established {N,n} QM includes the Bohr-QM based part (see in SunQM-1 series, SunQM-2, SunQM-5 series, and SunQM-7), the Schrodinger-equation based part (see in SunQM-3 series and SunQM-4 series), and the {N,n} quantum field part (see in SunQM-6 series). In SunQM-7s1, I used r’rθφ-4D orbital motion to explain the origins of the lightspeed and the constancy of the lightspeed in our universe. In the current article, first, by degenerating a xy-2D circular motion into a x-1D oscillational motion (that mimic a degeneration of a r’rθφ-4D motion into a rθφ-3D motion), I was able to deduce out the Lorentz transformation equation in 3D. From this, I hypothesized that the projection of a group of "4D thermal motion" in a 3D space may be the origin of both the special relativity’s length contraction (SR L-contraction), and general relativity’s radial contraction (GR R-contraction). Second, I showed that on a black hole (BH) surface, the rθφ-3D space may be degenerated into a 1D space (for the velocity), and this 1D space may can be treated as either a r-1D space or a φ-1D space (as you like). Third, using "4D thermal oscillation" (and with several examples), I explained the possible origin of the E = mc^2. Fourth, many kinds of non-linear {N,n} QM effects (that I encountered during the {N,n} QM development, and that may or may not relate to the GR R-contraction) were listed. Furthermore, I was able to construct the non-linear {N,n//q} QM structure near a BH (where q = 6 increased to q = ∞) by fusing the GR R-contraction calculation into the non-linear {N,n//q} QM structure’s calculation. This is a huge achievement in unifying the relativity theory to the {N,n} QM theory. Fifth, (Like that the nLL state vs. nL0 state is a pair of brand new parameters in the physics to describe the RF character), the difference between SR L-contraction and GR R-contraction could be another pair of parameters in the physics to describe the relativistic character. Sixth, by using "4D thermal oscillators", I was able to explain the slower speed of the outmost shell of the 3D wave packet for a propagating photon. Finally, because of its completeness and self-consistence, I do believe that the {N,n} QM is qualified to be put into the "Feynman Pool" as one of the many co-existing QM theories.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4934] viXra:2408.0030 [pdf] submitted on 2024-08-08 09:52:33
Authors: Runsheng Tu
Comments: 12 Pages.
Existing theories of material structure and quantum field theory cannot describe the specific sources of fundamental particles. In quantum field theory, the generation of particles is the instantaneous transformation of the field, rather than the true creation of particles. It is necessary to explore the composition (or source) of the next level of elementary particles or fields. The material structure theory of "all fundamental particles mainly originate from photons" has great advantages in combining logic and fact. By utilizing this new theory of material structure, quantum theory, Bohr theory, and classical electromagnetic theory can be mixed to describe the same particle. Both this new theory of material structure and its application examples demonstrate that there is no longer a gap between the micro world and the macro world in calculating the spin angular momentum of basic particles, atomic ionization energy, and molecular dissociation energy.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4933] viXra:2408.0027 [pdf] submitted on 2024-08-07 02:00:35
Authors: Runsheng Tu
Comments: 6 Pages.
The concept of electron spin has a broad application prospect. However, after a century of efforts, the essence and specific form of electron spin have not been revealed. The reason is probably that it is constrained by the concept of point particle material structure. In order to solve the problem, one way to initiate the quantum mechanics revolution on the concept of material structure is to establish the concept of wave element material structure. Assuming that the composition of electrons is waves, the inherent motion of electrons (the spin of free electrons) is "the rotation of mass equivalent to the energy of waves". This rotation is not the rotation of a sphere, but similar to the rotation of a ring-shaped substance along a ring. This assumption breaks the concept of point particle structure. According to it, the angular kinetic energy and spin magnetic moment of electrons can be accurately calculated by classical force electrodynamics method. Other applications are also very successful, which has led to the revolution of quantum mechanics and material structure theory.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4932] viXra:2408.0020 [pdf] submitted on 2024-08-06 21:02:13
Authors: Dennis Braun
Comments: 9 Pages. (Author name added to the article by viXra Admin as required)
In this paper we want to solve the motion of a breather soliton of the Sine-Gordon equation in an infinite potential well. This problem can be solved analytically for a well whose width L is far greater than the size of the soliton d, using the two breather solution of the Sine-Gordon equation. We show that this solution exhibits discrete energy levels with a quantisation condition equivalent to that obtained from quantum mechanics. They do arise in a similar way as standing waves give rise to discrete modes, with a wave and a reflected wave superimposed. The energy levels are given by the same formula as obtained from the Klein-Gordon equation of relativistic quantum mechanics for the same problem, but with a quantum constant h derived from the theory itself.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4931] viXra:2408.0009 [pdf] submitted on 2024-08-02 20:42:49
Authors: Brian Chang
Comments: 32 Pages.
This paper rejects the common notion that "erasing path information causes interference fringes to reappear". This paper argues that it is a misnomer to call this experiment a quantum "erasure". Instead of "erasing", the diagonal polarizers actually filter the photons, and it is this filtering that causes the interference fringes to reappear.Further, there is no need to introduce anticausality to explain the delay selection experiment. The wavefunction of a photon does not collapse after it comes out of the double slit until it reaches the position of the screen. It is meaningless to ask which slit the photon came through. Therefore, instead of calling this experiment a "quantum erasure experiment", it would be more appropriate to call it a "quantum screening experiment", and it is this means of screening that restores coherence.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4930] viXra:2407.0177 [pdf] submitted on 2024-07-30 20:21:00
Authors: Brian Chang
Comments: 32 Pages. In Chinese
This paper rejects the common notion that "erasing path information causes interference fringes to reappear". This paper argues that it is a misnomer to call this experiment a quantum "erasure". Instead of "erasing", the diagonal polarizers actually filter the photons, and it is this filtering that causes the interference fringes to reappear. Further, there is no need to introduce anticausality to explain the delayed selection experiment. The wavefunction of a photon does not collapse after it comes out of the double slit until it reaches the position of the screen. It is meaningless to ask which slit the photon came through. Therefore, instead of calling this experiment a "quantum erasure experiment", it would be more appropriate to call it a "quantum screening experiment", and it is this means of screening that restores coherence.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4929] viXra:2407.0174 [pdf] submitted on 2024-07-30 00:12:10
Authors: Solomon Khmelnik
Comments: 20 Pages.
Examples are given when a macroscopic object manifests itself both as a wave and as a tangible object. It is proven that elementary particles are both waves and particles at the same time, and not alternately. This proof is obtained as new solutions to Maxwell's equations. The proof is not comprehensive - only cubic, spherical and disk particles are considered. This publication is a review and addition to already published articles and books.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4928] viXra:2407.0170 [pdf] submitted on 2024-07-29 18:47:38
Authors: Yi Cao
Comments: 25 Pages.
The newly established {N,n} QM includes the Bohr-QM based part (see in SunQM-1 series, SunQM-2, SunQM-5 series, and SunQM-7), the Schrodinger-equation based part (see in SunQM-3 series and SunQM-4 series), and the {N,n} quantum field part (see in SunQM-6 series). In the SunQM-7 series, I am going to study the relativity under the {N,n} QM. In the current article, first, I used Schrodinger equation/solution (i.e., the wave function) as a tool to study how the space is formed from x-1D to the flat xy-2D, the point-centered rφ-2D, the flat xyz-3D, the point-centered rθφ-3D, and then the point-centered r’rθφ-4D. The orthogonality of the dimensions was discussed. Many examples of the dimension transformation (that were encountered during the {N,n} development, e.g., "opened-space" versus "closed-space", "straight-space" versus "curved-space", larger size 3D space may allow the higher dimension 4D to be effective, etc.) were discussed. Second, based on the Newtonian mechanics (that in the Earth’s orbit that around the Sun, all mass entities (e.g., a H-atom, a space dust, etc.) have the same constant orbital speed as that of the Earth), and also based on that our 3D universe may be a spherical 3D space on the surface of a 4D ball something, I explained the origin of the lightspeed as that "it is the orbital speed in a r’rθφ-4D space". It also automatically explained the origin of the constancy of the lightspeed. These origin explanations may in turn support the correctness of the two axioms in the modern physics: "the lightspeed is the maximum (effective) speed in our universe", and "the speed of light is constant in our universe". Third, I further hypothesized that a group of (large number) random direction/phase "4D thermal oscillators" forms a massed particle that localized in our 3D universe, and a group of (small number) unified direction/phase "4D thermal oscillators" forms a massless photon that un-localized in our 3D universe. This model made me able to further explain several other properties in the general relativity and the special relativity (see in SunQM-7s2). Fourth, because I believed that (in 3D space) a black hole not only stops the light but also stops the gravitational force to escape from its surface, I hypothesized that a black hole may indirectly exert its gravitational force in 3D space (by projecting of its 4D space G-force through the 4th dimension back into the 3D space).
Category: Quantum Physics
[4927] viXra:2407.0162 [pdf] submitted on 2024-07-27 01:55:38
Authors: James Conor O'Brien
Comments: 9 Pages.
This paper is a follow up to previous work A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Potential [1][2][3][4] where I modelled fermions as longitudinal electromagnetic scalar potential waves travelling in accompanied by perfectly spherical charged and fermions in labelling this as the W.F.E.M.F.V.P.T.S.T. model. In this present paper I’m going to suggest these perfectly spherical fermions provide a definitive test for the W.F.E.M.F.V.P.T.S.T. model because aspherical electrons would violate a fundamental condition concerning the conservation of phase and energy for the W.F.E.M.F.V.P.T.S.T. model thus breaking that model.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4926] viXra:2407.0160 [pdf] submitted on 2024-07-27 21:37:08
Authors: Solomon Khmilnik
Comments: 21 Pages. In Russian
Examples are given when a macroscopic object manifests itself both as a wave and as a tangible object. It is proved that elementary particles are both waves and particles at the same time, and not alternately. This proof is obtained as new solutions to Maxwell's equations. The proof is not comprehensive - only cubic, spherical and disk particles are considered. This publication is a review and addition to already published articles.
Приводятся примеры, когда макроскопический объект проявляет себя и как волна, и как осязаемый объект. Доказывается, что элементарные частицы являются и волнами, и частицами одновременно, а не попеременно. Это доказательство получено, как новые решения уравнений Максвелла. Доказательство не является всеобъемлющим - рассматривается только кубическая, сферическая и дисковая частицы. Данная публикация — это обзор и дополнение уже опубликованных статей.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4925] viXra:2407.0156 [pdf] submitted on 2024-07-26 02:21:04
Authors: Robert T. Longo
Comments: 7 Pages.
In this paper, I postulate a different way to think of quantum interpretation. The concept was first conceived by Freeman Dyson, { } when he described the electric and magnetic fields defined by Maxwell's theory as abstract quantities that exist as a two-layer system. He then suggested that all fields behave the same. Since the quantum wave function is a probability amplitude field, it is also an abstract field that becomes real and measurable when combined with other fields, such as its complex conjugate. This paper follows Dyson's lead and finds a way to bring Einstein and Bohr debate closer together.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4924] viXra:2407.0148 [pdf] submitted on 2024-07-25 20:10:59
Authors: Hamid Reza Karimi
Comments: 12 Pages.
In this paper, by using the quantized space and time and elementary particle theory the all wavelengths of the different spectrum of aroused hydrogen atom he's been calculated. the main reason of disability in comprehensive analysis of aroused atoms radiation is the low understanding of kinetic energy paradox. in such a way that the maximum level of the energy of charged particles by the speed of 299792407.5m/s is exist in the x and y axis, but in the z axis the energy level does not exist and only appears in the transition procedure to the other energy level by radiation of a photon.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4923] viXra:2407.0136 [pdf] submitted on 2024-07-23 21:57:55
Authors: Marcello Colozzo
Comments: 3 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Please cite and list scientific references)
Elementary notions of quantum statistical mechanics provide a link between the Riemann Zeta function and the transcendent Lerch function.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4922] viXra:2407.0123 [pdf] submitted on 2024-07-22 13:26:53
Authors: Joseph Palazzo
Comments: 4 Pages.
A review of the famous Bell’s theorem leads us to conclude that it addresses one and only one specific issue: whether a body possesses a certain property or does not. The theorem certainly is not a statement about hidden parameters, non-locality or causality.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4921] viXra:2407.0107 [pdf] submitted on 2024-07-17 04:03:02
Authors: Dennis Braun
Comments: 14 Pages.
In this paper we show that a unification of gravity and inertia, as it comes out of a correct implementation of Mach‘s principle, leads to elementary particles being solitons in the gravitational field (or more general: a unified field including the gravitational one). We show how the properties of elementary particles then give rise to the phenomenology of special relativity as well as quantum mechanics in the usual classical framework and in flat, 3 dimensional euclidean space. The soliton nature of the elementary particles naturally gives rise to elementary quantum phenomena, like their wave-particle duality, the uncertainty principle, De Broglie relations E=ℏω and P=ℏk . A formula for h can in principle be obtained. This opens up a possibility to explain the origin of quantum mechanics. At the same time, also the special relativistic phenomena like length contraction, time dilation, the relativistic energy-momentum relation and the apparent constancy of the speed of light can be explained. The speed of light is just an apparent constant when measured with co-moving rulers and clocks, provided by the elementary particles themselves. It obeys the usual vector addition, just like all other velocities and vectors do, too. Ultimately, mass itself can be explained as entirely of gravitational origin, as the field-energy of the soliton, which will also yield an explanation for the energy-mass equivalence. No additional scalar field like the Higgs field is needed.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4920] viXra:2407.0106 [pdf] submitted on 2024-07-17 06:58:22
Authors: Miroslav Pardy
Comments: 11 Pages.
The classical and the quantum motion of a massive body in the rotating carbon nanotubeis considered. Photon is included. The spin motion described by the Bargmann-Michel-Telegdi equation is considered in the rotation tube and rotating system. The crucial problemis the Lamm equation in the rotating Carbon nanotube.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4919] viXra:2407.0078 [pdf] submitted on 2024-07-11 20:33:59
Authors: Eliahu Comay
Comments: 15 Pages.
A careful review of the literature reveals that electrodynamics is not free of theoretical problems. For instance, Peskin and Schroeder say in their book on Quantum Field Theory (QFT): "In fact, we will not discuss canonical quantization of the electromagnetic field at all in this book. It is an awkward subject, essentially because of gauge invariance". Additionally, although many texts treat the components of the electromagneticpotential as a 4-vector $A_mu$, Weinberg arguesin his QFT textbook: "...there is no ordinary four-vector field for massless particles of helicity $pm 1$"". The renormalization procedure is another problematic topic and Feynman called it in his QED book "a dippy process". These alarming quotationsencourage rigorous examination of themathematical framework of electrodynamics, thatthis work undertakes. It proves several quite unknown electromagnetic properties, and one of which explains why Weinberg's previous statement is right.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4918] viXra:2407.0067 [pdf] submitted on 2024-07-09 21:48:15
Authors: Brian Chang
Comments: 27 Pages.
This article points out that in the EPR experiment, there is no causal connection between the two sides. If a causal model wants to comply with the principle of common cause, it will lead to faster-than-light information propagation. Even if non-local latent variables are used as common factors, it does not mean that the measurement results on both sides can influence each other. They are only related to each other, but not corresponding causal relationships.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4917] viXra:2407.0064 [pdf] submitted on 2024-07-09 08:32:04
Authors: Jouni Puuronen
Comments: 30 Pages.
We find calculational evidence supporting the hypothesis that the time evolution of a relativistic quantum wave function can be written using an integral kernel formulation that uses the wave function's past values on a relativistic hyperbola.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4916] viXra:2407.0036 [pdf] submitted on 2024-07-03 21:57:28
Authors: Morteza Mahvelati
Comments: 13 Pages
This article examines and discusses concepts within the field of quantum mechanics. Specifically, this paper focuses on the idea of wave-particle duality within this field, by further examining the nature of light. The basic premise is rooted in MM theory, previously introduced and expanded upon in literature. Per MM theory, light is viewed as a wave of motion of momenta conveyed by an ensemble of M particles propagating harmonically in space. Through a deep analysis of the double-slit experiment, this paper aims to illustrate the manner by which MM theory provides a complete and thorough understanding of the nature of light and the basic fundamentals of quantum physics.The discussion centres on highlighting how the MM theory offers a comprehensive interpretation of various observations such as interreference patterns and illuminates the underlying mechanisms at play. By viewing light as a wave of momenta, seemingly contradictory observations are logically addressed and reconciled. The theory further demonstrates how the detection process can disrupt the wave pattern and leads to the collapse of the interference patterns observed. Furthermore, this article challenges the fundamental aspects of quantum mechanics, such as indeterminism and the role of measurement. Via MM theory’s examination of quantum measurements, the concepts of observer dependency and hidden variables are challenged. This ultimately suggests that quantum phenomena are inherently deterministic and can be predefined using known variables. In conclusion, this paper challenges the fundamental framework of quantum mechanics, offering deeper insights into the nature of light and the wave-particle duality via the deterministic approach derived from the MM theory and paves the way for further experimentation and study in this field.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4915] viXra:2407.0022 [pdf] submitted on 2024-07-03 07:35:20
Authors: Taha Sochi
Comments: 258 Pages.
This book is about the epistemology of quantum physics and its interpretation as a scientific theory in its technical form. The contents of the book are essentially of non-formal nature although the formalism of quantum mechanics is also investigated (rather briefly) inline with the needs and requirements of the epistemological investigation and considerations. The reader should note that a general scientific and mathematical background (at the undergraduate level) is required to understand the book properly and appreciate its contents.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4914] viXra:2407.0007 [pdf] submitted on 2024-07-01 21:18:48
Authors: James Conor O'Brien
Comments: 7 Pages.
A discussion of Zitterbewegung for the [new] model, suggesting Zitterbewegung should not exist for real on-shell matter and might exist for the off-shell virtual particles—giving a test for the Wheeler-Feynman Electromagnetic Four-Vector Potential Time-Symmetric Theory (W.F.E.M.F.V.P.T.S.T.). This paper is an extention of a previous paper A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Potential [O’Brien 2018] in the context of Zitterbewegung.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4913] viXra:2406.0188 [pdf] submitted on 2024-06-30 08:33:14
Authors: Michalis Psimopoulos
Comments: 38 Pages.
We consider the black-body cavity as a closed system consisting of a fixed total number s of quanta that in turn form a random total number N of photons. The states describing this photon gas are equiprobable according to Bose statistics and their number is equal to the number of partitions of the integers. Using the Hardy-Ramanujan formula for large s, Planck's distribution is derived without resorting to Boltzmann's law and to interactions between radiation and matter.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4912] viXra:2406.0141 [pdf] submitted on 2024-06-24 14:39:26
Authors: Koji Nagata, Do Ngoc Diep, Tadao Nakamura
Comments: 4 Pages.
Necessary and sufficient conditions for finding all the roots of a polynomial function$f(x)=x^m +a_{m-1}x^{m-1}+...+a_1x+ a_0$ are studiedin term of quantum computing.We hope our discussions give some insight for future studies for root-finding problem.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4911] viXra:2406.0140 [pdf] submitted on 2024-06-24 18:53:01
Authors: Yi Cao
Comments: 26 Pages.
In articles of SunQM-6, -6s1, -6s2, 6s3, and -6s4, I had established the framework of a brand new {N,n} QM field theory. In the rest SunQM-6 series articles, I added more detailed developments on the {N,n} QM field theory. In the current article, I added some new developments on the S/RFs-force. 1) A 4He nucleus is constituted with two same neutron-proton binaries that are doing the "face-to-face plus face-opposite-face two-level orbital motion". Within each one binary, the neutron and proton are doing the "face-to-face tidal-locked orbital binary motion" with the parallel nuclear spin ⇑⇑↑. Between the two binaries, they are doing the "face-opposite-face locked binary orbital motion" in φ-1D bi-direction with the anti-parallel nuclear spin ⇑⇑↑⇓⇓↓, that eventually transformed to be a θ-1D orbital uni-directional motion. Meanwhile, the nuclear proton-1 and atomic electron-1 (in a 4He atom) are paired to do the "face-to-face tidal-locked orbital binary motion", and so does the proton-2 and electron-2 pair. The same model can be used to explain the dynamic structure of the multi-nucleons inside the nuclides of 1H, 2H, 3H, 3He, and α particle. 2) A neutron is formed with two sub-structures, one "u-d" binary and one "d" singlet, and they are also doing the "face-to-face plus face-opposite-face two-level orbital motion". A proton is also formed with two sub-structures, one "u-d" binary and one "u" singlet, and they are again doing the "face-to-face plus face-opposite-face two-level orbital motion". The Weak Interaction may be the spin-spin interaction (↑↑ vs. ↓) between the two sub-structures (that made of the three quarks inside a nucleon) with a "face-to-face plus face-opposite-face two-level orbital motion" in the θ-1D uni-direction; the β decay (in a neutron) may be caused by the crash of the two sub-structures after the disruption of this θ-1D uni-directional motion and goes back to the φ-1D bi-directional motion. 3) The "face-to-face plus face-opposite-face two-level orbital motion" may be one of the common dynamic structures in the N-body motion under the E/RFe-force, S/RFs-force, and even the G/RFg-force fields. 4) The "face-to-face tidal-locked (spin ↑↑) binary orbital motion" is the root for the "face-opposite-face locked (spin ↑↓) binary orbital motion", for the "single-face tidal-locked binary orbital motion", for the "proton-electron mirror-coupled orbit" model, for the parallel spin of the "mother", the "daughter" and the "newborn" in the "|nL0> Elliptical/Parabolic/Hyperbolic Orbital Transition Model", and, for the "π-bond" spin-spin interaction model in the arm of a galaxy. Therefore, it is also one of the many nature attributions of the QM. 5) The "Fourier transformation" kind of analysis revealed that the "quasi 4He nucleus" is the building block of the high Z# nucleus. The similar analysis revealed that the {N,n//6} QM (in our universe) naturally includes {N,n//2}, {N,n//3}, {N,n//4} and {N,n//6} modes, so it covers the maximum number of modes (for superposition), and q=6 is still a small integer number that does not damage the quantum character of the {N,n//q} QM. Finally, because of its completeness and self-consistence, I do believe that the {N,n} QM is qualified to be put into the "Feynman Pool" as one of the many co-existing QM theories.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4910] viXra:2406.0129 [pdf] submitted on 2024-06-22 13:15:07
Authors: Marcello Colozzo
Comments: 6 Pages.
The values assumed by the Riemann Zeta function on even natural integers contribute to the calculation of the total energy of an ideal Fermi gas in a non-relativistic and strongly degenerate regime.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4909] viXra:2406.0089 [pdf] submitted on 2024-06-18 14:13:14
Authors: Ervin Goldfain
Comments: 11 Pages.
The measurement problem of Quantum Mechanics reflects the tension between the deterministic evolution of wavefunctions and their random collapse caused by experimental observations. Here we argue that, in the Hamiltonian picture of quantum dynamics, wavefunction collapse follows from the destruction of adiabatic invariance on ultrashort time scales. We also suggest that, in the long-time limit, action quantization is a result of Arnold diffusion, a process describing the instability of nearly integrable Hamiltonian systems with more than two degrees of freedom.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4908] viXra:2405.0173 [pdf] submitted on 2024-05-31 13:35:59
Authors: Jesús Sánchez
Comments: 43 Pages.
In this paper, we obtain the left and the right-handed (chirality) representation of the wavefunction using Geometric (real Clifford) Algebra Cl 3,0. We will use both the Chiral representation and the Pauli/Dirac representation. Also, a summary of how all the interactions can be calculated and represented using Geometric (real Clifford) Algebra is shown.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4907] viXra:2405.0134 [pdf] submitted on 2024-05-27 03:29:49
Authors: Алтаев Намаз Карабалаевич
Comments: 5 Pages.
The development of the results of the theory of superconductivity (BCW) is based on the idea of a deep analogy between some ideas of quantum electrodynamics and quantum hydrodynamics. On the other hand, there are reasons to doubt the basic results of quantum electrodynamics. The reason is that in order to complete the development of quantum electrodynamics, it is necessary to supplement it with the results of reassignment operations. The founder of quantum electrodynamics, Dirac, believed that such a necessity arose because of the defects in this doctrine. In this article, the main results of quantum electrodynamics and quantum hydrodynamics are obtained quite correctly on the way, where the basic ideas of scientific philosophy are taken as a basis.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4906] viXra:2405.0126 [pdf] submitted on 2024-05-25 03:00:48
Authors: John Yuk Ching Ting
Comments: 30 Pages.
Relevant to Quantum field theory, Sieve of Eratosthenes (as generating algorithm for all prime numbers) and Dirichlet eta function (proxy function for Riemann zeta function as generating function for all nontrivial zeros) are infinite series. We apply infinitesimals to their outputs. We ignore even prime number 2. The complete set and its derived subsets of Odd Primes all contain arbitrarily large number of elements while fully satisfying Prime number theorem for Arithmetic Progressions, Generic Squeeze theorem and Theorem of Divergent-to-Convergent series conversion for Prime numbers. With these theorems satisfied by all Odd Primes, Polignac's and Twin prime conjectures are proven to be true when usefully regarded as Incompletely Predictable Problems. Riemann hypothesis proposes all nontrivial zeros of Riemann zeta function are located on its critical line. It is separately proven to be true when usefully regarded as an Incompletely Predictable Problem.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4905] viXra:2405.0087 [pdf] submitted on 2024-05-16 19:37:49
Authors: Brian Chang
Comments: 22 Pages.
This article points out that in the EPR experiment, there is no causal connection between the two sides. If a causal model wants to comply with the principle of common cause, it will lead to faster-than-light information propagation. Even if non-local latent variables are used as common factors, it does not mean that the measurement results on both sides can influence each other. They are only related to each other, but not corresponding causal relationships.The "statistical correlation" in the EPR experiment does not have a controllable effect, because the results measured on either side are completely random. The experimenter cannot control the other side to produce the results he wants to transmit by manipulating the instrument. The two experimenters can only discover the correlation between each other's data when comparing them afterwards, and they cannot use this correlation to transmit information, otherwise the incommunicability theorem will be violated.This article draws a causal model diagram to analyze the EPR experiment, and uses the Everett interpretation and the quantum circuit diagram to demonstrate. It shows that the causal paradox in the EPR experiment is actually caused by a misunderstanding of "measurement" and "collapse" in the Copenhagen interpretation. If the Everett interpretation without the concept of "collapse" is adopted, it can be avoided when interpreting the EPR experiment. Paradox of cause and effect.In Everett's interpretation, the physical meaning of "measuring" a particle is to entangle the particle with the measuring instrument. When the local particle is measured, it will only be entangled with the local instrument, so there is no non-local interaction. The state of the particle does not change in any way because the particle on the other side is measured. No matter who measures first on the left or right, there will be no influence on each other. There will be no effect of the result of the first measurement on the result of the later measurement through superluminal action, and there will be no paradox that overturns the order of cause and effect.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4904] viXra:2405.0065 [pdf] submitted on 2024-05-12 12:44:05
Authors: Marcello Colozzo
Comments: 6 Pages.
We prove the famous Bloch's Theorem using the symmetry for discrete translationsin Dirac notation.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4903] viXra:2405.0047 [pdf] submitted on 2024-05-08 09:18:06
Authors: Georgii Khantarzhiev
Comments: 18 Pages.
The model of a quantum object, based on the conception of a field, is presented in this research work. The way suggested allows to construct the model of a quantum object, which owns wave and particle properties simultaneously. The model is developed for the non-relativistic case and applied to three canonical experiments of quantum mechanics. This model describes successfully physical processes, happening at the quantum level, in these experiments. The analysis of some consequences of this model for the relativistic case is made. This model of a quantum object can be verified experimentally and a corresponding experiment is suggested for this goal.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4902] viXra:2405.0027 [pdf] submitted on 2024-05-06 20:24:20
Authors: Miroslav Pardy
Comments: 6 Pages.
The causal arrangement of the two extended emission and detection sources and the photon source is considered. The emission source emitts the charged particle (electron) and photon. The photon source which is located betwen emission and detection sources is capable of the transmitting of space-like momenta. The photon propagates undisturbed between emission and detection sources, while the charged particle is reflected by the extended photon source. The result of such process is the modification of the vacumm-to-vacuum amplitude in form of the additional term which can beinterpreted as the additional magnetic moment of electron. The derivation is realized with the mathemathical simplicity and the Schwinger pedagogical clarity.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4901] viXra:2405.0018 [pdf] submitted on 2024-05-05 20:41:37
Authors: J. B. McLeod, C. B. Wang
Comments: 19 Pages.
In this paper, a new method is discussed to derive the eigenvalue density in Hermitian matrix model with a general potential. The density is considered on one interval or multiple disjoint intervals. The method is based on Lax pair theory and Cayley-Hamilton theorem by studying the orthogonal polynomials associated with the Hermitian matrix model. It is obtained that the restriction conditions for the parameters in the density are connected to the discrete Painleve I equation, and the results are related to the scalar Riemann-Hilbert problem. Some special density functions are also discussed in association with the known results in this subject.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4900] viXra:2405.0015 [pdf] submitted on 2024-05-04 21:46:27
Authors: Nimit Theeraleekul
Comments: 24 Pages.
Quantum mechanics is one of the most important theories in modern physics, despite of their predictability and accuracy; it is facing with crucial philosophic problems. Indeed the problems could be solved, and the theory could be improved by using "Vacuum Mechanics" i.e. the mechanism of vacuum medium concept.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4899] viXra:2404.0129 [pdf] submitted on 2024-04-27 09:08:17
Authors: Marcello Colozzo
Comments: 4 Pages.
In relativistic quantum mechanics, free particle states with negative energy (negative frequency of the wave function) are not easy to interpret.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4898] viXra:2404.0100 [pdf] submitted on 2024-04-20 23:01:52
Authors: Marcello Colozzo
Comments: 8 Pages.
The study of the free motion of the meson $pi^{-}$ through the equation of Klein-Gordon, leads to its antiparticle i.e. the meson $pi^{+}$.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4897] viXra:2404.0090 [pdf] submitted on 2024-04-17 20:44:38
Authors: Riddhiman Bhattacharya
Comments: 11 Pages.
Abstract—Quantum error correction is essential for reliable fault-tolerant quantum computing, necessitating the encoding of information redundantly into physical degrees of freedom to safeguard it against noise. A prominent approach involves continuous variable quantum informationprocessing using bosonic modes [3], [5], [6], [13], [17], [23]. This technique encodes information within the harmonic oscillator’s occupation number space, expressed throughnumber states {|n⟩}∞n=0 [19], position and momentum eigenstates {|x⟩}x∈R and {|p⟩}p∈R [12], or a selection of coherent states {|α⟩}α∈S (for a finite set S) [9]. The initial continuous variable scheme involving bosonic modes is the two-mode "dual-rail" encoding, introduced in1995 [8]. Presently, numerous bosonic codes are under assessment for their potential in fault-tolerant quantum computation. This review will focus on key contenders: firstly, establishing a pragmatic bosonic error model; proceedingto explore three prominent single-mode codes renowned for their robust protection against this model; evaluating the performance of these codes, considering relevant theoreticalaspects based on the work by [2]; and finally, delving into hardware-efficient multi-mode extensions, notable for their strides towards feasible physical implementation. Theseextensions will be situated within the evolving realm of bosonic quantum error correcting codes.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4896] viXra:2404.0060 [pdf] submitted on 2024-04-12 21:42:28
Authors: Tomáš Kafoněk
Comments: 12 Pages.
This paper is the fourth part of a hypothesis originally based on the basic assumptions of Lorentz transformation and has various implications. In the first part of the hypothesis [1], I calculated the wave function from the general assumptions of the Lorentz transformation. This wave function describes spacetime deformations and entirely replaces the original Lorentz solution used in special relativity. Importantly, each new solution, for both time and space deformation, has two possible solutions that are equally probable. Therefore, I have used these equations for further calculations, which already have a quantum nature.In the second part of my hypothesis [2], I converted this equation into an electromagnetic one and used it to calculate interference and diffraction. Thus, the resulting equation is not based on complex functions, as in standard calculations. We can further investigate this equation, for example, in the context of electron levels in an atom, as interference and diffraction are phenomena related to Young's experiment, and the wave properties of electrons have been demonstrated. In the third part of my hypothesis [3], I applied the calculations to atomic relations and outlined possible solutions for atomic orbitals. This outline of the potential arrangement of energies in the atomic model arose from the fact that some molecules, such as CH4, have the shape of a Platonic solid tetrahedron, which I consider pivotal within the framework of the VSEPR theory.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4895] viXra:2404.0025 [pdf] submitted on 2024-04-04 21:39:29
Authors: Qiuyu Shan
Comments: 7 Pages.
One-dimensional infinite well is an important model in quantum mechanics, and the solutions of Schrodinger equation and Klein-Gordon equation in this case have been studied extensively. In this paper, we discuss the solution of the Klein-Gordon equation in a moving one-dimensional infinite well, we find that the momentum of the particle should be complex numbers in a particular case.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4894] viXra:2404.0014 [pdf] submitted on 2024-04-03 20:56:06
Authors: B. B. Slavin
Comments: 27 Pages. In Russian
This article proposes an interpretation of quantum physics based on the theory of solitons. According to this interpretation, an elementary particle (in particular, an electron) is a soliton solution to a system of nonlinear equations, while the linear equations of quantum mechanics for wave functions represent the boundary conditions for the presence of soliton solutions. It is hypothesized that the nonlinear equations for a quantum electron are ordinary Maxwell equations, in which the charge and current densities are expressed through quadratic combinations of electromagnetic field strengths. The complex wave function, which describes the motion of an electron, in this formulation is an ordinary electromagnetic wave, where the real part is the electric field strength, and the imaginary part is the magnetic field strength. Soliton equations, Maxwell's equations and quantum equations are easily written using 3+1 Pauli matrices, which indicates that the 3+1 coordinate system of space and time is a natural implementation of the world of particles - wave solitons. The proposed interpretation allows us to combine both the Copenhagen interpretation and Bohm’s theory of "hidden" variables.
Category: Quantum Physics
[4893] viXra:2403.0142 [pdf] submitted on 2024-03-30 23:18:43
Authors: Eric Edward Albers
Comments: 15 Pages.
The Spacetime Superfluid Hypothesis (SSH) is a novel approach to unifying the fundamental forces of nature by proposing that spacetime is a superfluid medium. This paper presents a comprehensive overview of the SSH, its mathematical formulation, and its potential implications for our understanding of gravity, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics. The SSH describes spacetime as a superfluid governed by a modified non-linear Schr¨odinger equation (NLSE), which includes interactions between the superfluid and the electromagnetic field. In this frame-work, particles and fields emerge as excitations or topological defects within the superfluid, with their properties determined by the dynamics and geometry of the superfluid. The paper explores the key aspects of the SSH, including the interpretation of matter-antimatter pair creation as the formation of solitons with opposite topological charges, the role of the potential term in the NLSE, and the description of magnetic fields as a manifestation of the superfluid’s topological properties. The SSH’s implications for light deflection and its relationship to Snell’s law are also discussed. A significant focus of the paper is the coupling between gravity and electromagnetism within the SSH. By introducing a density field and a gravitational field defined as its gradient, the SSH provides a unified description of these fundamental forces. The modified Maxwell’s equations and the equations for the coupling between gravity and electromagnetism are derived and analyzed. Furthermore, the paper demonstrates that the SSH can be aligned with general relativity by carefully choosing the values of its parameters, such as the mass of the superfluid particles and the coupling constants. This alignment highlights the SSH’s potential as a generalization of general relativity, capable of describing both classical and quantum phenomena. The SSH offers a fresh perspective on the nature of spacetime and the unification of the fundamental forces. While still a speculative theory, its mathematical elegance and potential for explaining a wide range of physical phenomena make it a promising avenue for further research. This paper provides a solid foundation for future investigations into the SSH and its implications for our understanding of the universe.
Category: Quantum Physics
[1697] viXra:2502.0079 [pdf] replaced on 2025-02-24 16:09:02
Authors: M. W. Roberts
Comments: 22 Pages.
The design of Delphi 4A is changed due to the fact that two of its system requirements were inconsistent. The proposed Delphi 5 quantum optical system is capable of superluminal communication.
Category: Quantum Physics
[1696] viXra:2501.0102 [pdf] replaced on 2025-01-31 00:36:10
Authors: Remi Cornwall
Comments: 6 Pages.
APEC — Alternative Propulsion Engineering Conference is run by Tim Ventura and is a forum that lets all-comers present their researches into fringe science concepts, though mainly those concerned with propulsion. This brief letter will write about two presentations — LENR and "Quantised Inertia". I may comment on the other later presentations at some point. We find omissions in LENR experimental methodology and candidate theories based on current science but this wouldn’t exclude new science. We also find that McCulloch’s "Quantised Inertia" (and so MOND/TeVeS too) violate the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.
Category: Quantum Physics
[1695] viXra:2501.0102 [pdf] replaced on 2025-01-24 22:58:57
Authors: Remi Cornwall
Comments: 6 Pages.
APEC — Alternative Propulsion Engineering Conference is run by Tim Ventura and is a forum that lets all-comers present their researches into fringe science concepts, though mainly those concerned with propulsion. This brief letter will write about two presentations — LENR and "Quantised Inertia". I may comment on the other later presentations at some point. We find omissions in LENR experimental methodology and candidate theories based on current science but this wouldn’t exclude new science. We also find that McCulloch’s "Quantised Inertia" (and so MOND/TeVeS too) violate the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.
Category: Quantum Physics
[1694] viXra:2501.0100 [pdf] replaced on 2025-01-21 15:32:20
Authors: John French
Comments: 17 Pages. This paper is a preprint
A quantization of classical spinning particle equations is carried out using the Euler angles of the particle. Relativistic corrections are found and compared to the Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation of the Dirac equation. We only consider constant linear electric and magneticfields, and find agreement up to order 1/c^6.
Category: Quantum Physics
[1693] viXra:2412.0162 [pdf] replaced on 2025-01-17 21:35:02
Authors: Arieh Sher
Comments: 6 Pages.
Modern physics is facing a profound conundrum. Gravity is a fundamental force of nature, nevertheless, there is no theory, among many proposed, that can explain satisfactorily the origin of gravity. In addition, there are two major theories in modern physics: general relativity and quantum physics. Each of these theories has been proven to be correct with high confidence. Yet, no theory which combines both has been found. Specifically, quantum physics does not relate to gravity, whereas gravity is a profound parameter in general relativity. A theory that tries to unify the theories is quantum gravity. Quantum gravity hypothesizes that gravity may arise from quantum phenomena. However, there is no accepted answer.I claim that gravity is the residual (or leftover) of the strong force that is confined inside nucleons. In other words, gravity originates from the strong force. In my answer I relate also to the profound open question: Why is gravity, which is involved in the structure of our entire universe, so much weaker than the other fundamental forces?
Category: Quantum Physics
[1692] viXra:2411.0050 [pdf] replaced on 2024-11-18 21:11:57
Authors: Lino Zamboni
Comments: 9 Pages.
This paper introduces a new theoretical paradigm for elementary particles, specifically the electron, proposing an internal structure composed of entangled mass elements. The model extends Bohm’s quantum potential theory ,redefining the quantum potential as an emergent property of intra-particle entanglement, rather than as a purely mathematical non-local function. This framework offers a novel resolution to the problems of wave function collapse and non-locality, while ensuring compatibility with special relativity. Additionally, the model incorporates concentric "s"-type orbitals to describe the spatial arrangement of mass elements, providing a framework that aligns with the principles of quantum mechanics while allowing for a stationary and symmetric configuration of the electron. Though detailed electrostatic and relativistic derivations are beyond the scope of this work, this paradigm suggests a unified and physically grounded interpretation of quantum phenomena that bridges the gap between quantum mechanics and classical physics. Further developments and mathematical formalism will be discussed in subsequent works
Category: Quantum Physics
[1691] viXra:2411.0038 [pdf] replaced on 2025-01-21 12:18:52
Authors: Alaya Kouki
Comments: 10 Pages.
The impact of a photon hitting a surface is determined. Newton law of dynamics is demonstrated from thermodynamics considerations in which Planck oscillator is considered as a 4-space dimensions oscillator. Wave-corpuscle duality is remodeled. Vacuum is a sea of positive charges and negative charges.
Category: Quantum Physics
[1690] viXra:2411.0038 [pdf] replaced on 2024-12-04 12:35:31
Authors: Alaya Kouki
Comments: 7 Pages.
The impact of a photon hitting a surface is determined. Newton law of dynamics is demonstrated from thermodynamics considerations in which Planck oscillator is considered as a 4-space dimensions oscillator. Wave-corpuscle duality is remodeled.
Category: Quantum Physics
[1689] viXra:2410.0087 [pdf] replaced on 2024-10-20 01:06:42
Authors: Alfonso De Miguel Bueno
Comments: 12 Pages. 10 figures
In the context of a novel interacting fields model, this paper presents a reconceptualization of the neutron as an intermediate state between proton and antiproton transformations, incorporating antimatter and dark matter into the nucleon dynamics. By introducing a geometric interpretation of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), the model provides a conceptual bridge between QCD and weak interactions, offering a unified framework for strong, weak, and electromagnetic forces. Beta decay is described as a cyclical process involving color charge exchange mediated by gluons, while the roles of W and Z bosons are reassessed within the electroweak theory. Furthermore, this model proposes an explanation for the neutron's Electric and magnetic Dipole Moments.
Category: Quantum Physics
[1688] viXra:2410.0040 [pdf] replaced on 2024-12-14 08:26:42
Authors: Canlun Yuan
Comments: 59 Pages.
This paper starts from the behavior of the field in a potential well and concludes that the field exists in the form of a standing wave with energy in the potential well, thereby finding the cause of the fluctuation in quantum mechanics. Using only one physical model, the field forms fluctuations, which is the wave function, and using the Compton wavelength, the relationship between electromagnetic wave energy and mechanical wave energy and frequency is derived. It is concluded that the wave function has the meaning of a generalized field, and it is noted that Sommerfeld's quantization rule is the basic equation of quantum mechanics, thus establishing a new quantum mechanics theory. The superposition, orthogonality, normalization, and equivalence principles of the wave function are analyzed, and the superposition of wave function states does not exist. Each conclusion given herein has a clear and obvious physical meaning, making the problem of quantum mechanics simple and clear. A new atomic model is established, and problems such as electron transitions, electron spin, electron emission and absorption are discussed. Matter is divided into solid matter and field-state matter. The essence of light is particularly analyzed, and it is clear that light is an electromagnetic wave and that light is not a material particle. Experiments such as the electron pattern of the Davissonu2012Germer experiment, the principles of electron microscopy, the photoelectric effect, the Compton effect, and double-slit interference are reinterpreted. A new uncertainty relation is proposed. Notably, there is no wave, no "waveu2012particle duality", no quantum entanglement, and the Schrödinger equation is not a wave equation.
Category: Quantum Physics
[1687] viXra:2410.0033 [pdf] replaced on 2025-02-03 20:11:10
Authors: Arcangelo Recchia
Comments: 9 Pages.
In this contribution, it is shown how the fine-structure constant emerges when two systems interact, one of which, light, perceives the universe as static due to not experiencing the passage of time, while the other, matter, experiences accelerated expansion. In this way, the fine-structure constant can be related to the rate of expansion of the universe; In this way, the fine-structure constant can be related to the rate of expansion of the universe: can thus be expressed as the ratio of the theoretical radius of the universe R(uT)=13.6-13.8 Gly and the observed radius R(uI) = 46.5 Gly. α = (13,6 Gly/46,5 Gly)^4 = 1/137 (1.21) From the above, it is clear that, since the rate of expansion of the universe has not remained constant over time, the value of the fine-structure constant must also have changed (unless there is over time a proportional variation of the speed of light ), as have other physical constants and quantities. This implies that physical laws have not remained unchanged throughout the history of the universe. Regarding the spatial variation of , the issue is more complex and falls outside the scope of this work.
Category: Quantum Physics
[1686] viXra:2410.0033 [pdf] replaced on 2025-01-05 22:22:54
Authors: Recchia Arcangelo
Comments: 9 Pages.
In this contribution, it is shown how the fine-structure constant emerges when two systems interact, one of which, light, perceives the universe as static due to not experiencing the passage of time, while the other, matter, experiences accelerated expansion. In this way, the fine-structure constant can be related to the rate of expansion of the universe; α can be expressed through the ratio to the fourth power of the theoretical radius R(uT)=13.6-13.8 Gly of the universe to the measured radius R(uI) = 46.5 Gly. α = (13,6 Gly/46,5 Gly)^4 = 1/137 (1.21) From the equation (1.21), it is clear that, since the rate of expansion of the universe has not remained constant over time, the value of the fine-structure constant must also have changed (unless there is over time a proportional variation of the speed of light c), as have other physical constants and quantities. This implies that physical laws have not remained unchanged throughout the history of the universe. Regarding the spatial variation of α, the issue is more complex and falls outside the scope of this work.
Category: Quantum Physics
[1685] viXra:2409.0035 [pdf] replaced on 2025-01-21 21:41:24
Authors: Liao Teng
Comments: 58 Pages.
In order to strictly prove the hypotheses and conjectures in Riemann's 1859 paper "The Number of prime Numbers not greater than x" from a purely mathematical point of view, and to strictly prove the generalized hypotheses and conjectures, this paper studies the relationship between symmetric and conjugate zeros of Riemann ζ(s) function and Riemann ξ(t) function by using Euler's formula,it is found that the symmetry and conjugation of the nontrivial zeros of the Riemann ζ(s) function are consistent, and the zeros of the Riemann ξ(t) function are symmetric and non-conjugated, it is proved that the zeros of the Riemann ξ(t) function must be all real numbers,the Riemann hypothesis and the Riemann conjecture are completely correct.
Category: Quantum Physics
[1684] viXra:2409.0015 [pdf] replaced on 2024-09-07 22:22:33
Authors: Luis Rodolfo Cabrera Juárez
Comments: 8 Pages.
Is exposed a theory, according to which the light no moves, like "photons". Is transmitted as a electromagnetic resonance phenomen. To support this principle, is used the Helical Solenoid Model of the Electron to calcular the quantum transition frecuency of the first line of Lymann serie, of the emission spectrum of hydrogen atom.
Category: Quantum Physics
[1683] viXra:2408.0009 [pdf] replaced on 2024-08-10 12:05:29
Authors: Brian Chang
Comments: 32 Pages.
This paper rejects the common notion that "erasing path information causes interference fringes to reappear". This paper argues that it is a misnomer to call this experiment a quantum "erasure". Instead of "erasing", the diagonal polarizers actually filter the photons, and it is this filtering that causes the interference fringes to reappear. Further, there is no need to introduce anticausality to explain the delayed-choice experiment. The wavefunction of a photon does not collapse after it comes out of the double slit until it reaches the position of the screen. It is meaningless to ask which slit the photon came through. Therefore, instead of calling this experiment a "quantum erasure experiment", it would be more appropriate to call it a "quantum screening experiment", and it is this means of screening that restores coherence.
Category: Quantum Physics
[1682] viXra:2407.0158 [pdf] replaced on 2024-10-02 21:02:33
Authors: Gilad Laredo
Comments: 17 Pages.
This study extends the classical theory of electromagnetism to include quantum phenomena, thus creating a bridge between classical EM theory and quantum mechanics. This bridge is facilitated through a mathematical structure that covers both Maxwell equations, Dirac equation and the Proca equation. One outcome of this study is a new Lagrangian that maintains the same fermionic field dynamics generated by the QED Lagrangian while being more compact and symmetric. Additionally, this work introduces a ‘fermionic’ stress-energy tensor that can be integrated into Einstein’s field equations as source of spacetime curvature, demonstrating compatibility with general relativity.
Category: Quantum Physics
[1681] viXra:2407.0107 [pdf] replaced on 2024-11-30 20:39:09
Authors: Dennis Braun
Comments: 30 Pages.
In this paper we show that a unification of gravity and inertia, as it is achieved in the context of a correct implementation of Mach‘s principle, strongly suggests that elementary particles are oscillatory solitons in the gravitational field (or more general: a unified field including the gravitational one). We show how the properties of elementary particles then give rise to the phenomenology of special relativity as well as quantum mechanics in the usual classical framework and in flat, 3-dimensional Euclidean space. The oscillatory solitons exhibit the same structure as was originally postulated by De Broglie for the quantum wave function in his double solution theory. This structure of the elementary particles naturally gives rise to elementary quantum phenomena, like their wave-particle duality, the uncertainty relation, the De Broglie relations E=ℏω and p=ℏk and discrete energy levels for bound states. A formula for h can in principle be obtained. This opens up the possibility of explaining the origin of quantum mechanics in a purely classical framework. At the same time, also the special relativistic phenomena like length contraction, time dilation, the relativistic energy-momentum relation, and the apparent constancy of the speed of light can be explained from just the structure of the solitons in flat, 3-dimensional space. The speed of light is just an apparent constant when measured with co-moving rulers and clocks, provided by the elementary particles themselves. It obeys the usual vector addition, just like all other velocities and vectors do, too. Ultimately, mass itself can be explained as entirely of (gravitational) field origin, as the field energy which is concentrated within the soliton. This will also yield an explanation for the energy-mass equivalence. No additional scalar field like the Higgs field is needed. Further, also problems like the twin paradox, the measurement problem, and the infinite self-energies of elementary particles can be resolved in a soliton model.
Category: Quantum Physics
[1680] viXra:2407.0107 [pdf] replaced on 2024-08-11 17:49:00
Authors: Dennis Braun
Comments: 15 Pages.
In this paper we show that a unification of gravity and inertia, as it comes out of a correct implementation of Mach‘s principle, leads to elementary particles being oscillatory solitons in the gravitational field (or more general: a unified field including the gravitational one). We show how the properties of elementary particles then give rise to the phenomenology of special relativity as well as quantum mechanics in the usual classical framework and in flat, 3 dimensional Euclidean space. The oscillatory solitons exhibit the same structure as was originally postulated by De Broglie for the quantum wave function. This structure of the elementary particles naturally gives rise to elementary quantum phenomena, like their wave-particle duality, the uncertainty principle, the De Broglie relations E=ℏω and P=ℏk and discrete energy levels for bound states. A formula for h can in principle be obtained. This opens up a possibility to explain the origin of quantum mechanics in a purely classical framework. At the same time, also the special relativistic phenomena like length contraction, time dilation, the relativistic energy-momentum relation and the apparent constancy of the speed of light can be explained from just the structure of the solitons. The speed of light is just an apparent constant when measured with co-moving rulers and clocks, provided by the elementary particles themselves. It obeys the usual vector addition, just like all other velocities and vectors do, too. Ultimately, mass itself can be explained as entirely of (gravitational) field origin, as the field-energy which is concentrated within the soliton. This will also yield an explanation for the energy-mass equivalence. No additional scalar field like the Higgs field is needed.
Category: Quantum Physics
[1679] viXra:2406.0188 [pdf] replaced on 2024-07-01 15:43:31
Authors: Michalis Psimopoulos
Comments: 38 Pages.
We consider the black-body cavity as a closed system consisting of a fixed total number s of quanta that in turn form a random total number N of photons. The states describing this photon gas are equiprobable according to Bose statistics and their number is equal to the number of partitions of the integer s. Using the Hardy-Ramanujan formula for large s, Planck's distribution is derived without resorting to Boltzmann's law and to interactions between radiation and matter.
Category: Quantum Physics
[1678] viXra:2406.0136 [pdf] replaced on 2024-08-31 21:53:15
Authors: Eric Edward Albers
Comments: 103 Pages. Updated/fixed mathematics
The Spacetime Superfluid Hypothesis (SSH) is a novel approach to unifying the fundamental forces of nature by proposing that spacetime is a superfluid medium. This paper presents a comprehensive overview of the SSH, its mathematical formulation, and its potential implications for our understanding of gravity, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics.The SSH describes spacetime as a superfluid governed by a modified non-linear Schrödinger equation (NLSE), which includes interactions between the superfluid and the electromagnetic field. In this framework, particles and fields emerge as excitations or topological defects within the superfluid, with their properties determined by the dynamics and geometry of the superfluid.The paper explores the key aspects of the SSH, including the interpretation of matter-antimatter pair creation as the formation of solitons with opposite topological charges, the role of the potential term in the NLSE, and the description of magnetic fields as a manifestation of the superfluid's topological properties. The SSH's implications for light deflection and its relationship to Snell's law are also discussed. A significant focus of the paper is the coupling between gravity and electromagnetism within the SSH. By introducing a density field and a gravitational field defined as its gradient, the SSH provides a unified description of these fundamental forces. The modified Maxwell's equations and the equations for the coupling between gravity and electromagnetism are derived and analyzed. Furthermore, the paper demonstrates that the SSH can be aligned with general relativity by carefully choosing the values of its parameters, such as the mass of the superfluid particles and the coupling constants. This alignment highlights the SSH's potential as a generalization of general relativity, capable of describing both classical and quantum phenomena. The SSH offers a fresh perspective on the nature of spacetime and the unification of the fundamental forces. While still a speculative theory, its mathematical elegance and potential for explaining a wide range of physical phenomena make it a promising avenue for further research. This paper provides a solid foundation for future investigations into the SSH and its implications for our understanding of the universe.
Category: Quantum Physics
[1677] viXra:2406.0131 [pdf] replaced on 2024-09-08 08:37:32
Authors: Pavlo Danylchenko
Comments: 7 Pages.
The general solution of the equations of the gravitational field of the galaxy with an additional variable parameter n is found. The additional variable parameter n determines in GR the distribution of the average mass density mainly in the friable galactic nucleus. The velocity of the orbital motion of stars is close to Kepler only for n>2^25. At n<2^15, it is slightly less than the highest possible velocity even at the edge of the galaxy. The maximum allowable value of the average mass density of a substance outside the friable galactic nucleus negligibly weakly depends on the parameter n in GR. If the energy-momentum tensor is formed not on the basis of external thermodynamic parameters, but on the basis of intranuclear gravithermodynamic parameters of the substance, then the dependence of the average mass of the substance on the value of the parameter n becomes very significant. The permissible value of the average mass density of matter outside the friable galactic nucleus is determined by the value of the parameter, which is responsible for the curvature of space. And it can be arbitrarily small. Therefore, in relativistic gravithermodynamics, in contrast to GR, there can be no shortage of baryonic mass.
Category: Quantum Physics
[1676] viXra:2406.0130 [pdf] replaced on 2024-09-08 08:34:46
Authors: Pavlo Danylchenko
Comments: 676 Pages.
The work, which collects both ancient, antique and medieval as well as modern convincing evidence of dark- red-skinnedness of the medieval Slavs and their Sarmatian ancestors and ancient Germanic people, as well as about the Slavic speaking of our ancestors Ukrainians who lived cross-strait together with ancestors of the Chinese and Tungusic people (which is confirmed by the fact that hereditary Slavs preferred to use mainly hard vowel "e", and not the soft Turanian "je", as well as by the numerous Slavic-Chinese, Slavic-Japanese, Slavic-Evenki and Slavic-Manchu isoglosses). This work allows us to look in a new way at the ethnogenesis of Ukrainians and finally give up naive search for the ancestral homeland of the medieval dark- red-skinned Slavs in Europe. So, the work that formed on the basis of the materials of the previously published article "History of the tribes and peoples that formed the Ukrainian ethnos and the state of Ukraine", can be useful both for scientists and students of history and other faculties of higher education institutions, as well as for ordinary citizens of Ukraine who are interested in the history of their ancestors. Refusal of those historical myths imposed by the Turanians of Muscovy will significantly contribute to the formation of civil society in the country. The other thing that can also significantly contribute to this is the recognition of the state of our ancestors Slavic-speaking Goths Greutungi > Hrosi > Rus as the first state of Ukrainians.
Category: Quantum Physics
[1675] viXra:2406.0089 [pdf] replaced on 2024-06-25 12:21:20
Authors: Ervin Goldfain
Comments: 12 Pages.
The measurement problem of Quantum Mechanics reflects the tension between the deterministic evolution of wavefunctions and their random collapse caused by experimental observations. Here we argue that, in the Hamiltonian picture of quantum dynamics, wavefunction collapse follows from the destruction of adiabatic invariance on ultrashort time scales. Once adiabatic invariance is lost, Planck’s constant becomes meaningless, and Quantum Mechanics breaks down. We also suggest that, in the long-time limit, action quantization is a result of Arnold diffusion, a process describing the instability of nearly integrable Hamiltonian systems with more than two degrees of freedom.
Category: Quantum Physics
[1674] viXra:2405.0173 [pdf] replaced on 2024-12-27 11:59:34
Authors: Jesús Sánchez
Comments: 46 Pages.
In this paper, we obtain the left and the right-handed (chirality) representation of the wavefunction using Geometric (real Clifford) Algebra Cl 3,0. We will use both the Chiral representation and the Pauli/Dirac representation. Also, a summary of how all the interactions can be calculated and represented using Geometric (real Clifford) Algebra is shown.
Category: Quantum Physics
[1673] viXra:2405.0173 [pdf] replaced on 2024-08-14 17:47:37
Authors: Jesús Sánchez
Comments: 44 Pages.
In this paper, we obtain the left and the right-handed (chirality) representation of the wavefunction using Geometric (real Clifford) Algebra Cl 3,0. We will use both the Chiral representation and the Pauli/Dirac representation. Also, a summary of how all the interactions can be calculated and represented using Geometric (real Clifford) Algebra is shown.
Category: Quantum Physics
[1672] viXra:2405.0126 [pdf] replaced on 2024-07-07 22:24:11
Authors: John Yuk Ching Ting
Comments: 35 Pages. Finalized Preprint Version for submission to journal.
Relevant to Quantum field theory, Sieve of Eratosthenes (as generating algorithm for all prime numbers) and Dirichlet eta function (proxy function for Riemann zeta function as generating function for all nontrivial zeros) are essentially infinite series. We apply infinitesimals to their outputs. We ignore even prime number 2. The complete set with its derived subsets of Odd Primes all contain arbitrarily large number of elements while satisfying Prime number theorem for Arithmetic Progressions, Generic Squeeze theorem and Theorem of Divergent-to-Convergent series conversion for Prime numbers. Having these theorems satisfied by all Odd Primes, Polignac's and Twin prime conjectures are proven to be true when usefully regarded as Incompletely Predictable Problems. Riemann hypothesis proposes complete set of all nontrivial zeros in Riemann zeta function is located on its critical line. It is separately proven to be true when usefully regarded as an Incompletely Predictable Problem.
Category: Quantum Physics
[1671] viXra:2405.0126 [pdf] replaced on 2024-06-02 00:58:10
Authors: John Yuk Ching Ting
Comments: 30 Pages.
Relevant to Quantum field theory, Sieve of Eratosthenes (as generating algorithm for all prime numbers) and Dirichlet eta function (proxy function for Riemann zeta function as generating function for all nontrivial zeros) are infinite series. We apply infinitesimals to their outputs. We ignore even prime number 2. The complete set and its derived subsets of Odd Primes all contain arbitrarily large number of elements while fully satisfying Prime number theorem for Arithmetic Progressions, Generic Squeeze theorem and Theorem of Divergent-to-Convergent series conversion for Prime numbers. With these theorems satisfied by all Odd Primes, Polignac's and Twin prime conjectures are proven to be true when usefully regarded as Incompletely Predictable Problems. Riemann hypothesis proposes all nontrivial zeros of Riemann zeta function are located on its critical line. It is separately proven to be true when usefully regarded as an Incompletely Predictable Problem.
Category: Quantum Physics
[1670] viXra:2403.0142 [pdf] replaced on 2024-06-18 21:00:21
Authors: Eric Edward Albers
Comments: 52 Pages. Math updates: More details were requested by reviewers
The Spacetime Superfluid Hypothesis (SSH) is a novel approach to unifying the fundamental forces of nature by proposing that spacetime is a superfluid medium. This paper presents a comprehensive overview of the SSH, its mathematical formulation, and its potential implications for our understanding of gravity, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics. The SSH describes spacetime as a superfluid governed by a modified non-linear Schr¨odinger equation (NLSE), which includes interactions between the superfluid and the electromagnetic field. In this frame-work, particles and fields emerge as excitations or topological defects within the superfluid, with their properties determined by the dynamics and geometry of the superfluid. The paper explores the key aspects of the SSH, including the interpretation of matter-antimatter pair creation as the formation of solitons with opposite topological charges, the role of the potential term in the NLSE, and the description of magnetic fields as a manifestation of the superfluid’s topological properties. The SSH’s implications for light deflection and its relationship to Snell’s law are also discussed. A significant focus of the paper is the coupling between gravity and electromagnetism within the SSH. By introducing a density field and a gravitational field defined as its gradient, the SSH provides a unified description of these fundamental forces. The modified Maxwell’s equations and the equations for the coupling between gravity and electromagnetism are derived and analyzed.Furthermore, the paper demonstrates that the SSH can be aligned with general relativity by carefully choosing the values of its parameters, such as the mass of the superfluid particles and the coupling constants. This alignment highlights the SSH’s potential as a generalization of general relativity, capableof describing both classical and quantum phenomena. The SSH offers a fresh perspective on the nature of spacetime and the unification of the fundamental forces. While still a speculative theory, its mathematical elegance and potential for explaining a wide range of physical phenomena make it a promising avenue for further research. This paper provides a solid foundation for future investigations into the SSH and its implications for our understanding of the universe.
Category: Quantum Physics
[1669] viXra:2403.0142 [pdf] replaced on 2024-04-02 20:27:10
Authors: Eric Edward Albers
Comments: 26 Pages.
The Spacetime Superfluid Hypothesis (SSH) is a novel approach to unifying the fundamental forces of nature by proposing that spacetime is a superfluid medium. This paper presents a comprehensive overview of the SSH, its mathematical formulation, and its potential implications for our understandingof gravity, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics. The SSH describes spacetime as a superfluid governed by a modified non-linear Schr¨odinger equation (NLSE), which includes interactions between the superfluid and the electromagnetic field. In this frame-work, particles and fields emerge as excitations or topological defects within the superfluid, with their properties determined by the dynamics and geometry of the superfluid. The paper explores the key aspects of the SSH, including the interpretation of matter-antimatter paircreation as the formation of solitons with opposite topological charges, the role of the potential term in the NLSE, and the description of magnetic fields as a manifestation of the superfluid’s topological properties.The SSH’s implications for light deflection and its relationship to Snell’s law are also discussed. A significant focus of the paper is the coupling between gravity and lectromagnetism within the SSH. By introducing a density field and a gravitational field defined as its gradient, the SSH provides a unifieddescription of these fundamental forces. The modified Maxwell’s equations and the equations for the coupling between gravity and electromagnetism are derived and analyzed.Furthermore, the paper demonstrates that the SSH can be aligned with general relativity by carefully choosing the values of its parameters, such as the mass of the superfluid particles and the coupling constants. This alignment highlights the SSH’s potential as a generalization of general relativity, capableof describing both classical and quantum phenomena. The SSH offers a fresh perspective on the nature of spacetime and the unification of the fundamental forces. While still a speculative theory, its mathematical elegance and potential for explaining a wide range of physical phenomena make it a promising avenue for further research. This paper provides asolid foundation for future investigations into the SSH and its implications for our understanding of the universe.
Category: Quantum Physics