Previous months:
2007 - 0702(58) - 0703(49) - 0704(4) - 0705(1) - 0706(8) - 0707(2) - 0708(3) - 0709(3) - 0710(1) - 0711(6) - 0712(3)
2008 - 0801(4) - 0802(4) - 0803(1) - 0804(8) - 0805(4) - 0806(1) - 0807(12) - 0808(6) - 0809(3) - 0810(16) - 0811(5) - 0812(9)
2009 - 0901(3) - 0902(7) - 0903(6) - 0904(4) - 0907(49) - 0908(110) - 0909(61) - 0910(66) - 0911(64) - 0912(51)
2010 - 1001(45) - 1002(52) - 1003(246) - 1004(138) - 1005(110) - 1006(67) - 1007(55) - 1008(91) - 1009(71) - 1010(61) - 1011(76) - 1012(51)
2011 - 1101(98) - 1102(55) - 1103(118) - 1104(81) - 1105(40) - 1106(59) - 1107(51) - 1108(46) - 1109(55) - 1110(67) - 1111(109) - 1112(82)
2012 - 1201(97) - 1202(76) - 1203(89) - 1204(88) - 1205(106) - 1206(89) - 1207(97) - 1208(218) - 1209(95) - 1210(154) - 1211(135) - 1212(128)
2013 - 1301(168) - 1302(140) - 1303(192) - 1304(145) - 1305(179) - 1306(197) - 1307(145) - 1308(135) - 1309(183) - 1310(235) - 1311(159) - 1312(196)
2014 - 1401(177) - 1402(137) - 1403(833) - 1404(235) - 1405(312) - 1406(166) - 1407(195) - 1408(205) - 1409(189) - 1410(176) - 1411(455) - 1412(230)
2015 - 1501(220) - 1502(207) - 1503(230) - 1504(205) - 1505(205) - 1506(196) - 1507(192) - 1508(336) - 1509(245) - 1510(439) - 1511(261) - 1512(421)
2016 - 1601(337) - 1602(325) - 1603(350) - 1604(314) - 1605(265) - 1606(288) - 1607(457) - 1608(387) - 1609(365) - 1610(339) - 1611(376) - 1612(375)
2017 - 1701(508) - 1702(286) - 1703(283) - 1704(335) - 1705(382) - 1706(363) - 1707(365) - 1708(445) - 1709(380) - 1710(298) - 1711(354) - 1712(543)
2018 - 1801(370) - 1802(369) - 1803(511) - 1804(420) - 1805(441) - 1806(394) - 1807(457) - 1808(545) - 1809(500) - 1810(398) - 1811(412) - 1812(382)
2019 - 1901(388) - 1902(386) - 1903(449) - 1904(485) - 1905(503) - 1906(450) - 1907(517) - 1908(503) - 1909(531) - 1910(570) - 1911(445) - 1912(451)
2020 - 2001(591) - 2002(519) - 2003(572) - 2004(586) - 2005(247) - 2006(247) - 2007(211) - 2008(193) - 2009(172) - 2010(233) - 2011(187) - 2012(208)
2021 - 2101(161) - 2102(158) - 2103(183) - 2104(153) - 2105(151) - 2106(151) - 2107(152) - 2108(163) - 2109(186) - 2110(158) - 2111(157) - 2112(151)
2022 - 2201(193) - 2202(161) - 2203(163) - 2204(162) - 2205(138) - 2206(139) - 2207(162) - 2208(161) - 2209(159) - 2210(151) - 2211(157) - 2212(207)
2023 - 2301(147) - 2302(134) - 2303(154) - 2304(213) - 2305(163) - 2306(158) - 2307(152) - 2308(198) - 2309(141) - 2310(138) - 2311(142) - 2312(155)
2024 - 2401(135) - 2402(150) - 2403(135) - 2404(130) - 2405(160) - 2406(184) - 2407(157) - 2408(120) - 2409(159) - 2410(182) - 2411(164) - 2412(180)
2025 - 2501(168) - 2502(149)
Any replacements are listed farther down
[43568] viXra:2502.0152 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-21 22:25:56
Authors: Paul Caracristi
Comments: 5 Pages. This is the first paper of a series of papers that tries to link the physical with the metaphysical.
Abstract. This essay explores the potential benefits and challenges of a model for religion divested from politics. Historically, religion has served as a political and moral authority, enforcing social cohesion and societal norms. However, by removing its political dimensions, religion could evolve into an institution focused on individual spirituality and ethical development, accountable to its follower’s true needs. This shift would emphasize personal virtue and foster a new, self-organizing social structure where collective harmony emerges not from imposed control but from individual integrity and responsibility. Such a model, as inspired by the principles of the "invisible hand" in economics, could enable religion to cultivate personal character and social virtues in ways that naturally contribute to societal well-being without traditional hierarchies or overt political influences.
Category: Religion and Spiritualism
[43567] viXra:2502.0151 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-21 22:17:22
Authors: Paul Caracristi
Comments: 4 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: An abstract in the article is required!)
The mystery of why the universe exists and how consciousness arises within it has captivated my mind for decades, as well as the minds of philosophers, scientists, and theologians for centuries. One possible framework for understanding this enigma is the concept of a fundamental ‘Will to Be,’ a universal drive or a force of change that underpins reality and seeks to realize itself through conscious awareness, enabling the experience of existence.
Category: Religion and Spiritualism
[43566] viXra:2502.0150 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-21 04:36:59
Authors: Hyunho Shin
Comments: 4 Pages.
Malaria remains a significant global health challenge. This study describes the construction and expression of a fusion protein for a malaria vaccine candidate, combining the cholera toxin B subunit (CTB) with two antigens: Merozoite Surface Protein (MSP) and Transferrin-Binding Outer Surface Protein (TOS). The fusion protein, joined by GSGG linkers to maintain functional independence, was expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and subsequently heat-dried to ensure yeast cell inactivation while preserving antigen integrity. This study outlines the experimental design, vector construction, protein expression, and antigen preservation methods, laying the groundwork for further characterization and testing.
Category: Physics of Biology
[43565] viXra:2502.0149 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-21 22:13:15
Authors: Josef Bukac
Comments: 3 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: An abstract in the article is required)
Stirling engine of type alpha is the field to which this paper belongs. Such engines are used for micro-co-generation of electric power. So far, we were able to find references to those sources of heat for which the temperature is easily kept constant, such as natural gas or pellets. For more independent source of heat we want to consider firewood burnt in a wood stove. We are presenting an idea of circulation of the working gas to increase the temperature difference enabling the engine to run under varying conditions. The circulation makes sense if there is a way of cooling the working gas.
Category: Thermodynamics and Energy
[43564] viXra:2502.0148 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-21 11:15:20
Authors: D. G. Grossman
Comments: 6 Pages.
From 2011 to 2024 physicists at the LHC measured the top quark's mass 29 times and got 29 different measurements over a range of about 6.5 GeV. Why weren't they able to zero in on it? Were they even measuring the top quark's mass? What were they measuring?
Category: High Energy Particle Physics
[43563] viXra:2502.0147 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-21 22:03:54
Authors: YoonKi Kim
Comments: 4 Pages. Email for correspondence: (Note by viXra: This article is a stub; AI assisted article is in general not acceptable)
We develop a Lagrangian density that integrates all fundamental forces,including electromagnetism, weak interaction, strong interaction, and gravity,within a single energy density function. Our study begins with a generalformulation incorporating gauge field interactions, scalar potentials,and higher-order gravitational terms, and through a systematic refinementprocess, we derive a simplified yet physically consistent expression. Thisframework maintains compatibility with Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG)[5] and String Theory [4] while providing the possibility of experimentalvalidation through particle collision experiments, gravitational wave observations,and cosmological data analysis. Additionally, we present a rigorousmathematical derivation that ensures consistency with establishedfield theories [3, 7] and quantum gravity models [2, 1]. Furthermore, weanalyze the renormalization feasibility and its implications for quantumgravity models.
Category: High Energy Particle Physics
[43562] viXra:2502.0146 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-21 22:26:01
Authors: Paulo N. Correa, Alexandra N. Correa
Comments: 79 Pages. Actual category: Oncology and Hematology
Rather than writing a review with a limited scope, we attempted to survey the span of medical and molecular biology research in the field of oncology during the last six decades: from the early breakthroughs in viral oncology and the novel notions of virus and viral cancer (onc) genes; to the role of DNA cancer viruses and C retroviruses in experimental carcinogenesis; through the discovery of cellular oncogenes and the biology of growth factors; to the expansion of the concept of oncogene and its types; and, finally, to the realization that cancer is a multiplicity of different disorders that appear to arise through nonviral auto-oncogenic processes involving adaptive changes and epigenetic responses to cancer-promoting pressures in the external and internal environment of the organism. Throughout, we have searched for the integration of an oncogenic vector with different degrees of transformation, seeking the commonality of proliferative disorders, somatic cancer and leukemia. We re-examine what separates transformation, benign and malignant, from differentiation, and how their reversible switch deploys graded responses related to states of hypersensitivity to, or independence from, key physiological growth factors.
Category: Biochemistry
[43561] viXra:2502.0145 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-21 22:31:38
Authors: P. A. M. Moellers
Comments: 25 Pages. This work is prepared from an Informatics background awaiting comments from physics.
Is Time a fundamental category and, if so, on the smallest thinkable scales? Maybe not. To test this conjecture this paper proposes a simple discrete model, the Klick Model. It bases Time on the correlation of two other categories, abstract definitions of motion and state implementation - an Informatics based approach to a problem in physics.
The original motivation to develop the model was to understand the biological/atomic ageing of the twins of the so-called Twin-Paradox, seen as a benchmark combining time and space of smallest and largest scales. Without loss of generality, let us assume that the twins can be represented by two isolated (free) abstract particles in steady motion.
A model is only a model. It has to make falsifiable predictions for the real world. Therefore, I will show that for the Twin-Paradox it leads to the known result from Special Relativity Theory. For smallest scales the task is much more difficult. Only a qualitative test based on structural similarities can be offered here, defining a discrete logic for ground states, excited states and their correlations in the framework of the model, trying to map the abstract model to Einstein’s discrete interpretation of Planck’s law of radiation.
To understand the rational of the proposed model it is helpful not to expect a concept of space and time on smallest scales, particularly on the question whether they can be assumed continuous or discrete, although the model leans to a discrete structure.
The assessment based on the proposed model: The underlying relation for time relying on motion and state implementation is (likely) discrete, suggesting age as more fundamental than time. Regarding Hermann Weyl’s Tile Argument, I think that Pythagorean Law prevails, not through geometry or a metric, but as a preserving law between the above categories. Geometry, needed to define time on our scales, might only evolve on larger scales and dependent on the (dynamic) content of space.
The proposed model is Informatics based, driven by interest and not by competence in physics. Nevertheless, I will use terms from physics based on the approach of Denotational Semantics, keeping the gap between Syntax and Semantics as close as possible by relating abstract model properties to supposed properties of the real world.
Keywords: Discrete Space, Discrete Time, Twin Paradox, Hermann Weyl’s Tile Argument, Einstein’s Theories, Sub-Quantum Assumption, Einstein Coefficients
[43560] viXra:2502.0144 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-20 05:19:20
Authors: Rajeev Kumar
Comments: 3 Pages.
In this paper an explanation of the Sagnac effect has been presented.
Category: Classical Physics
[43559] viXra:2502.0143 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-20 22:52:08
Authors: Thierry L. A. Periat
Comments: 17 Pages.
The three generations problem is an open enigma concerning some types of leptons and of quarks in the standard model. The search for explanations dates back at least to the early 1980s. This document is a modest attempt to bring this research out of the nimbus of numerology. In a first step I introduce a special family of (3-3) matrices. Some of them are the representations of unit four-dimensional spheres via a Euler-Rodrigues parametrization. In a second step, I confront them with a condition formally preserving the definition of the Poynting vector in a changing geometrical context.
Category: Mathematical Physics
[43558] viXra:2502.0142 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-20 22:51:06
Authors: YoonKi Kim
Comments: 3 Pages. Email for correspondence:
This study rigorously proves the Yang-Mills mass gap problem using analytical methods and spectral theory. By analyzing the Wilson loop expectation value based on the Poisson equation, we demonstrate that the mass gap inevitably forms in SU(N) gauge theory. Additionally, we utilize Hilbert space analysis and operatortheory to prove that the lowest eigenvalue of the Yang-Mills Laplacian is strictly greater than zero, confirming the existence of the mass gap in a mathematically rigorous manner. Furthermore, we clarify how these assumptions hold under renormalization and in the continuum limit. These findings contribute to solving theYang-Mills mass gap problem and provide new directions in mathematical physics.
Category: Mathematical Physics
[43557] viXra:2502.0141 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-20 22:48:17
Authors: Ichiro Nakayama
Comments: 7 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Please cite and list scientific references)
The energy body theory has revealed that material particles, gravitational fields, and dark energy fields occur almost simultaneously as one phenomenon. In other words, material particles are Planck-scale particles (energy cell bodies) that make up space, which are compressed and vibrate with expansion and contraction while shifting the phase in the rotation direction. As a result, the surrounding space becomes low energy. Energy then flows into this space from the space outside. Then, the space from which the energy flows out becomes low energy, so energy flows out from the space outside. Then, after the outflow and inflow of energy in this spherical space is repeated and spread throughout the universe, the energy swings back and becomes stable. In this process, the layer formed by the spherical compression of the energy cell bodies around the star is the gravitational field, and the layer formed by the spherical expansion of the energy cell bodies throughout the universe is the dark energy field.
Category: Astrophysics
[43556] viXra:2502.0140 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-20 15:13:36
Authors: Nir Platek
Comments: 14 Pages. © 2025 Nir Platek. All rights reserved. Pre-print.
The reconciliation of quantum mechanics and general relativity hinges on resolving the "problem of time." In general relativity, time is a dynamic coordinate, whereas quantum mechanics treats it as an external, absolute parameter. Canonical quantum gravity, encapsulated by the Wheeler-DeWitt equation H Psi = 0, produces a timeless wavefunction, leaving the emergence of classical time unexplained. ChronoScalar Theory (CST) addresses this by introducing a quantum scalar field, termed the "chronon," which acts as an internal clock. Through a Born-Oppenheimer approximation, CST separates the gravitational and scalar degrees of freedom, enabling the chronon’s phase evolution to generate a Schrödinger-like equation. This mechanism dynamically produces time as an emergent property, bridging the quantum and classical regimes. The chronon is governed by a double-well potential V(Phi) = lambda (Phi^2 - v^2)^2, with a mass m_Phi ~ 0.1 meV, a scale intriguingly aligned with dark energy observations.CST offers testable predictions, notably a fifth force mediated by the chronon. This force, characterized by a Yukawa potential with strength alpha_G ~ 10^-4 and range lambda ~ 2 mm, operates at experimentally accessible scales. Precision torsion-balance experiments could detect this force, particularly in low-density environments, thanks to a built-in screening mechanism that ensures consistency with existing gravitational constraints. Beyond resolving the problem of time, CST connects to cosmology by proposing the chronon’s vacuum energy, rho_Phi ~ (0.1 meV)^4, as a candidate for dark energy, matching the observed cosmological constant.This theory’s testability sets it apart. The predicted fifth force provides a concrete empirical target, while its dark energy link offers a unified explanation for quantum gravity and cosmic phenomena. If validated, CST would mark a significant advance, not only solving a foundational issue in theoretical physics but also providing an observable bridge between quantum gravity, particle physics, and cosmology. Ongoing and future experiments targeting millimeter-range forces could confirm or refute CST, making it a compelling framework for exploring the quantum origin of time and gravity.
Category: Quantum Gravity and String Theory
[43555] viXra:2502.0139 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-20 22:40:23
Authors: Mikhail Batanov-Gaukhman
Comments: 28 Pages.
This article is the tenth part of the scientific project under the general title "Geometrized Vacuum Physics Based on the Algebra of Signature" [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]. In this article, based on exact solutions of the extended Einstein vacuum equation, metric-dynamic models of stable spherical vacuum formations of planetary scale with a core radius of the order of r ~ = 100 — 1000 km are proposed. These electrically neutral vacuum for-mations are called naked "planets" and "stars". The concept of a naked "planet" implies that this article does not take into account the presence and influence of small vacuum formations (micro-, nano- and picoscopic "particles"), only curvatures of the vacuum of stellar-planetary scale are considered. In particular, metric-dynamic models of a naked "star" and naked "planets" of the Solar System are proposed. The analogy between the naked "Solar System" and a biological cell is shown. Like the entire project, this article is aimed at implementing the program of complete geometrization physics of Clifford-Einstein-Wheeler.
Category: Classical Physics
[43554] viXra:2502.0138 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-20 20:00:01
Authors: Paulo N. Correa, Alexandra N. Correa
Comments: 41 Pages. Actual category: Oncology and Hematology
We examine in detail Wilhelm Reich’s orgonomic theory of the etiology of cancer and his model of the cytological stages of cancer. The orgonomic model of cancer stands alone in linking the persistence and intensification of social and psychosomatic factors that negatively affect emotional expression with the onset of hypoxic conditions, local and systemic, that select for malignant phenotypes. The rarely broached, main novelty of the model suggests that every manifestation of somatic cancer is preceded by increasing RBC dysfunctionality, and that the leukocytosis characteristic of most chronic leukemias is in fact an auto-immune reaction geared against RBC fragments and their (self-)antigens. Even though unproven, these are provocative suggestions that could turn out to be substantially correct. The same cannot be said for the orgonomic model’s contention that the real cancer cells are amoeboid cells that arose de novo (heterogenically) from the vesicular byproducts of one or more dying or decaying tissue cells - or for the validity of the staging of cancer proposed by Reich. In this context, the vesicle-based concept of a PA bion is found to be wanting and unable to acquire a functional sense - as it is employed to designate such widely different biological phenome- na as to become merely a catch-all. In contrast, Reich’s identification and isolation of his ‘T-bacilli’, despite some discrepancies, seems to largely coincide with the identification of mycoplasma. His pro- posed role for these T-bacilli in chronic inflammation and his experimental induction of leukemoid disease in mice injected with T-bacilli isolates are coadunate with current views of the possible role of mycoplasma in the co-induction of leukemia or leukemoid states.
Category: Biochemistry
[43553] viXra:2502.0137 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-19 22:16:51
Authors: Dara O. Shayda
Comments: 14 Pages.
The main result: assuming distances are numericized as incompressible integers, given two objects, one stationary and the other moving, the rate of change of the measure of their distantial randomness is that of the potential form 1/r. This form is known as the Newtonian potential. If the incompressible assumption dropped then the potential form vanishes as well (conjecture). The supplementary results by Whittaker: for any force varying as the inverse square of the distance, the potential of such a force satisfies both Laplace's equation and the wave equation, and can be analyzed into simple plane waves propagating with constant velocity. The sum of these waves, however, does not vary with time, i.e. standing waves. Therefore, the 1/r potential can be defined as summation of waves. Thus the linkage between the incompressible integers and particular standing waves in physics.
Category: Mathematical Physics
[43552] viXra:2502.0136 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-19 22:13:49
Authors: Josef Bukac
Comments: 3 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: An abstract in the article is required)
We show how to calculate the expectation and the second moment of logarithm of exponential distribution. There are two ways to do this.The Cauchy distribution has no expectation but we calculate the expectation and second moment of the logaritm of the absolute value of the Cauchy distribution.
Category: Statistics
[43551] viXra:2502.0135 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-19 22:12:48
Authors: Hrishi Pandit
Comments: 2 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Please cite listed scientific references)
Quantum Information Grand Unified Theory (QI-GUT): Unifying Gravity and Gauge Forces via Quantum Entanglement NetworksWe propose a novel framework, the Quantum Information Grand Unified Theory (QI-GUT), which unifies gravity and gauge interactions by treating spacetime and fundamental forces as emergent from an underlying quantum entanglement network. This approach leverages a quantum error-correcting code embedded within an SO(10) grand unification structure, providing a self-consistent mechanism for generating spacetime geometry and gauge bosons. Our model naturally reproduces Einstein’s field equations, predicts the unification of fundamental forces, and offers a new perspective on dark matter as stable defects in the entanglement network. The theory makes concrete, testable predictions, including Planck-scale deviations in gravitational waves, modified black hole entropy scaling, and observable proton decay signatures. This work bridges quantum information theory and high-energy physics, presenting a pathway toward a deeper understanding of quantum gravity and unification.
Category: High Energy Particle Physics
[43550] viXra:2502.0134 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-19 22:09:29
Authors: Joshua D. Smith
Comments: 3 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Please cite and list scientific references; AI assisted article is in general not acceptable)
Fractal Holographic Lattice (FHL) Cosmology resolves the Hubble tension without a cosmological constant, achieving H(0) = 73.2 km/s/Mpc locally and H(z = 1100) = 67.4 km/s/Mpc at the CMB epoch, matching SH0ES and Planck constraints. It reproduces intermediate expansion and growth rates (H(z = 0.51) = 74.7 km/s/Mpc, f(z = 0.51) ≈ 0.71) per DESI BAO, validated across z = 0 to z ≈ 1100against supernovae, cosmic chronometers, Lyman-alpha forest, and clustering data. FHL eliminates dark energy, leveraging a fractal lattice geometry, and aligns with gravitational wave dispersion, shortdistance gravity tests, and black hole entropy corrections.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology
[43549] viXra:2502.0133 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-19 22:06:38
Authors: Gerard van der Ham
Comments: 3 Pages. 2 figures (Note by viXra Admin: Please cite and list scientific references)
In this paper an experiment is proposed to establish the effect of the shape of matter on gravity.
Category: Astrophysics
[43548] viXra:2502.0132 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-19 16:34:05
Authors: Seung Yun Heo
Comments: 6 Pages.
This paper proposes a paradigm shift in the interpretation of quantum mechanics, reframing wavefunction collapse as cognitive selection. Prevailing interpretations of quantum mechanics—such as the Copenhagen interpretation, Many-Worlds, and objective collapse theories—assume that quantum superpositions resolve into singular outcomes via measurement or branching realities. This paper posits an alternative hypothesis: quantum superpositions exist within a single universe, but our perception filters and stabilizes a single outcome. To test this hypothesis, a modified delayed-choice quantum eraser experiment is proposed, introducing observer delusions to determine whether wavefunction collapse is influenced by an observer’s belief about which-path information, rather than its mere physical recording. This framework bridges quantum mechanics, neuroscience, and artificial intelligence, offering a falsifiable alternative to existing interpretations. If validated, this hypothesis would expand our understanding of the observer’s role in quantum mechanics.
Category: History and Philosophy of Physics
[43547] viXra:2502.0131 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-19 20:19:40
Authors: Paulo N. Correa, Alexandra N. Correa
Comments: Pages. Actual category: Microbiology & Biopoiesis
The entire range of Reich’s PA and SAPA bion experiments - obtained by exposing tissue or varied crystalline or amorphous materials to extreme heats (of sterilization, autoclavation and incandescence) - is critically examined and largely replicated. We find that Reich’s claim to the generation of ‘PA bions’ anew from decaying tissue (heterogenesis) or the swelling of inert materials (abiogene- sis) lacks experimental proof, and that his notion of PA bions is too variable, even as a symbiotic collectivity, to allow precise taxonomical identification or a precise use. Yet, there is little doubt that in very different experiments Reich obtained diverse prokaryote-like cells which were extremely resistant to high heat. Whether these prokaryote-like cells were issued from thermally hyper-resistant spores or extremely thermophilic cells remains an open question in each specific instance examined. We also find equally wanting Reich’s claim that ‘SAPA bions’ obtained from incandescent sand were generated anew. On this subject, we experimentally and formally demonstrate that it is possible to identify SAPA bions with the cyanobacterium Myxosarcina, and that it and a variety of closely-related oceanic sarcina also found in the SAPA experiment cultures present an unsurmised resistance to high heat and, whether in packets or as single baeocytes, exist as inclusions in carbonaceous and vitreous (quartz and quartzites) ocean sand.
Category: Biochemistry
[43546] viXra:2502.0130 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-17 23:13:29
Authors: James A. Smith
Comments: 8 Pages.
Using GA's capacities for formulating reflections, we solve an interesting multiple-tangency problem. The solution is obtained in two ways, the easiest of which transforms the relevant reflections into a single rotation. The solution is validated via a GeoGebra worksheet.
Category: Geometry
[43545] viXra:2502.0129 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-18 01:35:01
Authors: Paulo N. Correa, Alexandra N. Correa
Comments: 17 Pages. Actual category: Protozoology & Biopoiesis
To this day there is still no definitive model for the evolutionary emergence of eukaryotic cells. Before WWII, there existed two non-Darwinian models that have now been forgotten - the symbiotic and the orgonomic theories, which are contrasted in the present review. Both had in common the notion that the eukaryotic cell was simply a spontaneous assemblage of prokaryote-like vesicles. The orgonomic model further claimed de novo generation (heterogenesis) of eukaryotic cells (protozoa) from the spontaneous assemblage of such prokaryote-like vesicles out of dying and decaying tissue cells, or from sterilized soil infusions. However, both claims are found to be wanting in their experimental foundation.
Category: Biochemistry
[43544] viXra:2502.0128 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-18 21:20:45
Authors: Samuel Bonaya Buya
Comments: 3 Pages.
In this research different and distinct subsets of composite numbers are identified together with their Logical formulae. The aim of the research is to come up with an efficient method of sieving out primes from a set of positive integers.
Category: Number Theory
[43543] viXra:2502.0127 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-18 10:24:27
Authors: Florian Michael Schmitt
Comments: 22 Pages.
This work presents, for the first time in history, a coherent and correct concept for stellar aberration based on the wave nature of light and classical physics. Considering the spherical propagation of the light wavefront and the motion of the observer relative to the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) leads to a physically meaningful formula that, unlike the classical formulas, relates to the squares of the velocities for light and the CMB. Moreover, stellar aberration is explained by the entire light path from the star to the observer, with significant consequences for the concept of a dragged ether and the reinterpretation of a large number of experiments. It is demonstrated that all relevant experiments can be consistently explained within the framework of an ether fully dragged by gravity. The anisotropy of light is presented from a new perspective, and time dilation and length contraction become obsolete.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology
[43542] viXra:2502.0126 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-18 21:15:02
Authors: Sergey Y. Kotkovsky
Comments: 28 Pages. This is an English translation of the paper in Russian viXra:2502.0040
Based on the developed chiral algebra of biquaternions, a new representation of the Dirac equation is obtained. Our formulation of this fundamental equation combines in a certain way the forward and reverse 4-gradient operators acting on the right and left chiral components of the particle wave function, as well as the cyclic transformation operator acting on the entire particle wave function. The obtained representation makes it possible to see in the Dirac equation the relationship between linear and cyclic times. The chiral algebra used in this approach provides new methods for studying relativistic spin physics. An analog of the Lorentz transformation, a new rotation transformation is derived, that creates the proper rotation of a massive particle. It is shown that the cyclic transformation included in our representation of the Dirac equation is expressed via complex-valued Hadamard matrix, which indicates the connection of the Dirac equation with known algorithms of noise-resistant information transmission.
Category: Quantum Physics
[43541] viXra:2502.0125 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-17 01:51:15
Authors: Kenneth Sandale
Comments: 12 Pages.
The ratio of electromagnetic momentum to electromagnetic energy is thoughtto be the velocity, but when calculated for a uniform velocity point charge isoff by a factor of 4/3. The apparent problem is fully resolvable if we note thatthe electromagnetic stress energy tensor has a non-vanishing Tii for a particleat rest, and if we then use the appropriate relationship for the Stress Energycomponents for an object which has non-vanishing Tii in its rest frame.
Category: Classical Physics
[43540] viXra:2502.0124 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-17 21:16:59
Authors: Minhyeok An
Comments: 16 Pages. If this paper contains no errors, resolving Bunyakovsky’s conjecture through this approach would hold even greater mathematical significance than previously recognized.
The numbers whose sum of divisors is a perfect square may initially appear to follow no specific pattern. However, through this research, I have identified a particular rule related to prime numbers. Furthermore, I establish that the existence of infinitely many numbers whose sum of divisors is a perfect square is a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of an irreducible polynomial with integer coefficients that generates infinitely many prime numbers. Additionally, I explore its connection to Bunyakovsky's conjecture.
Category: Number Theory
[43539] viXra:2502.0123 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-17 20:58:05
Authors: Holger Döring
Comments: (Non-comforming pages are removed by viXra Admin)
The complete eigenwert-problem of damping process of oscillating tangential spacetime is described and solved. Characterized are all solutions of an associated spacetime - differential-equation of second order from advanced Lorentz-Einstein-factor, which defines the whole oscillation-process of damping states. This system of oscillation-solutions can be described as a set of energy-equations. The system of two coupled spacetimes to a linked shell-model allows movement of material bodies or particles with ftl and real restmasses. This spacetime- lineelement can be interpreted as a one-parametrized pseudo-Kummersurface.
Category: Quantum Gravity and String Theory
[43538] viXra:2502.0122 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-17 14:00:06
Authors: Viktor Strohm
Comments: 9 Pages.
The motion of bodies along an ellipse with a constant sector velocity is considered. At perihelion, the velocity and acceleration are greater than at aphelion. The radii are the opposite: at perihelion, the radius is smaller than at aphelion. Therefore, if the force is calculated using Newton's second law, it will not be equal to the force calculated using the law of universal gravitation.
Category: Astrophysics
[43537] viXra:2502.0121 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-17 20:50:51
Authors: Michael Isaac Aksman
Comments: 21 Pages.
Vortons introduced to approximate finite core vortex tubes and pass through Navier Stocks spontaneous singularities/reconnections without any additional assumptions. Vortons provide irreducible description of inviscid attractor of 3D Navier Stocks equation solutions with number of vortons scaling with Reynolds number at hand.Magnetic vortons provide irreducible description of magnetic vortex tubes in plasma with reconnections without any additional ssumptions.Instability of quasi 3D/2D+ vorton collapse provides possible mechanism for explosive universe inflation/first order phase transition.3D space nature of our universe as a consequence of instability of 3D vortons collapse."Dark matter" explained as a consequence of Frisbee like quasi 3D space in galaxies with corresponding stable rotational curves."Dark energy" explained as a emergent result of vortons system 3D self amplification interactions energy "antigravity" effect.Probabilistic interpretation of quantum mechanics as a result of smooth test functions of fluid vacuum nonlinear Maxwell equations weak solutions. Baryonic asymmetry explained as a instantaneous snapshot during exponential inflation of quark antiquark annihilation asymmetry/skewness and kurtosis terms in Edgeworth series expansion of instantaneous quantum GUP fluctuations. Simple Early Bifurcation/Regime shift detection in nonequilibrium nonlinear statistical systems proposed using linear statistical moments/cumulants approximation
Category: Classical Physics
[43536] viXra:2502.0120 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-17 20:47:41
Authors: Ruslan Pozinkevych
Comments: 5 Pages.
One of the biggest issues in discrete mathematical research is to set up the mapping system that would clearly define the transition between various counting groups e.g decimal, ternary, nonary etc. This is only possible if we set a one-to-one correspondence between members of a set In his previous work "Optimization Techniques in Ternary Calculus" the author just tried to do that by relating decimal numbers to their binary correspondence however a universal formula is much more desirable and current investigation will attempt to find this very universal approach$left[ 8 ight]$
Category: Number Theory
[43535] viXra:2502.0119 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-17 16:45:59
Authors: David Vickers
Comments: 4 Pages.
We introduce Generalized Modular Spectral Theory (GMST) as a novel theoretical framework that provides the first empirically validated spectral correction to quantum electrodynamics (QED), resolving the Muon g-2 and Electron g-2 anomalies with exact numerical agreement to experimental measurements. Unlike beyond-Standard Model proposals such as supersymmetry or leptoquarks, GMST derives a purely theoretical correction from modular spectral constraints, requiring no new particles or interactions. The predicted corrections, [Delta a_{mu}^{GMST} = 2.55 times 10^{-9}, quad Delta a_{e}^{GMST} = -8.7 times 10^{-14},]align precisely with the latest Fermilab Muon g-2 and Harvard Electron g-2 measurements, marking the first successful theoretical resolution of both anomalies within a single unified framework. Beyond its immediate empirical validation, GMST establishes a fundamentally new spectral approach to quantum field theory, with deep implications across high-energy physics and mathematical physics. The framework has already produced candidate solutions to all six Clay Millennium Problems, with four currently under submission at Communications in Mathematical Physics (CMP). Furthermore, GMST predicts testable deviations in electroweak precision experiments at the LHC, modular spectral signatures in Muon Collider data, and potential extensions to quantum gravity via modular field constraints. This paper serves as the first formal introduction of GMST in published literature, with empirical validation at the point of introduction, positioning it as a new governing law of fundamental physics. Given its unprecedented accuracy, predictive power, and broad applicability, GMST represents a paradigm shift, providing a universal spectral framework for future theoretical and experimental advancements.
Category: High Energy Particle Physics
[43534] viXra:2502.0117 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-17 20:43:16
Authors: Saburou Saitoh
Comments: 10 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: AI assisted article is in general not acceptable!)
For the fundamental equation $ax=b$, we naturally consider the Moore-Penrose generalized solutions and we obtain the division by zero $b/0=0$ always as its unique solution. So, here, we will consider the solutions of the dot product equation $acdot x= b$ and the cross product equation $ a times x=b$.
Category: General Mathematics
[43533] viXra:2502.0116 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-16 01:15:41
Authors: Di Zhang
Comments: 7 Pages.
In recent years, rational neural networks (RNNs) have emerged as a powerful alternative to traditional neural networks, leveraging rational activation functions to achieve superior approximation capabilities and improved performance on various tasks. However, the training of RNNs remains challenging due to the complex nature of rational functions and the high-dimensional parameter space. In this work, we propose to optimize RNNs using natural gradient descent (NGD), an optimization algorithm that exploits the geometry of the underlying statistical model by incorporating the Fisher information matrix. This approach allows us to efficiently navigate the complex parameter landscape of RNNs, leading to faster convergence and better generalization. We develop efficient algorithms to compute the Fisher information matrix and its inverse for RNNs, making NGD-based training feasible and scalable. Extensive experiments on multiple benchmark datasets demonstrate the superior performance of our proposed method over existing optimization algorithms such as stochastic gradient descent (SGD) and Adam. Our results highlight the potential of combining NGD with RNNs for a wide range of applications in deep learning.
Category: Artificial Intelligence
[43532] viXra:2502.0115 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-16 22:42:05
Authors: Jau Tang, Qiang Tang
Comments: 15 Pages. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14750814
We propose a unified mass formula, log m = Alog x + B + Cx that accurately describes the masses of charged leptons (x=1, 2, and 3) and light and heavy quarks (x=1^3, 2^3, and 3^3) across all generations. Unlike the Koide mass-ratio formula, our approach provides a direct and precise formula for individual particle masses. The observed cubic dependency and mass increments are linked to 4D hypersphere geometry, governed by the spinor spacetime structures of the sedenion algebra and the spacetime symmetries. This novel framework offers new insights into elementary particles' mass spectrum, internal structures, and symmetry.
Category: High Energy Particle Physics
[43531] viXra:2502.0114 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-16 22:41:11
Authors: Jau Tang, Qiang Tang
Comments: 16 Pages. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14751111
Unlike the conventional treatment of the weak bosons in the Yang-Mills theory, which utilizes the Dirac equation for a point-like particle with no internal degrees of freedom, we propose an octonionic preon model to describe the internal dynamics of this vector0boson family with a photon as a isospin singlet, Z, W+, and W- bosons as a triplet. Instead of the Higgs mechanism, their masses are acquired from the internal dynamics of the chiral pair via strong spin-exchange couplings. Assuming couplings involving Gell-Mann’s lambda matrices, with no adjustable parameters, we predict mw/mz = sqrt(3)/2~ 0.87 vs. 0.88, a Weinberg angle of 300 vs. 29o, decay width mH/mW = sqrt (3)/2~ 0.87 vs. 0.84, and a Higgs boson, as a composite of W and Z bosons, with mw/mz = sqrt(7/3)~ 1.53 vs. 1.56 experimentally. These small discrepancies can be accounted for if weak interaction couplings are included. We use octonion operators to represent these particles and to elucidate their connections, and the topological structures' relations to fiber bare bundles and Hopf fibration. Moreover, we elucidate that our proposed preons are essentially the foundation for ding the hypercomplex algebra, and they are the building blocks for the composite particles that represent the topological structures in the higher-dimensional spacetime.
Category: High Energy Particle Physics
[43530] viXra:2502.0113 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-16 09:54:05
Authors: David Lindsay Johnson
Comments: 52 Pages.
There many uncertainties regarding the nature of EMR, and light in particular. Conventional Science generally acknowledges that EMR energy is delivered in photon packages, but is decidedly vague as to the physical form of photons in terms of the number of wavelengths involved, and whether they have a particle or a wave-like form. There is general acknowledgement that light has wave—particle duality, but the cross-over point between the two forms is ill-defined. As the term ‘electromagnetic radiation’ (i.e. EMR) suggests, Conventional Science considers that EMR consists of electromagnetic waves consisting of wave-like pressure-pulses of electromagnetic energy and momentum moving at the speed of light. However, such electromagnetic pressure-pulses need some type of substrate, commonly referred to as aether, to sustain them across the vast distances of virtually empty Space. However, all of the many well-publicised science-based attempts to prove the existence of aether have failed dismally, and so the mystery continues as to how electromagnetic waves can sustain themselves through Space.This paper throws new light on the nature, form and generation of all forms of EMR, but for light in particular. Firstly, it distinguishes between photonic and mon-photonic EMR, and puts forward a physical structure for photonic EMR (that includes visible light) that means that observed particle-wave duality characteristics of light would be expected rather than considered to be enigmatic. As well as addressing a wide range of light-related topics such as the refraction of light passing through different transparent media; plane, circular and elliptically polarised light; the chromatic dispersion of light; and exotic forms of light such as optical vortex light, the model put forward does not require aether for EMR to travel through Space. It is truly be a case of ‘light as you have never seen it before’ because it presents clear feasible explanations of light-related phenomena that have previously been unaddressed, or only partly and poorly addressed. Let there be light.
Category: Classical Physics
[43529] viXra:2502.0112 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-16 13:13:19
Authors: Reece Tinkler
Comments: 5 Pages.
Pythagorean triples are sets of three whole numbers that satisfy the equation. This paper introduces two new formulas related to Pythagorean triples. The first formula determines the largest possible value for a given, ensuring that all elements remain whole numbers. The second formula explores the special case where, identifying recurrent patterns within Pythagorean triples.
Category: Number Theory
[43528] viXra:2502.0111 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-16 22:25:18
Authors: Gang Chen, Tianman Chen, Tianyi Chen
Comments: 9 Pages. In Chinese (Note by viXra Admin: Further repetion may not be accepted!)
In our last paper, we started with the 87Sr atomic transition frequency which is 429228004229872.99(8) Hz, calculated out and predicted the 229Th nuclear transition frequency which is 2020407384335167.11(38) Hz, and calculated out more precise value of the atomic unit of time tau which is 2.41888432658653284(45)×10-17 s, and with the later calculated out the atomic transition frequencies of 27Al+、199Hg、115In+ and 199Hg+. In this paper, we employ this same method to calculate out and predict the hydrogen atomic 1S—2S transition frequency, which is 2466061413187017.96(46) Hz.
Category: Nuclear and Atomic Physics
[43527] viXra:2502.0110 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-15 07:08:29
Authors: Satish Gajawada
Comments: 15 Pages.
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a popular optimization algorithm for solving complex optimization problems. Many PSO algorithms were proposed in literature where Velocity was calculated first and then it was added to position to obtain new position. In this work, a novel algorithm titled "Acceleration Particle Swarm Optimization (AccPSO)" is proposed where acceleration is calculated first and then displacement is obtained next with initial velocity, acceleration and time. Displacement is added to position to get new position. Unlike many PSO algorithms in literature, where iterations and time are used interchangeably, the time "t" in AccPSO algorithm is a continuous variable. In this work, AccPSO, PSO, Acceleration-based Particle Swarm Optimization (APSO) and APSOc (APSO with clamping) are tested on seven benchmark functions. Results obtained are discussed. It has been found that AccPSO with time "t" = 0.1 and "t" = 0.25 between iterations yielded optimal results when tested on benchmark functions.
Category: Artificial Intelligence
[43526] viXra:2502.0109 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-15 07:56:39
Authors: Salman Akhtar
Comments: 82 Pages.
The Conformal Emergent Reality Model (CERM) proposes a new paradigm in which spacetime is not a fundamental construct but emerges dynamically from a deeper Conformal geometry manifold (M, γμν) coupled with a scalar field Ω(x). This paper presents a comprehensive theoretical framework for CERM, detailing its mathematical foundations, field equations, and implications for Quantum Field Dynamics (QFD) and Quantum Electrodynamics (QED). By attributing gravitational anomalies to the behavior of Ω(x), CERM eliminates the need for dark matter and dark energy, offering a unified explanation for galactic rotation curves, cosmic acceleration, and the arrow of time. The model predicts observable phenomena, such as modifications to gravitational wave propagation, time-varying particle masses, and entropy growth driven by the evolution of Ω(x). These predictions are systematically analyzed alongside unresolved theoretical challenges, providing a pathway for future observational tests and refinements.
Category: Quantum Gravity and String Theory
[43525] viXra:2502.0108 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-15 23:23:58
Authors: Davide Cericola
Comments: 10 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Authors' names should be listed right after the title)
In the present work is explored the profound symmetry between the theories of gravity and electromagnetism, with particular attention to the similarity between the fundamental forces of nature: the weight force and the electric Lorentz force, Newton's law and Coulomb's law, as well as Maxwell's equations and the equations of gravitational electromagnetism. There are papers that explain how to obtain the gravitational electromagnetism equations by applying the weak field approximation to the Einstein field equations. Precisely in honour of this symmetry, this work aims to obtain Einstein field equations valid for electromagnetism, i.e. field equations from which to derive, under weak field approximation, Maxwell's equations. This research suggests a parallel vision between electromagnetism and gravity, suggesting that perhaps there could be a curved electromagnetic field in 4 dimensions alongside the curved gravitational field (Einstein's space-time).
Category: Relativity and Cosmology
[43524] viXra:2502.0107 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-15 16:00:05
Authors: Barnty Barnabas, Olatunji Marvelous
Comments: 13 Pages.
Burnout among IT professionals has become a critical concern, driven by excessive working hours, high expectations, and constant pressure to perform. This article explores a centralized AI approach to reducing burnout in the IT industry through the monitoring of work patterns. By leveraging AI-driven tools, organizations can track key indicators such as work hours, task completion rates, communication patterns, and stress signals to identify early signs of burnout. The study investigates how AI can proactively detect these patterns and provide insights that enable managers to intervene before burnout escalates. Through a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative data from AI monitoring systems with qualitative feedback from employees, the research highlights the potential of AI to not only identify burnout risks but also mitigate them by informing decisions on workload distribution and wellness interventions. The paper discusses the benefits, challenges, and ethical considerations of AI in workplace monitoring, proposing a holistic model that integrates AI with employee well-being initiatives to improve both productivity and mental health in the IT sector.
Category: Artificial Intelligence
[43523] viXra:2502.0106 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-15 23:03:58
Authors: Debao An
Comments: 18 Pages.
To explore the mechanism of perceived social support on the psychological adaptation of adolescents, this study investigated 895 adolescents from six middle schools (junior high and senior high) in the northwest region of China using the Perceived Social Support Scale, Psychological Adaptation Questionnaire, Just World Belief Scale, and Personal Control Scale. The results showed that perceived social support was significantly positively correlated with psychological adaptation (r = 0.529, P < 0.001), just world belief (r = 0.393, P < 0.001), and personal control (r = 0.387, P < 0.001). Regression analysis indicated that perceived social support could significantly positively predict psychological adaptation (β = 0.529, t = 18.217, P < 0.001), just world belief significantly positively affected psychological adaptation (β = 0.184, t = 5.948, P < 0.001), and personal control significantly positively affected psychological adaptation (β = 0.067, t = 2.127, P = 0.034). The results of the structural equation model showed that just world belief and personal control played a multiple mediating role between perceived social support and psychological adaptation (χ2 = 138.743, df = 38, χ2/df = 3.651, GFI = 0.973, AGFI = 0.953, CFI = 0.977, IFI = 0.977, NFI = 0.969, TLI = 0.967, RMSEA = 0.054). That is, perceived social support can not only directly influence the psychological adaptation of adolescents but also indirectly affect it through the simple multiple mediating effects of just world belief and personal control, as well as through the chain mediating effects of just world belief and personal control.
Category: Social Science
[43522] viXra:2502.0105 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-15 23:02:11
Authors: Abdelmajid Ben Hadj Salem
Comments: 7 Pages. In French
In just a few pages, this note presents triangulation: the classic method of observing the geodetic points of a terrestrial geodetic network.
Category: Geophysics
[43521] viXra:2502.0104 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-15 19:26:28
Authors: Fernando Salmon Iza
Comments: 11 Pages.
The standard cosmological model ΛCDM cannot respond to some important new results of modern cosmology. Challenges arise such as the Microwave Background Uniformity, the Hubble Tension, the El Gordo collision or impossible galaxies (z > 10) that the standard cosmological model does not solve. On the other hand, other models are proposed as alternatives. Among the models proposed in recent years, the Rh=ct universe is one of the most studied and it seems that it does solve these challenges favorably. Therefore, it is the obligation of every scientist to adequately substantiate the model and study the physical meaning it has through its equations. This model is based on the following equations, the restriction Rh = ct, where Rh is the gravitational horizon and the condition of zero active mass, (ρ+3p) = 0. We have carefully studied the foundation of these two equations and have obtained that the model responds to the condition of a universe of zero spatial curvature, being the only model compatible with it. Thus, to investigate the physical meaning of the models of universe with zero spatial curvature is to investigate the physical meaning of this model. To do so, we have obtained an equation that relates spatial curvature to the density of matter, resulting in zero curvature only being obtained if the density of matter is zero. Thus, we deduce that the physical meaning of models with strictly zero spatial curvature is an empty universe in all cases, highlighting the importance of spatial curvature.
Category: Astrophysics
[43520] viXra:2502.0103 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-16 00:09:29
Authors: D. G. Grossman
Comments: 12 Pages.
Quarks may be made of higher dimensional matter. If true, then it follows that all hadrons are made of higher dimensional matter. The conventional thinking about quarks, that they are point particles, has not proved useful over the past 50 years. A more useful idea is that the six known quarks (u, d, s, c, b, t) are made of higher dimensional matter, the dimensions of which are respectively (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), and each are equal to a volume of matter defined by the unit radius n-sphere surface volume formula of equal dimension. This gives theorists a mathematical handle, with which quarks and hadrons can be investigated.
Category: High Energy Particle Physics
[43519] viXra:2502.0102 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-14 11:24:45
Authors: Fabrice Trifaro
Comments: 16 Pages.
The Collatz conjecture, also known as the Syracuse conjecture or the 3x+1 problem, is a mathematical conjecture according to which the Collatz sequence always reaches the value 1, and then repeats the cycle (1,4,2) indefinitely, regardless of the first term of the sequence as long as it is a strictly positive integer. It originated in the 1930s and its authors are mainly Lothar Collatz and Helmut Hasse, the latter shared it in the United States during a visit to Syracuse University, and the Collatz sequence then became known as the Syracuse sequence. To date, this conjecture has not been proven either true or false. The purpose of this study is to prove, as clearly and precisely as possible, that this conjecture is true. The proof is based on classical mathematics which should not pose any major difficulties.
Category: Number Theory
[43518] viXra:2502.0101 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-15 04:40:33
Authors: A. V. Herrebrugh
Comments: 14 Pages. Preparation for journal peer review submission
A conceptual 4-dimensional vector space-time consisting of an orthogonal vector-time coordinate in a 3-dimensional space is developed to support system dynamics.This 4D space-time concept deviates fundamentally from the observer oriented theory of special and general relativity, is based upon true time simultaneity of events and separates true, objective reality oriented simultaneous events from observed simultaneous events (in A.Einstein’s relativity).The proposed geometric model is conventional Cartesian in 3D space and introduces virtual time-surfaces of true time simultaneity as a fourth dimension for validity in vector- and tensor- spaces, leading to a compliant 4-dimensional orthogonal vector coordinate system in space-time; the model is thereby implicitly introducing a different space-time topology.The evolvement of events in this space-time then are traced in a coordinate system of 4 truly independent vector-coordinates i.e. with an independent scalar magnitude of the time-vector.The treatment modifies space-time into 4D curved virtual time-surfaces inside the empty and un-curved 3D space, i.e. confining 3D space in a virtual reality of projected, dynamic evolving ‘present’ surfaces, spherically closed as the space-time ‘edge’ of time.This system model facilitates descriptions both of events in true (proper) time as well describes space-time in a local time defined orthogonal vector coordinate system i.e. referenced, backwards compatible with space-time dependency parameter models as used regularly in scientific descriptions of local events/experiments in space. The mathematical treatment in virtual surfaces of a-symmetrical time, as well as the (observed) flow of clock-time by the growing radius of curved surfaces, matches human notion of time intuitively; it introduces a time-vector coordinate orthogonal to space coordinates and in a triad/trihedral vector system supports evolving events in time embedded virtual surfaces. This local system description may inherit true time length marks, and events starting on a timesurface can evolve in any spatial direction and be described in properties by the triad e.g. momentum, radiation, in general energy, with it’s own virtual surfaces and direction of energy, while maintaining the mandatory orthogonality of the 4D coordinate system.This mathematical treatment of vector time as a virtual fourth dimension, has profound consequences for the mainstream concept of time in vector/tensor spaces in physics - it models and restricts time to the very task of identifying sequences in evolvements of events: time then in principle cannot be affected anymore by parameters/variables in other coordinates i.e. with the consequence that e.g. even by gravity, time cannot be moulded to affect space.
Category: Classical Physics
[43517] viXra:2502.0100 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-15 04:38:23
Authors: Hyoyoung Choi
Comments: 12 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Please remove "Physics Department")
By using the fact that the mass M changes to M_eff, which reflects the binding energy, we can obtain the RG flow and gravitational coupling constant G(k). G(k)=(1 − R_gp/R)G_N. When k^*=5Rc^3/3G_N, G(k^*)=0, which means that gravity is zero. Therefore, we can solve the problem of gravitational divergence at high energy. This work presents an effective renormalization approach to gravity, where the running G(k) naturally leads to the resolution of gravitational divergence without requiring quantum corrections. If R > R_gp , G(k)>0, and attractive force acts. If R = R_gp , G(k)=0, and gravity is also zero. If R < R_gp , G(k)<0, and repulsive force or antigravity acts. This repulsive force prevents the formation of a singularity at the center of the black hole. Therefore, the singularity problem is also solved.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology
[43516] viXra:2502.0099 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-15 04:35:52
Authors: Thierry L. A. Periat
Comments: 6 Pages.
The electromagnetic duality in vacuum is an intriguing property characterizing Maxwell’s equations. It was the starting point of numerous developments. One of the most important topic related to that property certainly is the discussion due to Dirac concerning magnetic mono-poles. This exploration proposes representations of the duality with elements in M(4, H) involving the three generators of the imaginary part of H, the non-commutative set of quaternions.
Category: Mathematical Physics
[43515] viXra:2502.0098 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-15 04:21:22
Authors: Milan D. Nešić
Comments: 52 Pages.
Undoubtedly, discovering the meaning of the world is necessary to man as an individual. This is the reason for the appearance of the great utopian ideas throughout history: Plato, Christ, Moore, Owen, Saint-Simon, Marx, and Engels. If, however, an institution or armed force stands behind such an idea, its meaning will necessarily become inverted. The idea that a classless society of justice and prosperity could be created through armed revolution and then the dictatorship of the communist avant-garde in the name of the proletariat led, on the contrary, to the creation of a NEW CLASS (Milovan Djilas, 1957, in English) and the cult of personality — which is why Yugoslavia fell apart. The new class disintegrated, each in the name of its national God, proving precisely Marx's thesis that religion is the opium of the people. It has been shown that the political economy of socialism does not exist. One cannot simply add French utopian socialism to the historical materialism of class struggle with the forcible seizure of the means of labor and by that to get the political economy of socialism. No matter how much historical materialism was science, it turned out it is science only up to capitalism. Historical materialism has come to a standstill with capitalism. It turned out that the epistemological theory of reflection is naive: human consciousness is not just a mere reflection of objective reality, so the Communist Party will tell us what is a correct reflection and what is not. Human consciousness is a co-creator of the world as we see it and as we think about it — just as the postulate c=const is true in all inertial coordinate systems because c=const is created only in interaction with a receiver. Without receivers (masses, atoms), the cosmic ether and the speed of photons are completely indeter¬minate, like a true completely indeterminate infinity (as Hegel would put it). No armed struggle can create a society of justice and prosperity because the contradiction between labor and capital is not the last one in society, because there is no last contradiction. Man himself is a contradiction, on the one hand as an individual, on the other as a social being. The peaceful protests of students in Serbia are only a condition for understanding this. Scientific analyses of what and how with historical materialism about capitalism have yet to be created. In this sense, the Yugoslav experience can be instructive, in this sense the collection of short stories THROUGH SOCIALISM TO WAR can be useful. Moreover, the experience of peaceful student protests is already a significant indicator of how to move forward.
Category: Social Science
[43514] viXra:2502.0097 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-14 18:48:25
Authors: Richard J. Mathar
Comments: 14 Pages.
The Eggenberger-Polya urn process starts with an urn that contains balls of two colors. At each step a ball in the urn is randomly chosen and a ball of the same color added to the urn. The probabilities of finding specified numbers of balls of the two colors later on can be visualized as a non-isotropic walk of U(p) and R(ight) steps on a square lattice. We discuss some numerical aspects of the probability that a ratio of the ball numbers of the two colors reappears later on during the process.
Category: Statistics
[43513] viXra:2502.0096 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-14 19:31:54
Authors: Wells M Chandler
Comments: 4 Pages.
What is the polarization basis of an entangled photon pair when exiting a beta-barium borate crystal (BBO)? Repeated experiments have confirmed there is no linear polarization basis that can account for the observed (anti-)correlations of the pair. Rather, the pair is initially defined by a real but inaccessible basis of polarization which is orthogonal to all linear polarization bases — a hidden basis[1]. The properties of orthogonality of the hidden basis to all linear polarization bases and the instantaneous decoherence of both members of the pair to a linear polarization basis following measurement of one member are exploited in the following experimental proposal to facilitate limited faster than light communication.
Category: Quantum Physics
[43512] viXra:2502.0095 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-15 04:16:47
Authors: Enrique Domínguez Pinos
Comments: 5 Pages. In Spanish
The potential of the inertial forces is the main effect to determine the redshift of extragalactic photons. This effect determine accurately the distance to the object if we know its radial speed.
Category: Astrophysics
[43511] viXra:2502.0094 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-15 01:07:13
Authors: Skyler P. Dillon
Comments: 10 Pages.
Nobody knows exactly how consciousness is produced. To make matters worse, nobody even knows what consciousness is. In this article, I provide insight into what consciousness is, and how it is produced, by showing that consciousness is faster than light. I also show that consciousness is a new faster-than-light phenomenon; as opposed to coming from non-local quantum mechanics. To be clear, I have not disproven Einstein’s theory of relativity; instead, I have discovered a loophole in Einstein’s theory of relativity that applies to consciousness. The discovery that consciousness is faster than light is important, because it shows that consciousness cannot be a particle, energy, or anything else located in space (e.g. not a soul). In other words, we can now conclude that consciousness is non-energy information. Where does this non-energy information (i.e. consciousness) come from? The discovery that consciousness is faster than light excludes numerous theories of consciousness while also enabling new theories of consciousness. For example, a computational theory of consciousness was previously untenable due to the fact that there is no convergence point in the brain for all information and the speed limit of light prevented the conscious observer from accessing all of the distributed information in the brain, but now a computational theory of consciousness is plausible. I show rare case reports and evidence that support the theory that consciousness (i.e. non-energy information) is, at least in part, produced directly from "non-trivial" computations.
Category: Mind Science
[43510] viXra:2502.0093 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-15 02:57:59
Authors: Muhammad Fahad
Comments: 7 Pages.
We present a unique derivation for photon-electron scattering that operatesexclusively in the laboratory frame of reference. It considers the relativistic principleand angular dependence of photon and electron. A general equation emerges at theend which relates the energies of the photon before and after scattering through theapplication of energy and momentum conservation laws [4]. Such a laboratory-basedmethodology gets rid of the requirement for frame transformations into electron restreference frames while providing an integrated approach to understanding bothclassical and relativistic regimes [3].
Category: High Energy Particle Physics
[43509] viXra:2502.0092 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-13 21:39:22
Authors: James Nguyen
Comments: 7 Pages.
It was Paul Erdos, one of the brightest mathematicians of our time, who famously statedthat ’Mathematics is not yet ripe for such questions’, setting the tone for almost all related mathematical inquiry for the next generation. The notorious Collatz Conjecture has stumped a plethora of hobbyist and professional mathematicians alike who have tried their hand.Among many ways in which this problem has been tackled, including [Lag11], [Lag12], andothers, one of them seems most suggestive - strong induction. In this paper, we claim toshow that the inductive step of the Collatz Conjecture is probabilistically true for large odd seeds. Further, in this paper I put forth a novel reformulation that, if true, would imply the truth of the Collatz Conjecture.
Category: Number Theory
[43508] viXra:2502.0091 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-13 07:51:39
Authors: Mark Brewer
Comments: 6 Pages.
In this paper I propose a novel, mathematically rigorous framework that postu-lates consciousness as a fundamental constituent of physical reality and establishes itsdirect coupling to a sector associated with non—human intelligence (NHI) technology.Drawing on advanced concepts from quantum field theory, operator algebras, and mod-ern metaphysics—including Russellian monism and integrated information theory—Iconstruct a composite Hilbert spaceH = HM ⊗ HC ⊗ HNHIwhere HM represents conventional matter fields, HC encodes the intrinsic qualitaTive states of consciousness via a self—adjoint operator Cˆ, and HNHI captures extra—dimensional or nonlocal degrees of freedom associated with NHI technology. I introduce an interaction Hamiltonian (with g a coupling constant determined empirically and {Nˆα} a rigorously defined family of operators on HNHI) to model "psionic modulation" of consciousness. I derive detailed predictions via time—dependent perturbation theory and Dyson series expansions,and I propose experimental protocols that combine ultra—low noise SQUID magnetometry, advanced quantum sensors, and rigorous Bayesian data analysis. My frameworkthus provides a unified, falsifiable account that bridges subjective phenomenology withobjective quantum dynamics.
Category: Mind Science
[43507] viXra:2502.0090 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-13 09:49:05
Authors: Andrej Liptaj
Comments: 17 Pages.
We dedicate this text to a study of a function with interesting properties: besides being, by construction, well suited for a certain type of approximations, the function happens to be lacunary, i.e. without analytic continuation outside the complex unit disk. It however satisfies a functional equation which can be (with some restriction) solved everywhere except the origin. Unfortunately, this solution cannot be understood asits natural continuation beyond the disk.
Category: Functions and Analysis
[43506] viXra:2502.0089 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-13 21:26:40
Authors: Ahcene Ait Saadi
Comments: 03 Pages.
In this paper I highlight the wonders of natural integers. I discovered pairs of integers which, by doing operations on them, I find relationships between the parts of these numbers. I put this work in the hands of young researchers for deepening, this in the interest of science and knowledge.
Category: Number Theory
[43505] viXra:2502.0088 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-13 21:25:36
Authors: Nir Platek
Comments: 19 Pages. Copyright © 2025 Nir Platek.
Emergent Time Theory (ETT) posits that time is not fundamental but emerges from the dynamics of a timeless quantum scalar field, Φ. Our framework develops a rigorous quantum field theory that makes specific, falsifiable predictions—a 10^-4-level deviation from Newtonian gravity at millimeter scales, atomic clock frequency shifts on the order of 10^-18, and Casimir force modifications at the 10^-5 level—that are accessible with current or near-future experiments. Recognizing that groundbreaking theories often blend mathematical precision with deep conceptual insights, we present ETT in two parts: a Core Theory addressing immediate experimental implications, and a Visionary Roadmap outlining speculative extensions—from cosmic bounces and black hole transitions to potential links with consciousness and unconventional information transfer. This structured approach clearly distinguishes established predictions from exploratory ideas, inviting further investigation into the nature of time, space, and physical reality.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology
[43504] viXra:2502.0087 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-13 21:21:57
Authors: Thomas Brouard
Comments: 4 Pages. Submitted to [journals]
Here I propose to confirm the Riemann hypothesis.
Category: Number Theory
[43503] viXra:2502.0085 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-13 19:29:07
Authors: Mark A.Thomas
Comments: 25 Pages.
Calculations of Scalars are constructed using an equation having exponential suppression going from a high gravitational potential in the flat space towards an extreme exponential low gravitational potential space. The calculation is viable through the use of a surprising identity enabling calculations of ordering of the scalar through near to non-linear curves. The use of the Monster group’s symmetry as an invariant is key. Another surprise is that the ordering of the Scalars is directly associated with the 194 x 194 character table of the Monster group and possibly connects the McKay-Thompson Series to physics of the natural world. If so this would have implications for the Standard Model, gravity and vacuum energies. As Codata values of NIST are considered to be standard, these are met in the paper except in regard to the gravitational constant G which is realigned to acceptable value (very close to Codata).
Category: High Energy Particle Physics
[43502] viXra:2502.0084 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-12 21:06:20
Authors: Robert Street
Comments: 5 Pages.
The Friedmann equations and the ΛCDM model describe the adiabatic expansion of the universe. The model explains the red-shift and decrease in total energy of the photons but the equations also require energy conservation according to the first law of thermodynamics, an apparent contradiction that has proved hard to understand. Further consideration of the thermodynamics of adiabatic expansion demonstrates how to reconcile the loss of energy of the photons with overall conservation of energy, and points to the source of dark matter.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology
[43501] viXra:2502.0083 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-12 21:03:00
Authors: Ahcene Ait Saadi
Comments: 09 Pages.
In this paper I solve Diophantine equations using the pseudo differential calculation of Ait Saadi. I solve Diophantine equations of the form: ax+by=c without using Euclid's algorithm. Finally I give the general method of solving the equations of the form ax+by+cz=d.
Category: Number Theory
[43500] viXra:2502.0082 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-12 10:21:05
Authors: Matthew Groom
Comments: 54 Pages.
In this paper you get the next stage of AI development.As the inventor and creator of the SIMPLE system, which you refer to as deep reinforcement learning and coded by DeepMind UK, I expand out my system to show you where the system comes in when creating a real AI, a life-form.I present a detailed roadmap for AI and discuss more of what needs to be done to create an AI.In theory by the time you finish this paper, added to my others, you will be able to create a real-AI, a thinking life-form.
Category: Artificial Intelligence
[43499] viXra:2502.0081 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-12 20:54:15
Authors: Masashi Ishihara
Comments: 5 Pages.
The Roman dodecahedron, an enigmatic artifact dating from the 2nd to 3rd centuries CE, has puzzled archaeologists and historians for centuries. Found primarily in the northern territories of the Roman Empire, it is characterized by twelve pentagonal faces, each featuring circular holes of varying diameters, and small spherical protrusions at its vertices. This paper explores its possible functions, focusing on the hypothesis that it was used as a time-measuring device, particularly in military contexts. Through an extensive review of archaeological evidence, metallurgical analysis, and experimental studies, we assess its potential role in Roman frontier logistics, military operations, and technological innovation.
Category: Archaeology
[43498] viXra:2502.0080 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-12 13:41:42
Authors: Scott Wilson
Comments: 3 Pages.
I review the inequality given by Bell [1], and provide an interpretation to avoid the use of non-local entanglement. It is argued that what appear to be separate properties within an individual particle (usually regarded as independent state variables) exist as entangled properties (entangled state variables) that are not physically meaningful on their own. For example, it is not physically meaningful to refer to spin in a certain direction, as the spins in different directions are entangled with each other, and there is no meaning to regarding spin about one particular axis as a state variable of the particle.
Category: Quantum Physics
[43497] viXra:2502.0079 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-12 15:22:13
Authors: M. W. Roberts
Comments: 21 Pages.
The design of Delphi 4A is changed due to the fact that two of its system requirements were inconsistent. The proposed Delphi 5 quantum optical system is capable of superluminal communication.
Category: Quantum Physics
[43496] viXra:2502.0078 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-12 20:49:58
Authors: José Manuel Gómez Vega
Comments: 19 Pages. Licence CC BY-NC
An algorithmic method is proposed to solve functional dependency relationships between functions. To do so, a simple theorem is stated and three examples are provided, including the solutionto demonstrate the effectiveness of the method.
Category: Functions and Analysis
[43495] viXra:2502.0077 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-12 20:46:44
Authors: Sergey V. Shevchenko, Vladimir V. Tokarevsky
Comments: 3 Pages.
In the paper dark matter particles detection problem is considered in framework of the Planck scale informational physical model. It is shown that the detection practically for sure is impossible.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology
[43494] viXra:2502.0076 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-11 03:30:33
Authors: Rajeev Kumar
Comments: 6 Pages.
In this paper an alternative explanation of the result of the Jones experiment with a rotating glass disk has been presented.
Category: Classical Physics
[43493] viXra:2502.0075 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-11 10:03:23
Authors: Najib Khachiaa
Comments: 20 Pages.
The aim of this work is to study continuous frame theory in quaternionic Hilbert spaces. We provide a characterization of continuous frames in these spaces through the associated operators. Additionally, we examine continuous frames of the form $LF:Omegaightarrow mathcal{H}$, where $(Omega,mu)$ is a measure space, $L:mathcal{H}ightarrow mathcal{H}$ is a right $mathbb{H}$-linear bounded operator and $F:Omegaightarrow mathcal{H}$ is a continuous frame for $mathcal{H}$.
Category: Functions and Analysis
[43492] viXra:2502.0074 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-11 10:18:19
Authors: Andreas Ball
Comments: 2 Pages.
The british Physicist Paul Dirac (1902 - 1984) founded the Large Number Hypothesis[1], which handles with strange relations using numbers in order of magnitude 1.0E40. Also the german Physicist, Mathematician and Philosopher Hermann Weyl (1885 - 1955) was occupied with relations of High Order Numbers. In this report an Equation is presented, which gives the Age of the Universe within its Tolerance Range in dependence on Physical Constants.
Category: Mathematical Physics
[43491] viXra:2502.0073 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-11 23:18:54
Authors: Anindya Kumar Biswas
Comments: 29 Pages.
We study the Dictionary of the Lushai Language(Lushai-English) by James Herbert Lorrain(Pu Buanga), brought out by The Asiatic Society, 3rd Reprint, 1990. We count one by one all the distinct Lushai head entries. We draw the natural logarithm of the number of the Lushai head entries, normalised, starting with a letter vs the natural logarithm of the rank of the letter, normalised/unnormalised. We conclude that the Lushai head entries underlie a magnetisation curve of a Spin-Glass in thepresence of little external magnetic field.
Category: Linguistics
[43490] viXra:2502.0072 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-11 23:18:14
Authors: I.Prūsis, P.Prūsis
Comments: 3 Pages.
In modern physics, each force has its own equation that shows the dependence of the force on the distance between the sources of force: Coulomb's law, Newton's law of gravity, Gilbert's law. The study shows that they can all be expressed with a single formula that includes the number of spatial dimensions. The new formula is valid for any space.
Category: Classical Physics
[43489] viXra:2502.0071 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-11 16:23:13
Authors: Pier Paolo Conti
Comments: 37 Pages.
Throughout history, humanity has sought to limit error in order to gain more precise insights and optimize its tools, be they physical or conceptual. This work explores the intricate relationship between geometry, mathematics, and the propagation of uncertainty, with particular attention to methods that either mitigate or avoid the amplification of uncertainty in mathematical, geometric, and applied contexts. The study begins by examining the foundational concepts underlying uncertainty in mathematical models, exploring how various geometric and topological structures can be leveraged to better understand and control the flow of uncertainty across different domains. A new number convention, the so-called empirical number, is introduced, enabling a more accessible assessment of uncertainty propagation. Particular focus is placed on those constructions that actively work to reduce uncertainty, offering insights into techniques that prevent the cascading effect of errors, a challenge often encountered in both theoretical and applied mathematics.Through the use of geometric principles, this work provides novel approaches to managing the inherent uncertainties in complex systems, ranging from simple algebraic problems to intricate applications. It highlights methods such as error propagation reduction, geometrically optimized models, and innovative adaptations to traditional methods that reduce computational or conceptual uncertainty. These techniques are of significant theoretical importance and are also crucial in practical applications, where precision and reliability are paramount, particularly in applied mathematics.By addressing both the philosophical and practical dimensions of uncertainty, this work paves the way for a refined understanding of the interaction between mathematical theory and real-world applications, offering tools to navigate complex, uncertain environments with greater confidence and precision. The exploration of these ideas provides new insights into the role of uncertainty in mathematical systems, particularly in those constructions that prioritize stability and error mitigation over mere approximation.The exposition begins with the definition of the empirical number, followed by the wide application of the Monte Carlo method to assess the functionality presented. It also recalls the theory of error propagation, addresses basic segment operations, and reexamines the Pythagorean theorem, which plays a crucial role in limiting error propagation. Further, the work discusses the applications of these ideas in calculus, specifically in the propagation of uncertainty through differentiation and integration.
Category: Geometry
[43488] viXra:2502.0070 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-11 16:27:05
Authors: Pier Paolo Conti
Comments: 115 Pages.
Delos and Adelos stands out not only for its captivating narrative but also for its ability to challenge the reader to reconsider their perceptions of reality. The intersection of mythology, philosophy, and mathematics creates a stimulating dialogue that invites reflection on profound existential questions, such as the loss of humanity's centrality in a cosmos dominated by Technology and the relationship between Truth and Time. Despite its complexities, this book offers a valuable opportunity for those wishing to explore the boundary between abstract thought and creative storytelling, serving as a bridge between analytical and existential philosophy. Its uniqueness lies in uniting seemingly distant fields, often in conflict, to provide an inspiring and thought-provoking reading experience. It is a recommended choice for those seeking a literary journey that transcends mere entertainment.The book begins as an exploration of the intertwined fates of Delos and Adelos, two mythical islands symbolizing light and darkness, certainty and uncertainty. Through the experiences of Ione, the protagonist, the story unfolds into a journey that transcends time. While Ione is an ancient wanderer, his reflections on Technology and Science, which dominate the postmodern world, make him a bridge between antiquity and modernity. In an age where humanity is often alienated by the very technical creations it was meant to control, Ione symbolizes the quest for balance between certain knowledge and the irreducible uncertainty that shrouds existence. His character reflects the condition of contemporary humanity, immersed in a fragmented reality dominated by existential anxieties tied to Technology and its power, yet also capable of grasping the necessity of a path without a definitive goal, where common sense and knowledge intertwine and relate.Through a blend of mythology, philosophy, and mathematics, the narrative delves into the profound meanings of these concepts and their relevance to human experience, addressing topics such as empirical numbers, the propagation of errors in a new light, and the Pythagorean Theorem, deconstructed and reconstructed with fresh perspectives. Ione’s reflections touch on philosophical aspects like the myopia and presbyopia of the human mind, the constant search for principles of maximum and minimum in one’s decisions and actions, and the pursuit of God through mathematics.The exposition combines a mythological-philosophical episodic narrative with a mathematical discussion characterized by explanations that are less constrained by logical formalism or rigorous mathematical notation, making them more accessible and conceptually oriented. While it is possible to skip, partially or entirely, the mathematical sections if perceived as too challenging, it is strongly recommended to follow the episodic narrative, which plays a central role in the overall framework.Throughout the narrative, the work also explores Heideggerian concepts of da-sein and mit-sein, the search for the meaning of time, and how contemporary humanity engages with Truth and with a mathematical reality that compels us to redefine our relationship with the cosmos. Within this context, Euclidean and Riemannian spaces and the new Calculus open up fascinating new scenarios.This exposition will not provide formal mathematical proofs. Such developments, which require specific technical expertise, are left to those who wish to delve deeper. The author’s intent is to focus on conceptual aspects, making the themes accessible without delving into the rigorous formalities of calculation, while acknowledging the many directions for investigation that arise in both theoretical and empirical dimensions.The essence of the narrative is binomial, reflecting the reality represented by the union of Delos and Adelos, the chapters alternate between a philosophical discussion and a mathematical one. This binomial nature is not a simple dichotomy but a cosmic dance of complementary forces. Just as musical harmony arises from the interplay of different notes, reality emerges from the union of Delos and Adelos. Phronesis (Φρόνησις, practical wisdom) does not lie in choosing between Delos and Adelos but in recognizing their inseparability. Like a weaver intertwining threads of various colours to create a tapestry, we must learn to integrate these seemingly opposing forces to perceive the true nature of reality.In particular, the construction of empirical numbers will lead us to a reinterpretation of the Pythagorean Theorem, contrasting the classical view of random variables and probability theory. Here, the focus shifts from the general to the particular, opening new avenues of ontological inquiry in a more immediate reality.The approach of empirical numbers introduces a new perspective on uncertainty, considering it as an intrinsic property rather than an external factor. This represents a significant shift in the foundational conception. The aim is not to construct a new paradigm but to expand the existing one, approaching chance from a new perspective—perhaps more symbolic and, therefore, closer to human thought. This methodological shift, focusing on the local propagation of uncertainty rather than the global distribution of probability, brings changes to techniques of analysis and modelling.The philosophical implications of this vision of chance as an ontological necessity rather than mere statistical contingency are profound, influencing how we interpret reality and randomness. This treatment also gives chance a new conceptual status, transcending its traditional role as a tool for statistical and probabilistic investigation.As a final note to this introduction, I wish to emphasize that the book draws inspiration from the roots of Greek thought, a deliberately classical imprint that celebrates the epistemological depth of Western philosophy. Through mythological and philosophical narration, the text explores the connections between clarity and knowledge (Delos) and uncertainty and mystery (Adelos), reflecting the rational and analytical approach that has characterized Western tradition since antiquity.While recognizing the value of Eastern philosophical traditions, such as Advaita Vedanta, which strive to overcome duality and embrace absolute unity, the perspective adopted here underscores a different vision. In contrast to the negation of the distinction between the Self and the external world, this work celebrates the tension between opposites, between Delos and Adelos, as a fundamental condition of human experience.Greek thought, with its focus on critical analysis and understanding the world through reason, emerges as a beacon of balance and wisdom, guiding the path toward more comprehensive and structured knowledge. In this sense, the Western approach reaffirms the importance of a mindset that integrates uncertainty without abandoning logic and reason, celebrating the plurality of forces that shape our existence.
Category: General Science and Philosophy
[43487] viXra:2502.0069 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-11 18:31:22
Authors: Elton Song-Zhe Mah, Zi-Jing Chiah
Comments: 11 Pages.
This study investigates the oscillatory motion of a rocking solid semi-cylinder to determine whether it exhibits simple harmonic motion (SHM) and to characterize its damping behavior. Using a theoretical framework derived from classical mechanics, the experiment aims to verify the independence of the oscillation period from amplitude, compare experimental and theoretical natural frequencies, analyze the sinusoidal nature of angular displacement over time, and quantify the system’s damping coefficient. The experimental setup involved tracking the motion of a semi-cylinder displaced by small angles using video analysis and computational tools. The results confirm that the oscillation closely follows SHM principles, with a nearly constant period and frequency. The damping coefficient, relaxation time, and quality factor (Q-value) were also determined, indicating that the system exhibits underdamped oscillatory motion. These findings contribute to a deeper understanding of the dynamics of rocking semi-cylinders and their practical applications in mechanical and engineering systems.
Category: Classical Physics
[43486] viXra:2502.0068 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-11 18:56:39
Authors: Elton Song-Zhe Mah
Comments: 8 Pages.
Actinium-225 (Ac-225) is a synthetic isotope of actinium with significant applications innuclear medicine, particularly in targeted alpha therapy (TAT) for cancer treatment. Ac-225,with a half-life of 10 days, undergoes a decay sequence that emits highly energetic alphaparticles, making it effective for selectively destroying cancer cells while minimizing damageto surrounding healthy tissue. This paper examines the nature, production, and decay pathwaysof Ac-225, including its role in the 4n+1 neptunium decay series and artificial productionthrough high-energy proton spallation of thorium-232. Furthermore, it explores Ac-225’sbinding energy, decay characteristics, and the advantages of its daughter isotope, bismuth-213,in therapeutic applications. The use of radionuclide generators for Ac-225 production and itsintegration into radiopharmaceuticals is also discussed. Given its cytotoxic potential andability to selectively target tumors, Ac-225 represents a major breakthrough in nuclearmedicine, providing an effective alternative to traditional cancer treatments.
Category: Nuclear and Atomic Physics
[43485] viXra:2502.0067 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-11 23:08:17
Authors: Mario Prebježić
Comments: 4 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: AI assisted article is in general not acceptable)
We derive quantum corrections to the temporal potential ^ within an effective field theory (EFT) framework and analyze their observational implications using neutron star data. By incorporating one-loop corrections to the metric component , we compute modifications to the gravitational redshift and perform a Bayesian analysis of NICER and XMM-Newton observations of PSR J0740+6620. Our results show that quantum corrections remain negligible (^∼10−38) under EFT assumptions, but systematic discrepancies in observed redshifts suggest the need for beyond-EFT physics. This study provides a methodology for future high-precision tests of quantum gravity effects using next-generation space telescopes.
Category: High Energy Particle Physics
[43484] viXra:2502.0066 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-11 23:11:27
Authors: Suryansh Singh Shekhawat
Comments: 5 Pages.
In the decimal number system we can find some interesting products, such as 12 = 3 · 4. What is interesting about these products is that if you remove the symbols, the digits form a sequence 1, 2, 3, 4. Another example is 56 = 7 · 8, where the sequence is 5, 6, 7, 8. The objective of this paper is to prove that, within the constraints of the decimal number system, these are the only two cases in which this happens. In this paper we also consider a general case which considers subsequences of mod 10, i.e., 0123456789012345..
Category: Number Theory
[43483] viXra:2502.0065 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-11 23:09:41
Authors: Suryansh S. Shekhawat
Comments: 14 Pages.
his paper considers prime numbers as a sequence that can be described by arithmetic progressions missing on a few terms. This tool (cancelling sequences) can be used to generalise the sieves of Eratosthenes, Sundaram, etc, and resolve them into generating formulae with a few unknowns.
Category: Number Theory
[43482] viXra:2502.0064 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-10 21:04:50
Authors: Samuel Bonaya Buya
Comments: 9 Pages.
In this research a formulation of the approximate sum of primes is presented. With it is also presented the mean of primes. The formulations are used to confirm the validity of the Binary Goldbach conjecture through establishing the intervalcontaining Goldbach partition primes of a set of even numbers. Finally the paper seeks to get a better prime counting function than li (x).
Category: Number Theory
[43481] viXra:2502.0063 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-10 16:55:29
Authors: Arvin Sharma
Comments: 2 Pages.
We derive the electric dipole model of cloud condensate in order to demonstrate the Lorentz force exerted on cloud condensate in the presence of the applied electromagnetic field.
Category: Classical Physics
[43480] viXra:2502.0062 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-10 20:50:21
Authors: T. G. Panindra
Comments: 10 Pages.
This paper presents an interdisciplinary framework that reinterprets the ancient Indic concepts of sphoṭa, apoha, and śabda advaita in light of modern reaction—diffusion dynamics, neural heterogeneities, and probabilistic inference. Drawing upon seminal works such as Bhartrhari’s Vākyapadīya, Panini’s linguistic theories, and Buddhist Apoha, as well as Western philosophical and computational foundations from Wittgenstein and Turing, we propose a novel reaction—diffusion embedding (RD Sphoṭa model) for transformer-based language models.Our model incorporates a learnable diffusion process that mimics the "bursting forth" of meaning and the holistic emergence of linguistic content, akin to human cognition. A detailed mathematical framework is provided, including reaction—diffusion PDE approximations and probabilistic cue integration, inspired by category adjustment models in perception science. We compare our RD Sphoṭa model against a standard GPT-2 baseline, conducting extensive prompt engineering, ablation studies, and qualitative/quantitative analyses. Experimental results indicate that our approach yields competitive perplexity and text generation quality, suggesting new avenues for developing human-like language systems that bridge the gap between symbolic reasoning and neural computation.
Category: Artificial Intelligence
[43479] viXra:2502.0061 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-09 03:01:14
Authors: David Woods
Comments: This submission includes a 4-page paper, 4 pages of calculations, and a 1-page diagram illustrating magnetic force interactions.
Feynman’s diagrams suggest that photons can temporarily transform into a pair of charged particles, specifically an electron and a positron. This paper explores the possibility that a photon can be modeled as a rotating dipole composed of these opposite charges. The dipole radius is calculated by balancing the electrostatic attraction with centripetal acceleration. Initial calculations, assuming only electrostatic forces, yielded values for Planck’s constant that were close to the known value of 6.626 × 10u207b³u2074, with slight variations between 10u207b³² and 10u207b³u2076. These small deviations suggested the need for additional force contributions. By identifying an equilibrium frequency within the electromagnetic spectrum and incorporating magnetic interactions, the model fully reconciles with Planck’s constant across all frequencies.A full mathematical derivation supporting these conclusions is provided in the Appendix.Polarization states may bear relation to the direction of motion in relation to rotation and the model may suggest that photon-photon interactions contribute to diffraction. Further experimental correlations will be explored in future work, and a forthcoming paper will further justify the inclusion of magnetic forces and perhaps self-propelling effects due to the rotating motion of the charges.
Category: Quantum Physics
[43478] viXra:2502.0060 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-09 20:08:55
Authors: Sergio de Azevedo Melo
Comments: 27 Pages. In Portuguese
Geodesics of a metric tensor describes the motion of a test particle in the gravitational field of a central mass by a second-order differential equation. A resolution gives the trajectory the shortest distance, demonstrated by variational principles, and carries out parallel transport of the velocity tensor, according to the covariant derivative. The characterization by geometric principles makes the kinematic effect resolvable, but untangling the dynamic cause in Christoffel's symbol remains intricate. The canonical representation of the equation in its geometric purpose introduces terms that disturb mechanical understanding. Geodesics also appears in the derivative of the Lorentz invariant, which conditions parallel transport to the conservation of the invariant velocity modulus. The vectorial elaboration of this equation involving geodesics reduces the tensor system to a closed scalar sentence. The correspondence between terms can be inferred from the reciprocity between space and time in the metric tensor by the variational pattern.Considering the covariance isometry property, we establish equivalences between the terms of the geodetic equation and expose the dynamics of geodetic acceleration in a concise equation.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology
[43477] viXra:2502.0059 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-09 10:45:28
Authors: Taha Sochi
Comments: 21 Pages.
In this paper we continue our previous investigation about energy minimization in the flow of fluids through tubes and networks of interconnected tubes of various geometries. We will show that the principle of energy minimization holds independent of the geometry of the tubes and networks of such interconnected tubes and independent of the type of fluid in such geometries where in this regard we consider generalized Newtonian fluids. We consider in this investigation the flow of Newtonian fluids through tubes and networks of interconnected tubes of elliptical, rectangular, equilateral triangular and concentric circular annular cross sectional geometries. We also consider a combination of geometric factor with a fluid type factor by showing that the principle of energy minimization holds in the flow of some non-Newtonian fluids (namely power law, Ellis and Ree-Eyring fluids) through tubes and networks of interconnected tubes of elliptical cross sections. The relevance of this study extends beyond tubes and networks of fluid flow to include for instance porous media and electrical networks.
Category: Thermodynamics and Energy
[43476] viXra:2502.0058 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-09 20:24:28
Authors: William Manuel
Comments: 14 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Please cite and list scientific references)
This paper explores how the Landauer Limit at Hawking Temperature input builds a bridge between quantum mechanics and General Relativity. By starting with the energy cost of measurement in constrained degrees of freedom, we uncover insights into gravitational energy and black hole thermodynamics. As the framework develops, it reveals connections to larger questions in physics, including the emergence of dark energy and the role of entropy in cosmic evolution. This step-by-step approach is built on known principles to suggest a unified perspective.
Category: Quantum Gravity and String Theory
[43475] viXra:2502.0057 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-08 21:57:37
Authors: Xiaochun Mei, Ping Yu
Comments: 22 Pages.
According to classical electromagnetic theory, the accelerated motion of charged particles produces electromagnetic radiation, but this is not always the case. Experiments have shown that electrons colliding with nuclei produce bremsstrahring radiation when they are decelerated, but electrons do not radiate when they are accelerated in a uniform electric field. In synchrocyclotron, electrons radiate, but in Lawrence’s Cyclotrons and induction accelerator and linear accelerators, electrons do not radiate (Blewett experiment). In this paper, the motion of charged particles in the electromagnetic field are analyzed by considering the mass-velocity formula of special relativity. It is pointed out that the accelerating motion of electrons in uniform magnetic field and strict electric field are stable, so they need not to radiate. In this way, the stability of atoms can be explained. But if the magnetic field is not uniform, or there is some kind of disturbing force, the speeds of electrons may become imaginary or faster-than-light, making the motion impossible. In this case, electrons had to radiate to change their state, making the motion possible. Therefore, acceleration is not the essential cause of radiation of charged particles, but the instability of motion is the real cause of radiation. It is proved that it is possible to eliminate the radiation of particles as long as the interference factors are eliminated so that the motion of charged particle is stable in synchrocyclotron. A simple design scheme is proposed by adding parallel current lines in the particle beam pipe of accelerator to eliminate the transverse oscillation of charge particles, to construct a new synchrocyclotron with high energy and low radiation or even no radiation.
Category: High Energy Particle Physics
[43474] viXra:2502.0056 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-08 21:53:01
Authors: Laurent Nedelec
Comments: 37 Pages.
After introducing definitions related to the Collatz problem (Part 1), the concept of "verified integers" and several organizational rules around this concept are presented (Part 2). A unique logical tool, the axis of verified integers, is highlighted (Part 3). In Part 4 , it is proven that all bounded trajectories without non-trivial cycles are verified. These elements allow the development of a systematic approach to solving the Collatz problem with the help of inverse graphs (Part 5). The issue of non-trivial cycles and divergent trajectories is then explored (Parts 6 and 7). Ultimately, we arrive at two contradictory propositions :1) Either all integers satisfy the Collatz conjecture, or2) An infinite number of integers do not satisfy it. This eliminates the possibility that only a small number of integers fail to satisfy the conjecture, while the rest do. The conclusion of this study leans toward the first solution : all integers satisfy the Collatz conjecture.This text, written in English, is a translation of the original French text published five months ago on Vixra (Vixra 2410.0063) under the title "New tools to verify the Collatz conjecture". During the translation process, Parts 5, 6 and 7 were extensively revised, resulting in a new text that differs from the initial French version.
Category: Number Theory
[43473] viXra:2502.0055 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-08 21:50:00
Authors: Akash Singh, Ashwin Ittoo, Pierre Ars, Francois Dehouck, Francois Collienne, Norman Marlie, Tom To Hoang, Nicolas Dumazy
Comments: 21 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Authors' names should be listed right after the title)
This white paper explores how uncertainty tools can be used to improve personalized customer service. Uncertainty is inherent in any machine learning predictive model. There are no perfect models, partly due to the curse of imensionality and the challenges of avoiding any biases and misclassifications. We aim to demonstrate how an insurance company can benefit from the uncertainty of machine learning predictions in order to develop methods that allow for the allocation of an uncertainty parameter to the predictions provided for a given profile/customer x. The benefits of scrutinizing uncertainty are numerous and often aligned with customer interests: 1. It can help to appreciate the weak points of a predictive model and thus improve them. 2. It enables the definition of the Next Best Action (NBA) with a full understanding of the facts. 3. It facilitates the analysis of marketing actions' results by providing a deeper appreciation of the heterogeneity within portfolios. This white paper, therefore, delves into the benefits of understanding uncertainty, its applications, and practical considerations for end customers.All illustrations and results presented in this paper are derived from an internal Ethias dataset. We will also explore how the uncertainty measures discussed in this paper (Epistemic vs Aleatoric, Conformal) can be useful in managing the uncertainty of Large language models (LLMs) and their propensity to hallucinate.
Category: Artificial Intelligence
[43472] viXra:2502.0054 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-08 21:45:32
Authors: Liao Teng
Comments: 66 Pages.
In order to strictly prove the hypotheses and conjectures in Riemann's 1859 paper "The Number of prime Numbers not greater than x" from a purely mathematical point of view, and to strictly prove the generalized hypotheses and conjectures, this paper studies the relationship between symmetric and conjugate zeros of Riemann ζ(s) function and Riemann ξ(t) function by using Euler's formula,it is found that the symmetry and conjugation of the nontrivial zeros of the Riemann ζ(s) function are consistent, and the zeros of the Riemann ξ(t) function are symmetric and non-conjugated, it is proved that the zeros of the Riemann ξ(t) function must be all real numbers,the Riemann hypothesis and the Riemann conjecture are completely correct.
Category: Number Theory
[43471] viXra:2502.0053 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-08 12:51:27
Authors: Zheng-Hua Zhang
Comments: 8 Pages.
Objective: To discuss the psychological pathogenic factors for and pathological mechanisms of depression and mania. Methods: Case analysis, simulated experience, and theoretical idea. Result or Conclusion: The psychological pathogenic factors for depression and mania are all of an emotional breakage between a person and the interpersonal world, which is caused by an individual separating him/herself emotionally from the interpersonal world. There are many causes of the occurrence of such a situation, yet the person still yearns to integrate emotionally into the interpersonal world. The continuance of this psychological conflict will make a person’s psychological energy drained, and cause him/her to emotionally forgo the interpersonal world at last. Thereafter, depression will occur if his/her interest and psychological energy are directed towards the self; and mania will occur if towards the image associated with wish, desire, sentiment and emotion.
Category: Social Science
[43470] viXra:2502.0052 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-08 21:26:54
Authors: Silvano Mattioli
Comments: 2 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Please cite and list scientific references)
In this paper we want to demonstrate the inconsistency of the ZFC axioms as expressed. Starting from the definition of "non-computable number" and using the mapping of the Peano curve we arrive at the absurdity of generating a non-computable number starting from an algorithm.This conclusion is evidently in contrast with the definition of a non-computable number and therefore creates the paradox that causes the castle of ZFC axioms to collapse.
Category: Number Theory
[43469] viXra:2502.0051 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-08 21:21:47
Authors: Vladislav Mirkin
Comments: 16 Pages.
The contradiction between the provisions of the general and special theories of relativity and the spectral characteristics of radiation from distant galaxies has been identified and explained within the framework of the unipolar ether paradigm. It has been established that space within atoms has nonlinear properties caused by fluctuations in the density of the ethereal medium.
Выявлено и объяснено в рамках парадигмы униполярного эфира противоречие между положениями общей и специальной теорий относительности и спектральными характеристиками излучений отдаленных галактик. Установлено, что пространство в пределах атомов обладает нелинейными свойствами, обусловленными колебаниями плотности эфирной среды.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology
[43468] viXra:2502.0050 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-08 21:20:45
Authors: Bertrand Wong
Comments: 11 Pages.
A theory of everything (TOE), or, grand unified theory (which Einstein had been working on without success, with Superstring Theory now being a good candidate), is one which unites all the forces of nature, namely, gravity, electromagnetism, the strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force. Important as this theory might be, it is lacking in one important fundamental aspect, namely, the role of consciousness, which could in fact be considered the most fundamental aspect of physics, for example its apparently significant role and impact in quantum theory which would be explained in this paper. This paper also raises important points pertaining to the theory of everything. It explains that a theory of consciousness is more important than a theory of everything or grand unified theory and should be the theory of everything instead, or, at least, a part of the theory of everything. Consciousness is essential for information-processing, for example, deducing the laws of physics from natural phenomena; without the physicist and his intelligent consciousness for deducing the laws of physics there would not be physics. As consciousness is so important, it is no surprise that physicists are now studying consciousness to unravel the mysteries of the universe which might be in some sense a Great Mind or large organism with will and consciousness. The paper also delves into the behavior of quantum particles, for example, quantum entanglement which has utility in quantum computing but remains a great mystery, describing their apparent relationship with consciousness which has been the model for artificial intelligence (AI) that has become very powerful and a threat to society itself. This paper is the sequel to the paper "The Ultimate Law of Nature" which was published in Physics Essays in 2009.
Category: Quantum Physics
[43467] viXra:2502.0049 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-08 21:42:32
Authors: Tim Xia
Comments: 11 Pages.
We summarize major historical currents in the study of signals, and offer an alternative perspective that is centered around the meaning of signals, a topic left unanswered by Shannon since the 1948. Despite the seeming variety of number systems, we suspect that the geometry often found in the eigen-spectrum of numerical signal system is independent of the local dynamics and exists rather out there. The implication then is that same geometry can be implemented by different numerical representations, this is well-known through the principle of computational equivalence. A less obvious implication is whether differentgeometry could underlie the same numerical pattern. We discuss examples in which this discrepancy of underlying geometry could come in to curious effect. And we provide a mathematical description of ectropic process wherein somehidden algebra could come into effect in the creation of efficacy and mathematical probability.
Category: Artificial Intelligence
[43466] viXra:2502.0048 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-07 02:43:35
Authors: Daniel Brox
Comments: 37 Pages. article under review of Mexican Journal of Technology and Engineering
Copper Mountain Mine tailings dam slope stability research based on recommendationsof the 2021 Tetra Tech Dam Safety Review, including computation of tailings dam factors of safety, satellite imagery, steady state and transient seepage analyses, assessment of internal erosion risk, and flow liquefaction hazard analysis. Dam topographic information provided by foundationinvestigation and annual dam safety inspection reports is used to specify 3D dam models andcompute dam factors of safety that satisfy normal operating requirement but are in possibleviolation of post-seismic requirement.
Category: Geophysics
[43465] viXra:2502.0047 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-07 07:26:20
Authors: Linyi Wu
Comments: 26 Pages.
This paper presents a fundamental revision of the theoretical framework of special relativity by abandoning both the Lorentz transformations and the concept of time dilation. By critically analyzing symmetry issues in relativistic effects, this study argues that time is a universally invariant quantity, remaining unaffected by the relative motion between reference frames. By re-evaluating the core principles of relativity, the study rederives the mass-energy equivalence formula without invoking time dilation or Lorentz transformations. This novel approach resolves long-standing paradoxes in relativity, such as the twin paradox, and opens new possibilities for theoretical and experimental research in fundamental physics.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology
[43464] viXra:2502.0045 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-07 11:55:31
Authors: Daniel Thomas Hayes
Comments: 4 Pages.
The Navier—Stokes equations are a set of nonlinear partial differential equationsused to describe viscous incompressible fluid flow. It has been on the list of theClay Mathematics Institute’s millennium prize problems to decide whether or notphysically reasonable solutions to the Navier—Stokes equations do in general exist.In this paper, the problem on the existence and smoothness of the Navier—Stokesequations is solved. It is proven that the Navier—Stokes equations are globallyregular.
Category: Functions and Analysis
[43463] viXra:2502.0044 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-07 20:16:08
Authors: Masataka Ohta
Comments: 6 Pages.
Errors on computations depend on their arguments and are, in general, different arguments by arguments. As linear superposition for quantum parallelism keeps the errors different, QEC (Quantum Error Correction) for N quantum parallel computations must correct N different errors, which requires O(N) correction information, which makes hardware complexity of QEC circuit O(N), which is no better than classical N parallel computations. Shor overlooked a fact that an initial environment state around a qubit is output from a QEC encoder and is entangled with all the qubits used to compute the qubit, which makes the errors depend on the qubits.
Category: Data Structures and Algorithms
[43462] viXra:2502.0043 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-07 13:02:54
Authors: Sanjeev Saxena
Comments: 4 Pages.
There are several notions of duality between lines and points. This note shows that all these can be studied in a unified way. Most interesting properties are independent of specific choices.It is also shown that dual mapping can be its own inverse or preserve relative order (but not both).
Category: Data Structures and Algorithms
[43461] viXra:2502.0042 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-07 20:09:41
Authors: Zhengxi Wang
Comments: 11 Pages.
The entire universe is a rotating disk, similar to the Milky Way, with a "galactic disk," a "core," and "spiral arms." The observable universe rotates around the center of the universe and play centrifugal motion, galaxies move away from each other and spread outward and around the periphery. With the Earth as a reference point, galaxies are in recession, and the recession velocity is proportional to their distance from the Earth. The recession velocities of galaxies differ in different directions, the velocities in the horizontal are greater than those in the longitudinal directions, the longitudinal directions are greater than those in the vertical direction. The universe has a zone for the development and growth of stars and galaxies, where stars and galaxies reach maturity. The continuous energy eruptions provide abundant materials for the rapid growth of stars. During this period, they revolve around the center in circular motions or in low-speed centrifugal motions. Galaxies are not moving away from each other, or are moving away from each other at a low speed. Mature galaxies had already come into existence before they accelerated to the Hubble velocity. The universe diffusion outward, the direction point to Ophiuchus, Scutum, Sagittarius and so on. According to the derivation based on the energy density formula, we are 10^27 meters away from the center of the universe. Additionally, the observable universe might be elliptical in shape.
Category: Mathematical Physics
[43460] viXra:2502.0041 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-06 21:54:52
Authors: Morteza Mahvelati
Comments: 34 Pages.
This paper presents a novel concept entitled as Absolute Energy, which defines energy as a quantified value of a system independent from the observer. Absolute Energy is defined as the total kinetic energy of all bodies within a system which would be required to bring the system to rest at a specific reference point and time, without transformation of kinetic energy into other forms or other forms into kinetic energy. This work extends the concepts of centrial motion and angular motion to present a unified understanding and quantification of energy in systems. This approach intends to resolve the concepts in classical and contemporary mechanics, addressing their shortcomings and limitations. Classical and contemporary physics often define energy relative to an observer's frame of reference when analyzing isolated or multi-body systems, resulting in inconsistencies and ambiguities in establishing energy quantification. Absolute Energy is linked to the relative motions and momentums of the system’s components. In this paper, analysis of various scenarios, including two-body and multi-body systems using this new framework yields derivations for total energy quantifications. This, then, illustrates the credibility and robustness of the concept by detailing the interplay of linear and angular motions.These findings demonstrate that Absolute Energy solves for derivations that are not often provided for in traditional classical definitions. Such findings can be seen to have new application to astrophysics, thermodynamics and classical mechanics, and are therefore challenging the foundations of classical and contemporary mechanics. As a result, this work is a beginning toward further research into energy properties of isolates systems and the universe as a whole.
Category: Classical Physics
[43459] viXra:2502.0040 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-06 21:54:08
Authors: Sergey Y. Kotkovsky
Comments: 30 Pages. In Russian
Based on the developed chiral algebra of biquaternions, a new representation of the Dirac equation is obtained. Our formulation of this fundamental equation combines in a certain way the forward and reverse 4-gradient operators acting on the right and left chiral components of the particle wave function, as well as the cyclic transformation operator acting on the entire particle wave function. The obtained representation makes it possible to see in the Dirac equation the relationship between linear and cyclic times. The chiral algebra used in this approach provides new methods for studying relativistic spin physics. An analog of the Lorentz transformation, a new rotation transformation is derived, that creates the proper rotation of a massive particle. It is shown that the cyclic transformation included in our representation of the Dirac equation is expressed via complex-valued Hadamard matrix, which indicates the connection of the Dirac equation with known algorithms of noise-resistant information transmission.
На основе разработанной киральной алгебры бикватернионов получено новое представление уравнения Дирака. Наша формулировка этого фундаментального уравнения определённым образом сочетает в себе прямой и обратный операторы 4-градиентов, действующие на правую и левую киральные составляющие волновой функции частицы, а также оператор циклического преобразования, действующий на всю волновую функцию частицы. Полученное представление позволяет увидеть в уравнении Дирака связь линейного и циклического времён, а используемая при этом киральная алгебра даёт новые методы для исследования релятивистской физики спина. Выведено преобразование вращения — аналог преобразования Лоренца, который создаёт собственное вращение массивной частицы. Показано, что циклическое преобразование, входящее в полученное представление уравнения Дирака, в декартовом базисе выражается с помощью комплекснозначной матрицы Адамара, что указывает на связь уравнения Дирака с известными алгоритмами помехоустойчивой передачи информации.
Category: Quantum Physics
[43458] viXra:2502.0039 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-06 21:52:46
Authors: Andrei Keino
Comments: 5 Pages.
The article introduces simple and effective algorithm for constant state detection in time series. The algorithm, based on sliding window of variable length, searches a sections of time series with some given minimal length, that have all the values in some given range. It is shown that the computational complexity of aforementioned algorithm is O(N log N), where N is the length of time series.
Category: Data Structures and Algorithms
[43457] viXra:2502.0038 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-06 03:59:08
Authors: Ichiro Nakayama
Comments: 5 Pages.
The large-scale structure of the universe is characterized by filaments, which are thread-like structures made up of galaxies and galaxy clusters, and voids, which are vast cavities in which almost no galaxies exist. This structure is said to resemble the nerves in the brain or a mass of bubbles. It is speculated that the principle of its formation is related to dark matter, and research is ongoing. (Fig1.)This large-scale structure of the universe is speculated to be formed by the following two simple principles.①. Stars and galaxies do not approach each other (do not fall), because gravity does not work even though gravity exists.②. Dark energy is involved in the approach of distant stars and galaxies.
Category: Astrophysics
[43456] viXra:2502.0037 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-06 22:13:54
Authors: Samvel Srapioni Poghosyan
Comments: 192 Pages.
Samvel Poghosyanu201fs book "My Narekatsi" is devoted to mystery of the tenth-century genius poet and philosopher Grigor Narekatsiu201fs trial and his philosophical teaching.
Category: Religion and Spiritualism
[43455] viXra:2502.0036 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-06 22:13:14
Authors: Samvel Srapioni Poghosyan
Comments: 4 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: A labeled abstract in the article is required)
The article presents a new hypothesis that the theory of Gamow’s "Fireball’’ does not refer to our universe or the Metagalaxy, it refers to the main structural unit (component) of the Metagalaxy - superclusters of galaxies.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology
[43454] viXra:2502.0035 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-06 22:11:26
Authors: Samvel Srapioni Poghosyan
Comments: 335 Pages.
In Chapter 1 the author sets forth his philosophical concept of matter, where he justifies the existence of two opposite forms (sides) of matter: positive and negative pra-matters. Chapter 2 recounts the physical theory of matter: the physical essence and nature of matter, as well as the types of fundamental components of non-free physical systems is explained. In Chapter 3 Samvel Pogosyan represents his approaches to the solution of Einstein’s Great Dream. He uncovers the physical nature of inertia, ideally flat space, its structure and regularities of its formation, as well as physical consequences. The basics of GchԱ - physical theory are developed. It is a general physical theory that describes free and non-free local (finite) physical systems and their types. A new cosmic model is created, within the framework of which the physical nature and micro-structure of Dark energy, as well as the direct physical reason of accelerated expansion of the Universe is brought to light. It is to be mentioned that many observable phenomena, which do not go into the frames of ΛСDМ — cosmic model, receive natural explanation within the GchԱ-cosmic model. Chapter 4 is devoted to Armons — fundamental components of the Metauniverse, to these peculiar "pumps", thanks to which the eternal circulation of matter takes place, providing the eternal existence of the Metauniverse. Here the author continues the development of Cosmology, setting forth his views on the structure of our Universe, evolution of Primary black holes, the Universe, D bodies, etc.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology
[43453] viXra:2502.0034 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-06 21:45:10
Authors: Hyunho Shin
Comments: 12 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: The list scientific references should be cited in the article)
Current nuclear fusion research faces immense engineering and economic challenges, primarily relying on complex plasma confinement methods such as tokamaks and laser-induced inertial confinement. These approaches demand extreme conditions and significant infrastructure investments, delaying commercialization. This paper proposes an alternative fusion method utilizing sonofusion (bubble fusion), where microbubbles collapse under ultrasonic and microwave stimulation to generate localized extreme conditions.A novel approach is introduced by employing liquid hydrogen confined within a high-pressure capsule, accompanied by a lithium catalyst. The system is designed to leverage cavitation-induced fusion through external ultrasonic, microwave, and magnetic field stimuli. The energy produced is transferred to an external water tank, where conventional steam turbine cycles can harvest it. This proposed method is estimated to cost only 1/100th of existing fusion facilities, offering a more accessible and scalable experimental pathway to fusion energy.Accompanying this research are various schematics and diagrams that provide a detailed visualization of the proposed system architecture, reaction chamber, and energy recovery mechanisms. These visual aids ensure clarity in the theoretical underpinnings and technical feasibility of the approach.
Category: Nuclear and Atomic Physics
[43452] viXra:2502.0033 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-06 10:09:13
Authors: SeongJoo Han
Comments: 16 Pages.
The Collatz's Conjecture is still unsolved as ancestors said that it is impossible. However, we found why "Eternal Loop" can't exist in Multi-Dimensional space, and why any number can't diverge. And "Collatz Tree" includes most things in the world as indexed. It seems like a sleeping lion.
Category: Number Theory
[43451] viXra:2502.0032 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-06 18:07:35
Authors: Miquel Piñol
Comments: 6 Pages.
In this article, we examine the case of a body following a nongeodesic centripetal trajectory in the Schwarzschild metric while maintaining a constant fraction of the speed of light. At any moment, light signals can be sent to the body and recovered after reflecting off its surface. Nevertheless, in its own comoving reference frame, the body would require only a finite amount of proper time to reach the Schwarzschild radius. This raises a paradox: the ability to send and recover signals implies that the body remains outside the event horizon, contradicting the usual interpretation of gravitational collapse based on finite proper time. As the body follows a nongeodesic trajectory, we compute the four-force necessary to sustain its motion.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology
[43450] viXra:2502.0031 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-06 21:33:52
Authors: Sardar Dilbag Singh Khalsa
Comments: 28 Pages.
Interpreting spacetime as a 4-dimensional manifold, an entity that locally resembles $mathbb{R}^4$ but may possess global geometric or topological characteristics, leads to asymmetry when time is treated differently from space. We propose a manifold having three spatial dimensions $mathbb{R}^3$ and time as three spacelike imaginary construct where every spatial dimension associated as $t = itau quad text{with} quad tau in mathbb{R}$ treated as an imaginary space $iotamathbb{R}$. It preserves the Minkowski interval $Delta s^2$ without explicit time requirement for lorentz boost along (x). Conventionally, time is treated as an entity passing from one time $t_1 text{ to } t_2$, and all the objects observed at a single instance are called $t_{now}$. Contrary to this, objects that are in two distinct times called $t_{now}^{1}$ and $t_{now}^{2}$ can exist simultaneously! We can explain this perspective of reality by viewing time as an imaginary space within the 6-dimensional Space-Imaginary Space manifold. We will raise the conjecture that the 6-dimensional volume ( for simplicity, we take it for the cubic object) $V =[ (text{length}),(text{breadth}),(text{height}),bigl(i,c_xbigr)Delta T_x bigl(i,c_ybigr) Delta T_y bigl(i,c_zbigr) Delta T_z$] of the object is independent of the observer in a frame. Where $Delta T_x$, $Delta T_y$ and $Delta T_z$ are the time intervals along the length, breadth and height, respectively. We also postulate that the now-frame of time isn't a single specific time but an interval $iotadelta$.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology
[43449] viXra:2502.0030 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-06 20:42:01
Authors: Yi Cao
Comments: 26 Pages.
In developing the {N,n} QM field theory, from the pure quantum mechanics (QM), I deduced out a positive precession for the circular orbital motion (see in SunQM-4). In the current paper, I used this positive precession to explain 1) the Mercury’s perihelion precession; 2) the fast-flow zonal band on Jupiter’s atmospheric surface. Then, using a newly developed concept (i.e., the "face-opposite-face locked binary orbital motion" in φ-1D bi-direction with the anti-parallel spin will automatically transform to be a θ-1D orbital uni-directional motion, see in SunQM-6s10), I further developed this positive precession to be a positive/negative precession cycle (also called the "Ylm cycle"), and it is driven by the half-cycle of m > 0 and half-cycle of m < 0 in the nLL QM state of the |n,l,m>. Then, I used it to explain the elliptic orbit motion (an Ylm cycle with the acceleration/deceleration cycle), the sunspot drift (an Ylm cycle with a period of 22 years), the continental drift (an Ylm cycle with a period longer than 10^5 years), etc. The results of these analysis made me to further hypothesize that: the residue nLL QM state’s positive/negative precession may even be the origin of all elliptic/parabolic/hyperbolic orbits (including the gravitational lensing that belongs to a hyperbolic motion). It may be possible to use QM’s positive precession at different (and combined) high-frequency n’ to fully explain Mercury’s perihelion precession (without using classical physics and/or general relativity (GR)). This work revealed that in a circular/elliptical orbital motion, QM not only may (intrinsically) generate a positive precession, but also may (intrinsically) generate a positive/negative precession cycle (i.e., the Ylm cycle). This work may also suggest that the QM and the GR are the two "faces" of the same "master mechanics". Finally, because of its completeness and self-consistence, I do believe that the {N,n} QM is qualified to be put into the "Feynman Pool" as one of the many co-existing QM theories.
Category: Quantum Physics
[43448] viXra:2502.0029 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-05 07:58:49
Authors: Rajeev Kumar
Comments: 6 Pages.
In this paper a theory of speed of light in a transversely moving body has been presented.
Category: Classical Physics
[43447] viXra:2502.0028 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-05 21:50:54
Authors: Guangyi Pu
Comments: 11 Pages. Thanks to Chengxi Pu for her assistance.
Albert Einstein formulated the Special Theory of Relativity in 1905 based on the principles of relativity and constancy of light velocity principles. The Lorentz transformation, applicable to inertial frames, ensures the form of physical laws remains the same when transformed between them. It should be noted that the viewpoints expressed in this paper are merely the personal insights of the authors and do not necessarily represent absolute correctness. This paper notes that physical rotation theorems have the same form in uniform rotating frames (Alternative Principle of Relativity). Relativity states no object can exceed light speed. Similarly, this paper postulates that the rotational angular speed of a "structural body" in nature has a maximum limit. Photons in vacuum are the "structural body" with the fastest rotational angular velocity (Ωmax = c/2π, unit: rad/s), called the principle of constancy of light angular velocity. Using analogy, the paper obtains the Alternative Lorentz Transformation for rotational physics in uniform rotating frames and derives the Alternative Special Theory of Relativity within angular displacement space - time. Photons thus have dual properties: the fastest - moving "particles" and the "structural body" with the fastest rotational angular velocity. This theory may offer new insights into rotational physical phenomena in uniform rotating frames and photon behavior. It could bridge the gap between the special theory of relativity for linear motion and the field of rotational motion. Future research should focus on experimentally validating predicted phenomena, like the maximum angular velocity limit and the effects of the Alternative Lorentz Transformation. Exploring its application in other physics areas, such as rotating celestial bodies in astrophysics, could also bring new understandings. Although this work is just a start with many uncertainties, the authors hope to contribute to scientific progress.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology
[43446] viXra:2502.0027 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-05 21:55:36
Authors: Ahcene Ait Saadi
Comments: 9 Pages.
1) In this article, I study prime numbers from polynomials that generate prime numbers. I have put the list of these polynomials and I have applied this method to some polynomials. 2) I used an empirical method to find series of sum of numbers that give a sum of prime numbers. this is just the beginning, I hope that young researchers will deepen this work for the benefit of science and knowledge.
Category: Number Theory
[43445] viXra:2502.0026 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-05 21:56:12
Authors: Anindya Kumar Biswas
Comments: 26 Pages.
We study the Norwegian language head entries of two Norwegian Dictionaries composed by H. Scavenius. We draw the natural logarithm of the number of the Norwegian language head entries, normalised, starting with a letter vs the natural logarithm of the rank of the letter, normalised/unnormalised. We find that the Norwegian head entries underlie a magnetisation curve of a Spin-Glass in the presence of little external magnetic field.
Category: Linguistics
[43444] viXra:2502.0025 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-05 22:02:16
Authors: Victor Christianto, Florentin Smarandache
Comments: 10 Pages. Comments and suggestions are welcome.
We previously argued for a connection between the Navier-Stokes and Schrödinger equations, then used standard tunneling time theory [1][2]. Here, we propose an alternative interpretation of the Hartman effect in tunneling, suggesting that it represents the multivaluedness of solutions of the Schrödinger equation. This implies that an electron or entity can exist in two places simultaneously, explaining how an entity can seemingly appear on the other side of a tunnel almost instantaneously upon initiating a quantum tunneling experiment. While counter-intuitive, this interpretation aligns with E. Schrödinger's initial ideas. This phenomenon could be detected through near-field effects, such as spin supercurrent detector in low-temperature physics experiments. [Various discussions with Robert N. Boyd are acknowledged]
Category: Quantum Physics
[43443] viXra:2502.0024 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-04 21:48:51
Authors: Vladimir S. Netchitailo
Comments: 78 Pages.
Four Spatial Dimension World-Universe Cosmology presents a fresh approach to understanding the Observable World and the science of Cosmology. It builds on the foundations of Classical Physics and has the potential to challenge core assumptions in both Cosmology and Classical Physics. Rather than claiming to explain all existing cosmological data or presenting a fully developed theory, WUC serves as a starting point for a New Cosmology envisioned by Paul Dirac in 1937. While further refinement by the global physics community is essential, World-Universe Cosmology’s insights, combined with the groundbreaking discoveries of the JWST and the legacy of Dirac's ideas over 87 years, underscore the need for a Paradigm Shift in Astronomy, Cosmology, and Classical Physics.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology
[43442] viXra:2502.0023 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-04 10:13:25
Authors: Sourangshu Ghosh
Comments: 174 Pages.
Deep learning, as a computational paradigm, fundamentally relies on the synergy of functional approximation, optimization theory, and statistical learning. This work presents an extremely rigorous mathematical framework that formalizes deep learning through the lens of measurable function spaces, risk functionals, and approximation theory. We begin by defining the risk functional as a mapping between measurable function spaces, establishing its structure via Frechet differentiability and variational principles. The hypothesis complexity of neural networks is rigorously analyzed using VC-dimension theory for discrete hypotheses and Rademacher complexity for continuous spaces, providing fundamental insights into generalization and overfitting.A refined proof of the Universal Approximation Theorem is developed using convolution operators and the Stone-Weierstrass theorem, demonstrating how neural networks approximate arbitrary continuous functions on compact domains with quantifiable error bounds. The depth vs. width trade-off is explored through capacity analysis, bounding the expressive power of networks using Fourier analysis and Sobolev embeddings, with rigorous compactness arguments via the Rellich-Kondrachov theorem.We extend the theoretical framework to training dynamics, analyzing gradient flow and stationary points, the Hessian structure of optimization landscapes, and the Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK) regime. Generalization bounds are established through PAC-Bayes formalism and spectral regularization, connecting information-theoretic insights to neural network stability. The analysis further extends to advanced architectures, including convolutional and recurrent networks, transformers, generative adversarial networks (GANs), and variational autoencoders, emphasizing their function space properties and representational capabilities.Finally, reinforcement learning is rigorously examined through deep Q-learning and policy optimization, with applications spanning robotics and autonomous systems. The mathematical depth is reinforced by a comprehensive exploration of optimization techniques, covering stochastic gradient descent (SGD), adaptive moment estimation (Adam), and spectral-based regularization methods. The discussion culminates in a deep investigation of function space embeddings, generalization error bounds, and the fundamental limits of deep learning models.This work bridges deep learning’s theoretical underpinnings with modern advancements, offering a mathematically precise and exhaustive exposition that is indispensable for researchers aiming to rigorously understand and extend the frontiers of deep learning theory.
Category: Artificial Intelligence
[43441] viXra:2502.0022 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-04 21:50:53
Authors: Ervin Goldfain
Comments: 12 Pages.
The Higgs sector of particle physics is confronted by several conceptual difficulties, which are still outstanding today. This brief note points out that the onset of complex dynamics in the ultraviolet regime (UV) of field theory evades three challenges of the Higgs sector, namely fine-tuning, triviality and the tachyonic mass problems. The approach taken here circumvents several attempts at solving the Higgs challenges based on supersymmetry, Technicolor models, composite Higgs or anthropically based arguments.
Category: High Energy Particle Physics
[43440] viXra:2502.0021 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-03 20:29:32
Authors: Yuxuan Zhang, Weitong Hu, Tongzhou Zhang
Comments: 12 Pages.
This paper proposes a novel quantum gravityframework based on the transient annihilation and regeneration of positron pairs, aiming to unify quantum mechanics and generalrelativity. The model integrates insights from black hole thermodynamics by addressing the information paradox through Hawking radiation dynamics and incorporates phase transitionsinto the theoretical framework to explain the evolution of dark energy. The proposed graviton model is further supported by advancements in gravitational wave detection technology,Additionally, the paper explores the application of quantum sensing technologies, such as superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs), for dark matter detection, leveraging ultra-cold atom interferometers to study cosmicmicrowave background radiation fluctuations. The model's predictions are supported by a rigorous theoretical framework and experimental validation strategics, including quantitativeBayesian factor analysis and feature spectral matching tests. Future research directions include the development of numericalrelativistic codes for dynamic spacetime grids, the establishment of an inter-institutional dark energy time landscape observatory, and tabletop experiments using superconducting quantuminterference instruments to test the theory's predictions in Earth-based settings.
Category: Quantum Physics
[43439] viXra:2502.0020 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-03 20:17:45
Authors: Andrei I. Bodrenko
Comments: 3 Pages.
Molecular Communications : Method of use of chemical system as transmission medium in wireless data communication channel (DCC) is represented in this article.
Category: Digital Signal Processing
[43438] viXra:2502.0019 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-02 21:28:05
Authors: Usman Sumo Friend Tambunan, Arli Aditya Parikesit, Linggih Saputro
Comments: 6 Pages.
Bioterrorism instrument of biological weapon of mass destruction. The simple definition of bioterrorism is the utilization of pathogenic micro-organism as an instrument of war and terror. Various notorious microbe has been applied as biological weapons, such as Bacillus antracis, Bubonic plague, Cholera, Botulinum, and others. As the weaponizing germs would eventually require sophisticated microbiology laboratory, not many nations can build it. History has shown that this kind of weapon is much easier to prepare than nuclear and chemical ones. Notorious dictators, such as Josef Stalin and Hideki Tojo, have issued policies to develop biological weapons. During World War II, Soviet Union has utilized them as an instrument to repel the invading German army, while the Japan Empire was about to utilized it in the Pacific War. According to the ordination of United Nations, the application of biological weapon during conventional war is strictly forbidden. Any nations that deploy bioterrorism as instrument of war will face certain sanction from United Nations. In one hand, by law, United States has suspended its biological weapon program at 1972. In the other hand, the dissolution of Soviet Union at 1991 has struck a fatal blow to the development of its biologicalweapon. However, although some random events in the world, such as the outbreak of avian influenza and Mers-Cov virus, are sometimes associated with bioterrorism by the conspiracy theorist, until today, the scientific community still found no evidence of biological weapon at the current outbreak. This lecture will discuss about the definition of bioterrorism, its utilization, and prevention (biosafety). It is expected that this lecture will eventually increase the public awareness toward the biological weapon.
Category: Biochemistry
[43437] viXra:2502.0018 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-02 07:38:43
Authors: Deen Mohd Dar
Comments: 5 Pages.
This study conducts a comparative analysis of Histrionic Personality (HP) and Narcissistic Personality (NP) traits using the Deenz Histrionic Personality Scale (DHPS) and the Deenz Narcissistic Personality Scale (DNPS), developed by Deen (2024). Both HP and NP are characterized by a strong desire for attention and admiration, yet they manifest differently. Individuals with HP exhibit excessive emotional expressiveness and attention-seeking through dramatic or manipulative behaviors, while those with NP display an inflated self-image and seek admiration through a sense of superiority. Despite overlapping traits, such as attention-seeking, the motivations behind these behaviors differ significantly. The study involved 64 participants who completed computerized versions of the DHPS and DNPS, assessing facets such as grandiosity, fantasy, entitlement, emotional reactivity, impulsivity, and empathy. Results revealed that HP traits are more emotionally reactive and driven by a need for validation through dramatic emotional displays, whereas NP traits are rooted in a rigid belief in superiority and entitlement. These findings have important implications for clinical diagnosis and intervention strategies, enhancing our understanding of these personality types and informing tailored therapeutic approaches.
Category: Social Science
[43436] viXra:2502.0017 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-02 21:19:14
Authors: Giuseppe Azzarello
Comments: 18 Pages. In Italian
In this article we continue the development of Symmetric Theory. What we will show is the coupling between the universe and the Planck medium, understood as the medium that formalizes the characteristics of the zero-point field. We will show how the phenomena of the infinitely large of the universe and the infinitely small of the atom harmonize in relation to the medium Planck. We will show how the Hawking radiation, Unhru effect, Casimir effect, Entropic force,Stefan-Boltzmann constant, Wien's displacement law, are all phenomena referring to the Planck medium. We will show that the electron in the first energy level of the hydrogen atom can never fall into the atomic nucleus because it is supported from Planck energy, through the phenomenon of resonance. What emerges is a new meaning of fine structure constant, in the sense of coupling constant between the electron and the Planck medium. Finally he comes indicated a path that could resolve the wave-particle duality.
Category: Mathematical Physics
[43435] viXra:2502.0016 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-02 11:07:38
Authors: Taha Sochi
Comments: 20 Pages.
In this paper we continue our previous investigation about the use of stress function in the flow of generalized Newtonian fluids through conduits of circular and non-circular (or/and multiply connected) cross sections where we visualize the stages of yield in the process of flow of viscoplastic fluids through tubes of elliptical, rectangular, triangular and annular cross sections. The purpose of this qualitative investigation is to provide an initial idea about the expected yield development in the process of flow of yield-stress fluids through tubes of some of the most common non-circular (and non-simply-connected) cross sectional geometries.
Category: Mathematical Physics
[43434] viXra:2502.0015 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-02 15:57:17
Authors: En Okada
Comments: 20 Pages.
This study examined a hitherto untested theoretical model as a solution to the longstanding conundrum of dark energy. We demonstrated in a quantitative manner how a cosmic scale factor-dependent evolution of the Rydberg constant has yielded the illusions that our detectable matter density drives the universe to expand as if there exists a critical density and that the expansion even seems to be accelerating. As a natural conclusion from the mathematics of the Bernoulli trials and spatial symmetry breaking, the characteristics of the universe, more specifically the value of the Planck constant and the elementary charge and the mass of elementary particles, should evolve in accordance with the size of the universe. The cosmic scale factor-dependent increase of the Rydberg constant is a culmination of such an evolution of fundamental physical constants, which implies that we have doubly overestimated the Hubble's constant and that our redshift data needs a non-linear reinterpretation. We also demonstrated how such a cosmic scale factor-dependent evolution of physical constants solves the hierarchy problems in fundamental physics. We presented implications of our hypothesis to particle physics as well. By showcasing its capability to purely mathematically explain the mass and electric charge of quarks and exotic baryons without a single God-given parameter, and to provide vivid explanations for the underlying mechanism of quark confinement and asymptotic freedom, we provided evidence that underpins our newly proposed model as a promising paradigm for theoretical physics. Finally, as a responsible scientific theory, we predicted a detectable decrease over an annual span in both the mass of electron and the elementary charge in the 9th digit of their significant figures, which serves as a test for falsification of our hypothesis.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology
[43433] viXra:2502.0014 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-02 20:59:41
Authors: Sigrid M.-L. Obenland
Comments: 5 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Please cite and list scientific references)
In the scientific literature, complex numbers comprising a real and an imaginary part are represented as a vector in a Gaussian number plane spanned by one coordinate axis representing the imaginary numbers and another orthogonal coordinate axis representing the real numbers. In the following, I show how the imaginary axis and the real axis can be incorporated into a three-dimensional real coordinate system, thereby creating a fused coordinate system of both, real and complex numbers.
Category: General Mathematics
[43432] viXra:2502.0013 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-02 20:59:11
Authors: Eran Sinbar
Comments: 3 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Please cite and list scientific references)
This paper will suggest a way to test the idea in which space-time itself is quantified into discrete building blocks in the size of Planck’s length and Planck’s time, by correlating between the expansion of spacetime, the increase in the gravitational constant G, number of black holes and the Schwarzschild radius of the black hole.
Category: Quantum Physics
[43431] viXra:2502.0012 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-02 19:12:54
Authors: Masashi Ishihara
Comments: 17 Pages.
This paper examines the emergence of "corporate communism," a paradoxical phenomenon where extreme capitalism transforms into a system resembling state communism through corporate consolidation and monopolistic control. The study traces a three-stage evolution: from free market capitalism through corporate oligopoly to corporate monopoly, analyzing how this progression undermines the fundamental principles of capitalistic free markets. The paper explores how debt mechanisms, surveillance systems, and climate policy implementation demonstrate this transformation, drawing parallels with historical collapses of centralized power structures. Using data from multiple long-term studies and economic indicators, including the Doomsday Clock and inflation cycles, the research suggests a critical convergence of systemic risks around 2040-2045. The analysis concludes that without significant intervention to preserve market competition and limit corporate power, capitalism may complete its transformation into an authoritarian system functionally identical to state communism.
Category: Economics and Finance
[43430] viXra:2502.0011 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-01 21:00:12
Authors: Urs Frauenfelder, Joa Weber
Comments: 19 Pages.
In this article we introduce the notion of Floer function which has the property that the Hessianis a Fredholm operator of index zero in a scale of Hilbert spaces. Since the Hessian has a complicated transformation under chart transition, in general this is not an intrinsic condition. Therefore we introduce the concept of Floerfolds for which we show that the notion of Floer function is intrinsic.
Category: Geometry
[43429] viXra:2502.0010 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-01 21:09:04
Authors: Donald Mortvedt
Comments: 3 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: the abstract should after the article title; scientific references should be cited and listed; and AI assisted article is in general not acceptable)
The P vs. NP problem is one of the most fundamental open questions in computational complexity. This paper presents a Prime Mover Proof, a self-verifying argument that establishes P ≠ NP. The proof asserts that proving P ≠ NP is itself an NP problem, meaning its difficulty serves as direct empirical evidence that NP is distinct from P. To reinforce this result, we present three supporting mathematical proofs: 1. Set-Theoretic Proof — Establishing the fundamental separation between P and NP. 2. Constructive Proof — Demonstrating that proving P ≠ NP is an NP problem. 3. Reductio ad Absurdum Proof — Showing contradiction if P = NP were assumed.We introduce a computational framework based on Origin, Approach Space, and Destination Space,providing a structured model for decision problems. Additionally, we clarify how truth tables extend to NP problems, including weighted solution spaces such as knapsack-style problems.By combining logical elegance with mathematical rigor, this proof offers a compelling case forP ≠ NP that is direct, self-verifying, and independent of reductionist assumptions.We welcome further analysis and discussion from the computational complexity community.
Category: Data Structures and Algorithms
[43428] viXra:2502.0009 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-01 05:47:33
Authors: Samuel Bonaya Buya
Comments: 8 Pages. This paper was written in 2018 and its ideas need to be preserved
A simple proof of the Legendre conjecture is presented by introducing a suspected prime counting function
Category: Number Theory
[43427] viXra:2502.0008 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-01 07:20:37
Authors: Rudi Van Nieuwenhove
Comments: 6 Pages.
This study presents the mathematical derivation of geons, gravitationally stable spacetime structures, as an alternative to dark matter. Assuming galaxies are embedded in galactic-sized geons, the observed flat galaxy rotation curves can be explained without requiring the standard dark matter halo. This concept has been applied to the case of the Milky Way and profiles of density, pressure and rotation velocity have been derived, demonstrating a close correspondence with the observations. The geon’s Gaussian density profile naturally explains the flat central density cores observed in dwarf galaxies, providing a compelling solution to the core-cusp problem. Furthermore, the early formation of geons shortly after the Big Bang offers a framework for understanding the rapid emergence of massive galaxies, addressing the challenges posed by recent James Webb Space Telescope observations. These findings suggest that geons could serve as both the gravitational scaffolding for galaxy formation and a replacement for cold dark matter, unifying multiple cosmological phenomena under a single theoretical framework.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology
[43426] viXra:2502.0007 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-01 19:59:29
Authors: Samuel Bonaya Buya
Comments: 3 Pages.
A proof by implication method is introduced for proving the Legendre conjecture.
Category: Number Theory
[43425] viXra:2502.0006 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-01 21:15:14
Authors: Mykola Kosinov
Comments: 8 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Further repetition will not be accepted)
The evolution of the law of universal gravitation is shown from the verbal formula proposed by Newton in 1687 to the present day. The law discovered by Newton FN ∝ mM/r^2 was not the exact law of gravitation. Newton only indicated the proportional dependence of force on masses and did not attribute any numerical value to the gravitational force. In an unfinished form, Newton's law FN ∝ mM/r^2 existed for almost 200 years (!) until the constant G appeared in it. But even in its modern formulation, Newton's law F = GMm/r^2 gives only a part of the force of universal gravitation. Newton's law does not work at large distances. Newton's law is not applicable on the scale of the Universe. The formula for Newton's law shows the force of gravitational interaction of only two bodies out of all N bodies in the Universe. The formula for the law describes gravitation only to one local source of attraction and does not take into account that bodies simultaneously gravitate to all other bodies. For more than 300 years, it has not been possible to derive a formula for the law of gravitation that would describe the gravitation to all bodies in the Universe. An obstacle on this path is the unsolved gravitational problem of N bodies. Here we provide a solution to this problem. To obtain a complete law of universal gravitation, a reduction of the differential problem of N bodies to an integral problem of a system of N bodies is used. An approach is used in which, instead of individual N bodies, the system of N bodies is studied as a whole object. The solution of the integral problem for the system of N bodies leads to a new law of gravitational force: FCos=(mc^2)√Ʌ. This is the part of the gravitational force that Newton's law "does not see". This is the part of the gravitational force with which bodies simultaneously gravitate to all other bodies. This is the part of the gravitational force that gives a new formula for the law of universal gravitation. Based on the additivity of gravitational forces, a new formula for the law of universal gravitation was obtained in the form Fu = GMm/r^2 + (mc^2)√Ʌ. (Truncated by viXra Admin to < 400 words)
Category: Classical Physics
[43424] viXra:2502.0005 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-01 20:00:29
Authors: Samuel Bonaya Buya
Comments: 3 Pages.
This research aims at coming up with some formulation of the interval containing a given number of primes using the prime number theorem.
Category: Number Theory
[43423] viXra:2502.0004 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-01 21:16:00
Authors: Zhengxi Wang
Comments: 3 Pages.
300,000 years after the Big Bang, the first atoms formed. Subsequently, matter began to clump together, giving rise to stars and galaxies. As matter accumulated, its mass increased while its motion velocity decreased significantly. Simultaneously, under the influence of gravity, the expansion rate of the universe was substantially reduced, leading to a period of extremely slow expansion. During this period, stars and galaxies developed, grew, and matured. Subsequently, as temperatures continued to drop, dark energy came into play, and the universe entered a phase of slow expansion, gradually accelerating to reach the Hubble velocity.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology
[43422] viXra:2502.0003 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-01 21:21:23
Authors: Stephane H. Maes
Comments: 25 Pages. All related details of the projects (and updates) can be found and followed at
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles, whether they are real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure, and non-commutative geometry, which is Lorentz invariant, and where spacetime nodes, and particles, can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General Relativity (GR) at large scales, and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model (SM) resulting into what we define as SMG. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model without new Physics other than gravity, as well as to open issues with the Standard Cosmological Model The paper discusses how multi-folds apply when sources of gravity, or the center of mass of entangled systems, are dynamically moving: multi-folds mechanisms remain the same but using the evolving center of mass. As a result gravity, or gravity-like, contributions are to be vectorially integrated over the retarded multi-fold spacetime location that can contribute to a point at a certain time (spacetime location), instead of all the multi-folds for all directions. It is illustrated in the case of a rotating sphere as source of gravity: we recover the Lense-Thirring results with its centripetal, Coriolis and axial contributions. The analysis allows us to settle contradictory, and incorrect, results encountered in the literature. It also shows how non-linearity of General Relativity (GR) appears in the multi-fold mechanisms, something that may not have been obvious to all in the original papers. The ability for the multi-fold mechanisms to explain such GR effects help better understand these effects, but more importantly, it is another way to illustrate and validate that multi-folds recover GR and GR recovers the multi-folds.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology
[43421] viXra:2502.0002 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-01 21:23:08
Authors: Bahbouhi Bouchaib
Comments: 18 Pages.
After defining the writing of even numbers with equations 4x ± 1; the article shows that odd numbers obey loops of 4 numbers to infinity that obey the equations 4x ± 1. Each odd number in the loop can be prime (P) or composite (C), but for an even number E to be E = P + P' such that P' > P and such that P' > E/2 and P < E/2, P and P' must belong to two loops symmetrical with respect to E/2 and occupy the same positions in them and specific unit digits. The article shows that the three possible sums of an even number E are E = C + C'; or E = P + C; or E = P + P' 5 is composite and P is prime). The article demonstrates that E = C + C' ↔ E = C + P ↔ E = P + P' : and that one sum can be converted into another by subtracting and adding gaps of 4n from or to the two terms of addition. This is a deductive demonstration of Goldbach's strong conjecture shown here for the first time.
Category: Number Theory
[43420] viXra:2502.0001 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-01 21:05:25
Authors: Jabari Zakiya
Comments: 16 Pages.
Goldbach’s Conjecture states every even integer n > 2 can be written as the sum of 2 primes, while Bertrand’s Postulate states for each n ≥ 2 there is at least one prime p such that n < p < 2n. I show both are essentially statements on the distribution of primes, and their inherent properties when modeled and understood as the residues of modular groups Zn. In addition, a much tighter dynamic bound on p than given by the BP will be presented.
Category: Number Theory
[43419] viXra:2501.0177 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-31 21:37:50
Authors: Luis Rodolfo Cabrera Juárez
Comments: 10 Pages.
The equations of Relativistic Mechanics and Wave Mechanics are used to describe the dynamics of a particle in the Helical Solenoid Model, showing that the increase in relativistic inertial mass is apparent, and is equivalent to the increase in rotational energy.
Category: Mathematical Physics
[43418] viXra:2501.0175 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-31 21:19:00
Authors: Samuel Bonaya Buya
Comments: 4 Pages.
The Riemann zeta function is a function of a complex variable = + where and as real real numbers. In this research we will examine the different ways in which this complex variable can be constructed. We will examine one possible case of violation of the Riemann hypothesis.
Category: Number Theory
[43417] viXra:2501.0174 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-31 10:59:19
Authors: Moninder Singh Modgil
Comments: 5 Pages.
We discuss "Quantum Gravity in the rotating Godel universe", It can be shown that notion of causality in Godel universe is actually consistent with implications of the EPR paradox, its implications of which has been experimentally verified. If time is cyclic with eternal existence of civilized humans, then provided a catastrophe, which breaks the continuity of evolution of human knowledge, does not occur, then the quantum gravity Godel universe must be the best description of our universe. So, the human knowledge changes cyclically in identical time Cycles.
Category: History and Philosophy of Physics
[43416] viXra:2501.0173 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-31 21:16:52
Authors: Nadezhda Andreeva, Vitaly V. Chaban
Comments: 26 Pages.
Metal film capacitors are ubiquitous components in modern electronics, playing an important role in energy storage, filtering, and voltage regulation. However, their performance and reliability can be reduced by partial electrical breakdowns caused by defects in the dielectric material. An attempt to partially mitigate this problem are self-healing capacitors, which have the ability to recover after an electrical breakdown. The self-healing phenomenon significantly increases the service life of the device. This review presents a comprehensive analysis of the currently known self-healing mechanisms in metal film capacitors. The role of the self-healing phenomenon in increasing the number of capacitor working cycles is discussed. The molecular processes underlying the significantly different self-healing potential of dielectric polymers are verified. The review is addressed to specialists in electrical engineering.
Category: Condensed Matter
[43415] viXra:2501.0172 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-31 12:57:38
Authors: Timothy Jones
Comments: 6 Pages.
The product to sum (P2S) and sum to product (S2P) trigonometric identities are generally not memorized, but puzzled out using the sum of two angles for the P2S and then P2S for S2P. We show here a faster way to recall these using what might be called heuristic generalizations. We touch on all 27 of the standard identities.
Category: General Mathematics
[43414] viXra:2501.0171 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-31 21:09:47
Authors: B. N. Pathak
Comments: 9 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: An abstract in the article is required and scientific references should be cited and listed)
Proof to Fermat's Last Theorem [is presented in this paper].
Category: Number Theory
[43413] viXra:2501.0170 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-30 22:27:42
Authors: Prajay Sajjan Thul
Comments: 81 Pages.
There are different versions of the abc Conjecture available in books and on internet, each claiming that there are only finitely many triples of coprime positive integers $a$, $b$, and $c$ such that the sum of the first two is the third one, and then the third one satisfies a certain specific condition (relating the sum with the product of distinct primes in the prime factorization of each integer.) This paper deals with all versions, proving the claim and explaining the concept. This paper also deals with some abc triples numerical examples by verifying the claimed and proven results.
Category: Number Theory
[43412] viXra:2501.0169 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-30 14:19:29
Authors: Richard Murdoch Montgomery
Comments: 24 Pages.
Random matrix theory has played a pivotal role in understanding the complexity of biological systems, especially in elucidating the stability and coexistence of species in ecological communities. In this study, we apply random matrix theory at a trophic level consisting of four species with different initial populations. We incorporate varying interaction probabilities, denoted as p, to explore how the structure and strength of interspecific interactions affect species persistence and extinction rates. By modeling the system’s dynamics through a suite of mathematically derived equations and generating adjacency matrices under different values of p, we produce multiple scenarios that highlight the interplay between cooperation and competition. Our numerical simulations yield a series of graphs illustrating the likelihood of coexistence, extinction trajectories, and the effect of interaction intensity. The results underscore the delicate balance between competition and mutual benefit, shedding light on conditions in which biodiversity is maintained or lost. In our ensuing discussion, we reflect on theoretical implications, potential applications in conservation biology, limitations of our approach, and directions for future research.
Category: Quantitative Biology
[43411] viXra:2501.0168 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-30 22:28:30
Authors: Samuel Bonaya Buya
Comments: 4 Pages.
In this research a general algebraic relationship is established between a pair of primes. This relationship shown to be a useful tool to prove the Binary Goldbach conjecture and other conjectures involving prime gap.
Category: Number Theory
[43410] viXra:2501.0167 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-29 22:10:35
Authors: Victor Christianto, Florentin Smarandache
Comments: 8 Pages.
Kepler's equation, a cornerstone of celestial mechanics, relates the mean anomaly (mean angular position) of a celestial body in an elliptical orbit to its eccentric anomaly. While elegant in its formulation (x = y - e sin y), it lacks a general closed-form solution in terms of elementary functions. This article explores the significance of Kepler's equation, briefly traces its historical context, and presents a simplified approach to obtaining a closed-form solution using Mathematica. By expressing the sine function within Kepler's equation as a MacLaurin series, we derive an iterative algorithm that converges rapidly to the eccentric anomaly, providing a practical and computationally efficient method for solving this fundamental equation in celestial mechanics. (submitted to a journal for review.)
Category: Classical Physics
[43409] viXra:2501.0166 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-29 10:23:35
Authors: Hans Hermann Otto
Comments: 7 Pages.
Recently, Wilhelm Brückner, Germany’s oldest active viola maker, past away with 92 years in Erfurt. He created an own felicitous viola model. This is the opportunity to present own thoughts about possible guitar models based on the Split-Sphere-Volume approach. Its fundamental importance for life, physics and cosmos was already emphasized by the present author.
Category: Education and Didactics
[43408] viXra:2501.0165 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-29 22:08:30
Authors: Yukihiko Hoshino
Comments: 9 Pages. (English version of viXra:1709.0055 with new materials added)
Aether was widely believed to be the medium of light that fills the universe. However, the Michelson-Morley experiment failed to detect the aether wind that should have been observed if the Earth was moving through the aether, so the existence of aether was not proven, and aether is now considered an obsolete physics theory. At that time, one of the hypotheses to explain the existence of aether even without the aether wind was the aether drag hypothesis, which proposed that the aether moves with the Earth. However, this hypothesis was rejected because it could not explain the aberration of light. Consequently, modern physics has progressed and developed on the premise that aether does not exist. Here I show that the aberration of light can be explained even if aether moves with the Earth. I clarified that the moving aether does not receive light directly from above, but receives it from an upward diagonal forward angle according to the same principle as the aberration of light and transmits it linearly. This means that, for an observer on Earth moving at the same speed as the aether, the direction of light matches the direction observed in the aberration of light. This consideration strongly suggests the possibility of the existence of aether. Therefore, I propose that various physical phenomena should be reconsidered based on the premise of the existence of aether.This paper is a rewrite in English of a Japanese paper originally published in 2012, with new findings added.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology
[43407] viXra:2501.0164 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-29 22:03:28
Authors: Samuel Bonaya Buya
Comments: 6 Pages.
In this research a theorem for primes to qualify for Goldbach partition composite even numbers is presented. In the paper reference [1] a neccessary and sufficient condition for proof of Goldbach partition of a composite number was es-tablished and proved. In the paper it was proved that the square of every integer greater than 1 is equal to the sum of the square of an integer greater or equal to zero and a Goldbach partitition semiprime. The proved theorem ef-fectively means that every composite even number has a composite even number. A Goldbach partition semiprime is a semiprime that is a product of two Goldbach partition primes. For a prime to be a Goldbach partition prime it hasto have a Goldbach partition partner for a the specific composite composite even number under consideration. In the paper reference [1] it was proved that every composite even number has at least 1 Goldbach partition semiprime for itsGoldbach parition. In this paper we shall closely examine the primes constituting the Goldbach partition semiprime.
Category: Number Theory
[43406] viXra:2501.0163 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-29 03:23:06
Authors: Senekal Burgert, Dainis Zeps
Comments: 20 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: AI assisted article is in general not acceptable)
The article introduces a concept for a peace conference leveraging AI to address key issuesrelated to ending the war in Ukraine. The focus includes dismantling Russian propaganda,advancing the demilitarization of Russia, tackling the spread of hate incitement, and addressing the inability of Putin’s administration to make concessions. Rather than predefining the structure of the conference, the proposal suggests starting experimentally, iterating based on insights andresults. A scientific data repository and a dedicated journal are proposed to document theproject's progress and gather responses from external participants. AI would play a central role in generating innovative solutions, improving methodologies through iterative steps, and helping manage the complexity of these challenges. The project envisions building a collaborative platform for experts and AI tools to work together. The initiative is designed as a long-term effort to support Ukraine's stability even after the war ends. The approach blends technology, international cooperation, and experimental strategies to seek impactful outcomes. By combining AI’s analytical capabilities with human creativity, the peace conference aims to foster practical and scalable solutions. This vision reflects a novel way of addressing complex geopolitical conflicts through advanced technology and collective problem-solving.
Category: Social Science
[43405] viXra:2501.0162 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-29 03:18:50
Authors: Deokjin Kim
Comments: 4 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Further repetition will not be accepted)
In cosmic rays, the GZK cutoff is suggested to be between 50 EeV and 60 EeV, with observationally 57 EeV (HiRes, Pierre Auger Observatory) and theoretically and observationally 56 EeV being suggested as the representative value. In previous study, it was drawn that up, charm, and top quarks consist of inner boson particles located on 10D, 11D, and 12D and shell fermion particles located on 4D, 5D, and 6D, and their masses were calculated in detail. After plotting the log values of the calculated masses on 10D, 11D, and 12D and drawing its parabola, the masses on 3D are calculated to be 50.60 EeV in kinet-ic state, 60.82 EeV in steady state, and 56.94 EeV in combined state, which are consistent with the results of GZK cutoff. The above calculation is the property of space itself, which has nothing to do with supernova explosion, black hole jet, etc. In previous study, we argued that hydrogen is continuously generated in space. The above result implies that ultra-high-energy cosmic rays are the particles that suddenly appear at a cosmic void of 3D space from high dimensions.
Category: High Energy Particle Physics
[43404] viXra:2501.0161 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-29 03:17:34
Authors: Samuel Bonaya Buya
Comments: 23 Pages.
In this paper an identity is established connecting to consecutive primes. Bertrand’s postulate is used together with the identity to establish a quadratic inequality that can be used to establish minimum intervals containing at least three primes in between its limits. A generalization of the quadratic inequalityis introduced to establish the minimum interval containining at least one pair of primes for Goldbach partitition. The concepts of Goldbach partition deviation and Goldbach partition interval are introduced by which it is shown that the minimum number of Goldbach partitions of a composite even number is 1.
Category: Number Theory
[43403] viXra:2501.0160 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-28 13:44:14
Authors: Taha Sochi
Comments: 21 Pages.
In this paper we continue our previous investigation about the use of stress function in the flow of generalized Newtonian fluids through conduits of circular and non-circular (or/and multiply connected) cross sections where we inspect the flow of Ree-Eyring fluids in tubes of elliptical cross sections. We derive analytical expressions for the flow velocity profile and for the volumetric flow rate. The obtained analytical expressions were tested against the available analytical expressions for the special cases of Newtonian flow in circular tubes, Newtonian flow in elliptical tubes and Ree-Eyring flow in circular tubes and the results were identical. The obtained analytical expressions were also tested for sensible trends, tendencies and correlations and they passed all these tests.
Category: Mathematical Physics
[43402] viXra:2501.0159 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-28 15:54:13
Authors: Joseph Palazzo
Comments: 5 Pages.
The purpose of this paper is to propose a fresh perspective on the second law of thermodynamics, diverging significantly from traditional interpretations taught at the university level. The second law is often presented in ways that omit critical considerations, leaving students to fill in the gaps or accept incomplete explanations. This proposal addresses those gaps by emphasizing the core principles underlying the second law and reframing its interpretation in terms of system interactions and energy flow.
Category: Thermodynamics and Energy
[43401] viXra:2501.0158 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-28 15:58:22
Authors: Raul Fattore
Comments: 14 Pages.
Since astronomical distance measurements are wrong, this work ought to serve as a possible cautionary tale for all astronomy and cosmology colleagues, as well as for astrophysicists in general.The study reveals that the electromagnetic wave propagation from a rotating source does not follow a straight line, but the Archimedes spiral trajectory, indicating that most astronomical distance calculations may be incorrect. The research suggests that galaxies are closer to us than previously estimated, potentially indicating a younger universe. The difference between the Archimedes spiral arc length and straight-line estimates is small within our solar system but becomes more significant from Pluto. It is recommended to review all astronomical and cosmological distance and age data.* Does light follow a rectilinear path? * Are distance measurement methods of the "cosmic distance ladder" providing the right results? * Are galaxies really receding? * Do receding galaxies mean that the universe is expanding? * Can we better determine the age of the universe? * Could galaxies collide? All these questions are answered in the development of this study according to the suggested theories.
Category: Astrophysics
[43400] viXra:2501.0157 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-28 16:11:22
Authors: Tim Samshuijzen
Comments: 26 Pages.
In the symmetries in the numbers that are coprime with the primorial we find proof of the existence of infinitely many twin primes and prime k-tuples. Deep analysis of the sieve's mechanisms confirms there does not exist the means for the K-tuple Conjecture to be false. We show and prove that Hardy and Littlewood's formulations of statistical predictions concerning prime k-tuples and twin primes are correct.
Category: Number Theory
[43399] viXra:2501.0156 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-29 03:11:51
Authors: Zi-Jing Chiah
Comments: 3 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Please cite and list scientific references)
This article explores the distinction between HOMO (Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital), LUMO (Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital), and electron density in molecular and material sciences. While HOMO and LUMO describe specific energy levels relevant to electronic transitions, electron density represents the spatial distribution of all electrons in a system. The article addresses common misconceptions in research, particularly in density functional theory (DFT) studies, where shifts in HOMO/LUMO positions are often mistakenly equated with changes in electron density. Clear differentiation and complementary analyses are emphasized to ensure accurate interpretations in fields like photocatalysis and electronic materials.
Category: Condensed Matter
[43398] viXra:2501.0155 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-28 19:40:54
Authors: Ervin Goldfain
Comments: 5 Pages.
This bulleted report is a bird-eye view of the paths leading to the idea of evolving fractal spacetime and continuous dimensionality far beyond the boundaries of Effective Field Theory.
Category: Mathematical Physics
[43397] viXra:2501.0154 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-28 20:19:43
Authors: Basit Ali
Comments: 10 pages, written in English, submitted under CC BY-NC 4.0 license.
This paper proposes a hybrid LSTM-Transformer architecture to train a Named Entity Recognition (NER) model on financial data, such as receipts and invoices. These data types are unstructured and come in various formats, making them difficult to process. The proposed model combines the sequential pattern recognition capabilities of LSTM networks with the contextual sensitivity of Transformer self-attention layers, making it well-suited for financial data applications. This study establishes a modular, design-oriented framework, complete with pseudocode and architectural explanations, to serve as a foundation for future empirical testing. This conceptual work aims to set a benchmark in financial data modeling by addressing domain-specific challenges and providing a scalable structure for subsequent validation.
Category: Artificial Intelligence
[43396] viXra:2501.0153 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-28 22:43:57
Authors: Daoudi Rédoane
Comments: 4 Pages.
The immunological synapse (IS) is a highly dynamic and organized interface between Tcells and antigen-presenting cells, facilitating critical immune responses. From a biophysicalstandpoint, the IS integrates molecular diffusion, receptor-ligand binding kinetics, cytoskeletal forces, and mechanical tension to achieve precise signal transduction. This article explores the biophysical principles underlying IS formation and function, including the binding kinetics of T cell receptor (TCR) and major histocompatibility complex (MHC), actin cytoskeletal dynamics, and force-dependent receptor clustering. Mathematical models such as diffusion-reaction equations and force-dependent dissociation rates are presented to describe the spatial and temporal organization of the IS. Additionally, experimental approaches such as TIRF microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and computational modeling are discussed, shedding light on the IS as a mechanochemical signaling platform. Understanding the biophysics of the IS provides insights into immune regulation and offers potential applications in immunotherapy.
Category: Physics of Biology
[43395] viXra:2501.0152 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-29 04:18:00
Authors: Arvind Sundara Rajan, Ravirajan K
Comments: 10 Pages. CC by attribution
This paper attempted to exhibit the application of Artificial Intelligence(AI) in system for optimizing product assortments in a retail environment. By leveraging AI and machine learning (ML) ML algorithms and techniques, the system analyzed consumer data, sales trends, and inventory levels to dynamically adjust product assortments. The approach integrated predictive analytics and decisionsupport frameworks using the advanced AI applications and novel methods in ML employed to improve customer satisfaction and maximize revenue. This paper discussed the detailed methodology and its appropriate algorithms with opted mathematical explanation and real-life benefits in business problem were derived out of this proposed system, along with its potential to transform retail assortment planning.
Category: Artificial Intelligence
[43394] viXra:2501.0151 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-28 01:11:36
Authors: Hyunho Shin
Comments: 15 Pages.
This study proposes specific experimental approaches to validate the theory presented in "Self as the Core of Biological Feedback Systems: An Ideogrammatic Model of Memory and Recognition." First, it discusses the premise that information must possess at least a one-dimensional structure in physical form. If a material responsible for memory exists within cells, it is highly likely to be linear proteins (e.g., talin, actin, microtubules) with one-dimensional structures that store information. To test this hypothesis, nanopore and Raman spectroscopy-based analytical techniques are designed. To apply nanopore technology derived from DNA sequencing to protein analysis, the study explores methods for either preserving the three-dimensional structure of proteins or converting them to their one-dimensional form during preprocessing, determining the physical characteristics of nanopores, and analyzing the resulting signals. Particularly, surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) is proposed as a method to analyze structural changes in proteins in real-time and evaluate their potential for information storage. This research presents a novel experimental approach to understand memory and information storage mechanisms at the protein level, providing concrete directions to validate the theoretical hypothesis.
Category: Mind Science
[43393] viXra:2501.0150 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-28 01:10:10
Authors: Dominique Mareau
Comments: 8 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Title modified to conform with scholarly norm - Please conform!))
Regarding fundamental physics, this study replaces the "old moons" such as: uniqueness by duality; absolute inertial zero by symmetrical dipole zero; the notions of "principle", "model" or hypothesis, by the logico-deductive approach; the notion of "creation" by the notion of state transformation. This study denounces the amalgams between "describing or explaining, and cause or effect. Symmetry, consubstantial with Nature, is never broken, because it only changes scale. The common name "Universe" is ambiguous because it denies its duality of state: 1) the eternal Omniverse state justified by the inertial paradox and characterized by its informational entropy which tends towards infinity. 2) the BUE state (Expanding Universe Bubble), declined from the Omniverse by a partial and random synchronization, forming BEC (Bose Einstein Condensate). From the rigorous study of the inertial paradox, arises multiple mutual occurrences and with observations. It lifts the more than 60 enigmas of the standard model. Each piece of evidence will be compared to observation, justified by an explanation ofmthe causes (other than describing the effects) and some confirmed by a numerical occurrence equal to 7σ. All of this lifts the more than 80 enigmas of the standard model.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology
[43392] viXra:2501.0149 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-28 00:59:09
Authors: Ahcene Ait Saadi
Comments: 9 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Pleease cite and list scientific references)
In this paper, I give formulas on the combinatory, this using an equality that I discovered about 40 years ago.(I don't know if this equality already exists, but to my knowledge, no).I use a kind of derivative calculation that I have titled: pseudo derivative calculation. This allows me to find infinity of formulas on combinatorial analysis. Here are some of them. I hope that the young researchers will deepen this work.
Category: Number Theory
[43391] viXra:2501.0148 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-28 00:55:53
Authors: Abdelhay Benmoussa
Comments: 12 Pages.
In this brief note, we give three operational formulas that involve Bessel numbers. To the best of our knowledge, these formulas are new. We also derive another probably unknown formula from them.Finally, we present an example of application of one of these formulas.
Category: Functions and Analysis
[43390] viXra:2501.0147 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-28 00:53:54
Authors: Samvel Srapiobi Poghosyan
Comments: 23 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Pleease cite and list scientific references)
The main path of the evolution of Physics is the complex path of overcoming infinities and various kinds of uncertainties. That is why it is impossible to create a unified or generalized physical theory free of uncertainties by means of universal constants with G, c, ħ -dimensionality and simple, one-dimensional variables - m, r, t. In order to build such a theory, a dimensionless universal constant is also necessary: Ա=〖2,7∙10〗^63=const. , as well as a dimensionless variable: 〖 N〗_Ա∈(1,Ա). We call that maximum value of the armonic variable N_Ա - the Armonic Constant and denote it with the capital letter "Ա" of the Armenian alphabet. In the article, we are trying to find the experimental confirmation of the constant numerical value of the Ա-constant, to discover the main law of cosmomicrophysical evolution and identify the role and significance of the Ա-constant in that law. The future General Physical Theory (GPT) should be a theory composed of four constants (G, c, ħ, Ա) and four variables (m,r,t,N_Ա).
Category: Relativity and Cosmology
[43389] viXra:2501.0146 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-28 00:47:08
Authors: Joao Carlos Holland Barcellos
Comments: 10 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: AI assisted content is in general not acceptable)
Using the "Decreasing Universe" model [01] we will show evidence that this new model of the dynamics of the Universe is less disruptive and more adequate than the traditional Λ-CDM model that postulates the existence of Dark Energy.We will also develop, from this new theory, a simple and straightforward mathematical formula that provides the distance of the galaxy as a function of its redshift.
Category: Astrophysics
[43388] viXra:2501.0145 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-28 00:42:40
Authors: Miroslav Pardy
Comments: 17 Pages. Original article
The scattering process in the framework of the source theory is considered as the synergism of the elastic and the inelastic process. In this approach the infrared divergences never occur. The resulting dierential cross section appears as a factor multiplying the lowest-order (Born) differential cross section plus a contribution referring to the magnetic form factor.
Category: High Energy Particle Physics
[16198] viXra:2502.0128 [pdf] replaced on 2025-02-20 23:35:08
Authors: Samuel Bonaya Buya
Comments: 9 Pages. The paper is a revision containing more details than the other one
In this research different and distinct subsets of composite numbers areidentified together with their Logical formulae. The aim of the research is tocome up with an efficient method of sieving out primes from a set of positiveintegers. An exact formula for determining the number of primes will bepresented. In the paper a graphical method of factorization will be presented.The paper will back its theoretical claims with a practical Python code that will demonstrate both counting and graphical factorization methods. Thisintegration of theory and practice is useful for further research and real worldapplication. The paper aims at providing an exact and structured frameworkfor counting primes within a given range. It will categorize prime numbers ina way that avoids redundant processing. By giving an exact prime countingfunction and a graphical method of factorization the paper offers insightsbeyond sieving.
Category: Number Theory
[16197] viXra:2502.0103 [pdf] replaced on 2025-02-19 22:20:49
Authors: D. G. Grossman
Comments: 12 Pages.
Quarks may be made of higher dimensional matter. If true, then it follows that all hadrons are made of higher dimensional matter. The conventional thinking about quarks, that they are point particles, has not proven useful over the past 50 years. A more useful idea is that the six known quarks (u, d, s, c, b, t) are made of higher dimensional matter, the dimensions of which are respectively (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), and each are equal to a volume of matter defined by the n-sphere surface volume formula of equal dimension. This gives theorists a mathematical handle, with which quarks and hadrons can be investigated.
Category: High Energy Particle Physics
[16196] viXra:2502.0064 [pdf] replaced on 2025-02-15 06:18:48
Authors: Samuel Bonaya Buya
Comments: 14 Pages. Please replace previous version with this
In this research a formulation of the approximate sum of primes is presented.With it also is presented the mean of primes. The formulations are used to confirmthe validity of the Binary Goldbach conjecture through establishing the intervalcontaining Goldbach partition primes of a set of even numbers. A general Goldbachpartition theorem is established by which Goldbach conjecture is proved. Finallythe paper seeks to get a better prime counting function than li (x)
Category: Number Theory
[16195] viXra:2502.0039 [pdf] replaced on 2025-02-12 21:15:25
Authors: Andrei Keino
Comments: 6 Pages.
The article introduces simple and effective algorithm for constant state detection in time series. The algorithm, based on sliding window of variable length, searches a sections of time series with some given minimal length, that have all the values in some given range. It is shown that the computational complexity of aforementioned algorithm is O(N log N), where N is the length of time series.
Category: Data Structures and Algorithms
[16194] viXra:2502.0033 [pdf] replaced on 2025-02-10 16:51:41
Authors: SeongJoo Han
Comments: 16 Pages.
We found why "Eternal Loop" can't exist in Multi-Dimensional space, and why any number can't diverge. And "Collatz Tree" includes most things in the world as indexed. It seems like a sleeping lion.
Category: Number Theory
[16193] viXra:2502.0022 [pdf] replaced on 2025-02-08 22:10:23
Authors: Ervin Goldfain
Comments: 12 Pages.
The Higgs sector of particle physics is confronted by several conceptual difficulties,which are still outstanding today. This brief note points out that the onset of complexdynamics in the ultraviolet regime (UV) of field theory evades three challenges of theHiggs sector, namely fine-tuning, triviality and the tachyonic mass problems. The approachtaken here circumvents several attempts at solving the Higgs challenges based onsupersymmetry, Technicolor models, composite Higgs or anthropically basedarguments.
Category: High Energy Particle Physics
[16192] viXra:2502.0002 [pdf] replaced on 2025-02-06 22:21:32
Authors: Bahbouhi Bouchaib
Comments: 18 Pages. This is a new attempt to demonstrate Goldbach's strong conjecture using basic and accessible mathematics.
After defining the writing of even numbers with equations 4x ± 1; the article shows that odd numbers obey loops of 4 numbers to infinity that obey the equations 4x ± 1. Each odd number in the loop can be prime (P) or composite (C), but for an even number E to be E = P + P' such that P' > P and such that P' > E/2 and P < E/2, P and P' must belong to two loops symmetrical with respect to E/2 and occupy the same positions in them and specific unit digits. The article shows that the three possible sums of an even number E are E = C + C'; or E = P + C; or E = P + P' (C is composite and P is prime). The article demonstrates that E = C + C' ↔ E = C + P ↔ E = P + P' ; and that one sum can be converted into another by subtracting and adding gaps of 4n from or to the two terms of addition. This is a deductive demonstration of Goldbach's strong conjecture shown here for the first time.
Category: Number Theory
[16191] viXra:2501.0175 [pdf] replaced on 2025-02-06 22:18:37
Authors: Samuel Bonaya Buya
Comments: 8 Pages.
The Riemann zeta function is a function of a complex variable s = q +it where q and t as real real numbers. In this research we will examine the different ways in which this complex variable can be constructed. We will examine one possible case of violation of the Riemann hypothesis. We willlook at functions that caprure distribution of primes through their zeroes.
Category: Number Theory
[16190] viXra:2501.0172 [pdf] replaced on 2025-02-10 11:05:56
Authors: Timothy Jones
Comments: 8 Pages. Tangent identities added and some new aspect of P2S and S2P identities.
The product to sum (P2S) and sum to product (S2P) trigonometric identities are generally not memorized, but puzzled out using the sum of two angles for the P2S and then P2S for S2P. We show here a faster way to recall these using what might be called heuristic generalizations. We touch on all 27 of the standard identities.
Category: General Mathematics
[16189] viXra:2501.0165 [pdf] replaced on 2025-02-16 22:52:41
Authors: Yukihiko Hoshino
Comments: Pages.
Aether was widely believed to be the medium of light that fills the universe. However,the Michelson Morley experiment failed to detect the aether wind that should have been observed if the Earth was moving through the aether, so the existence of aether was not proven, and aether is now considered an obsolete physics theory. At that time, one of the hypotheses to explain the existence of aether even without the aether wind was the aether drag hypothesis, which proposed that the aether moves with the Earth. However, this hypothesis was rejected because it could not explain the aberration of light. Consequently, modern physics has progressed and developed on the premise that aether does not exist. Here I show that the aberration of light can be explained even if aether moves with the Earth. I clarified that the flowing aether does not receive light directly from above, but receives it from an upward diagonal forward angle according to the same principle as the aberration of light and transmits it linearly. This means that, for an observer on Earth moving at the same speed as the aether, the direction of light matches the direction observed in the aberration of light. This research finding strongly suggests the possibility of the existence of aether. Therefore, when I calculated the angle at which light from a star is bent by the gravity of the sun during a solar eclipse, assuming the existence of aether, it matched the value calculated by the theory of relativity. From now on I propose that various physical phenomena should be reconsidered assuming the existence of aether.This paper is a rewrite in English of a Japanese paper originally publishde in 2012, with new findings added.
Category: Algebra
[16188] viXra:2501.0160 [pdf] replaced on 2025-02-13 21:36:08
Authors: Taha Sochi
Comments: 24 Pages. This is an extended version
In this paper we continue our previous investigation about the use of stress function in the flow of generalized Newtonian fluids through conduits of circular and non-circular (or/and multiply connected) cross sections where we inspect the flow of Ree-Eyring fluids in tubes of elliptical cross sections. We derive analytical expressions for the flow velocity profile and for the volumetric flow rate. The obtained analytical expressions were tested against the available analytical expressions for the special cases of Newtonian flow in circular tubes, Newtonian flow in elliptical tubes and Ree-Eyring flow in circular tubes and the results were identical. The obtained analytical expressions were also tested for sensible trends, tendencies and correlations and they passed all these tests.
Category: Mathematical Physics
[16187] viXra:2501.0158 [pdf] replaced on 2025-02-02 14:14:53
Authors: Raul Fattore
Comments: 17 Pages.
Since astronomical distance measurements are wrong, this work ought to serve as a possible cautionary tale for all astronomy and cosmology colleagues, as well as for astrophysicists in general.The study reveals that the electromagnetic wave propagation from a rotating source does not follow a straight line, but the Archimedes spiral trajectory, indicating that most astronomical distance calculations may be incorrect. The research suggests that galaxies are closer to us than previously estimated, potentially indicating a younger universe. The difference between the Archimedes spiral arc length and straight-line estimates is small within our solar system but becomes more significant from Pluto. It is recommended to review all astronomical and cosmological distance and age data.* Does light follow a rectilinear path? * Are distance measurement methods of the "cosmic distance ladder" providing the right results? * Are galaxies really receding? * Do receding galaxies mean that the universe is expanding? * Can we better determine the age of the universe? * Could galaxies collide? All these questions are answered in the development of this study according to the suggested theories.
Category: Astrophysics
[16186] viXra:2501.0155 [pdf] replaced on 2025-02-02 21:31:35
Authors: Ervin Goldfain
Comments: 5 Pages.
This brief report is a bird's-eye view of the paths leading to the concepts of evolving fractalspacetime and continuous dimensionality, far beyond the range of Effective Field Theory.
Category: Mathematical Physics
[16185] viXra:2501.0148 [pdf] replaced on 2025-01-31 21:42:40
Authors: Abdelhay Benmoussa
Comments: 12 Pages.
In this brief note, we give three operational formulas that involve Bessel numbers. To the best of our knowledge, these formulas are new. We also derive another probably unknown formula from them.Finally, we present an example of application of one of these formulas.
Category: Functions and Analysis