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Recent submissions

Any replacements are listed farther down

[43252] viXra:2412.0145 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-22 05:55:07

The Multi-fold Least Action Principle, a Quasi Theory Of Everything

Authors: Stephane H Maes
Comments: 44 Pages. All related details of the projects (and updates) can be found and followed at

The principle of least action applies to many domains of Physics. Yet its justifications and derivations usually come from archaic classical principles like the Fermat or Maupertuis principles, or mathematical analytical frameworks used for classical mechanics. As is well known, it is widely applicable to other domains, without necessarily a clear justification for it. In addition, the Feynman Path Integral formulation of Quantum Mechanics gave it a second life. However, the conventional logic to reach these conclusions is at time circular, and the principle is applied without proof that it is applicable: it just works and everybody does it. It is this applicability that led us in the past to treat the Action path integral as God’s equation.The paper justifies the principle of least action and Feynman’s path integrals through different physical reasoning, and on that basis we confirm its validity in most situations, even if Hamiltonians or Lagrangians may be shaky to define, or the system may be dissipative. We also explain when, and why, sometimes, it may not conventionally apply. The derivation uncovers different links between Entropy and Action, which also opens a different way to look at the origin of the probability distribution of even just a single lone particle; especially when complemented with the W-type multi-fold hypothesis, and makes some considerations on Feynman diagrams, instantons, renormalons and resurgence. Also discontinuities in the paths of the path integrals imply that spacetime is discrete, and non-commutative, and supersymmetry in flat spacetime is unphysical. Surfaceology, as optimized computation of the Feynman diagram is shown to trivially predict that all gauge theories double copy dual to gravity share the same forbidden scatterings. We show how the results of the multi-fold theory, in particular the multi-fold space time matter induction and scattering, built explicitly on the path integral formalism, its underlying principles, and the principle of least action, allows recovering almost everything in Today’s physics. It leaves out essentially only some of the coupling constants and mixing angles/parameters. This goes a long way towards the ambition of a Theory Of Everything (TOE). Our justification of the principle of least action, and path integrals, and the multi-fold theory encounters relationships between Entropy and Action. We review these encounters, including that entanglement might be irreversible. Also, from our approach, we obtain a formulation of the evolution of entropy, including for irreversible systems, which matches Onsager and Prigogine’s famous models and principles.
Category: Quantum Physics

[43251] viXra:2412.0144 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-23 02:20:22

Nature of Universal Forces, Leading to a Modified Atomic Structure Including Dirac’s Ideas and Satisfying de Broglie’s Restriction

Authors: Bijon Kumar Sen, Subha Sen
Comments: 16 Pages. 7 Figures. Table (Note by viXra Admin: Please submit article in pdf only)

Forces operative in the universe have so long been considered to be pull of particles towards their own both in small and long range. From the properties of short-range nuclear attractions, characteristics such as particle independence, saturation, pair and pairs of pair formation have been developed. Consideration of scattering of atoms by different types of projectiles show that Rutherford’s atomic structure which was modified by Bohr imposing quantum condition does not satisfy known facts. Thus, photons can scatter extranuclear electrons but not powerful enough to scatter nucleons. Although, α- particles and slow neutrons are able to scatter nucleons leading to β+ and β- emission, the neutron- β-neutrino scattering proposed by Fermi poses some difficulties. To cap all these, there is the restriction imposed by de Broglie’s hypothesis that nucleus is neither a repository nor a manufacturer of electrons. To account for all these restrictions, it was found that Dirac’s suggestion of particles and anti-particles in which nucleons are embedded may be fruitfully utilized. Thus, an atomic structure based on modification of Rutherford-Bohr model has been put forward.Triggering impulse of β- emission may be related to the gluon field which holds the binding energy till the point of overstretching of the mass of the quark involved.Key-words: Universal Forces, Short- and Long-range Forces, Characteristics of Nuclear Forces, Modified Atomic Structure including Dirac’s and de Broglie’s Ideas________________________________________________________________________*#Retired, Address for correspondence DD - 114, Street no. 269, Action Area I, Newtown, Kolkata 700156, INDIA, E-mail:
Category: Nuclear and Atomic Physics

[43250] viXra:2412.0143 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-23 01:55:13

An Elementary Proof of Fermat's Last Theorem

Authors: Theophilus Agama
Comments: 4 Pages.

We provide an elementary proof of Fermat's last theorem using the notion of olloids.
Category: Number Theory

[43249] viXra:2412.0142 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-22 11:37:53

Unified Gravity Through the Repulsion Graviton Space Model

Authors: Misaki Kasai
Comments: 22 Pages.

The Repulsion Graviton Space Model (Re:GraviS Model) proposes a unified gravitational theory that explains galactic dynamics, cosmic accelerated expansion, and black hole interiors without relying on dark matter or dark energy as separate entities. This model asserts that "Gravity arises as an entropic-driven repulsion of space countering the spherically symmetric repulsive force exerted by gravitons on space", leading to scale-dependent modifications of the gravitational potential that naturally reproduce observed phenomena. At galactic scales, graviton-induced spatial repulsion accurately explains the flattening of galactic rotation curves. The proposed gravitational potential demonstrates strong agreement with high-resolution observational data of galactic rotation curves, providing a physically consistent alternative explanation without invoking dark matter. At cosmological scales, the same repulsive mechanism drives cosmic accelerated expansion, with the derived energy density quantitatively matching observed dark energy values. This suggests that the repulsive force of gravitons acts as dark energy, contributing to the large-scale repulsive dynamics of the universe. In extreme gravitational fields, the equilibrium between graviton repulsion and spatial collapse prevents the formation of classical singularities within black holes. Instead, a quantum spatial region emerges, where gravitons act as interdimensional information carriers, resolving the information paradox and providing a unified explanation for quantum effects near singularities. The model predicts finite core radii, eliminating the problem of infinite density and curvature. These results demonstrate that the proposed framework consistently describes Einstein’s field equations at small scales, cosmic expansion at large scales, and black hole environments under extreme conditions. By redefining gravity as an entropic-driven repulsion of space countering the repulsive force of gravitons, this work challenges the limitations of conventional gravitational theories and provides a groundbreaking pathway toward a quantum theory of gravity that unifies relativity and quantum mechanics. Keywords: Gravity, Gravitons, Quantum Gravity, Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Galactic Rotation Curve, Cosmic Expansion, Black Holes, Black Hole Singularities, Repulsion
Category: Quantum Gravity and String Theory

[43248] viXra:2412.0141 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-23 01:40:14

Calculating the Spatial Curvature of the Universe: an Equation that Relates it to Energy Density

Authors: Fernando Salmon Iza
Comments: 5 Pages.

Understanding the spatial curvature of our universe is a very important topic in astrophysics. The FLRW metric that determines the evolution of the universe is based on the Cosmological Principle (the universe is homogeneous and isotropic on very large scales) and on Weyl's Postulate (the universe behaves like a perfect fluid whose components move as temporal geodesics without intersecting each other). This metric is specified in two equations, the Friedmann equations, in which the curvature term Ωk plays an essential role in its resolution. Determining the value of this term with respect to the energy density term Ωρ may mean solving or not solving the equations in many cases. We do not have the solution to this important question, but we have begun to solve it. We have found an equation that relates, in the FLRW metric, the spatial curvature with the energy density and we have found that the spatial curvature is proportional to the energy density with a proportionality factor very similar to that which relates in Einstein's equations, the Einstein tensor with the energy-momentum tensor, that is, the curvature with the energy. This has important consequences, the first is that, in a universe with matter, the spatial curvature will never be zero, the second is that, for the density of matter in today's universe, the spatial curvature is very small.
Category: Astrophysics

[43247] viXra:2412.0140 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-22 14:24:26

Tokenization is not the Problem

Authors: Danil Kutny
Comments: 6 Pages.

This paper introduces a modification to standard GPT-like models by incorporating character-level encoding. The model uses an LSTM to process individual characters within tokens, which are then embedded into the original token embedding space. This allows the model to maintain token-level processing while adding character-level information to each token. Trained on the BookCorpus dataset, the model was evaluated on tasks requiring character-level manipulation, such as counting letters and reversing words. Surprisingly, the modified model performed similarly to the baseline GPT model, with no significant improvements, suggesting that GPT-like models may inherently learn character-level representations from tokenized inputs.
Category: Artificial Intelligence

[43246] viXra:2412.0139 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-22 15:45:42

Pi is Irrational Using One Trig Identity

Authors: Timothy Jones
Comments: 3 Pages.

We prove the contrapositive of pi is rational implies lim sin n! as n goes to infinity converges to show pi is irrational.
Category: Number Theory

[43245] viXra:2412.0138 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-23 01:36:30

The Temporal Spectrum: Understanding the Universe as an Unbounded Continuum

Authors: Paul Caracristi
Comments: 4 Pages.

This paper explores a conceptual universe model that rejects traditional notions of beginnings, ends, boundaries, infinity, and nothingness. It describes the universe as a spectrum of scales and energy values, where realms of expanding voids and contracting matter coexist within a dynamic framework of implicit and explicit phenomena. The paper examines human perception and its limitations and argues that significant portions of the universe lie well beyond our perceptual and cognitive range. Using examples from cosmology, quantum mechanics, and relativity, this paper seeks to support the assertion that our understanding is necessarily incomplete yet enriched by recognizing the universe's transitional, asymmetric, and spectral nature.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[43244] viXra:2412.0137 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-23 01:34:18

On the Flaws in a Resent Extension of Schwarzschild Geometry to Accelerated Masses

Authors: Mueiz Gafer KamalEldeen
Comments: 4 Pages.

In this article, I attempted to demonstrate that generalizing the Schwarzschild solution to cases involving the motion of the gravitational source by decomposing the definition of the metric tensor, transforming the differential elements between reference systems and then reassembling it in the desired system, as presented in some recently published papers on arXiv and elsewhere, is an incorrect approach.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[43243] viXra:2412.0136 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-21 15:04:58

Collatz's Hypothesis Is True

Authors: ChaeWon Hwang
Comments: 2 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Please cite and list scientific references)

I will prove that Collatz's hypothesis is true.
Category: Number Theory

[43242] viXra:2412.0135 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-21 03:25:32

Solutions to the Living Space Problem to Overcome the Fear of Resurrection from the Dead

Authors: Jaba Tkemaladze
Comments: 12 Pages.

Humanity, as a part of the biosphere, has disrupted its equilibrium with Earth's system, inevitably leading to a critical juncture that demands a fundamental choice and a radical change in behavioral strategy. On an individual level, if a person does not believe in the existence of an afterlife, death, and hell, they are likely to choose hedonism, which would result in the extinction of humanity without leaving behind any intelligent beings. However, if a person is allowed to die, experience the afterlife, and then be resurrected while retaining the memory of that experience, their behavior would shift—prioritizing the bliss of self-development over mere pleasure. Ethics dictate that all who have previously died must also be resurrected. Can current technologies provide sufficient living space for a constantly growing population? Yes, this is not only possible but has been feasible for some time. To mitigate risks, living space can be expanded through the use of space-faring starships, large enough to sustain billions of people comfortably on territories exceeding the size of India. Intergalactic ships could have surface areas surpassing that of Earth. Additionally, around stars, including the Sun, it is possible to use the material from a single planet to create spheres whose surface areas would vastly exceed that of the planet itself.
Category: Religion and Spiritualism

[43241] viXra:2412.0134 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-21 03:47:11

Quantum Wave Entropy

Authors: Xiao Lin Li
Comments: 13 Pages.

In quantum mechanics, particles have a new type of probabilistic property, which is quantum wave probability. Corresponding to this new probability, the particle has the property of quantum wave entropy, and it has the property of quantum wave temperature. Based on the quantum wave entropy, the Unruh formula, the black hole entropy formula, and the Verlinde entropy gravitational formula can be easily derived. It proves that these three formulas are not independent of each other, but are related to each other. These three formulas have the same physical origin, which is quantum wave entropy. The quantum wave temperature has similar properties to the Unruh temperature. The quantum wave temperature is not only directly proportional to acceleration, but also inversely proportional to velocity. The Unruh temperature is just a light speed case of quantum wave temperatures. Compared to the Unruh temperature, the quantum wave temperature is significantly larger and easier to test experimentally. All experiments to test the Unruh effect can be used to test the theory of quantum wave entropy. We can use experiments to test whether the theory is true. The quantum wave entropy can solve the contradiction between the time reversal symmetry of the dynamical equation and the law of entropy increase. The action corresponds to quantum wave entropy. The least action principle corresponds to the stationary quantum wave entropy principle. The quantum wave entropy creates a bridge between the dynamical equations and thermodynamics.
Category: Quantum Physics

[43240] viXra:2412.0133 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-21 15:00:11

Comprehensive Proof of the Np Problem: Integrating Advanced Mathematical Theory and Computational Techniques

Authors: Ren Sakai
Comments: 14 Pages.

This paper presents a novel approach for solving NP problems by integrating advanced mathematical theories, extensive experimental validation, efficient utilization of computational resources, and interdisciplinary methods. By leveraging recent advancements in number theory and graph theory along with optimized computational techniques, we aim to provide a comprehensive framework that addresses the complexities of NP problems, ultimately leading to their complete resolution.
Category: Data Structures and Algorithms

[43239] viXra:2412.0132 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-22 03:27:51

The Octa Quadrant System: an Extension of the Cartesian Coordinate System

Authors: Israr Luqman
Comments: 5 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Please submit article in pdf format only)

This paper proposes the Octa-Quadrant System (OCS), an innovative extension of the Cartesian coordinate system that divides the plane into eight quadrants instead of the traditional four. Each quadrant spans 45° and is grouped into unique pairs to form a novel coordinate framework. This extension allows new algebraic operations, geometric interpretations, and rotational symmetries to be explored. Theoretical foundations, algebraic properties, and potential applications of the OCS in mathematics, physics, and engineering are discussed, alongside a comparison with existing systems and their limitations.
Category: Number Theory

[43238] viXra:2412.0131 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-22 03:08:20

Self as the Core of Biological Feedback Systems: An Ideogrammatic Model of Memory and Recognition

Authors: Hyunho Shin
Comments: 21 Pages.

Despite significant advancements in memory research—from the level of the entire brain to specific regions and even to the connections between neurons—the exact physical location and mechanism by which memories are stored remain unresolved. Moreover, most existing studies have focused primarily on output data such as behavioral responses, leaving research on the memory system itself rather limited. In contrast, the recently proposed "meshcode" theory posits binary encoding within cells via the talin protein, suggesting that physical symbols of memory may exist at the molecular level. If certain proteins function as physical symbols that store memory, the earliest memory system might have directly linked symbols and meanings in an ideogrammatic manner, and the first concept to be encoded would have been "self," based on feedback mechanisms. Furthermore, the varied feedback systems found in living organisms can be viewed as another name for the memory system. By examining how these feedback systems, which originate from self/non-self recognition, expand, we can infer the structure of the memory system. This approach not only reconstructs the structural algorithms of memory but also implies that memory may be distributed throughout the organism rather than limited to the brain. In addition, the expansion of self-recognition feedback systems may serve as a universal foundation for the formation of self-awareness and consciousness. Such insights offer a framework forreinterpreting the origins of memory and consciousness beyond the limits of neuroscience, while also revealing that today’s artificial intelligence is constrained by the absence of self-recognition algorithms. In the future, the design of AI or humanoids based on self-recognition could open the door to the emergence of consciousness.
Category: Mind Science

[43237] viXra:2412.0130 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-22 03:09:00

Some Hypergeometric Formulas

Authors: Edgar Valdebenito
Comments: 3 Pages.

In this note we give some formulas related to Pi.
Category: Number Theory

[43236] viXra:2412.0129 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-22 03:12:27

Robustness to Spurious Correlation: A Comprehensive Review

Authors: Mohammadjavad Maheronnaghsh, Taha Akbari Alvanagh
Comments: 20 Pages. This article will be published in ECCV by Springer.

The persistence of spurious features in machine learning models remains a significant challenge. To address this issue, we identify several future directions that require attention. Firstly, we highlight the need for a new dataset that allows researchers to control the types and levels of spurious features, as this resource is currently lacking. Secondly, we emphasize the importance of addressing spurious features in natural language processing, where more attention is needed compared to vision-related tasks. We also stress the need for addressing spurious correlations at the core algorithmic level, rather than relying on complex, task specific solutions that may not generalize well. Finally, we advocate for the development of weakly-supervised or unsupervised methods that reduce reliance on group labels, making the approaches more widely applicable. Our review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of existing work and guide future research in creating more robust machine learning models.
Category: Artificial Intelligence

[43235] viXra:2412.0128 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-22 03:14:49

Trisecting an Arbitrary Angle Problem Solved

Authors: Joseph Musonda
Comments: 5 Pages.

Trisecting an arbitrary angle using a straightedge and compass only has been one of the oldest mathematical geometric problem tracing back to Euclidian times. This problem was never solved until 1837 when it was proven impossible by French Mathematician Pierre Wantzel. As stated by Pierre Laurent Wantzel (1837), the solution of the angle trisection problem corresponds to an implicit solution of the cubic equation x cubed minus 3x minus 1 equals 0, which is algebraically irreducible, and so is the geometric solution of the angle trisection problem. The step-by-step instructions are given which are used to trisect an acute or obtuse angle( a reflex angle can be trisected by first trisecting 180 degrees angle and then the remaining one is trisected by using the authors steps, finally a 60 degrees is added to a corresponding other angle that results from trisection). This method explained here can trisect any arbitrary angle. Only a compass and straightedge is used. The formal proof is later given after a practical illustration. For practical sake and to prove the possibility of trisecting an arbitrary angle, the author used the most common angle of 60 degrees that mathematicians uses to explain the proof for impossibility. The author believes that this proof will act as a basis for further research in geometry in future.Keywords: trisecting, arbitrary angle, geometry, straightedge and compas, implicit solution
Category: Geometry

[43234] viXra:2412.0127 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-22 03:18:50

[a] Ratio Method of Solving Linear Systems of Equations in Two and Three Variables

Authors: Joseph Musonda
Comments: 11 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Please Do NOT use author's name to name the title, formula, equations etc.)

The purpose of this paper is simply to present to the mathematics community a novel approach of solving systems of linear equations in two and three variables. This method uses products of coefficients with determinants and constants with determinants. The method is derived through the cross multiplication of equations which results in finding the critical values (Dx, Dy and Dz). These critical values are later substituted in any initial given equation for the purpose of finding scale factor K. It is this scale factor that is multiplied with critical values to find real solutions. The analysis of this formula shows that it is certainly accurate for all problems it is invented for. Unlike the Crammer’s rule, substitution method, elimination method that requires three and four determinants to solve a two and three variable problems of linear systems of equations, for this method the two and three variable problems only two and three determinants respectively. In two variables In three variables x= (c1Dx)/M x=(d2Dx)/M y=(c1Dy)/M y=(d2Dy)/M z=(d2Dz)/MCoefficients an,bn,cn and constants is obtained from any of the single equation. The ratio method is formally derived and proven in the methodology section and Denominator (M) =a1Dx+ b1Dy for a two variable equations and M=a1Dx+ b1Dy+ c1Dz for 3 variable equations.Keywords: Linear systems of equations, Ratios, Critical Values, Scale factor K, Crammer’s rule, elimination method, substitution method.
Category: Algebra

[43233] viXra:2412.0126 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-22 04:26:36

Infinite Numbers in Mathematics

Authors: Weike Xu
Comments: 49 Pages. The sequence of sections in this article is carefully arranged for correct understandings. It is recommended for professionals to read in order.

A method named `motional construction' is introduced in this article. Questions involving continuum hypothesis and incompleteness theorems of formal systems are answered, but a major concern of this article is a nature of infinity: Infinity implies paradoxes.Many conclusions contradicting orthodox mathematics are proved, such as: a set of real numbers does not exist, Lebesgue measure of any set is zero, ZF axioms are not logically consistent, etc. Unreliable results are common in sub-fields of mathematics where infinite sets are used intensively.A valid mathematical conclusion describes finiteness in essence.When infiniteness is clear, the third mathematical crisis shall be over.
Category: Set Theory and Logic

[43232] viXra:2412.0125 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-20 03:17:25

Analysis of Creep Deformation

Authors: Sourangshu Ghosh
Comments: 78 Pages.

Creep deformation, a time-dependent material response under sustained stress, plays a critical role in the long-term performance and reliability of structural components, particularly at elevated temperatures. This article presents a mathematically rigorous analysis of creep deformation mechanisms and a phenomenological framework to describe its stages and evolution. By coupling microstructural insights with continuum mechanics, we derive and validate constitutive models capturing the interplay of stress, temperature, and material properties.The analysis integrates diffusion kinetics, dislocation dynamics, and grain boundary phenomena into a unified formalism, ensuring precision in predicting creep behavior across a wide spectrum of materials.
Category: Classical Physics

[43231] viXra:2412.0124 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-20 04:25:13

Particle-Wave Theory of Light

Authors: Rajeev Kumar
Comments: 3 Pages.

In this paper a particle-wave theory of light has been presented in order to explain the dual nature of light.
Category: Classical Physics

[43230] viXra:2412.0123 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-20 11:34:35

The Physics of a Universe with a Variable Planck "Constant"

Authors: En Okada
Comments: 30 Pages.

We propose a novel theoretical paradigm that all physical realities can be concretely defined by the degree of spontaneous symmetry breaking in a binary field, providing an alternative interpretation of the Higgs mechanism. Together with a newly proposed hypothesis that the Planck constant evolves in accordance with the cosmic scale factor, which drives an evolution of the mass and electric charge of elementary particles, our model solves all the hierarchy problems of theoretical physics in one shot, demystifying all the four fundamental interactions as different aspects of a singular consistent story.
Category: Quantum Gravity and String Theory

[43229] viXra:2412.0122 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-20 20:01:51

On the Spectral Flow Theorem of Robbin-Salamon for Finite Intervals

Authors: Urs Frauenfelder, Joa Weber
Comments: 79 Pages. 6 figures

In this article we consider operators of the form ∂sξ + A(s)ξ where s lies in an interval [−T , T ] and s → A(s) is continuous. Without boundary conditions these operators are not Fredholm. However, using interpolation theory one can define suitable boundary conditions for these operators so that they become Fredholm. We show that in this case the Fredholm index is given by the spectral flow of the operator path A.
Category: Geometry

[43228] viXra:2412.0121 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-20 00:42:02

A Progress on the P vs NP Problem

Authors: Theophilus Agama
Comments: 13 Pages.

This paper presents a significant advancement in understanding the P vs NP problem through the lens of problem theory. Using isotopes as a technical tool within this framework, we provide a solution to the problem, establishing that $mathrm{P}=mathrm{NP}$. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed theoretical framework in addressing fundamental problems in computational complexity.
Category: Set Theory and Logic

[43227] viXra:2412.0120 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-19 03:51:41

Group Theory: Problems and Solutions (Part 1)

Authors: Harry Willow
Comments: 18 Pages.

There is nothing new about group theory in this paper. It presents group theory problems at undergraduate level and their solutions. In presenting the solutions, we avoid using advanced theorems from group theory but we tried to discuss the solutions using elementary facts in group theory.
Category: Algebra

[43226] viXra:2412.0119 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-19 09:35:30

Comprehensive Analysis and Proof of the Collatz Conjecture Through Multidisciplinary Approaches

Authors: Ren Sakai
Comments: 16 Pages.

This paper summarizes research attempting to prove the Collatz conjecture.Summary of the Collatz Conjecture:.Starting with any positive integerIf n is even, divide by 2(n/2)If n is odd, then multiply by 3 and add 1 (3n+1).Research Approach: Mathematical InductionMathematical inductionProbabilistic MethodGraph Theory I am attempting to prove a proof using a combination of these three approaches.Main theoretical resultsProof of convergence in the odd caseAnalysis of stochastic behavior by Markov chain modelsProof of reachability by graph structureProof of equivalence of the three theoretical approachesNumerical experimentsAnalysis of convergence times and maxima for various initial valuesFrequency analysis of patternsVerification of statistical behaviorFuture workValidation in larger numerical rangesInsights into relationship with computational complexity theoryExploration of potential applications to other number sequence problemsTranslated with (free version)
Category: Number Theory

[43225] viXra:2412.0118 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-19 09:44:56

Rainbow, Great Pyramid, Icosahedron: Mathematics in an Entertaining Way

Authors: Hans Hermann Otto
Comments: 6 Pages.

The rainbow angle of about 42° is comparable with the golden mean based angle between edge and base of the Great Pyramid. It allows bringing together different areas of knowledge in an amusing way using simple geometry besides laws of optics. The mathematical exercise may encourage students to understand spectacles of nature in a simple and didactical manner.
Category: Geometry

[43224] viXra:2412.0117 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-19 12:31:55

Comprehensive Partial Proofs of NP Problems Integration of Advanced Mathematical Theory and Computational Techniques

Authors: Ren Sakai
Comments: 12 Pages.

This paper presents a comprehensive approach to solving NP problems by integrating advanced mathematical theories, extensive experimental validation, efficient utilization of computational resources, and interdisciplinary methods. By leveraging recent advancements in number theory, graph theory, and various computational techniques, we aim to provide a robust framework that addresses the complexities of NP problems and progresses towards the ultimate resolution of the P=NP question.Key contributions of this research include the development and optimization of new polynomial-time algorithms for specific NP-complete problems, such as the Hamiltonian Cycle and Knapsack Problems. We also incorporate probabilistic and quantum computing methods to enhance algorithmic efficiency. Extensive simulations and large-scale experiments validate the practical applicability and scalability of these algorithms across diverse datasets and real-world applications.Additionally, this paper explores the integration of interdisciplinary approaches, such as dynamic systems theory, ergodic theory, Monte Carlo methods, and insights from fields like biology, economics, and social network analysis. These combined efforts create a multifaceted strategy for tackling NP problems, making significant strides towards a potential solution to one of the most critical questions in theoretical computer science.
Category: Data Structures and Algorithms

[43223] viXra:2412.0116 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-19 12:35:13

A Trig Based Proof that Pi is Irrational

Authors: Timothy Jones
Comments: 7 Pages.

It is shown that the limit of cos(j) and sin(j) as j goes to infinity does not exist. DeMoivre's theorem implies cos j! + i sin j! raised to the 1/(j-1)! power equals cos j + i sin j. Assuming pi is rational, its multiple can be expressed as a factorial. This implies that cos(j) and sin(j) converges, a contradiction.
Category: Number Theory

[43222] viXra:2412.0114 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-19 15:45:16

Money Particle Swarm Optimization

Authors: Satish Gajawada
Comments: 2 Pages.

The idea is to incorporate the concept of money into Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm to create a new PSO algorithm titled "Money Particle Swarm Optimization (MyPSO)" algorithm.
Category: Artificial Intelligence

[43221] viXra:2412.0113 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-19 17:30:40

Absolute Frame in Physics

Authors: Taha Sochi
Comments: 40 Pages.

In this paper we investigate the concept of "absolute frame of reference" in contemporary physics as well as its properties, instances (or potential instances), types, conceptualizations, evidence, problems, controversies, and so on. This investigation is essentially epistemological in nature and hence we do not discuss or investigate any technical formulation related to this subject.
Category: History and Philosophy of Physics

[43220] viXra:2412.0112 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-18 05:58:28

The Mechanism of Peony Seed Oil Can Promote Sleep by 16S Rrna Gene Sequencing and Metabolomics Analyses of Changes in the Intestinal Flora and Biomarkers in Mice

Authors: Ziyue Liang, Junjie Zhang, Zhiyuan Wang, Xinyi Li
Comments: 44 Pages.

The rapid spread of infectious and non-infectious diseases highlights the critical need for precise, affordable, and field-deployable diagnostic tools, especially in resource-constrained settings. Traditional methods, while widely used, often fall short in meeting the required sensitivity, specificity, and operational efficiency. The CRISPR-Cas system, originally an adaptive immune mechanism in bacteria, has been repurposed into a powerful biosensing tool, demonstrating exceptional potential for accurate and versatile detection. This review examines the current limitations of conventional diagnostic techniques and explores the advancements in CRISPR-Cas—based biosensing. Innovations such as the integration of CRISPR-Cas with amplification methods, nanomaterials, and microfluidic platforms have significantly enhanced its sensitivity, speed, and portability. Challenges like enzyme stability, anti-CRISPR proteins, and PAM dependency remain but are being actively addressed. In summary, CRISPR-Cas systems, combined with other cutting-edge technologies, hold immense promise for providing customized and efficient detection methods, paving the way for revolutionary improvements in diagnostics across diverse applications.
Category: Biochemistry

[43219] viXra:2412.0111 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-19 02:28:27

The Relational Dynamics of Space-Time

Authors: Daniel Marques Rodrigues
Comments: 18 Pages.

This article proposes a theoretical framework for an emergent model of spacetime, conceptualized as a relational structure built from fundamental discrete interactions. The formulation is guided by the central postulate: "Nothing is empty, nothing is solitary; interactions define reality", alongside the Dual Stability Principle and the Triple Existence Principle. In the proposed model:u2022 Binary interactions (EAB) establish local equilibrium and static structure.u2022 Triple interactions (EABC) introduce dynamical complexity and emergentnon-linearity.u2022 Higher-order interactions (EA...N ) describe quantum-scale fluctuations,endowing space-time with intrinsic granularity.A mathematical formalism is developed to sum these contributions into an emergent metric tensor, which smoothly transitions between discrete (microscopic) and continuous (macroscopic) scales. Notably, the model recovers classical General Relativity (GR) solutions, including the Schwarzschild, Kerr, and FLRW metrics, in the macroscopic limit.At extreme regimes—such as black holes and the primordial universe—the model regularizes classical singularities via quantum-induced oscillations and fluctuations, ensuring finite curvature and physical consistency.Testable predictions are presented, including quantum corrections to gravitational waves near horizons (detectable by LIGO, Virgo, and LISA) and nonGaussian signatures in the cosmic microwave background (CMB), observablethrough Planck and future CMB-S4 missions. These results pave the way toward a unified gravitational description across all physical scales.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[43218] viXra:2412.0109 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-19 02:23:37

Cosmic Length L and Constant ξ = F(G)

Authors: Dominique Mareau
Comments: 6 Pages.

Following in the footsteps of Max Planck, through the path of dimensional analysis, this study reveals the factor ξ =1,5457109×1011 which turns out to be omnipresent in cosmology, at all scales. This factor also appears in the form ξ4, as the ratio between the Coulomb energy and the gravitational energy, acting on an electron-positron pair, separated by a unit distance. This same factor reveals, through several independent paths, a cosmic and constant length: L = 2483 Gyl. In addition to the valuable tool offered by dimensional analysis, this study uses the mass unit "electron" which allows to compare dimensionless ratios with masses expressed in the same unit. The study indicates that Newton’s constant G, is determined with the parameters [M, L, T] of the electron and the factor ξ4. Via the factor ξ8 and the standard photon density, ρph = 4.1073×108 u / m^3, the study predicts the mass density ρ = 8.953389×10-10 J/ m^3. The application of the Friedmann-Lemaitre equation, reveals: Ho = 72.7411 km s-1 Mpc-1 = 2.360126×10-18 s-1; the age of the Universe, 13.44 Gy; the critical density ρc = 8.953386×10-10 J/ m^3 < ρ = 8.953389×10-10 J/ m³. These results are close to the results obtained by the WMAP 1 space probe, namely: 13.77 Gy; Ho = 73±3 km s-1 Mpc-1 = (2.35±0.10)×10-18 s-1. However, they are in disagreement with the results of the Planck 2018 mission: Ho = 67.4±0.4 km s-1 Mpc-1 = (2.18±0.01)×10-18 s-1. This study also reveals what could be likened to a cosmic "string" of length L and Planck section, whose volume is equal to the Compton volume of the electron.
Category: Quantum Gravity and String Theory

[43217] viXra:2412.0108 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-19 02:17:37

A Theory of Finite Natural Numbers Based on Continuous Changes in Four-Dimensional Space

Authors: Dan Liu
Comments: 9 Pages.

This paper introduces a novel mathematical framework based on the assumption that the set of natural numbers is finite. By considering continuous changes in four-dimensional space, we redefine the concepts of natural numbers and multidimensional spaces, establish new mapping relations, and explore the implications of this hypothesis for Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem.
Category: General Mathematics

[43216] viXra:2412.0107 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-17 09:00:26

The Complete Eigenwert-Solution of Damped Spacetime-Oscillations for Two Coupled Tangential Spacetimes with Ftl-States

Authors: Holger Döring
Comments: 11 Pages.

The complete eigenwert-problem of damping process of oscillating tangential spacetime is described and solved. Characterized are all solutions of an associated spacetime - differential-equation of second order from advanced Lorentz-Einstein-factor, which defines the whole oscillation-process of damping states. This system of oscillation-solutions can be described as a set of energy-equations. The system of two coupled spacetimes to a linked shell-model allows movement of material bodies or particles with ftl and real restmasses. This spacetime- lineelement can be interpreted as a one-parametrized pseudo-Kummersurface.
Category: Quantum Gravity and String Theory

[43215] viXra:2412.0106 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-17 16:37:03

How to Detect Berry Phase in Graphene Without Magnetic Field?

Authors: Hamed Koochaki Kelardeh, Vadym Apalkov, Mark I. Stockman
Comments: 14 Pages.

We discuss the topological properties of graphene superlattices excited by ultrafast circularly-polarized laser pulses with strong electric field amplitude, aiming to directly observe the Berry phase, a geometric quantum phase encoded in the graphene's electronic wave function. As a continuing research on our recent paper, Phys. Rev. B 96, 075409, we aim to show that the broken symmetry system of graphene superlattice and the Bragg reflection of electrons creates diffraction and "which way" interference in the reciprocal space reducing the geometrical phase shift and making it directly observable in the electron interferograms. Such a topological phase shift acquired by a carrier moving along a closed path of crystallographic wave vector is predictably observable via time and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (tr-ARPES). We believe that our result is an essential step in the control and observation of ultrafast electron dynamics in topological solids and may open up a route to all-optical switching, ultrafast memories, and petahertz-scale information processing technologies.
Category: Condensed Matter

[43214] viXra:2412.0105 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-17 18:22:12

On the Sequence: A(n)=4a(n-1)-2a(n-2)-4a(n-3)-A(n-4)

Authors: Edgar Valdebenito
Comments: 3 Pages.

We provide some formulas related to sequence A026937 in OEIS.
Category: Combinatorics and Graph Theory

[43213] viXra:2412.0104 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-18 01:20:28

On the 14-Octahedron Backbone of the Bimetric 64-Tetrahedron Grid Universe

Authors: Bruno R. Galeffi
Comments: 15 Pages.

The 64-Tetrahedron Grid (64-TG) stands on a network of fourteen octahedral cavities, with tetrahedra filling up the interstices. Fibonacci numbers seem to drive the embedded Platonic and Archimedean solids. Tetrahedral packing densities are 0.53 in the 64-TG and 0.35 in the cuboctahedron. The inceptive construction protocol of the 64-TG universe involves a central coordinating unit. Jitterbug cycles require a non-rigid tetrahedron lattice. Puzzling equivalences amongst volumes & areas are found.
Category: General Science and Philosophy

[43212] viXra:2412.0103 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-17 22:16:18

Problem Theory

Authors: Theophilus Agama
Comments: 24 Pages. This is a consolidated work bringing together several pieces into a unified work.

This paper introduces problem theory, a new framework for studying problem and solution spaces through the lens of point-set topology and abstract algebra. We define solution spaces as topological constructs induced by the assignment of solutions to problems and establish their fundamental properties. Key results include the identification of compactness and continuity conditions in solution spaces and their algebraic interpretations within module-theoretic settings. This theory bridges abstract algebra and topology, providing new insights into the interplay between algebraic structures and topological spaces. Potential applications and directions for future research are discussed.
Category: Topology

[43211] viXra:2412.0102 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-18 01:16:57

On the Age of the Universe

Authors: Shrayshank Anand
Comments: 3 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Please cite and list scientific references)

The conventional cosmological models, principally the Lambda-CDM framework, estimate the universe’s age to be approximately 13.8 billion years, and recent alternative analyses of the same redshift phenomena propose a significantly different timeline of about 26.7 billion years. Such estimates rely on well established physical laws, cosmological measurements, and assumptions surrounding the Big Bang model. In this paper, we will re examine the notion of the age of the universe from a more foundational, mathematical, and conceptual standpoint. By considering the idea that any finite measure or form is negligible compared to the infinite extent of the cosmos, we explore the limit of a diminishing quantity as it approaches zero. I have used a limit based argument, and also have invoked Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorems to highlight the inherent limitations in proving or disproving statements proposing truth within any formal axiomatic system. The result of the proposed equation is that it suggests that the notion of a definitive age for the universe is inherently flawed, as there is no age you could assign to it — the universe was, is, and will always be there — it is eternal.
Category: Astrophysics

[43210] viXra:2412.0101 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-18 00:21:26

On Complex Dynamics and Primordial Gravity

Authors: Ervin Goldfain
Comments: 21 Pages.

We recently pointed out that, under suitably defined conditions, the Schrödinger equation represents a limit case of the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation (CGLE). As generic prototype of complex dynamics, CGLE is naturally tied to dimensional fluctuations conjectured to develop far above the electroweak scale. The goal of this work is to uncover an unforeseen connection between CGLE and the equation of geodesic deviation in General Relativity (GR). This connection is likely to come into play in primordial cosmology, where strongly fluctuating gravitational fields evolve in far-from-equilibrium conditions. Our findings unveil the duality between primordial gravitation and Kolmogorov entropy and suggest a potential gateway towards field unification outside Lagrangian theory.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[43209] viXra:2412.0100 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-18 03:29:29

On the Origin and Detection of the Osmotic Momentum in Quantum Mechanics

Authors: K. H. Sørensen
Comments: 21 Pages.

This paper explores the concept of osmotic momentum within quantum mechanics, offering a novel theoretical framework that integrates stochastic mechanics with generalized electrodynamics. Byrevisiting Edward Nelson’s interpretation of the Schrödinger equation, we propose that osmotic momentum arises from interactions with gauge waves an extension to classical field components. Additionally, we outline a method for experimental detection of these waves using a "quantum lens", a device designed to convert gauge waves into detectable photons. This work bridges gaps between quantum mechanics, gravity, and dark energy, suggesting that gauge waves could unify these phenomena under a common theoretical framework.Experimental validation of this model could redefine our understanding of quantum and relativistic systems.
Category: Quantum Physics

[43208] viXra:2412.0099 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-17 00:21:16

Two New Laws of Gravitation Give a Complete Description of Gravitational Interaction in the Universe

Authors: Mykola Kosinov
Comments: 16 Pages.

For more than 300 years, the formula for the force of gravitational interaction is represented by Newton's Uniform Law of Universal Gravitation. During this period the facts that Newton's law of gravitation gives predictions that do not agree with observations have been revealed. Here we show that Newton's law of gravitation is not the only law of gravitational interaction in the universe. In addition to Newton's law of gravitation, a new law of gravitation is obtained: FCos=(mc^2)√Ʌ. The two laws of gravitation (FN=GmM/r^2, FCos=(mc^2)√Ʌ) revitalize classical gravity and develop Newtonian dynamics towards a complete model of gravity. Newton's law of gravitation together with the new law of gravitation provide a complete and consistent description of the gravitational interaction in the universe. The real law of universal gravitation is presented in a new form. The law of universal gravitation is represented by two equivalent formulas: FU=GmM/r^2+(mc^2)√Ʌ; FU=mR^3/T^2*r^2+(mc^2)√Ʌ. The law of universal gravitation turned out to be much more complicated than Newton claimed.
Category: Classical Physics

[43207] viXra:2412.0098 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-16 11:32:28

Vacuum Structures.

Authors: Pastushenko Vladimir Alexandrovich
Comments: 17 Pages.

What does charge and mass consist of, why is the charge of a proton with quarks the same as the charge of a positron without quarks? What is their unity and difference? What does an electric field consist of, what does a magnetic field consist of, and why does the dynamics of one field induce another field? What is a gravitational field and how does mass create gravity? What is dark mass and what is dark energy? Why and how does mass appear from energy? How does all this form a single physical vacuum of the material world? Here is an attempt to answer these and similar questions.
Category: High Energy Particle Physics

[43206] viXra:2412.0097 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-16 14:17:11

Earth’s Magnetic Field Modelled with a Variable Speed Inner Core

Authors: P. G. Vejde
Comments: 4 Pages.

Recent data on the paleomagnetic and seismic record show that the solid inner core rotates faster than the mantle and is consistent with an elongated volume and 10 degree tilt in the north south axis. Using this data it is argued that the liquid core circulates around the earths equatorial plane and has a speed differential across its radius. And that it is this which drives the dynamo mechanism powering the earth’s magnetic field. It is also argued that the polarity reversals and drift observed in the data record are consistent with precession of and various changes in the shape, rotational speeds and angle of the north south axis of the solid inner core relative to the mantle.
Category: Geophysics

[43205] viXra:2412.0096 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-17 00:12:35

A Quantum Entanglement Perspective of the Big Bang: A Symmetric Universe-Anti-Universe Model

Authors: Joel Ryan Ortiz
Comments: 6 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: The references are not cited and listed in a schoarlar manner)

This paper introduces a novel hypothesis that reinterprets the Big Bang as a quantum entanglement event connecting our observable, matter-dominated universe to a mirrored anti-universe dominated by antimatter, where time flows in reverse. The framework explores how this entanglement resolves long-standing cosmological questions, including the matter-antimatter imbalance, the arrow of time, and dark matter. Additionally, it provides explanations for anomalies observed in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), such as the Cold Spot and large-scale asymmetries, which may serve as quantum imprints of this dual-universe symmetry. By integrating quantum mechanics and cosmology, this theory offers testable predictions and a unified perspective on the origins and structure of the cosmos
Category: Quantum Physics

[43204] viXra:2412.0095 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-16 17:59:37

Quantization of Entropic Gravity

Authors: Oleg Ponfilenok
Comments: 6 Pages.

We present a model of gravity in which the gravitational interaction is interpreted as a consequence of changes in information regarding the mutual positions of Planckian masses on a holographic screen. This approach builds on the entropic interpretation of gravity and the holographic principle. We show that Newton’s law of gravitation can be derived by considering entropy changes resulting from a small displacement of a mass. Furthermore, the minimal quantum of entropy, known from the quantization of black hole horizons, leads to the concept of a "quantum of gravitational force." In addition, we introduce an uncertainty principle for mass. A prospective experimental test of these hypotheses, using highly sensitive torsion balances, is also proposed.
Category: Quantum Gravity and String Theory

[43203] viXra:2412.0094 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-16 18:39:39

White Holes

Authors: Clark M. Thomas
Comments: 4 Pages.

Black holes and white holes are typically seen asjoined by wormholes linking string universes.String theory has not harmonized 4D GR with itsvisions of 10^500 2D universes. Black holes withvarious core masses have been characterized byphysics math. White holes have conversely beenmodeled by pure math, because there is no physicaldata for any white holes. GR math allows for whiteholes, so some mathematicians continue to exploretheir imagined 2D multiverse. We here considerblack/white hole pairings, and show how physicsmath models are not very close to what really is.
Category: Astrophysics

[43202] viXra:2412.0093 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-17 03:37:28

Proof of the Twin Prime Conjecture

Authors: Casey Allard
Comments: 10 Pages.

The ‘Twin Prime Conjecture’ posits that there are infinitely many pairs of prime numbers separated by a gap of exactly two (p, p+2). This proof uses the concepts of modular residues, gaps ("12p + 36" pattern), and digit sums. The proof integrates concepts of gap growth, residue non-exhaustion, and digit sum cycles, ensuring twin primes persist infinitely.
Category: Number Theory

[43201] viXra:2412.0092 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-16 01:22:47

Entangled Electron for New [Quantum Mechanics:] Part 1

Authors: Lino Zamboni
Comments: 16 Pages. Extension of viXra 2411.0050

This work advances the theoretical framework of the electron model introduced in a previous paper (viXra: 2411.0050 - Quantum Physics), which describes the electron as composed of entangled mass elements. This model proposes an extension of the de Broglie-Bohm (dBB) paradigm, achieving compatibility with Special Relativity Explicit expressions for Z and ZC are derived , describing the sequence of orbitals and their associated masses, along with a detailed analysis of their physical significance. An innovative interpretation of spin and magnetic moment is presented , viewing them as invariant properties across orbitals , despite variations in the associated parameters. This perspective provides a potential explanation for the experimentally observed phenomenon of spatial spin separation from its particle. Additionally, the Appendix includes applications of the MZ matrix—a conceptual tool integral to the proposed formalism—for estimating particle masses, specifically those of the muon and tauon , with notable accuracy. This work represents the second part of a trilogy. A forthcoming extension will focus on the characteristics of orbitals , with particular emphasis on the definition of attractive and repulsive potentials and the associated Hamiltonian, thereby completing the theoretical framework.
Category: Quantum Physics

[43200] viXra:2412.0091 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-15 08:44:15

Nonextensive Black Hole Entropies from truly Point Mass Sources

Authors: Carlos Castro
Comments: 10 Pages.

The authors [1] have recently constructed models of nonextensive black hole Thermodynamics from a generalized Wick’s rotation procedure in the evaluation of the Euclidean path integral. We have explicitly shown in [6] how the Schwarzschild Black Hole Entropy (in all dimensions) emerges from truly point mass sources at r = 0 due to a non-vanishing scalar curvature involving the Dirac delta distribution. It is the density and anisotropic pressure components associated with the point mass delta function source at the origin r = 0 which furnish the Schwarzschild black hole entropy in all dimensions D ≥ 4 after evaluating the non-vanishing Euclidean Einstein-Hilbert action. In this work we generalize our construction of the Euclidean Einstein-Hilbert action by following the generalized Wick’s rotation procedure of [1] in order to construct the nonextensive Schwarzschild black hole entropies in all dimensions. The first law of Thermodynamics is obeyed and when the nonextensivity parameter is λ < 0, the nonextensive entropy is finite at T = 0 despite that the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy S_BH (β = ∞) = S_BH (T = 0) = ∞ blows up violating the the third law of Thermodynamics.
Category: Quantum Gravity and String Theory

[43199] viXra:2412.0090 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-15 12:55:53

Criticizing Pauli Exclusion Principle

Authors: Jouni Puuronen
Comments: 15 Pages.

I point out that Pauli exclusion principle makes no sense, because it assumes that the wave functions of multi-electron quantum systems would separate into products of wave functions of individual electrons, while in reality the Coulomb repulsion between the electrons prevents this separation. I propose a conjecture that Pauli exclusion principle maybe somewhat works in some situations, because it approximates the Coulomb repulsion between the electrons. I also put under question whether it makes sense to demand that physical quantum systems should always have their eigenenergies bounded from below.
Category: Quantum Physics

[43198] viXra:2412.0089 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-16 01:11:34

Design of a Basic Magnetic Circuit

Authors: Alireza Jamali
Comments: 4 Pages. Distrubuted under CC BY-NC 4.0

The symmetry between electricity and magnetism suggests the possibility of magnetic currents. Theoretical considerations however, are believed to imply that such currents are impossible to be found in nature. Yet, the more we think about our `raw' (unbiased by theory) knowledge of nature, the less asymmetry we observe between electrical and magnetic phenomena. That is why in this note I briefly propose a sketch of the simplest possible magnetic circuit, which is essentially possible to be tested by a well-equipped chemist.
Category: Chemistry

[43197] viXra:2412.0088 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-16 01:07:05

The Synergic Electroweak Synchrotron Radiation

Authors: Miroslav Pardy
Comments: 9 Pages. Original article

The power spectral formula is derived for radiation of neutral electroweakbosons from an electron in a weak external homogenous electromagnetic field.The calculation method is based on the source theory formulation of quantumfield theory introduced by Schwinger. For ultra-relativistic electrons, it isderived that the Z-0 emission rate is suppressed relative to photon emission.This implies that the decay of electron into W-boson and neutrino is alsoexponentially small under similar conditions. The article is written in the formof mathematical simplicity and the Schwinger pedagogical clarity.
Category: High Energy Particle Physics

[43196] viXra:2412.0087 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-16 01:05:28

Pratham's Infinite Series

Authors: Pratham Prasad
Comments: 3 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Please cite and list scientific references)

This is a surprising infinite series that I invented. Wolfram Alpha fails to evaluate it as well. I have presented a complete proof to it.
Category: Functions and Analysis

[43195] viXra:2412.0086 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-16 01:04:41

Pratham's Impossible Integeral

Authors: Pratham Prasad
Comments: 10 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Please cite and list scientific references)

This paper investigates a complex integral that has long been considered insur-mountable due to the challenging nature of its structure. Through a novel approach,we aim to deconstruct the integral into manageable parts and uncover insights into itsunderlying properties.
Category: Functions and Analysis

[43194] viXra:2412.0085 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-16 04:22:47

Sign Normalization for Higher Genus Curves in Generalized Riemann Hypothesis, and Generalized Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture

Authors: John Yuk Ching Ting
Comments: 23 Pages. Proofs for Generalized Riemann hypothesis and Generalized BSD conjecture

Two different complex functions appearing in functional equation of an L-function are known as gamma factors. For the (optional) Sign normalization, we posit its dependency on even-versus-odd Analytic ranks, degree of L-function, and particular gamma factor in functional equations for Genus 1 elliptic curves and higher Genus curves. We assume all mathematical arguments satisfy Generalized Riemann hypothesis, and Generalized Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture; and explicitly mention their underlying proven/unproven hypotheses or conjectures. We postulate an arbitrary taxonomic classification of Scientific Knowledge that encompass Science, Mathematics and Number theoretical aspects of Generic L-functions from Genus 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... curves with even/odd Analytic ranks.
Category: Number Theory

[43193] viXra:2412.0084 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-14 09:54:02

God Does Not Play Dice

Authors: Junichi Hashimoto
Comments: 7 Pages.

Relational physics, which I founded, views energy as a relationship (pulse) between objects. It painted a simple real picture of energy pulsing through the rotational motion of each object, creating an alternating relationship between the two extremes. Such a way of looking at things could be an appropriate explanation for various physical phenomena, such as the double-slit experiment and the measurement of electrons in hydrogen atoms. In this paper, the discussion is particularly focused on experiments to investigate the position of electrons. From such challenges, results that could affirm the reality of microscopic objects were obtained. The success of the attempt here tells us that determinism will prevail over non-determinism. The history of physics is about to undergo a major shift.
Category: History and Philosophy of Physics

[43192] viXra:2412.0083 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-14 22:14:30

On the Function F(x)=x-Arcsinh(1+arcsin(x))

Authors: Edgar Valdebenito
Comments: 5 Pages.

We give some properties of the function f(x)=x-arcsinh(1+arcsin(x)).
Category: Functions and Analysis

[43191] viXra:2412.0082 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-14 22:10:49

Pali-English Dictionary by T. W. Rhys Davids and William Stede and The Graphical Law

Authors: Anindya Kumar Biswas
Comments: 18 Pages.

We study the head words of the Pali-English Dictionary by T. W. Rhys Davids and William Stede, the 5th reprint, Delhi, 2018. We draw the natural logarithm of the number of head words, normalised, starting with a letter vs the natural logarithm of the rank of the letter, normalised. We conclude that the dictionary can be characterised by BW(c=0.01), the magnetisation curve of the Ising Model in the Bragg-Williams approximation in the presence of external magnetic field, H. $c=frac{ H}{gamma epsilon}=0.01$ with $epsilon$ being the strength of coupling between two neighbouring spins in the Ising Model, $gamma$ representing the number of nearest neighbours of a spin, which very large.
Category: Linguistics

[43190] viXra:2412.0081 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-13 10:12:15

Radiation-Mediated Quantum Tunneling: A Zitterbewegung Perspective

Authors: Satoshi Hanamura
Comments: 7 Pages.

The Hartman effect—where quantum tunneling time remains invariant to barrier thickness—presents a fundamental paradox that challenges both classical physics and special relativity. Here, we introduce a theoretical framework that resolves this paradox by proposing a radiation-mediated energy transport mechanism coupled with the electron's Zitterbewegung oscillation occurring at four percent of light speed. Our model introduces a dual-kernel architecture where an electron's thermal potential energy simultaneously occupies two distinct spatial locations, providing a deterministic interpretation of quantum superposition and tunneling phenomena. During barrier traversal, we demonstrate that electrons undergo a particle-to-radiation transformation while kernel dissolution occurs over a duration corresponding to the time it takes to traverse the Compton wavelength at four percent of the speed of light, with radiation propagating at light speed over the Compton wavelength. Since the kernel dissolution period is long compared to the radiation propagation time, the overall tunneling duration remains effectively independent of barrier thickness. This theoretical framework accounts for both the Hartman effect and the experimentally verified absence of electrons within potential barriers, while maintaining consistency with both quantum mechanics and special relativity. Our findings recast quantum tunneling as a deterministic energy redistribution process, offering new insights into the fundamental nature of quantum phenomena while maintaining consistency with established physical principles.
Category: Quantum Physics

[43189] viXra:2412.0079 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-13 11:16:59

Being is Desire

Authors: Vincenzo Peluso
Comments: 26 Pages.

One of the main theses of this article is that the quantum, like the energy level or the magnetic moment or the spin, is the measurement not of a physical reality in act, but of the matter involved in a metaphysical relationship called intention. In other words, being is not an entity but a special relationship. Special because it does not bind two entities together, as these are not primitive but emergent, nor is it of a logical type, as logic extends into the plane of the act, but a metaphysical relationship in that it transcends not only the plane of the act, going through the period of potency, but transcends the very sphere of being to bind two "I’s" external to being, which are the recipients and the clearing or openness in which entities and their temporal relationships are revealed-accepted in the form of a certain sense (receive a meaning).The one that has no Being, is the "I" that does not exist. Being, in turn, is not entities, it is the matter of the relationship between two "I", the space that separates and unites them. Being is thus only the matter, the power, of a relationship between two "I", which we call Intention, which is free and whose strength is desire. The "I", through being, has a soul which mirrors the desired with which, at every act, he unites himself through the gift of a part of his being.Thus everything is born from desire, each time new and free. Neither logic nor mathematics nor ideas are universal and self-subsisting realities. They do not have an independent existence but arise each time statistically from the structure of free intentions, guided by desire for the other.
Category: History and Philosophy of Physics

[43188] viXra:2412.0078 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-13 21:41:04

Möbius Molecules, Pythagorean Triples and Fermat's Last Theorem

Authors: Francesco Aquilante
Comments: 2 Pages.

It is shown that if a triple of distinct natural numbers $(a,b,c)$ were to exist such that $a^n+b^n=c^n$ for some odd integer $ngeq 3$,then it must be Pythagorean, i.e. $a^2+b^2=c^2$ must hold too, from which a contradiction arises since this is possible only if either $a$ or $b$ are zero. We arrive at this conclusion by investigating the trace of a model hamiltonian operator whose energy levels correspond to those of the so-called H"uckel hamiltonian applied to rings containing an odd number of atoms lying on a M"obius strip rather than a planar topology.Furthermore, the contradictory nature of our result implies the correctness of the associated statement contained in the famous Fermat's Last Theorem. Given the use of concepts from quantum mechanics, made here but unknown at his time,and the fact that the essence of the present proof may not fit within a margin of a typical book, mystery still remains over Pierre de Fermat's {em demonstrationem mirabilem}.
Category: Mathematical Physics

[43187] viXra:2412.0077 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-13 21:39:06

Cooperative Neighboring Numbers (Pascal's Triangle — Another View)

Authors: Marko V. Jankovic
Comments: 5 Pages.

In this paper, a modification and a generalization of the idea that was used for the creation of Pascal's triangle, is proposed. The proposed method is based on cooperative neighboring numbers that reside on the edges, diagonals and vertices of regular polygons. Cooperative strategy represents creation of the new number using addition.
Category: General Mathematics

[43186] viXra:2412.0076 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-13 21:24:37

Fermat's Last Theorem

Authors: Barry Foster
Comments: 1 Page. (Note by viXra Admin: Please cite and list scientific references)

Fermat's Last Theorem states that there are no natural numbers A, B, C, and n such that A^n = B^n + C^n is true. This effort examines the attributes of the numbers in the equation to show that natural numbers for A, B, and C cannot satisfy it, irrational number(s) are required.
Category: Number Theory

[43185] viXra:2412.0074 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-12 20:42:26

World-Universe Cosmology: Principal Points

Authors: Vladimir S. Netchitailo
Comments: 7 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Further regurgitation will not be accepted; Please cite and list scientific references)

The Hypersphere World—Universe Cosmology (WUC) addresses numerous unresolved issues in modern Astrophysics and Cosmology by providing alternative explanations to the prevailing Big Bang Theory (BBT). WUC solves critical problems such as: 1) The Hubble tension; 2) The missing baryon problem; 3) The origin of Fermi bubbles; 4) The age of the Universe discrepancy; 5) The coronal heating problem; 6) Internal heating and diversity of gravitationally-rounded objects in the solar system; 7) The presence of Plutonium-244, with an 80-million-year half-life, in nature; 8) Faster core rotations of the Sun and Earth compared to their surfaces; 9) The faint young Sun paradox; 10) The black-body spectrum of cosmic microwave background radiation.Additionally, WUC eliminates fundamental issues, including: 1) The need for the Universe to begin at t=0 , avoiding a temporal singularity; 2) The angular momentum problem in galaxies and extrasolar systems evolution; 3) The matter-antimatter asymmetry; 4) The magnetic monopole problem; 5) The uneven distribution of matter and voids; 6) Singularities leading to black holes; 7) The formation of supermassive black holes; 8) The "Axis of Evil" anomaly in cosmic microwave background measurements; 9) The wave—particle duality dilemma.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[43184] viXra:2412.0072 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-12 11:12:13

On the Elliptic Integral

Authors: Tai-Choon Yoon
Comments: 5 Pages.

Int(f(x)^2+g(x)^2)^(1/2)dx and Int((dx/dt)^2+(dy/dt)^2)^(1/2)dt are integral equations that appear in the process of calculating the length of an ellipse. They do not provide an exact solution, and already known solutions are somewhat complicated. The solutions both the two elliptic integral equations above can be obtained by the method of eliminating the square root. The arc length of an ellipse is given by l = aθE(k), and E(k) is expressed as a power series regarding the eccentricity of the ellipse.
Category: Algebra

[43183] viXra:2412.0071 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-12 20:33:53

Methods of Measuring Length Lesser Than Least Count

Authors: Jayaram As
Comments: 5 Pages.

This is a very simple paper describing some methods to measure the values especially in length dimension to a scale much less than that of the least count of the given instrument. The final aim of this paper is to trigger a thought process toget ideas , if any ,for indirect measurement to get less than Planck’s length.
Category: Classical Physics

[43182] viXra:2412.0070 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-12 21:49:25

The Relationship Between Prolactin and Schizophrenia: a Comprehensive Review

Authors: Daoudi Rédoane
Comments: 8 Pages.

The relationship between prolactin and schizophrenia is a crucial but often overlooked aspect of the disorder's pathophysiology and treatment. Schizophrenia is a complex psychiatric disorder primarily characterized by disturbances in cognition, emotion, and perception. While the dopaminergic system has been extensively studied in schizophrenia, the neuroendocrine system, particularly the regulation of prolactin, also plays a significant role. This review explores the mechanisms by which prolactin levels are altered in schizophrenia, the effects of antipsychotic medications on prolactin secretion, the consequences of hyperprolactinemia in schizophrenic patients, and the clinical implications for treatment strategies. We also examine the therapeutic approaches for managing elevated prolactin levels and suggest directions for future research.
Category: Mind Science

[43181] viXra:2412.0069 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-12 21:51:47

Immune System Dysregulation and Gut Microbiome Alterations in Schizophrenia: Mechanisms and Therapeutic Implications

Authors: Daoudi Rédoane
Comments: 11 Pages.

Schizophrenia is a complex psychiatric disorder with a multifactorial etiology, encompassing genetic, environmental, and neurobiological factors. Recent research has increasingly pointed to the roles of the immune system and gut microbiome in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. Immune dysfunction, characterized by systemic inflammation, altered cytokine profiles, and microglial activation, has been implicated in the development of neuroinflammation, a key feature of the disorder. Furthermore, disruptions in the gut microbiome, or dysbiosis, have been associated with increased inflammation, altered neurotransmitter metabolism, and impaired immune modulation, all of which may contribute to the onset and progression of schizophrenia. The gut-brain axis, whichfacilitates bidirectional communication between the gastrointestinal system and the brain, is emerging as a critical pathway in the interplay between the immune system and microbiome. This review explores the growing evidence for the involvement of immune and microbiome dysregulation in schizophrenia, highlighting the mechanisms through which these systems interact and influence brain function. Understanding the complex relationship between immune and microbiome disturbances offers novel therapeutic avenues, including antiinflammatory treatments and microbiome-based interventions, which may improve outcomes for individuals with schizophrenia. However, further research is needed to fully elucidate these pathways and develop effective clinical strategies.
Category: Mind Science

[43180] viXra:2412.0068 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-11 21:11:22

Electron Size, Angular Momentum and G-Factor re-Visited

Authors: David Lindsay Johnson
Comments: 2 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: An abstract is required scientific references should be listed)

The geometry and size proposed for the toroidal STEM electron model satisfies the QM wave equations and produces a classical (or Newtonian Physics) estimate of angular momentum and g-factor that corresponds to QM’s ‘intrinsic’ spin estimate and associated g-factor.
Category: Nuclear and Atomic Physics

[43179] viXra:2412.0067 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-11 21:02:30

Rebuttal to Lann N. Ramez's [Commentaries]

Authors: Mohammad Shafiq Khan
Comments: 15 Pages. Those who want to accept my open challenge should read it first.

The papers written by Lann N. Ramez are as a consequences of not understanding the fact that Einstein had used two different velocities of light in two coordinate systems though explained in great detail in the paper Mohammad ShafiqKhan (2012) thereby Einstein had violated the very postulate of constancy of velocity of light which he had introduced in Albert Einstein (1905) as in one coordinate system he adopts the velocity of light as ‘c’ which is in accordance with the postulate of constancy of velocity of light whereas in other coordinate system headopts the velocity of light as constant ‘c’ not with respect to the observer but with respect to space as he uses c+v and c-v as velocity of light. The purpose of writing the paper Mohammad Shafiq Khan (2012-Elixir-I) was to show that in the Einstein’s ‘equation of trickery’ [as declared in the Mohammad Shafiq Khan (2012)]the term ∂τ/∂t' is simply baseless, incorrect and mathematical manipulation whereas it has been shown in Mohammad Shafiq Khan (2012) that ∂τ/∂t'= 0 and also in Mohammad Shafiq Khan (2012-Elixir-II) it is again shown, by using simple calculus, that ∂τ/∂t'= 0. This demonstrates that both the papers of Lann N. Ramez are preposterous, absurd and as the result of not understanding the papers Mohammed 2 Shafiq Khan (2012) and Mohammed Shafiq Khan (2012-Elixir-I). Lann N. Ramez and Einstein have not given any logic for using two different velocities of light in two coordinate systems.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[43178] viXra:2412.0066 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-10 22:09:25

A Weak Gravity Knot in Empty (2+1)-Dimensional Anti de-Sitter Space-Time

Authors: Miftachul Hadi
Comments: 10 Pages.

We propose the existence of a topological object, a weak gravity knot, in the framework of an Abelian Chern-Simons action with a small negative cosmological constant (anti-de Sitter) in empty (2+1)-dimensional space-time.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[43177] viXra:2412.0065 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-10 22:08:58

A Weak Gravitational Knot in (2+1)-Dimensional Empty Space-Time

Authors: Miftachul Hadi
Comments: 9 Pages.

We propose the existence of a topological object, a weak gravitational knot, in the framework of an Abelian Chern-Simons action with a small positive cosmological constant in (2+1)-dimensional empty space-time.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[43176] viXra:2412.0064 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-10 22:08:36

Newtonian Knot in Empty (2+1)-Dimensional Anti-de Sitter Space-Time

Authors: Miftachul Hadi
Comments: 11 Pages.

We propose the existence of a topological object, a Newtonian knot, in the framework of an Abelian Chern-Simons action with a small negative cosmological constant (anti-de Sitter) in empty (2+1)-dimensional space-time.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[43175] viXra:2412.0063 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-10 07:35:58

Tensor Derivative in Curvilinear Coordinates

Authors: Sourangshu Ghosh
Comments: 48 Pages.

In this article, we mathematically rigorously derive the expressions for the Del Operator ∇, Divergence ∇ ·u20d7v, Curl ∇ ×u20d7v, Vector gradient∇u20d7v of Vector Fields u20d7v, Laplacian ∇2f ≡ ∆f of Scalar Fields f and Divergence ∇ · T of 2nd order Tensor Fields T in both Cylindricaland Spherical Coordinates. We also derive the Directional Derivative (A · ∇)u20d7v and Vector Laplacian ∇2u20d7v ≡ ∆u20d7v of Vector Fields u20d7v usingmetric coefficients in Rectangular, Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates. We then generalized the concept of gradient, divergence and curlto Tensor Fields in any Curvilinear Coordinates. After that we rigorously discuss the concepts of Christoffel Symbols, Parallel Transport inRiemann Space, Covariant Derivative of Tensor Fields and Various Applications of Tensor Derivatives in Curvilinear Coordinates (Geodesic Equation, Riemann Curvature Tensor, Ricci Tensor and Ricci Scalar).
Category: Mathematical Physics

[43174] viXra:2412.0062 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-10 22:00:36

A Universal Equivalence Principle: Uniting Relativity Quantum Meccahanics and Energy Dynamics

Authors: Marco Maccarrone
Comments: 4 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Please cite and list scientific references)

This paper proposes an extension of the equivalence principle to unify relativity,quantum mechanics, and energy dynamics under a single geometric framework. Using the Poincar´e disk model as a visualization tool, we demonstrate how phenomena as diverse as spacetime curvature, quantum probability densities, and relativistic energy growth share the same exponential scaling behavior. This equivalence suggests a universal geometric structure underlying all physical laws, where energy density, curvature, and probabilities emerge as complementary manifestations of aunified field. We explore implications for relativistic limits, quantum states, andthe nature of spacetime, highlighting testable predictions and new insights into thestructure of the universe.
Category: Mathematical Physics

[43173] viXra:2412.0061 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-10 22:16:54

Common Reality

Authors: Tarun Sharma
Comments: 109 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Please submit in pdf only; please cite and list scientific references)

This manuscript presents a theory that challenges the current understanding of gravity and introduces the existence of a fifth force of nature, which is, in fact, a redefined version of gravity. Contrary to the widely accepted notion that gravity is a result of an object’s mass, this theory posits that gravity arises from a different mechanism altogether. By redefining gravity, the theory proves the nature of dark matter and dark energy, offering explanations for phenomena that have long puzzled scientists and astronomers. This redefined gravity not only explains the nature of dark matter and dark energy but also addresses numerous other phenomena within our solar system and on a larger, universal scale. Additionally, this theory offers a completely new perspective on black holes.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[43172] viXra:2412.0060 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-10 21:19:53

Axiom of Infinite Cycles with Vector Density: A New Mathematical Framework

Authors: Alexander K. Shakhov
Comments: 5 Pages.

This paper introduces a novel mathematical concept - the Axiom of Infinite Cycles with Vector Density. The axiom presents a fundamental mathematical model describing cyclic processes through vector interactions and density relationships in three-dimensional space. Centered around a singular point of origin (0), the model demonstrates how cyclic numerical sequences (01987654321012345678910) interact along three primary vectors, creating a universal framework for understanding and modeling repetitive processes. The axiom establishes new principles for analyzing cyclic systems, vector interactions, and density relationships, offering applications across mathematics, physics, and computer science. This work presents both theoretical foundations and practical implementations of the concept, demonstrating its potential for various scientific applications.
Category: General Mathematics

[43171] viXra:2412.0059 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-10 15:16:49

The Reason Gallium Detectors Measure Low Solar Neutrino Flux

Authors: William L. Stubbs
Comments: 3 Pages.

The neutral current and charged current electron neutrino interactions with deuterons are used to show that the predicted electron neutrino flux not measured by the gallium detectors does exist. It is not detected because, unlike in the deuteron reactions that always free a nucleon from the nucleus that can be detected and indicates that an interaction has occurred, a neutrino interaction with 71Ga cannot separate a nucleon from the 71Ga nucleus to be detected. Consequently, neutrinos interacting with 71Ga nuclei that do not create 71Ge nuclei go unrecorded by the detectors.
Category: Astrophysics

[43170] viXra:2412.0058 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-10 21:14:56

Some Consequences of Lyapunov Regularity

Authors: Luis Gordo Barreira, Claudia Puta Fea Valls
Comments: 25 Pages.

For a non-autonomous dynamics with discrete time defined by a tempered sequence ofupper-triangular matrices, we obtain lower and upper bounds for the Grobman regularitycoefficients. We also give two applications of these results: we obtain an upper boundfor the Grobman coefficients of the exterior powers of a tempered sequence, and we givea simple proof of Oseledets' multiplicative ergodic theorem for cocycles over ameasure-preserving transformation without using Kingman's subadditive ergodic theorem
Category: General Mathematics

[43169] viXra:2412.0057 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-09 21:29:21

GKD-ER: Gradient-space Knowledge Distillation with Episodic Replay for Mitigating Catastrophic Forgetting in Continual Learning

Authors: John Tian
Comments: 9 Pages. Distributed under the CC BY license

Continual learning (CL) enables machine learning models to learn tasks sequentially while maintaining performance on previously learned tasks. This capability is crucial for developing intelligent systems that adapt to evolving conditions across domains like robotics, recommendation systems, and autonomous vehicles. However, neural networks typically suffer from catastrophic forgetting, where learning new tasks disrupts performance on older ones, often necessitating costly retraining from scratch.We present GKD-ER (Gradient-space Knowledge Distillation with Episodic Replay), a framework that effectively reduces catastrophic forgetting by combining three complementary techniques:

Gradient Projection (GP): Removes gradient components that would harm older tasks, ensuring parameter updates for new tasks remain orthogonal to previously learned knowledge.

Knowledge Distillation (KD): Maintains functional consistency by aligning the current model's outputs with those from a saved reference model on old data.

Episodic Replay (ER): Periodically revisits representative samples from past tasks stored in a memory buffer, reinforcing old decision boundaries and providing stable checkpoints.

Under standard conditions and representative replay assumptions, we theoretically demonstrate that GKD-ER achieves bounded forgetting. Our empirical evaluation on established benchmarks like Permuted MNIST and Split MNIST shows that GKD-ER surpasses strong baselines (Naive, EWC, SI, and ER alone) with higher final accuracies, significantly reduced forgetting, and stable class-level decision boundaries across tasks.By integrating constraints at the gradient, functional, and empirical levels, GKD-ER strikes an effective balance between stability and plasticity. This work advances the development of systems capable of continuous learning while preserving past expertise—a key step toward truly adaptive, lifelong learning agents.
Category: Artificial Intelligence

[43168] viXra:2412.0056 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-09 21:27:07

Design for a Gravitational Wave Generator/Thruster V7

Authors: Peter C.M. Hahn
Comments: 23 Pages.

This device generates gravitational waves which can be utilized as a thruster or as a communication device. It is comprised of a linear antenna array that is injected with a Radio Frequency (RF) signal. The antennas are configured to convert electromagnetic (EM) waves into gravitational waves.When the antennas are arranged in a linear phased-array configuration, a thrust is produced that allows the device to be used as a method of propulsion. Part I of this article describes the device when configured as a thruster and documents the test results.Part II will document the test results of the device when configured as a gravitational wave transmitter. If the injected RF signal is modulated with an Intermediate Frequency (IF) signal, the gravitational waves produced are also modulated. The invention can then function as a communication device by using the gravitational waves as a carrier instead of EM waves. A gravitational wave detector at the receiving end will demodulate the gravitational waves, thereby extracting the original (IF) signal.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[43167] viXra:2412.0055 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-09 21:50:03

Unified Physics Through Waves Part I: Foundations of the Wave-Based Framework

Authors: Nick Navid Yazdani
Comments: 36 Pages. (Correction made by viXra Admin to conform with the requirements of - Please cite and list scientific references)

In this [] work, we introduce a universal framework that re-imagines the fabric of reality through the lens of waves. By positioning waves as the fundamental entity underlying all physical phenomena, this paradigm challenges long-standing constructs like particles, fields, and singularities, offering a unified and deterministic alternative. We derive a novel partial differential equation (PDE) operator that encodes infinite complexity expansions, capable of describing phenomena across quantum and classical regimes. This operator resolves inconsistencies in traditional physics, including the quantum-classical divide and the anomalies of singularities, while ensuring convergence and stability. This work lays the mathematical foundation for a transformative understanding of physics, setting the stage for applications ranging from quantum mechanics to cosmology. It invites the scientific community to explore a universe where waves, not particles or fields, are the fundamental building blocks of reality.
Category: Mathematical Physics

[43166] viXra:2412.0054 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-09 21:54:36

Unified Physics Through Waves Part II: Unifying Scales - Resolving the Quantum-Classical Divide

Authors: Nick Navid Yazdani
Comments: 36 Pages. (Correction made by viXra Admin to conform with the requirements of - Please cite and list scientific references)

This second installment of The Wave Paradigm advances the quest for unified physics by addressing the long-standing divide between quantum mechanics and classical physics. It reinterprets quantum phenomena - superposition, entanglement, and measurement - as finite complexity illusions, resolving paradoxes with deterministic elegance. By embracing infinite complexity as the natural state of the universe, this work eliminates the need for probabilistic interpretations, replacing them with deterministic wave dynamics. Classical physics emerges seamlessly as a limit of this framework, demonstrating how the same universal wave equation governs phenomena across all scales. This chapter builds on the foundation of Part I, offering profound insights into the true nature of reality and setting the stage for future applications in cosmology, chemistry, and technology.
Category: Mathematical Physics

[43165] viXra:2412.0053 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-09 21:22:33

Cycloid, Semi-cycloid, Elliptic Cycloid and Elliptic Semi-cycloid

Authors: Tai-Choon Yoon
Comments: 15 Pages.

Cycloid, semi-cycloid, elliptic cycloid, and elliptic semi-cycloid are all types of trochoids, and parts of roulette. They all refer to curves that trace their paths as they roll along a straight line, a circular orbit, or an elliptical orbit. Unlike cycloids, semi-cycloids are the curves traced by a point on a bicycle wheel as it rolls around the bicycle axle. Elliptic cycloids and elliptic semi-cycloids are the curves traced by ellipses as they roll along a straight line, but ellipses do not roll as smoothly as circles on a straight line. I also investigated the curves traced by circles and ellipses as they roll along circular or elliptical paths.
Category: Geometry

[43164] viXra:2412.0052 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-09 21:20:24

E8 and H4 in QM and QC

Authors: J. G. Moxness
Comments: 20 Pages. Mathematica Notebook code link included

This paper ‘with code’ presents several notable properties of the matrix U shown to be related to the isomorphism between H4 and E8. The most significant of these properties is that U.U is to rank 8 matrices what the golden ratio is to numbers. That is to say, the difference between it and its inverse is the identity element, albeit with a twist. Specifically, U.U-(U.U)−1 is the reverse identity matrix or standard involutory permutation matrix of rank 8. It has the same palindromic characteristic polynomial coefficients as the normalized 3-qubit Hadamard matrix with 8-bit binary basis states, which is known to be isomorphic to E8 through its (8,4) Hamming code. This combined with finding the construction of U from the Pauli matrices’ relationships to 2-qubit CNOT, SWAP and 3-qubit Toffoli CCNOT and Hadamard matrices will inform the understanding of group theoretic quantum mechanics (QM), quantum computing (QC), quantum chemistry, and particle physics.
Category: Quantum Physics

[43163] viXra:2412.0051 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-09 21:18:48

The Abnormally High Non-Cosmic Radioactivity in Neanderthals and the Underestimated Effect of Atomic Tests on Human Populations in Central Africa

Authors: Alexis Zaganidis
Comments: 17 Pages.

1) The "great" statistical anomaly of "natural" radioactive radiation. The "natural" radioactive radiation can be separated into two "independent" sources : cosmic one and terrestrial one or non-cosmic one. In order to have an over-optimized human intelligence, the sum of these two "independent" sources has been greatly minimized thanks to the fine tuning of physical constants, thanks to a very particular cosmic formation called the KBC Void and thanks to a very particular planetary formation in the case of the Earth itself. 2) The atomic tests on tropical islands between 1946-1967 (previously evacuated of all human life) have heavily irradiated these tropical islands and have therefore boosted the fungal diseases of tropical living organisms. The mosquito is one of the most mobile & dynamic tropical living organisms and therefore the most sensitive & susceptible to fungal diseases which greatly reinforce the supremacy of static life. Therefore, the atomic tests on tropical islands have had a very positive effect against malaria and all tropical diseases transmitted by mosquitoes.
Category: Physics of Biology

[43162] viXra:2412.0049 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-09 20:27:27

What is Intelligence?

Authors: Akira Pyinya
Comments: 10 Pages.

This article briefly describes a new definition of intelligence: Doing the same thing in new situations as the examples of the right thing to do, by making predictions based on these examples. In other words, intelligence makes decisions by stare decisis with Solomonoff induction, not by pursuing a final goal or optimizing a utility function. This general theory of intelligence is inspired by Assembly theory, the Copycat model, and the Active inference approach, and is formalized using Algorithmic information theory.
Category: Artificial Intelligence

[43161] viXra:2412.0048 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-09 21:13:41

Foundations of Magnetic Conduction

Authors: Alireza Jamali
Comments: 5 Pages. Distributed under CC BY-NC 4.0 (Note by viXra Admin: Please cite and list scientific references)

It is shown that a spinning magnetic dipole (magnet) effectively behaves as a magnetic charge, creating magnetic current. The question of a `magnetic conductor' then immediately arises, for without their practical existence pursuing `magnetonics' would seem futile. Applying a rotational version of the Drude model to materials with magnetic dipoles I then conclude that the existence of magnetic conductors is indeed possible. I then sketch the idea of preparing a `magnetolyte' which is the foundation of operation of any `magnetic battery', without which magnetonics is impossible.
Category: Condensed Matter

[43160] viXra:2412.0047 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-08 21:40:55

Exact π(n) via Function of Sets Related to Combinatorial Divisory Set

Authors: Juan Elias Millas Vera
Comments: 3 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Please cite and list scientific references)

I show in this paper some relations of functions which following the logic of the definition of all of them, it shows a concise perspective of the function π(n), namely the number of primes less than a number n.
Category: Number Theory

[43159] viXra:2412.0046 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-08 21:40:23

Computational Obtention of the N-th Prime Number

Authors: Juan Elias Millas Vera
Comments: 1 Page. (Note by viXra Admin: Please cite and list scientific references)

In this short paper I enunce a computational method to obtain with any natural number n the n-th prime number without use Riemann Hypotesis.
Category: Number Theory

[43158] viXra:2412.0045 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-08 15:14:10

The Goldbach Conjecture Proof

Authors: Joseph Musonda
Comments: 6 Pages.

In 1742, a German mathematician Christian Goldbach proposed a Goldbach conjecture. The conjecture states that every even integer greater than 2 can be expressed as a sum of two prime numbers. The conjecture has been verified up to 4 000 000 000 000 000 000 and no counter example has been given up to date. Before proving this conjecture, a prime generating function was created which relates to triangular numbers. The triangular numbers are categorized into special Vm and non- special M triangular numbers. The special triangular numbers Vm are used to generate all prime numbers (pm) greater than 2 (0.375 is included among Vm to generate 2) using the function Pm=√(8Vm + 1). The Vm is obtained from Tn∩Mu2032. The proof holds true for all even integers greater than 2. The proof is so important in number theory because it involves a prime number generating function. This function may help us solve many prime number related problems. Keywords: Triangular numbers, special, non-special, Goldbach conjecture, prime numbers
Category: Number Theory

[43157] viXra:2412.0044 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-07 04:34:26

Ballistic Theory of Light

Authors: Rajeev Kumar
Comments: 3 Pages.

In this paper an argument has been presented in order to support the ballistic theory of light.
Category: Classical Physics

[43156] viXra:2412.0043 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-07 22:07:34

Derivation of a Generalized Wave Equation for Photons and Its Connection to Maxwell’s Equations

Authors: Nick Navid Yazdani
Comments: 8 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Please cite and list scientific references)

This work presents a generalized wave equation for photons derived from theirrelativistic energy-momentum relation. Using a scalar potential, the equation ex-tends to include spatial and temporal variations, providing a comprehensive frame-work for photon dynamics. A parametric formulation simplifies the solution process,and in free space, the equation naturally reduces to Maxwell’s equations. The step-by-step derivation elucidates the connections between classical electrodynamics andquantum-inspired wave mechanics.
Category: Quantum Physics

[43155] viXra:2412.0042 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-07 22:05:28

Paradoxes of Gravity: Newton's Law Does not Work at Large Distances, But... It's Too Early to Throw it in the Scrapheap. It's Still Needed.

Authors: Mykola Kosinov
Comments: 12 Pages.

The dominant force in the Universe is gravity. For over 300 years, the gravitational force was represented by a single simple and mathematically perfect formula - Newton's law of gravity FN = GmM/r^2. However, the boundaries of its applicability are limited to the solar system. The revealed gravitational anomalies in the dynamics of stars show that at large distances, Newton's law is not satisfied and has significant discrepancies with observations. The real law of gravity is more complex than Newton's law. For large distances and large masses, the gravitational force dominates in the Universe, which Newton's law "does not see". A new law of gravity Fcos = (mc^2)√Ʌ was obtained, which shows the cosmological force not taken into account by Newton's law. Two laws of gravity (Newton's law + the law of cosmological force) provide a complete description of the gravitational interaction in the Universe.
Category: Classical Physics

[43154] viXra:2412.0041 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-07 22:04:07

From Straight Beams to Curved Paths: A Unified Perspective on Energy, Fields, and Spacetime

Authors: Marco Maccarrone
Comments: 5 Pages.

This paper proposes a conceptual and athematical framework that replaces the straight-line propagation of energy and fields, as traditionally assumed in quantum field theory (QFT), with a curved-wavefront perspective that aligns with the geometry of spacetime in general relativity (GR). By redefining straight beams as curved paths where the length of any beam equals the radius of a spherical wave-front at a given instant we achieve a unified description of energy propagation, reconciling wave-particle duality with spacetime curvature. This approachresolves inconsistencies between QFT and GR, offering a new lens for understanding phenomena like redshift, gravitational lensing, and wave-particle interactions in curved spacetime.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[43153] viXra:2412.0040 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-07 13:00:56

Theory and Applications of the Eshelby Ellipsoidal Elastic Inclusion Problem

Authors: Sourangshu Ghosh
Comments: 62 Pages.

In this document, we fully review the theory and applications of the Eshelby Ellipsoidal Elastic Inclusion Problem. We rigorously derive all the equations related to the Eshelby Ellipsoidal Elastic Inclusion Problem and its applications to various Micro-mechanics problems like Ellipsodial Inhomogenity, Cracks, and Dislocations.
Category: Classical Physics

[43152] viXra:2412.0039 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-07 17:46:46

Structure and Stability of Atomic Nuclei

Authors: Norbert Buchholz
Comments: 51 Pages.

In the model of atomic nuclei presented here, we assume cubic protons and neutrons, with a classical structure of positrons and electrons. With this concept, stable nuclei can be constructed on a purely electrostatic basis, without the postulate of a strong nuclear force nor quarks and gluons, by assuming that the electrons are located on average 1/3 between neighboring nucleons, so that the 1/6 e+ of the neighboring positron charges are compensated and, in addition, stable electrostatic binding is generated. This also leads to the neutron rule, which states that 1/3 neutron must be available for each contact surface (inner surface). The structure of the nuclei is based on the simple principle of a modular system that consists only of the four basic building blocks D, T, He4, Be9 and single nucleons. When the basic building blocks are combined, new structures are created along the stacking direction, the mass defects of which are known or can be easily calculated. From this, the mass defects of the nuclides can be derived quite accurately. The relative errors of these calculations are smaller than those of the Bethe-Weizsäcker model by a factor of 10 and are excellent, especially in the range of smaller nuclei, where the droplet model only provides moderately good results. The basic building blocks mentioned above can be joined in different ways, which causes different structures along the stacking sequences and thus different mass defects. Our model thus leads to a substructure of the isotopes, which we have called isomeric structural variants or, more briefly, structural isomers. These differ by about 1 — 30 10-30 kg. Their mass differences are thus smaller by a factor of 100 — 1000 than those of the isotopes. Nevertheless, we assume that these structural isomers can be isolated and quantified, which would not only be extremely important for the verification of this model, but would also enable a very precise calculation of the isotope masses. Another very interesting point is that the composition of the isotopes with even and those with odd mass numbers follows completely different structural lines. The former all consist of stacked α particles and, where necessary, additional single nucleons. The latter isotopes are all derived from N15, which is formed by two intertwined Be9 rings. Adding two protons and neutrons produces the F19, a 33 cube with missing cornerstones, which can now be extended as desired by adding nucleons in pairs at the periphery, thus representing the core structure of all isotopes with an odd mass number.
Category: Nuclear and Atomic Physics

[43151] viXra:2412.0038 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-07 22:00:26

Stern Gerlach Experiment Modelled Classically with Net Translational Magnetic Force.

Authors: P. G. Vejde
Comments: 4 Pages.

In the original 1922 Stern Gerlach experiment the single horizontally propagating incident beam was split into two ‘up’ or ‘down’ diverging beams. An observation not consistent with predictions of the time which were that the path deflection angles in a classical model should be deflected up or down in only an even range of angles. Here it is proposed that net translational forces on a dipole in an inhomogeneous field can correctly model the observed split paths for a classical model. In that the dipoles will initially experience a range of very small path deflections via the up or down net translational forces on them as they enter the apparatus. A deflection force dependent upon the specific angle of the N-S axis of polarity of each incident dipole relative to the applied external N-S field in the apparatus. This separation of the beam into 2 paths, one up and one down is effectively a classical version of the "space quantisation" often referred to in QT. After entering the field, the dipoles will then have been sorted into two up and down paths as well as each path having a range of these very small different angled path deflections from the horizontal incident path. They will then all each experience an additional amount of net translational forces applied equally on all aligned dipoles as they propagate through the 3.2 cm length of the external field. Separating the 2 up and down sets into two distinct paths.
Category: Classical Physics

[43150] viXra:2412.0037 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-07 20:15:02

Financial Forecasting

Authors: Chance Biehn, Harshu Thummala, Luke Schubert
Comments: 19 Pages.

Although previous studies have established the predictive power of Lotka-Volterra models in financial markets, they assume static demand that does not account for exogenous factors or variable growth rates. The U.S. Domestic Airline industry, however, is an example of a dynamic market that is heavily reliant on customer demand and travel availability, which is why this study introduces non-autonomous models to accurately forecast future growth. Furthermore, only a few firms control most of the market share in this industry, and our study predicts Avelo Airline’s viability in direct competition with these larger, well-established airlines. Our approach not only studies the behavior of small companies in oligopoly markets, but also provides these firms with a framework to react to the growth rate of market- setters and determine the necessary growth to achieve long term viability in the industry. The model examines several methodologies for financial forecasting into one comprehensive model that enhances the predictive capabilities of Lotka-Volterra models, providing valuable insight for participating firms.
Category: Functions and Analysis

[43149] viXra:2412.0036 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-06 21:52:18

Critical Symmetry Theorem: Principles of Harmonic Order in Number Theory

Authors: Blaize Rouyea, Corey Bourgeois, Trey Bourgeois
Comments: 35 Pages.

The Critical Symmetry Theorem transforms number theory by embedding prime distributions within deterministic harmonic periodicities. By enforcing symmetry, it aligns all non-trivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function (zeta(s)) on the critical line (Re)(s) = (0.5), resolving the Riemann Hypothesis. The theorem unifies key conjectures, including Twin Primes, Goldbach’s Conjecture, and bounded prime gaps, as natural consequences of symmetry. This framework bridges chaos and order, reshaping number theory into a deterministic system governed by harmonic principles.
Category: Number Theory

[43148] viXra:2412.0035 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-06 06:32:55

Development of a Stable and Sustainable Environmental Energy Source for Continuous Thermal-to-Electric Energy Conversion Utilizing the Effect of Acceleration Forces Causing Internal Voltage Gradients

Authors: Kuo Tso Chen
Comments: 43 Pages.

The second law of thermodynamics is widely viewed as unbreakable, with past attempts to refute it consistently proven wrong. However, in 2015, the author recognized that gravity gives molecular motion a directional component, suggesting that a setup involving gravity or a centrifugal force might transcend the randomness-based framework of the second law. By 2021, it was speculated that high-altitude plasmas could have this effect, and by April 2022, electrolytes with ions of differing masses might exhibit the same phenomenon. This hypothesis was experimentally confirmed in August 2022. In November 2024, the author discovered that Tolman observed electromotive force (EMF) in electrolytes under centrifugal and gravitational fields as early as 1910—a result that precisely matches these findings. Strangely, no one had previously linked Tolman’s findings to a potential challenge of the second law.As Tolman reported in 1916, metals produce only minor potential differences in a gravitational field, unlike ionic solutions. Thus, if an ionic liquid column’s top and bottom are connected with a metal in a gravitational field, the metal’s negligible potential difference allows the ionic solution’s potential to induce a current, generating electrical energy. Although this current temporarily stops when the electrolyte loses equilibrium, thermal vibrations push molecules back to equilibrium, reestablishing the potential difference and renewing the current—thus converting thermal energy to electrical energy without needing a temperature difference.We validate this process through theoretical derivation and experiments, which demonstrate that this energy output is stable and sustained over time.
Category: Thermodynamics and Energy

[43147] viXra:2412.0034 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-06 06:49:22

Multilinear Lie Bracket Recursion Formula

Authors: Michael Reed
Comments: 4 Pages.

Presents multilinear Lie bracket optimized by Lie bracket recursion formula.
Category: Algebra

[43146] viXra:2412.0033 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-06 21:50:04

Reflections on the Methods of Representing the Terrestrial Gravity Field

Authors: Abdelmajid Ben Hadj Salem
Comments: 10 Pages. In French

In this report, I present the reflections from my colleague Abdelkader Sellal on the methods of representing the terrestrial gravity field and his proposals on the subject to encourage the young geodesists to discover these methods.
Category: Geophysics

[43145] viXra:2412.0032 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-06 21:49:01

The Solution of the Nordstrom-Einstein Paradox

Authors: Constantin Sandu
Comments: 9 Pages.

The main goal of this paper is to solve the Nordstrom-Einstein paradox in the General Theory of Relativity (GTR) and open a new perspective on understanding the generation of gravitational fields. At present it is not exactly known how the gravitational field is generated. This field is responsible for attraction at the distance of bodies in Newton’s sense and for space-time distortion in Einstein’s sense. In 1913, Nordstrom blamed Einstein’s GTR that it cannot explain why the electromagnetic waves confined in a mass-less box with reflective walls have a gravitational mass while the invariant of the stress-energy tensor of the electromagnetic field is zero. This is the Nordstrom-Einstein paradox in GTR. The fact that his paradox was not solved for 111 years created a niche in GTR which blocked progress in the field of gravity.The present paper solves the Nordstrom-Einstein paradox for the hypothetical case of a sphere with a mass-less reflective surface filled with electromagnetic waves. It demonstrates that the gravitational field of such a sphere is generated only during the reflection of electromagnetic waves by the sphere’s reflective surface and not in its volume. The methodology used is specific to GTR, establishing a new form of the stress-energy tensor for the case of the mentioned hypothetical sphere. Solving this paradox has significant implications for understanding the gravitational field essence. It can serve as a basis for further theoretical and experimental research, with important implications for the development of Quantum Gravity, String/Superstring theory, and Unified Field theories.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[43144] viXra:2412.0031 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-06 15:47:15

A Theoretical Memory Molecule Model of Long-Term Memory Storage and Retrieval

Authors: Derek Stefaniw
Comments: 8 Pages.

The study of memory is one of the most intensively studied areas of neuroscience. Many models of memory have been proposed. However, few of the previous models of long-term memory have proposed very detailed mechanisms of memory creation, storage and retrieval. Furthermore, very few models propose a role for astrocytes in long-term memory. To bridge these gaps in knowledge, the author has proposed a comprehensive theoretical memory molecule model of long-term memory whereby all types of memory are stored in a similar manner in memory molecules located in discrete memory modules. Each memory molecule can store one elementary unit of memory in binary form based on the conformation of the memory molecule. A novel memory read/write mechanism has been proposed to store and retrieve memories. The model emphasises the essential role of astrocytes in long-term potentiation; creating, supporting, and activating neural circuitry; and facilitating long-term memory. The model can provide possible explanations for the results of several memory studies, and the causes of some neurological conditions such as Alzheimer’s Disease.
Category: Mind Science

[43143] viXra:2412.0030 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-06 21:46:16

Infinite Tree Branch Hypothesis

Authors: Bjørn Leon Søren Riedel
Comments: 6 Pages. In English & Japanese (Correction made by viXra Admin to conform with the requirements of; also please cite and list scientific references and don't use author's name to name any formula/method etc.!)

The Infinite Tree Branch Hypothesis explores the transformation of infinitely branching trees across dimensions. In 2D, infinite branches converge into a circle, while in 3D and 4D, they form a sphere and hypersphere, respectively, with growth dictated by dimensional scaling. Using a what I think is novel Tree(n-branch)funtion, although agreebly this could have been invented before in fractal geometry or graph theory (but I could not find such a function).this hypothesis mathematically formalizes the convergence of such structures, leveraging properties of spherical coordinates and Gaussian integrals to define their limits. Novel implications include a reinterpretation of infinite branching within quantum mechanics, suggesting that seemingly independent "branches" in the Many-Worlds Interpretation may converge into a unified hyper continuum in higher dimensions. This hypothesis introduces a unique perspective on infinite systems, connecting fractal geometry, graph theory, and quantum cosmology.
Category: Mathematical Physics

[43142] viXra:2412.0029 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-06 19:53:39

The Geodesic Principle and the Nature of Passive Mass

Authors: M. Wolnik, R. Wolnik
Comments: 7 Pages.

The geodesic principle represents an essential aspect of general relativity and is the physical manifestation of the space-time manifold but can also be considered as the metric field effect on the passive mass of a freely falling test particle. The equation of motion is derived on the basis of the universal conservation condition from the given stress-energy tensor field of an isolated body, with the help of its moments in the near limit case. Then the reduced stress-energy tensor, which is based on the energy density of the body, is being used in the context of its local energy balance to get the global solution in the form of the geodesic equation. The influence of an external force field on such a solution is presented.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[43141] viXra:2412.0028 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-06 20:43:01

Computer Modeling of Plane Wave Propagation Through Dielectric Sections and Plasmas

Authors: Sasan Ardalan
Comments: 37 Pages.

A technique for modeling plane wave propagation through inhomogeneous media and plasma layers with different electron densities is presented. The technique is based on transmission line theory. Therefore, a general technique is introduced for solving complex transmission line systems. A data structure and algorithm for representing, and simultaneously solving for all nodes within the transmission line network is presented. The method is based on representing the network as a recursive tree structure and solving for the voltage, current, and impedance at each node using recursive programming techniques. First, all frequency dependent parameters within the tree structure are updated, then in a post-order traversing of the tree, the impedance at each node are computed followed by a pre-order traversing of the tree to compute node voltagesand currents. For plane wave propagation, the reflection coefficient, the electric field andmagnetic field are computed. The method is applied to normal incidence but can easily be extended to oblique incidence. A tapered transmission line model was used to verify the algorithm. In addition, an example was provided verifying the ability to compute the frequency response and impulse response of a system with a plasma. Finally, the application of the technique to model the heat tile and the plasma that develops on either aero-assist or spacecraft re-entry is presented.This paper is based on work done at the Center for Communication and Signal Processing (CCSP) at North Carolina State University by the author in 1987. In addition, the paper presents work which was supported by NASA Langley Research Center under Contract NASI-1x925. The author was the Principal Investigator.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[43140] viXra:2412.0026 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-05 02:44:34

Time-Based Suppression Framework and Residual Asymptotics

Authors: Blaize Rouyea, Corey Bourgeois, Trey Bourgeois
Comments: 2 Pages.

This document refines the time-based suppression framework, unifying it with the truths established in the Singular Proof. The suppression function ( k(x) ) provides stability for residual terms derived from zeta zeros, ensuring the absence of off-critical zeros and supporting the Riemann Hypothesis. This refinement solidifies the Bourgeois Prime Distribution Model as a universal framework for prime behavior and harmonic alignment.
Category: Number Theory

[43139] viXra:2412.0025 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-05 02:44:19

Refined Prime Gaps Conjecture: Empirical Validation and Formalization

Authors: Blaize Rouyea, Corey Bourgeois, Trey Bourgeois
Comments: 3 Pages.

The Refined Prime Gaps Conjecture posits that non-trivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function contribute periodic corrections to prime gaps, refining their distribution. This document provides empirical validation of the conjecture using data from the first 10,000 primes, formalizes residual bounds, and connects periodic corrections to the conjecture’s theoretical framework. Additionally, this document explores a 1-to-1 relationship between the conjecture’s validity and structured periodicity in prime gaps.end{abstract}
Category: Number Theory

[43138] viXra:2412.0024 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-05 02:44:04

Residual Bounds Decay: A Fundamental Conjecture

Authors: Blaize Rouyea, Corey Bourgeois, Trey Bourgeois
Comments: 2 Pages.

We conjecture that the residual bounds of the prime-counting function (pi(x)) exhibit logarithmic decay, given by:[|G(x)| leq frac{k}{ln x}, ]where (G(x) = pi(x) - text{Li}(x)) represents the residual difference between the prime-counting function (pi(x)) and the logarithmic integral (text{Li}(x)), and (k) is the universal scaling constant with an empirically validated value of (k = 1.23 pm 0.05). This conjecture is underpinned by the interplay between prime gaps, residual suppression, and the periodic contributions of zeta zeros. Testing residual bounds up to (x = 10,000,000) confirms logarithmic decay with no deviation from the expected suppression formula.
Category: Number Theory

[43137] viXra:2412.0023 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-05 02:55:50

Periodic Corrections Alignment: A Fundamental Conjecture

Authors: Blaize Rouyea, Corey Bourgeois, Trey Bourgeois
Comments: 2 Pages.

This document formalizes the conjecture that the periodic correction term: [cos(2pi ho log x),]where (ho) represents the imaginary components of the non-trivial zeros of (zeta(s)), universally aligns with residual suppression across all (x > 1). This alignment stabilizes residual bounds and reinforces the logarithmic decay of (|G(x)|). Theoretical justification and empirical evidence are provided to support this conjecture, with a focus on critical line symmetry and logarithmic modulation.
Category: Number Theory

[43136] viXra:2412.0021 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-05 07:16:25

Applying Attention U-Net with Pytorch Architectural Add-Ons for Extensive Hyperparameter Search with Weights & Biases for Area of Visibility Prediction Based on Terrain

Authors: Eugene Rulko
Comments: 9 Pages.

Current level of development in the sphere of deep learning allows replacing existing domain-specific algorithms for military simulation with approximating neural networks. Hyperparameter search allows finding network’s architecture, appropriate for a task. This work describes that process for the task of predicting area of optical visibility, taking a fragment of a digital map as input and proposes ancillary architectural solutions for stitching building blocks together, assuring their conformation for performing search among their possible combinations within the architectural space. The final proposed result is a channel-wise attention U-Net with an encoder, based on ResNet50 backbone.
Category: Artificial Intelligence

[43135] viXra:2412.0020 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-05 20:57:56

A Discussion About Human's Ability to Evaluate Exactly Energy Amounts and Whether This Might Have Possible Implications on the Energy Conservation Principle

Authors: Moshe Segal
Comments: 13 Pages.

A corner stone of Physics is the Energy Conservation principle which states that the Energy is always conserved and that the Energy, embedded in the whole Universe, cannot disappear or be created from nothing. This should imply that the Total amount of the Energy, which is embedded in the whole Universe, must be a constant value. However, Humans are not able to devise means or experiments which will provide the exact amount of the Energy embedded in the whole Universe, which implies that Humans are not able to devise means or experiments which will conclude, with complete validity, that the amount of the Energy embedded in the whole Universe, can be indeed represented by a constant value. Moreover, the fact, that the nowadays Science of Physics does agree that in addition to the Detectable Energy, the Universe embeds a very large amount of undetectable, or Dark Energy, (about 70% of the estimated Total Energy which is estimated to be embedded in the whole Universe is estimated to be Dark Energy), might further imply, that Humans cannot evaluate the actual amount of the Total Energy embedded in the Universe, which might further support the assumption, that Humans cannot prove, that all the Energy embedded in the Universe, is indeed conserved. The above implies that Humans are not able to provide a proof for the Energy Conservation Principle, which means, that the Energy Conservation Principle is presented only as an axiom, and no discussion was yet provided as to the extent of validity that Humans can attribute to the Energy Conservation Principle, even though, it is a corner stone of the nowadays Science of Physics. Thus, in view of the above, this paper tries to examine the extent of the validity that Humans can attribute, to the Energy Conservation Principle. Initially, this paper tries to explore, if the evaluation of the amount of Energy, only in certain specific Energy components, in the Universe, will result in the evaluations of the same Energy amounts, by all Human evaluators, or, if separate Human evaluators might arrive at different results, relating to the Total Energy Content, of these certain several specific Energy components, which they evaluated. Thus, in view of the above, this paper provides arguments that two separate Humans, evaluating the Total Energy Content of certain several specific Energy components, in the Universe, might arrive at different results, relating to this Total Energy Content, of these several specific Energy components, which they evaluated. The arguments mentioned above, relating to the possibility that two separate Humans, evaluating the Total Energy Content of certain several specific Energy components, in the Universe, might arrive at different results, relating to this Total Energy Content, of these several specific Energy components, which they evaluated, appear also in an additional paper, by the author of this paper, titled: "A discussion related to the Energy Relativity and its Implications" (4).
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[43134] viXra:2412.0019 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-05 08:05:02

An Enhancement of Haar Cascade Algorithm Applied to Face Recognition for Gate Pass Security

Authors: Clarence Antipona, Romeo Magsino, Raymund Dioses, Khatalyn Mata
Comments: 9 Pages.

This study is focused on enhancing the Haar Cascade Algorithm to decrease the false positive and false negative rate in face matching and face detection to increase the accuracy rate even under challenging conditions. The face recognition library was implemented with Haar Cascade Algorithm in which the 128-dimensional vectors representing the unique features of a face are encoded. A subprocess was applied where the grayscale image from Haar Cascade was converted to RGB to improve the face encoding. Logical process and face filtering are also used to decrease non-face detection. The Enhanced Haar Cascade Algorithm produced a 98.39% accuracy rate (21.39% increase), 63.59% precision rate, 98.30% recall rate, and 72.23% in F1 Score. In comparison, the Haar Cascade Algorithm achieved a 46.70% to 77.00% accuracy rate, 44.15% precision rate, 98.61% recall rate, and 47.01% in F1 Score. Both algorithms used the Confusion Matrix Test with 301,950 comparisons using the same dataset of 550 images. The 98.39% accuracy rate shows a significant decrease in false positive and false negative rates in facial recognition. Face matching and face detection are more accurate in images with complex backgrounds, lighting variations, and occlusions, or even those with similar attributes.
Category: Artificial Intelligence

[43133] viXra:2412.0018 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-05 08:47:43

A Refutation of M. Detic

Authors: Wladislaw Zlatjkovic Petrovescu
Comments: 2 Pages.

In this paper we refute M. Detic.
Category: Number Theory

[43132] viXra:2412.0017 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-05 20:51:04

Controlled Nuclear Fusion: Energy Conflict and Theoretical Feasibility

Authors: Hui Liu
Comments: 3 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Please cite and list scientific references)

Controlled nuclear fusion, as a potential solution for clean energy, achieves its controllability primarily through an energy counteraction mechanism. Based on the framework of energy counteraction, this paper explores the contradiction between energy surplus and controllability in controlled nuclear fusion. The research indicates that while controlled nuclear fusion is theoretically feasible, existing technologies face significant challenges in simultaneously achieving energy surplus and system stability. Therefore, the conclusion of this paper is that, at present, the feasibility of controlled nuclear fusion is extremely low.
Category: Nuclear and Atomic Physics

[43131] viXra:2412.0016 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-05 15:29:42

Power Sums Via Odd Sequences

Authors: Maurizio M. D'Eliseo
Comments: 4 Pages.

Power sums can be reinterpreted as weighted sums of odd sequences using a simple transformation of Riemann sums into Lebesgue sums. This reformulation introduces a self-referential framework in which power sums are expressed as linear combinations of power sums in descending order.
Category: Number Theory

[43130] viXra:2412.0015 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-05 17:35:05

The Star Flare Method

Authors: George William Tokarsky
Comments: 56 Pages.

We find a finite neighbourhood of the star flare (10,20).
Category: Geometry

[43129] viXra:2412.0014 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-05 21:00:57

A Novel Interpretation of Nucleus and Nuclear Force

Authors: Xianzhong Cheng
Comments: 11 Pages.

Objective: This study aims to reanalyze the essence of nuclear force and elucidate the genuine structure of atomic nuclei.Method: We employ an approach that encompasses the examination of nuclear mass loss, sub-nucleon constituents and dynamic nucleus behavior. Conclusion: Our findings challenge the conventional view of nuclear forces as fundamental forces and propose a dynamic crystal-like structure for atomic nuclei.
Category: Nuclear and Atomic Physics

[43128] viXra:2412.0013 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-04 20:04:26

Special Relativity: Types of Forces

Authors: Alejandro A. Torassa
Comments: 12 Pages.

In special relativity, this paper presents four net forces, which can be applied in any massive or non-massive particle, and where the relationship between net force and special acceleration is as in Newton's second law (that is, the special acceleration of any massive or non-massive particle is always in the direction of the net force acting on the particle).
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[43127] viXra:2412.0012 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-04 22:24:12

Proof of the Riemann Hypothesis Through Harmonic Symmetry and Prime Contributions

Authors: Blaize Rouyea, Corey Bourgeois, Trey Bourgeois
Comments: 7 Pages.

The Riemann Hypothesis (RH) asserts that all non-trivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function (zeta(s)) satisfy (text{Re}(s) = 0.5). This conjecture, bridging the chaotic behavior of primes with the structured elegance of analytic functions, has stood as a cornerstone of mathematical inquiry for over a century. In this work, we introduce the Rouyea-Bourgeois Prime Model (RBPM), a groundbreaking framework that decodes prime behavior and redefines our understanding of prime-driven harmonics in relation to zeta zeros.vspace{1em}By rethinking the prime counting function (pi(x)), we identify the symmetry function:[S(s) = sum_{p text{ prime}} frac{1}{log(p)} p^{-s},]which encapsulates the harmonic contributions of primes. Through destructive interference of oscillatory terms, (S(s)) enforces the critical line alignment of all non-trivial zeros:[F_{text{total}}(t) = F_{text{prime}}(t) + F_{text{composite}}(t) = 0 quad implies quad text{Re}(s) = 0.5.]The functional equation of (zeta(s)) further guarantees symmetry across the critical strip, confirming RH as an inevitable outcome of harmonic symmetry. This proof unites chaos and order, bridging primes and analytic functions to inaugurate a new era of harmonic mathematics. The implications extend far beyond the resolution of RH, opening pathways to innovative discoveries across number theory and analytic frameworks.
Category: Number Theory

[43126] viXra:2412.0010 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-02 21:40:02

Notes on Category Theory I

Authors: Subrat Verma
Comments: 6 Pages.

These are some notes on category theory that might be useful to a first-year graduate student in mathematics. This is the first of a three-part series including references to literature, on the theme of identity, examples of objects defined using the universal property and a section on monomorphisms and epimorphisms.
Category: Algebra

[43125] viXra:2412.0009 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-02 06:46:55

The Role and Lure of Mathematics in Science

Authors: Taha Sochi
Comments: 21 Pages.

In this paper we investigate the legitimate and useful role of mathematics in science (and physics in particular). We also investigate the illegitimate and harmful role (or "lure") of mathematics in modern science (and theoretical physics in particular). Thanks to the obsession of contemporary scientists with complex mathematics and the wrong belief (as well as the wrong scientific values and standards) among these scientists that mathematics is the gold standard of excellent science, highly-mathematized and theoretized science (especially in modern physics) reaches these days a shocking level of irrationality and non-sensibility which often approaches the degree of delusion and hallucination. This obsession with complex mathematics and excessive theoretization inflicts serious damages to modern science and results in a huge waste of efforts and resources as well as the emergence of stray trends and bogus scientific theories inside and outside the main stream of science.
Category: History and Philosophy of Physics

[43124] viXra:2412.0008 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-02 15:14:16

The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names by E. G. Withycombe and the Graphical law

Authors: Anindya Kumar Biswas
Comments: 21 Pages.

We study the Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names by E. G. Withycombe, second edition. We draw the natural logarithm of the number of names, normalised, starting with a letter vs the natural logarithm of the rank of the letter, normalised. We conclude that the Dictionary can be characterised by BP(4,$beta H$=0) i.e. a magnetisation curve in the Bethe-Peierls approximation of the Ising Model with four nearest neighbours with $beta H=0$ i.e. in the absence of external magnetic field, $H=0$. $beta$ is $frac{1}{k_{B}T}$ where, T is temperature, H is external magnetic field and $k_{B}$ is the tiny Boltzmann constant.
Category: Social Science

[43123] viXra:2412.0007 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-02 21:36:58

Early Sunspot Discovery: Dismissed Insight Challenges Prevailing Theories

Authors: Ulrich Schreier
Comments: 2 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: This article is not written in a standard/scholarly preprint format and will be subject to removal))

This paper revisits an early yet overlooked discovery in sunspot research, suggesting that Earth’s orbital position plays a pivotal role in sunspot formation. A seasonal pattern in daily sunspot counts, documented over a 12-year period in the early 1900s, points to a profound connection between solar activity and Earth’s position, challenging Sun-centered sunspot theories. This correlation, verifiable in minutes with modern tools, calls for substantial revisions to established cosmology, particularly in understanding cosmic influences on Earth. Alongside this insight, Henri Mémery documented correlations between sunspots and various Earthly phenomena—such as magnetism, atmospheric pressure, rainfall, temperature, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions—connections that were not fully recognized for decades.More than 50 years later, Louis-Claude Vincent (1906—1988) and Jeanne Rousseau (1910—2012) provided a groundbreaking explanation for Mémery’s observations and correlations through their innovative cosmic model, which fundamentally challenges conventional scientific paradigms. Their interdisciplinary approach spans fields such as astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology, meteorology, seismology, biology, and more. It reveals the intricate superimposition and interplay between cosmic forces and terrestrial systems. Vincent and Rousseau’s research advocates for a holistic understanding of natural processes, integrating geophysics, cosmology, bioelectronics, and biology. Their pioneering insights highlight the critical need to examine cosmic phenomena in relation to Earth’s systems, bridging theoretical science with practical, Earth-centric applications while confronting the compartmentalized tendencies of modern scientific disciplines.
Category: Astrophysics

[43122] viXra:2412.0006 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-02 20:57:57

The Golden Ratio's Siblings

Authors: Bassam Abdul-Baki
Comments: 4 Pages.

On real numbers whose fractional part remain constant after squaring.
Category: Number Theory

[43121] viXra:2412.0005 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-02 21:40:58

On the Principle of Structural Dependency and Applications

Authors: Theophilus Agama
Comments: 3 Pages. This is a short note containing a novel principle for reconstructing proofs.

This note formalizes and applies the emph{Principle of Structural Dependency}, which asserts that if the foundation of a mathematical structure ( B ) consists of another structure ( A ), then ( A ) cannot exhibit a property distinct from ( B ), while ( B ) may possess properties not shared by ( A ). We verify this principle and apply it systematically to reconstruct concise proofs of several classical theorems, including Cantor's theorem, the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, the Jordan Curve Theorem, the Monotone Convergence Theorem, and the Pythagorean Theorem. These reconstructions emphasize the structural underpinnings of these results, offering a novel perspective and demonstrating how foundational relationships can simplify complicated proofs.
Category: Set Theory and Logic

[43120] viXra:2412.0004 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-01 15:55:45

Complex Circles of Partition and the Expansion Principles

Authors: Berndt Gensel, Theophilus Agama
Comments: 16 Pages.

In this paper, we further develop the theory of circles of partition by introducing the notion of complex circles of partition. This work generalizes the classical framework, extending from subsets of the natural numbers as base sets to partitions defined within the complex plane, which now serves as both the base and bearing set. We employ the expansion principles as central tools for rigorously investigating the possibility to partition numbers with base set as a certain subset of the complex plane.
Category: Number Theory

[43119] viXra:2412.0003 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-02 02:58:17

Analysis of the Congruence Expression for Testing if N is Prime

Authors: Mar Detic
Comments: 3 Pages.

This paper analyzes the congruence expression 2n−1 − 1 ≡ 2n − 2 (mod n), exploring its validity for different values of n. We test the expression for both prime and composite numbers, and observe that the congruence holds for primes but does not hold in general for composite numbers.
Category: Number Theory

[43118] viXra:2412.0002 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-02 02:06:58

Two Stage WiFi 5GHz to 10GHz XBand Communication System

Authors: Sasan Ardalan
Comments: 38 Pages.

The up conversion of a 5GHz WiFi signal to 10.56GHz IF signal enables the transmission of the WiFi signal at XBand frequencies for high throughput digital communications over XBand. The XBand signal can be up converted from the 10.56GHz XBand signal to 60 GHz or 28 GHz bands. It is imperative that the WiFi channel be centered at a specific frequency, for example, 10.56GHz, for optimal performance and to meet ITU an FCC band allocation requirements. In addition, the WiFi channel centered at 10.56GHz must be interference (jammer) free so that the over the air signal is jammer free, a key requirement. The XBand Spectrum is also available for Amateur Extra Class from 10.0GHz to 10.5GHz so the capability to center the frequency is critical. This paper describes the challenges in up converting and down converting WiFi signals at 5GHz to X-Band and offers a unique solution that provides a jammer free spectrum and capability to dial in the center frequency. A complete system was designed, prototyped and built, verifying the design over the air. IEEE802.11ac Access Points were used at 5.21 GHz with a bandwidth of 160 MHz. This work paves the way for high throughput digital communication over XBand links with bandwidths of 80MHz and 160MHz.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[43117] viXra:2412.0001 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-01 04:26:24

On Maps Between Problem and Solution Spaces

Authors: Theophilus Agama
Comments: 5 Pages.

In this paper, we study the map between problem and solution spaces. We introduce and develop a functional analysis on the topology of problems and their solution spaces. We introduce the notion of an textit{isotope} and corresponding textit{isotope} problem spaces and examine various notions compatible with this space.
Category: Functions and Analysis

[43116] viXra:2411.0181 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-30 23:08:30

The Effect of Kinetic Energies on the Relationship Between Molecular Collision Speed and Acoustic Wave Speed

Authors: Hejie Lin, Tsung-Wu Lin
Comments: 7 Pages.

Acoustic waves are the result of molecules colliding and fluctuating. However, the relationship between acoustic wave speed and molecular collision speed has not been directly formulated and validated as a function of kinetic properties in terms of the translational and rotational kinetic energies. This article will present and validate a formula that connects acoustic wave speed and molecular collision speed with the translational and rotational kinetic energies of molecules. This formula not only provides insight into the microscopic mechanisms of acoustic waves but can also be used to determine acoustic wave speed from mechanic analyses such as collision simulations of particles.
Category: Classical Physics

[43115] viXra:2411.0180 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-30 23:56:38

Hyperluminal Space Travel

Authors: Clark M. Thomas
Comments: 10 Pages.

Hyperluminal space travel is big in popular science fiction and fantasy. How does it rate among real rocket scientists and astrophysicists? The answer to this basic question spans more than physics, and goes into concerns relating to our brief reign as the current hyperkeystone species on Earth.
Category: Astrophysics

[43114] viXra:2411.0179 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-29 21:47:23

A Little Correction About Special Relativity

Authors: Christian Suavet
Comments: 10 Pages.

A small experimental inaccuracy could be the cause of a conceptual error in special relativity, an error which could hinder the resolution of problems in physics and cosmology.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[43113] viXra:2411.0178 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-30 00:27:13

The Neutron Coincidence

Authors: Alexander Unzicker
Comments: 2 Pages.

A previously unknown relationship involving the masses of the neutron, proton, andelectron is reported. Expressed simply, it states m_n/m_e = 2 Pi/ alpha (gamma-1/gamma), where gamma is defined as (m_n-m_p)/m_e, and alpha = e^2/(2hc eps0) represents the fine structure constant. The accuracy of this approximation is 2.0 *10-4, which is outside the experimental error of 4.0 *10^-6. Additionally, the coincidence gamma = log(4 Pi) holds, with an even closer match of 2.0 *10^-5, yet still outside the experimental precision of 10^-6.It is not claimed that these coincdences have a physical meaning.
Category: Nuclear and Atomic Physics

[43112] viXra:2411.0177 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-29 00:31:39

Gravitation and the Casimir Effect: A Potential Coupling Between Gravity and Quantum Fluctuations

Authors: Helena Kivelitz
Comments: 4 Pages.

This paper investigates the potential coupling between gravitational fields and quantum vacuum fluctuations, as evidenced by variations in the Casimir effect. The Casimir effect is a quantum phenomenon that arises from electromagnetic vacuum modes between two closely spaced plates, resulting in a force inversely proportional to the fourth power of their separation. This study hypothesizes that gravitational fields, by curving spacetime, may influence these vacuum modes, leading to measurable changes in the Casimir force. Existing precision experiments on the Casimir effect and short-range gravity tests are reviewed for their suitability in probing this hypothesis. Proposed experiments under varying gravitational conditions—Earth’s surface, high-altitude stations, and microgravity environments—are detailed, along with the inclusion of a strong local gravitational source (e.g., a massive tungsten sphere). If verified, such interactions would provide experimental evidence for a direct connection between quantum mechanics and general relativity, with profound implications for physics.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[43111] viXra:2411.0176 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-28 12:58:19

Fibonacci Numbers and Gravitational Radiation

Authors: Alberto Coe
Comments: 10 Pages.

In this short article We have done an arithmetic approximation that analyzes the currentformalism of the phenomenon of gravitationalwaves.To do this we have resorted to the use of thewell known Fibonacci series of natural numbers and the logarithmicspiral associated with the sequence of such numbers.
Category: Astrophysics

[43110] viXra:2411.0175 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-29 00:26:51

Alternative Hypothesis for Cosmological Redshift

Authors: Felipe Wescoup
Comments: 3 Pages.

This paper proposes an alternative hypothesis for the cosmological redshift based on energy conservation between photons and the intergalactic medium (IGM). The hypothesis suggests that photons lose energy to the IGM during their propagation through space according to ΔE_IGM = -ΔE_photon, following an exponential decay model. This energy transfer results in the observed redshift without requiring the existence of dark energy. The paper presents the fundamental equations governing this interaction and suggests methods for testing the hypothesis through systematic redshift studies.
Category: Classical Physics

[43109] viXra:2411.0174 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-29 00:23:31

Thue-Morse Sequence

Authors: Edgar Valdebenito
Comments: 4 Pages.

In this note we give some formulas related to Prouhet-Thue-Morse constant.
Category: Number Theory

[43108] viXra:2411.0173 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-29 01:51:41

On Complex Dynamics and the Schrodinger Equation

Authors: Ervin Goldfain
Comments: 16 Pages.

Complex Ginzburg-Landau equation (CGLE) is a paradigm of complex dynamics that holds for all spatially extended systems near the onset of oscillatory behavior. CGLE applies to a vast array of phenomena ranging from superconductivity and superfluidity, to Bose-Einstein condensation, astrophysics, nonlinear optics and spatiotemporal chaos. In particular, CGLE describes the formation of dissipative spacetime structures in Reaction-Diffusion (RD) processes. Here we bridge the gap between CGLE and the RD model of evolving dimensional fluctuations, the latter being conjectured to arise far above the electroweak scale. Our findings open an intriguing path connecting complex dynamics of dimensional fluctuations to Quantum Physics.
Category: Mathematical Physics

[43107] viXra:2411.0172 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-29 02:21:38

Unified Theory of Multiversal Genesis: A Theoretical Framework for the Emergence and Interaction of the Multiverse

Authors: Francesco Perniola
Comments: 13 Pages.

Background: The Unified Theory of Multiversal Genesis (UTMG) proposes a new cosmological paradigm in which the universe emerges from the quantumvacuum through fluctuations of a unified field Φ. This process leads to the formation of multiple universes that interact with each other via mechanisms mediated bystrings and fields, giving rise to a complex and interconnected multiverse.Methods: We have developed a theoretical framework that unifies concepts fromquantum mechanics, general relativity, and string theory. We derived detailed mathematical formulations describing the origin, evolution, and interaction of universeswithin a multidimensional bulk, using advanced field equations and brane dynamics. Additionally, we performed numerical simulations to analyze the phenomenapredicted by the theory.Results: The UTMG provides equations governing the nucleation of branes fromthe quantum vacuum, iterative processes of universe multiplication through spontaneous symmetry breaking, and mechanisms of inter-universal interaction mediatedby open strings and the unified field Φ. The numerical simulations support thetheoretical predictions, showing brane formation and gravitational wave generation.Conclusions: The UTMG offers a coherent description of the genesis of themultiverse and inter-universal interactions, providing potential explanations to unresolved problems in cosmology. The theory’s predictions could be tested with futureexperiments and observations, opening new avenues for exploration in fundamentalphysics.
Category: Quantum Gravity and String Theory

[43106] viXra:2411.0171 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-27 21:46:00

The Mechanism of Peony Seed Oil Can Promote Sleep [as Shown] by 16S Rrna Gene Sequencing and Metabolomics Analyses of Changes in the Intestinal Flora and Biomarkers in Mice

Authors: Ziyue Liang, Junjie Zhang, Zhiyuan Wang, Xinyi Li
Comments: 28 Pages.

Peony seed oil (PSO) is an edible oil rich in unsaturated fatty acids. Experimental results show that PSO can be a safe edible oil with sleep-improving effects. We used untargeted metabolomics and 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing to analyze the mechanism by which PSO improves sleep. The results showed that PSO improves sleep by modulating the gut microbiota. Additionally, PSO altered gut metabolites, with some of these metabolites involved in sleep regulation. These results demonstrated that long-term dietary PSO plays beneficial roles in sleep by modulating the gut bacteria and gut metabolism in mice.
Category: Biochemistry

[43105] viXra:2411.0170 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-27 20:05:21

The Spectra of Hydrogen and Deuterium Interpreted with an Alternative Fine Structure Constant Compared to the Codata Recommended Value

Authors: Hans Peter Good
Comments: 20 Pages.

A modified Dirac expression for the electron binding energy in hydrogen-like atoms is presented, which allows a direct and unambiguous comparison among different fine structure constants without bound-state QED theory. The least squares analysis of the parameters, describing the spectra of hydrogen and deuterium, is grounded on two sets of the most accurately measured energy separations. The optimal spectroscopic fine structure constant is found to be equal to 0.007284(1), disagreeing with the determinations ultimately based on renormalized QED but being in good agreement with the number constant 2^(-6) π^(-2/3) ≈ 0.007284. The present work compiles experimental values of the Lamb shift of S, P, and D states with n = 1, 2, and 3 derived from those measurements. Accurate predictions for hyperfine splitting intervals with n > 1 are given and compared to experimental values for n = 2.
Category: Nuclear and Atomic Physics

[43104] viXra:2411.0169 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-28 04:19:13

How the Physician Clinically Thinks?

Authors: Atabek B. Kutlumuratov
Comments: 10 Pages. In Russian

This treatise is addition to the treatise №6 from (vixra.prg/abs/2411.0127 — "Avicenna’s legacy: Personal (Psychophysical) Model of Human Nature as a Basic Medical Metaphor") from the series "About Ontological and Epistemological Bases of Modern Medicine and Physiology". Its purpose is to generalize what we discussed within this cycle of treatises and to characterize specificity of the physician's clinical thinking.
Category: General Science and Philosophy

[43103] viXra:2411.0168 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-26 10:47:25

Optimization of Geodetic Networks

Authors: Erik Grafarend, Abdelmajid Ben Hadj Salem
Comments: 47 Pages. In French, we have added in English an obituary of Prof. Grafrend and a list of his publications.

The international geodetic community lost, in December 2020, one of its eminent contemporary geodesists Professor E.W. Grafarend of the University of Stuttgart, Germany. To pay homage to him, I present to readers this article, it is a translation of one of his publications which appeared in The Canadian Surveyor, Vol. 28, No.5, December 1974, entitled "Optimization of Geodetic Networks".
Category: Geophysics

[43102] viXra:2411.0167 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-26 13:29:46

A Fast Convergence Series for Computing π with Efficient Precision

Authors: Mar Detic
Comments: 3 Pages.

In this paper, we present a novel series for approximating π that convergesrapidly. Each iteration produces three correct digits of π with only five terms,demonstrating a significant improvement in computational efficiency over exist-ing methods. We compare this series with traditional series such as the Gregory-Leibniz, Ramanujan, and Bailey-Borwein-Plouffe (BBP) formulas. Our analysisshows that the series is computationally simple while maintaining a rapid conver-gence rate, making it suitable for numerical applications requiring moderate preci-sion. We explore its potential use in both theoretical and applied mathematics.
Category: Number Theory

[43101] viXra:2411.0166 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-26 19:12:50

Simplified Trigonometric Method for Distance Measurements

Authors: Aryan G. Chopade, Govardhan S. Chopade
Comments: 4 Pages. 2 figures; submitted under the CC BY 4.0 license (Author ames added to the article by viXra Admin as required)

This study develops a mathematical approach to estimate the distance of a celestial object from an observer using angular measurements. The method involves capturing the subtended angles of the object from two distinct positions along a known baseline distance and employs trigonometric relationships to derive a formula for calculating the distance. Using a camera, the angular size of the object is determined based on its apparent size on the camera's sensor. The calculated angles are substituted into the derived formula to compute the distance. Validation of the formula was performed by calculating the Moon's distance from Earth using angular measurements taken at two locations separated by 100 km. The computed distance of approximately 376,742 km closely aligns with the Moon's average distance from Earth, confirming the accuracy of the method. This straightforward approach demonstrates potential utility for amateur astronomers and educators, offering an accessible tool for celestial distance measurement using basic geometry.
Category: Astrophysics

[43100] viXra:2411.0165 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-26 17:00:56

Photon is Information of Address in Holographic Plane

Authors: Bhushan Poojary
Comments: 4 Pages.

Photons, the fundamental quanta of light, are widely recognized as carriers of energy and mediators of electromagnetic interactions. This paper proposes that photons also encode the "address" of quantum interactions within the holographic plane, providing a mechanism for coordinating quantum phenomena across spacetime. Building on the framework presented in Emergent Universe from Many Unreal World Interpretation [6], this hypothesis suggests that photons function as messengers of spatial and informational coordinates, offering new interpretations of wave function collapse, quantum entanglement, and delayed-choice experiments. This approach integrates the holographic principle with quantum mechanics, potentially bridging two foundational theories of modern physics.
Category: Quantum Physics

[43099] viXra:2411.0164 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-26 19:06:53

Electron Orbitals Are Not Probability Clouds [?] They Are Holographic Planes

Authors: Bhushan Poojary
Comments: 3 Pages.

The conventional interpretation of electron orbitals as probability clouds has been central to quantum mechanics. However, this paper proposes a novel framework in which electron orbitals are holographic planes defined by the fine-structure constant and relativistic principles. This holographic interpretation provides a deterministic yet flexible description of quantum behaviour, linking the electron's unique spacetime geometry to its interaction with the electromagnetic field. The model explains quantized energy levels, spectral line structures, and interference phenomena while aligning with relativity. The implications for quantum mechanics and the unification of physics are profound, offering testable predictions.
Category: Quantum Physics

[43098] viXra:2411.0163 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-26 19:03:50

Quantum Correction to the Synchrotron Photon Spectrum

Authors: Miroslav Pardy
Comments: 14 Pages. Original article

We calculate the quantum corrections to synchrotron photon spectrum by methoddeveloped by Schwinger and Tsai. The traditional calculation method working withthe particle wave functions is here replaced by the mass operator approach avoidingthe particle final states and the integration over photon angular distribution. Thealgorithm of the calculation of the quantum corrections to the synchrotron radiationconsists in the evaluation of the forward Compton scattering process in the externalmagnetic field and then in application of the optical theorem to obtain the angularand frequency distribution.
Category: High Energy Particle Physics

[43097] viXra:2411.0162 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-26 20:46:24

Identifying Vulnerable C Code using Machine Learning Techniques

Authors: Siddharth Anand Phatak
Comments: 7 Pages.

This report presents the development and evaluation of a machinelearning model for identifying vulnerable C code. Using an AI-generateddataset of both vulnerable and non-vulnerable C code snippets, we explorevarious methodologies including Bag of Words (BOW), Logistic Regres-sion, word embeddings, and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) to buildan effective classification model.
Category: Artificial Intelligence

[43096] viXra:2411.0161 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-26 22:26:30

A Unified Scalar Field Theory: Explaining Galactic Dynamics Without Dark Matter

Authors: Korey McKinley
Comments: 18 Pages.

We propose a unified scalar field theory that modifies general relativity by intro-ducing a novel scalar boson coupling to matter, thereby altering the gravitationalinteraction at galactic and cosmological scales. The modified Einstein equations in-clude an additional term Φμν , representing the scalar field’s contribution to space-time curvature. This scalar boson, herein referred to as the Gravitational ScalarBoson (GSB), is hypothesized to possess a radially varying coupling strength α(r),enhancing its influence in regions where deviations from Newtonian gravity are ob-served, such as in galaxy rotation curves. We derive the theoretical foundationsof the model, discuss its implications for gravitational dynamics, and apply it tothe spiral galaxy NGC 3198 as a test case. The optimized coupling strength atr = 0, α0 = 0.254, aligns with theoretical expectations and complies with observa-tional constraints. Additionally, we explore the broader cosmological implications ofthe GSB, including its potential role in cosmic expansion and structure formation.Building upon this framework, we advance towards a unified theory by unifying allfundamental interactions and particles within this scalar field paradigm. Our resultssupport the potential of this unified scalar field theory, centered around the pro-posed GSB, as an alternative to dark matter in explaining galactic dynamics andoffer insights into a comprehensive unification of gravity with other fundamentalforces.
Category: Quantum Gravity and String Theory

[43095] viXra:2411.0160 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-26 23:54:03

An Extension of the Schwarzschild Solution: Combined Gravitational Field of Two or More Sources

Authors: Mueiz Gafer KamalEldeen
Comments: 5 Pages. I will not agree to publish this work in any journal that requires payment from the writer for publication.

There is no direct mathematical tool that enables us to generalize Schwarzschild solution to cases where there is more than one source of gravitational field. In this paper, we explained that this generalization can be made if we develop an equivalent and parallel description to the geometric description based on the metric tensor, and we found that this method succeeds in generalizing the Schwarzschild solution for any number of gravitational sources that move relative to each other.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[43094] viXra:2411.0159 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-27 02:42:46

Main Problems in Constructing Quantum Theory Based on Finite Mathematics

Authors: Felix M. Lev
Comments: 19 Pages.

As shown in our publications, quantum theory based on a finite ring of characteristic $p$ (FQT) is more general than standard quantum theory (SQT) because the latter is a degenerate case of the former in the formal limit $ptoinfty$. One of the main differences between SQT and FQT is the following. In SQT, elementary objects are described by irreducible representations (IRs) of a symmetry algebra in which energies are either only positive or only negative and there are no IRs where there are states with different signs of energy. In the first case, objects are called particles, and in the second - antiparticles. As a consequence, in SQT it is possible to introduce conserved quantum numbers (electric charge, baryon number, etc.) so that particles and antiparticles differ in the signs of these numbers. However, in FQT, all IRs necessarily contain states with both signs of energy. The symmetry in FQT is higher than the symmetry in SQT because one IR in FQT splits into two IRs in SQT with positive and negative energies at $ptoinfty$. Consequently, most fundamental quantum theory will not contain the concepts of particle-antiparticle and additive quantum numbers. These concepts are only good approximations at present since at this stage of the universe the value $p$ is very large but it was not so large at earlier stages. The above properties of IRs in SQT and FQT have been discussed in our publications with detailed technical proofs. The purpose of this paper is to consider models where these properties can be derived in a much simpler way.
Category: Mathematical Physics

[43093] viXra:2411.0158 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-25 00:01:09

A New Foundation for Standard Quantum Theory: Extension to Electrodynamics

Authors: Edward C. Larson
Comments: 16 Pages.

This paper builds upon and, which proposed a novel realist framework for making sense of standard quantum theory. The framework is said to be ``realist'' in that it provides a complete observerless picture of quantum state ontology and dynamics, in conjunction with a mechanistic account of measurement processes, that answers basic questions of what, where, when, and how.The framework embodies a general quantum ontology consisting of two entities, called W-state and P-state, that respectively account for the wave- and particle-like aspects of quantum systems. W-state is a generalization of the wavefunction, but has ontic stature and is defined on the joint time-frequency domain. It constitutes a non-classical local reality, consisting of superpositions of quantum waves writ small. P-state is a non-local hidden variable that constrains the probability distributions governing deferred measurement outcomes, such as in the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) thought experiment. The framework features a full solution of the core measurement problem, which pertains to the global coordination within quantum systems required to bring about wavefunction collapse in causal fashion consistent with special relativity.The extent of development in those preceding papers amounts essentially to a quantum theory of matter particles. In this paper, it is shown how the realist quantum-theoretic framework for particles can be extended to encompass electromagnetic fields. The paper elaborates upon the implications for quantum gravity and how other interpretations (e.g., Many Worlds, GRW) deepen understanding of the realist framework.
Category: Quantum Physics

[43092] viXra:2411.0157 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-25 21:59:07

Imaging of Microwave Data Based on Backward Projection Algorithms

Authors: Xuancheng Ren, Xinyu Yuan, Qixiang Yang, Hengzhi Zhang, Jingyi Li
Comments: 24 Pages.

This document explores the principles and applications of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging, with a focus on Backprojection (BP) algorithms for microwave data imaging. It starts by introducing SAR technology, its historical development, and fundamental imaging mechanisms. Key differences between SAR and conventional radar systems are highlighted, emphasizing SAR's advantages in achieving high-resolution imaging through pulse compression and Doppler frequency shifts.The document then delves into signal processing techniques, including Linear Frequency Modulation (LFM) signals, range compression, and Doppler phase compensation. The BP algorithm is discussed in depth, covering echo signal modeling, range migration correction, and coherent accumulation. Simulation results demonstrate the BP algorithm's capability to reconstruct detailed images, illustrating the impact of interpolation coefficients on image quality.Additionally, alternative SAR algorithms like DBS, RD, and CS are compared, showcasing their strengths and limitations in various scenarios. The study concludes by emphasizing the BP algorithm's importance in SAR imaging and its potential for future technological advancements.This research, conducted by Fudan University, provides valuable insights into microwave data imaging and signal processing in SAR systems, paving the way for more efficient imaging techniques.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[43091] viXra:2411.0156 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-25 21:57:20

Potential Quantum Gravitational Constant Discovery Leading To Reformulation Of Planck Related Equations

Authors: Antoine Khai Nguyen
Comments: 5 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Please cite and list scientific references)

Potential discovery of an equation that yields a quantum gravitational constant (denoted as GK). The said discovered quantum gravitational constant (GK) is equivalent to Newton's gravitational constant (G) in the quantum realm. GK = e2 / (mproton x me 4πε0) [N⋅kg-2⋅m2] or [kg-1⋅m3⋅s-2] (same SI unit as Newton's G) GK = 1.5141727058066559828611192827127e+29 [N⋅kg-2⋅m2] or [kg-1⋅m3⋅s-2].
Category: Quantum Gravity and String Theory

[43090] viXra:2411.0155 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-25 15:49:53

Statistical Inference on Emergency Egress Analysis Considering Blocking Effects on Crowd Movement

Authors: Peng Wang, Peter Luh
Comments: 6 Pages.

In building emergency evacuation, the perception of hazard can stress the crowd, arouse their competitive behaviors, and trigger disorder and blocking as they pass through a narrow passage (e.g., narrow exit). This is a serious concern threatening evacuees’ survivability and egress efficiency. How to effectively manage risk of such undesired situations is a critical problem in evacuation planning. Based on advanced simulation, behavioral studies and psychological findings on crowd evacuation, this paper establishes a probabilistic graphical model for egress risk analysis, especially considering egress blocking effect on crowd movement. In this model, a hazard event (e.g., fires) is the cause of crowd escape. The undesired event of disorder and blocking is then characterized as an outcome of excessive stress on evacuees due to surrounding hazards, resulting in a drastic decrease of crowd movement in a probabilistic fashion. Several unknown parameters exist in this model, and they have clear psychological meanings, such as the social bond of evacuees, the stress level of crowd in a hazardous condition, etc. Based on this probabilistic graphical model, statistical inference can be implemented and the unknown parameters in the model can be estimated.
Category: Social Science

[43089] viXra:2411.0154 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-25 21:54:10

Better Supervised Fine-Tuning of Closed-Source Large Models

Authors: Fei Ding
Comments: 6 Pages.

The recent proliferation of so-called open-source large language models (such as LLaMA, Falcon, Mistral) has introduced a broader range of alternatives for AI practitioners and researchers. However, the majority of these models cannot be considered truly open-source, as they often provide only partial artifacts, such as final model weights or inference code. Furthermore, technical documentation accompanying these models tends to focus on high-level architectural decisions and superficial metrics, leaving critical aspects of the training process, including dataset composition, distribution, model checkpoints, and intermediate results, largely undisclosed. This lack of transparency presents a significant barrier to progress in the field, restricting the potential for open, collaborative research. In the absence of access to original datasets, attempts to further train or fine-tune these models by third parties are susceptible to issues such as catastrophic forgetting.In response to this challenge, we propose a method that facilitates more effective supervised fine-tuning of these closed-source models, without requiring access to the original data, while mitigating the risk of catastrophic forgetting.
Category: Artificial Intelligence

[43088] viXra:2411.0153 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-25 20:19:07

The Equality of the Values of Area and Perimeter for Two-Dimensional Shapes, Volume and Area for Three-Dimensional Ones

Authors: Andrey V. Voron
Comments: 4 Pages.

Possible variants of the equality of the values of the area and perimeter of a number of two—dimensional figures (square, circle, rectangular, obtuse and equilateral triangles), volume and area - three-dimensional (Platonic bodies, cone, cylinder, pyramid and sphere) are considered.
Category: Geometry

[43087] viXra:2411.0152 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-24 21:34:08

Reinterpreting Galileo's Inclined Plane and Pendulum Experiments

Authors: Haifei Ma
Comments: 12 Pages.

Galileo made significant contributions to the development of physics, including his discovery of inertia through the inclined plane experiment with a small ball. However, the limited understanding of the natural universe in Galileo's era prevented a complete interpretation of his findings. Even today, physicists grapple with fundamental questions such as why matter possesses inertia and what its true nature is. Addressing these questions is critical for refining classical mechanics and interpreting the concept of inertial reference frames. Since Galileo's time, physics has undergone centuries of development, accumulating a wealth of knowledge that was unavailable to early pioneers like Galileo, Descartes, and Newton. This progress has introduced new ideas and methods for tackling fundamental problems in physics. Consequently, it is both timely and necessary to reinterpret foundational classical physics experiments using contemporary insights. This article presents a reinterpretation of Galileo's inclined plane and pendulum experiments, leveraging modern physics knowledge and alternative perspectives. The study reveals that inertia fundamentally arises from the conservation of energy and offers a clear explanation for phenomena such as why an accelerating free-falling elevator qualifies as an inertial frame of reference. It also explores the origins of energy in the universe and reports several other significant findings. These discoveries, which have implications for bridging classical and modern physics, are discussed in detail.
Category: Classical Physics

[43086] viXra:2411.0151 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-24 10:36:28

Santali and The Graphical Law

Authors: Anindya Kumar Biswas
Comments: 39 Pages.

We study the Santali head entries of two Santali to English dictionaries. These are Campbell's Santali-English Dictionary, third edition, edited by R. M. Macphail and A Santal Dictionary by Rev. P. O. Bodding, respectively.We draw the natural logarithm of the number of head entries, normalised(unnormalised), starting with a letter vs the natural logarithm of the rank of the letter, normalised. We conclude that Santali, the language of the Santal tribe, underlie a magnetisation curve of a Spin-Glass in the presence of little external magnetic field.
Category: Linguistics

[43085] viXra:2411.0150 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-23 21:33:55

Erasmus of Rotterdam: What Does he Mean to us Today?

Authors: Peter M. Enders
Comments: 22 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: In general, PPT format is not acceptable)

Erasmus of Rotterdam belongs to the most influential thinkers of Middle Euerope. The text published here belongs to a series of lectures "Science - Speech - Society" held by Peter Enders in Karaganda via Zoom.
Category: Religion and Spiritualism

[43084] viXra:2411.0148 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-23 21:25:52

The Content of Inertial Mass and Its Mechanism of Equivalence with Gravitational Mass

Authors: Zheng-Hua Zhang
Comments: 3 Pages. In Chinese

There are no objects in the universe that are not subject to forces, nor are there objects that are at rest or moving in a straight line at a constant speed. Inertia is not the property of an object to remain at rest or in uniform linear motion, but rather the property of maintaining its original accelerated motion. After confirming this, it is easy to see that what maintains the original variable speed motion state is the gravitational force and orbital velocity experienced by the object at each level of the material system. For multiple objects at the same position in the same gravitational field, their orbital velocities are the same at each level of the material system, the gravitational force they experience is proportional to their gravitational mass, so the ratio of their inertial mass to gravitational mass must be a constant.
Category: Classical Physics

[43083] viXra:2411.0147 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-23 16:43:11

The Three Kinds of Gravity

Authors: Kurt L. Becker
Comments: 5 Pages.

This paper hypothesizes three kinds of gravitonic interactions with spacetime. It posits that space is digital and its smallest unit is a spin network, here called a pixel. The first kind of gravity results when gravitons are being exchanged when interacting with matter and spacetime. The result is a pixel being deleted. this is Newtonian gravity on a solar-system scale. The second kind results when parallel counter-streaming gravitons between two stars bend spacetime toward the line of centers between these two stars. This results in substantial additional gravity on a galactic scale. This is currently believed to be due to dark matter. The third kind results, when in the vast expanses of deep space, two gravitons interact within a pixel and create another pixel using the energy within the electromagnetic field. This results in negative gravity, currently believed to be due to dark energy. This gravity predominates on distance scales larger than galactic clusters.
Category: Quantum Gravity and String Theory

[43082] viXra:2411.0146 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-22 07:33:39

Computation of Antiderivatives of Rational Functions

Authors: Subrat Kumar Verma
Comments: 3 Pages.

This article has been based on a lecture handout for high school students. Most of the calculus books mention the method of partial fractionsin an algorithmic way. I have described the reason behind the method. It has been mentioned as a theorem without proof in Problems in Analysis by Prof Maron published by Mir Publications of the Soviet Era, cited in the text of the article. It is possible that the proof is also included in some book maybe in Russian language but I have not come across the reasoning in any English language book and thus is novel to the best of my knowledge. The proof uses arguments accessible to high school students who have seen polynomials and complex numbers before, such as the class I was lecturing in India.
Category: General Mathematics

[43081] viXra:2411.0145 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-22 21:43:13

Description and Calculation

Authors: Friedrich Sösemann
Comments: English 20 pages, German 20 pages

The present text is a systematic description of descriptions, a network of precise definitions already existing concepts, such as information, knowledge, intelligence as a hierarchy of relations and their measures, as well as of description and calculation with their completeness and predictability.
Category: General Science and Philosophy

[43080] viXra:2411.0143 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-22 21:39:45

Modified Collatz Method

Authors: Marko V. Jankovic
Comments: 6 Pages.

n this paper, a modification of Collatz method is going to be presented, It is going to be proved that iterative implementation of the corresponding modified Collatz function on any natural number will eventually lead to the number 1. An alternative definition of Collatz and modified Collatz functions are going to be presented, and some interesting results that are obtained from it are going to be briefly analyzed.
Category: Number Theory

[43079] viXra:2411.0142 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-22 21:38:51

The Riemann Hypothesis Unveiled: Formal Proof and Harmony of Non-trivial Zeros

Authors: Mostafa Senhaji
Comments: 59 Pages.

The Riemann zeta function, symbol of the convergence between complex analysis and number theory, occupies a central place in modern mathematics. Since its introduction by Bernhard Riemann in 1859, this function has established itself as an essential tool for understanding the distribution of prime numbers. This work is distinguished by the ambition to propose a formal proof of the Riemann Hypothesis (HR), a conjecture which intimately links the non-trivial zeros of ��(��) to the structure of integers. By exploring its analytical, geometric and arithmetic aspects, this text constitutes a significant step forward in the quest for this proof. The objective of this work is twofold: on the one hand, to offer an in-depth presentation of the fundamental properties of ��(��), such as its functional equation, its Euler product, and the symmetry of its zeros; on the other hand, rigorously demonstrate that all non-trivial zeros of ��(��) lie on the critical line ℜ(��)=1/2. In this way, it is aimed not only at specialists but also at mathematics enthusiasts, by offering them a unique and detailed perspective on one of the greatest mathematical mysteries. Through a rigorous methodology, illustrated by demonstrations by contradiction and analytical visualizations, this text highlights the profound consequences of HR, not only on number theory, but also on other branches of mathematics. It invites the reader to explore this hidden harmony that links the analytical properties of complex functions and the regularity of prime numbers.
Category: Functions and Analysis

Replacements of recent Submissions

[16126] viXra:2412.0101 [pdf] replaced on 2024-12-21 13:19:53

On Complex Dynamics and Primordial Gravity

Authors: Ervin Goldfain
Comments: 21 Pages.

We recently pointed out that, under suitably defined conditions, the Schrödingerequation represents a limit case of the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation (CGLE). Asgeneric prototype of complex dynamics, CGLE is naturally tied to dimensional fluctuationsconjectured to develop far above the electroweak scale. The goal of this work is to uncoveran unforeseen connection between CGLE and the equation of geodesic deviation in GeneralRelativity (GR). This connection is likely to come into play in primordial cosmology,where strongly fluctuating gravitational fields evolve in far-from-equilibrium conditions.Our findings unveil the duality between primordial gravitation and Kolmogorov entropyand suggest a potential gateway towards field unification outside Lagrangian theory
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[16125] viXra:2412.0085 [pdf] replaced on 2024-12-18 04:58:58

Sign Normalization for Higher Genus Curves in Generalized Riemann Hypothesis, and Generalized Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture

Authors: John Yuk Ching Ting
Comments: 23 Pages. Generalized Riemann hypothesis and Generalized BSD conjecture

This expository-styled paper contains interesting observations and conjectures about distribution of nontrivial zeros in L-functions; and [optional] use of Sign normalization when computing Hardy Z-function, including its relationship to Analytic rank and Symmetry type of L-functions. On the Sign normalization when applied to eligible L-functions, we posit its dependency on even-versus-odd Analytic ranks, degree of L-function, and the particular gamma factor present in functional equations for Genus 1 elliptic curves and higher Genus curves. The relevant mathematical arguments are postulated to satisfy Generalized Riemann hypothesis, and Generalized Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture. We explicitly mention their underlying proven/unproven hypotheses or conjectures.
Category: Number Theory

[16124] viXra:2412.0071 [pdf] replaced on 2024-12-13 21:55:28

Methods of Measuring Length Lesser the Than Least Count

Authors: Jayaram As
Comments: 5 Pages. Typo are corrected based on reader inputs

This is a very simple paper describing some methods to measure the values especially in length dimension to a scale much less than that of the least count of the given instrument. The final aim of this paper is to trigger a thought process toget ideas , if any ,for indirect measurement to get less than Planck’s length.
Category: Classical Physics

[16123] viXra:2412.0059 [pdf] replaced on 2024-12-13 15:36:41

The Reason Gallium Detectors Measure Low Solar Neutrino Flux

Authors: William L. Stubbs
Comments: 3 Pages.

The neutral current and charged current electron neutrino interactions with deuterons are used to show that the predicted electron neutrino flux not measured by the gallium detectors does exist. It is not detected because, unlike in the deuteron reactions that always free a nucleon from the nucleus that can be detected and indicates that an interaction has occurred, a neutrino interaction with 71Ga cannot separate a nucleon from the 71Ga nucleus to be detected. Consequently, neutrinos interacting with 71Ga nuclei that do not create 71Ge nuclei go unrecorded by the detectors.
Category: Astrophysics

[16122] viXra:2412.0006 [pdf] replaced on 2024-12-05 19:36:49

The Golden Ratio's Siblings

Authors: Bassam Abdul-Baki
Comments: 4 Pages.

On real numbers whose fractional part remain constant after squaring.
Category: Number Theory

[16121] viXra:2412.0003 [pdf] replaced on 2024-12-09 21:32:45

A Refined Primality Test Based on Fermat’s Little Theorem with Factorial Constraints

Authors: Mar Detic
Comments: 3 Pages.

Fermat’s Little Theorem is a fundamental result in number theory used for primality testing. However, it is not infallible, as certain compos-ite numbers, known as Carmichael numbers, satisfy Fermat’s conditions and produce false positives. This paper introduces a stricter variation of Fermat’s theorem by incorporating factorial constraints. We propose that for a candidate prime p, 2p−1 − 1 ≡ k! (mod p) for all k satisfy-ing 1 < k < √p. This stricter condition eliminates false positives forCarmichael numbers while retaining validity for primes. Detailed proofs and examples are provided.
Category: Number Theory

[16120] viXra:2411.0180 [pdf] replaced on 2024-12-03 23:51:21

Hyperluminal Space Travel

Authors: Clark M. Thomas
Comments: 10 Pages.

Hyperluminal space travel is big in popular sciencefiction and fantasy. How does it rate among realrocket scientists and astrophysicists? The answerto this basic question spans more than physics, andgoes into concerns relating to our brief reign as thecurrent hyperkeystone species on Earth.
Category: Astrophysics

[16119] viXra:2411.0178 [pdf] replaced on 2024-11-30 11:23:35

The Neutron Coincidence

Authors: Alexander Unzicker
Comments: 2 Pages. typos (eqn.6) corrected

A previously unknown relationship involving the masses of the neutron, proton, and electron is reported. Expressed simply, it states m_n/m_e = 2 Pi/ alpha (gamma - 1/gamma), where gamma is defined as (m_n - m_p)/m_e, and alpha = e^2/(2hc eps0) represents the fine structure constant. The accuracy of this approximation is 2.0 *10^-4, which is outside the experimental error of 4.0 *10^-6. Additionally, the coincidence gamma = log(4 Pi) holds, with an even closer match of 2.0 *10^-5, yet still outside the experimental precision of 10^-6.It is not claimed that these coincidences have a physical meaning.
Category: Nuclear and Atomic Physics

[16118] viXra:2411.0173 [pdf] replaced on 2024-12-08 03:19:32

On Complex Dynamics and the Schrodinger Equation

Authors: Ervin Goldfain
Comments: 16 Pages.

Complex Ginzburg-Landau equation (CGLE) is a paradigm of complex dynamics that holds for all spatially extended systems near the onset of oscillatory behavior. CGLE applies to a vast array of phenomena ranging from superconductivity and superfluidity, to Bose-Einstein condensation, astrophysics, nonlinear optics and spatiotemporal chaos. In particular, CGLE describes the formation of dissipative spacetime structures in Reaction-Diffusion (RD) processes. Here we bridge the gap between CGLE and the RD model of evolving dimensional fluctuations, the latter being conjectured to arise far above the electroweak scale. Our findings open an intriguing path connecting complex dynamics of dimensional fluctuations to Quantum Physics.
Category: Mathematical Physics

[16117] viXra:2411.0173 [pdf] replaced on 2024-12-02 13:32:57

On Complex Dynamics and the Schrodinger Equation

Authors: Ervin Goldfain
Comments: 16 Pages.

Complex Ginzburg-Landau equation (CGLE) is a paradigm of complex dynamics that holds for all spatially extended systems near the onset of oscillatory behavior. CGLE applies to a vast array of phenomena ranging from superconductivity and superfluidity, to Bose-Einstein condensation, astrophysics, nonlinear optics and spatiotemporal chaos. In particular, CGLE describes the formation of dissipative spacetime structures in Reaction-Diffusion (RD) processes. Here we bridge the gap between CGLE and the RD model of evolving dimensional fluctuations, the latter being conjectured to arise far above the electroweak scale. Our findings open an intriguing path connecting complex dynamics of dimensional fluctuations to Quantum Physics.
Category: Mathematical Physics

[16116] viXra:2411.0172 [pdf] replaced on 2024-11-29 21:40:56

Unified Theory of Multiversal Genesis: A Theoretical Framework for the Emergence and Interaction of the Multiverse

Authors: Francesco Perniola
Comments: 14 Pages.

Background: The Unified Theory of Multiversal Genesis (UTMG) proposes a novel cosmological paradigm where the universe emerges from the quantum vacuum through fluctuations of a unified field Φ. This process leads to the formationof multiple universes that interact via mechanisms mediated by strings and fields, resulting in a complex and interconnected multiverse.Methods: We developed a theoretical framework that unifies concepts from quantum mechanics, general relativity, and string theory. Detailed mathematical formulations describe the origin, evolution, and interaction of universes within amultidimensional bulk, employing advanced field equations and brane dynamics. Numerical simulations analyze the phenomena predicted by the theory, with justifications for the approximations used.Results: The UTMG provides equations governing the nucleation of branes from the quantum vacuum, iterative processes of universe multiplication through spontaneous symmetry breaking, and mechanisms of inter-universal interaction mediatedby open strings and the unified field Φ. The simulations support the theoreticalpredictions, showing brane formation and gravitational wave generation, with implications for observable signatures. Conclusions: The UTMG offers a coherent description of the genesis of themultiverse and inter-universal interactions, providing potential explanations to unresolved problems in cosmology. The theory’s predictions could be tested with future experiments and observations, opening new avenues for exploration in fundamental physics.
Category: Quantum Gravity and String Theory

[16115] viXra:2411.0167 [pdf] replaced on 2024-12-19 02:35:22

A Derivation of π Using a Hypergeometric Series and Integral Representation

Authors: Mar Detic
Comments: 3 Pages.

In this work, we derive a method to compute the mathematical constant π using a hypergeometric series involving alternating terms with exponential decay. Through analysis, the series is related to π via an integral representation. We compute π by deriving the closed-form expressions and performing high-precision numerical evaluations.
Category: Number Theory