Digital Signal Processing

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Recent submissions

Any replacements are listed farther down

[536] viXra:2503.0018 [pdf] submitted on 2025-03-03 14:02:01

New Wireless Technology not Covered by the Existing Ieee Standards of 2017

Authors: Andrei I. Bodrenko
Comments: 5 Pages.

A new type of wireless computer network is presented in this article. This wireless network, for data transmission, uses visible light, and does not use intensity modulation of optical sources, such as light-emitting diodes and etc. Thus represented wireless network differs substantially from wireless networks covered by the existing IEEE standards of 2017, and its ongoing revisions, for visible-light communication (VLC) technologies, Li-Fi technology and optical camera communication (OCC) technologies. This new wireless technology can be used for the next generation of wireless communication networks such as 5G networks.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[535] viXra:2503.0003 [pdf] submitted on 2025-03-01 14:42:18

New Wireless Technology for Data Transmission in Chemical Systems

Authors: Andrei I. Bodrenko
Comments: 4 Pages.

New type of wireless computer network in chemical systems is presented in this article. This wireless network uses chemical system as physical media for data transmission, instead of environment. Thus, represented wireless network differs substantially from molecular communication networks and wireless networks covered by IEEE standards, such as radio frequency based wireless networks. This new wireless technology can be used not only in chemical industry for continuous controlling chemical processes in chemical reactions zones but also for medical purposes, and as a new type of wireless body area computer network.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[534] viXra:2502.0020 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-03 20:17:45

The Use of Chemical System as Transmission Medium in Wireless Data Communication Channel

Authors: Andrei I. Bodrenko
Comments: 3 Pages.

Molecular Communications : Method of use of chemical system as transmission medium in wireless data communication channel (DCC) is represented in this article.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[533] viXra:2412.0028 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-06 20:43:01

Computer Modeling of Plane Wave Propagation Through Dielectric Sections and Plasmas

Authors: Sasan Ardalan
Comments: 37 Pages.

A technique for modeling plane wave propagation through inhomogeneous media and plasma layers with different electron densities is presented. The technique is based on transmission line theory. Therefore, a general technique is introduced for solving complex transmission line systems. A data structure and algorithm for representing, and simultaneously solving for all nodes within the transmission line network is presented. The method is based on representing the network as a recursive tree structure and solving for the voltage, current, and impedance at each node using recursive programming techniques. First, all frequency dependent parameters within the tree structure are updated, then in a post-order traversing of the tree, the impedance at each node are computed followed by a pre-order traversing of the tree to compute node voltagesand currents. For plane wave propagation, the reflection coefficient, the electric field andmagnetic field are computed. The method is applied to normal incidence but can easily be extended to oblique incidence. A tapered transmission line model was used to verify the algorithm. In addition, an example was provided verifying the ability to compute the frequency response and impulse response of a system with a plasma. Finally, the application of the technique to model the heat tile and the plasma that develops on either aero-assist or spacecraft re-entry is presented.This paper is based on work done at the Center for Communication and Signal Processing (CCSP) at North Carolina State University by the author in 1987. In addition, the paper presents work which was supported by NASA Langley Research Center under Contract NASI-1x925. The author was the Principal Investigator.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[532] viXra:2412.0002 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-02 02:06:58

Two Stage WiFi 5GHz to 10GHz XBand Communication System

Authors: Sasan Ardalan
Comments: 38 Pages.

The up conversion of a 5GHz WiFi signal to 10.56GHz IF signal enables the transmission of the WiFi signal at XBand frequencies for high throughput digital communications over XBand. The XBand signal can be up converted from the 10.56GHz XBand signal to 60 GHz or 28 GHz bands. It is imperative that the WiFi channel be centered at a specific frequency, for example, 10.56GHz, for optimal performance and to meet ITU an FCC band allocation requirements. In addition, the WiFi channel centered at 10.56GHz must be interference (jammer) free so that the over the air signal is jammer free, a key requirement. The XBand Spectrum is also available for Amateur Extra Class from 10.0GHz to 10.5GHz so the capability to center the frequency is critical. This paper describes the challenges in up converting and down converting WiFi signals at 5GHz to X-Band and offers a unique solution that provides a jammer free spectrum and capability to dial in the center frequency. A complete system was designed, prototyped and built, verifying the design over the air. IEEE802.11ac Access Points were used at 5.21 GHz with a bandwidth of 160 MHz. This work paves the way for high throughput digital communication over XBand links with bandwidths of 80MHz and 160MHz.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[531] viXra:2411.0157 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-25 21:59:07

Imaging of Microwave Data Based on Backward Projection Algorithms

Authors: Xuancheng Ren, Xinyu Yuan, Qixiang Yang, Hengzhi Zhang, Jingyi Li
Comments: 24 Pages.

This document explores the principles and applications of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging, with a focus on Backprojection (BP) algorithms for microwave data imaging. It starts by introducing SAR technology, its historical development, and fundamental imaging mechanisms. Key differences between SAR and conventional radar systems are highlighted, emphasizing SAR's advantages in achieving high-resolution imaging through pulse compression and Doppler frequency shifts.The document then delves into signal processing techniques, including Linear Frequency Modulation (LFM) signals, range compression, and Doppler phase compensation. The BP algorithm is discussed in depth, covering echo signal modeling, range migration correction, and coherent accumulation. Simulation results demonstrate the BP algorithm's capability to reconstruct detailed images, illustrating the impact of interpolation coefficients on image quality.Additionally, alternative SAR algorithms like DBS, RD, and CS are compared, showcasing their strengths and limitations in various scenarios. The study concludes by emphasizing the BP algorithm's importance in SAR imaging and its potential for future technological advancements.This research, conducted by Fudan University, provides valuable insights into microwave data imaging and signal processing in SAR systems, paving the way for more efficient imaging techniques.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[530] viXra:2410.0132 [pdf] submitted on 2024-10-22 21:58:59

Improvement of Control Performance in the Random Vibration Tester Using Fuzzy Cmac Neural Network

Authors: Pyon Kwang Hyok, Son Jin Song
Comments: 13 Pages.

These papers introduce control method of random vibration test using fuzzy CMAC (Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller) based on high learning power of CMAC and knowledge-expression of fuzzy.Proposed method is real time control method in time domain in some other way spectra method based on amplitude frequency response. These papers establish the random vibration control theory to neglect the change of mathematical models of vibration testers according to its types and sizes, using fuzzy CMAC neural network. Finally, its accuracy is proved through MATLAB SIMULINK simulation.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[529] viXra:2408.0084 [pdf] submitted on 2024-08-19 21:34:56

The Problem of Zero Code Redundancy in Number Systems and Its Resolution in the Original Fibonacci Number System

Authors: Andrey V. Voron
Comments: 35 Pages.

It is shown that modern number systems (unlike Fibonacci) have a significant disadvantage in the form of zero redundancy of the code. But the redundancy of the Fibonacci code is not constant: the redundancy of the code for individual numbers varies significantly. Based on the Fibonacci number system with Fibonacci codes with unlimited redundancy, a Rule for limiting code redundancy is formulated.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[528] viXra:2406.0065 [pdf] submitted on 2024-06-13 20:58:43

Implementation of Brinell Hardness Measurement Device Using Hough Transform in Raspberry pi 3

Authors: Jang Chol Guk, Ra Song Nam, Kim Hyon Jin, Ri Yong Gwang, Yun Jong Gyong
Comments: 8 Pages.

In Brinell hardness measurement, the diameter measurement of the indentation is an important process related to the measurement accuracy.In this paper, a special image input device was designed to input the magnified image of the indentation to increase the accuracy of hardness measurement. Then, a method for determining Brinell hardness according to the indentation diameter obtained by Hough transform on the input image was established and implemented as a device using a single-board computer Raspberry Pi 3. The experimental results demonstrate that the designed measurement device can be used to provide the high accuracy and convenient measurement.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[527] viXra:2406.0064 [pdf] submitted on 2024-06-13 20:57:46

A Compact CPW-Fed Quintuple -Band-Notched Antenna for UWB Applications

Authors: Kwang Su Kim, Jin Myong Kim, Pok Sol Chae, Song Gwon Ri
Comments: 6 Pages.

In this paper, a compact coplanar waveguide (CPW)-fed quintuple-band-notched antenna for ultra-wideband(UWB) applications is presented. The voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) results show that the proposed antenna exhibits good wideband performance over an UWB frequency range from 1.4 to 10.7 GHz with VSWR less than 2, except for five stop-bands at 2.1 to 2.6 GHz, 3.3 to 3.75 GHz, 5.15 to 5.85 GHz, 7.2 to 7.6 GHz and 8.15 to 8.52 GHz for filtering the worldwide interoperability for microwave access (WiMAX) systems, wireless local area networks (WLANs), downlink of X-band satellite communication system and ITU band signals, respectively. Good radiation patterns and gain characteristics are obtained in the whole UWB frequency range except the notched frequency bands. The simulation results were compared with the measured results and good agreement is obtained. The proposed antenna provides the simple structure and good characteristics and is suitable for UWB applications.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[526] viXra:2405.0042 [pdf] submitted on 2024-05-07 07:37:45

Geometrical Attack Resistant Watermarking Algorithm Using the Invariability of the Histogram

Authors: Song-Chun Pang, Jong-Pil Sim, Son-Myong Hwang
Comments: 11 Pages.

With the rapid development of the Internet, multimedia communication and authorization become more and more important. In order to avoid geometric distortions in watermark embedding, this paper proposes a geometrical attack resistant image watermarking algorithm based on histogram modification. The watermark information is embedded into the original image by modifying the number of the gray samples of the image histogram. One bit of the watermark is embedded by changing the number of samples of the three adjacent grey levels in the histograms and the same watermark repeatedly embedded into each of the four histograms. Watermark detection is an inverse process of watermark embedding. Watermark information is detected based on the relationship of the number of samples of the three successive gray levels. The experimental results show that our algorithm is robust to both geometrical attacks and those conventional signal processing attacks and achieves high detection rate.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[525] viXra:2403.0136 [pdf] submitted on 2024-03-30 01:28:54

A Low Cost 3-Band Gain Equalizer Using op-Amps for Hearing Aid Applications

Authors: Md Mubdiul Hasan
Comments: 4 Pages.

Hearing loss is a common health issue that affects nearly 10% of the world population reported by international studies. The hearing impaired typically experience more mental disorientation than those with normal hearing levels. It is often difficult to analyze hearing loss that would closely match with prescribed real ear gain/frequency responses due to technological limitations. The conventional device for hearing impairment is an electronic circuit whose main components are transducers (microphone and receiver). This study is focused on the electronic components those are relatively cheap and available in local market. In this paper the conventional active equalizer circuit especially bass, treble, and mid control based equalizer is implemented by op-amp LM741. Overall gain is split between input and output buffers, for bass ±15dB in 100Hz, mid ±9dB for 1kHz and for treble ±15dB in 10kHz. A trimmer-adjusted, lighter, pocket —carry device can be developed in this case.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[524] viXra:2403.0095 [pdf] submitted on 2024-03-20 21:01:36

Which Application Layer Protocol Is Best Suited for Networked Monitoring of Beehives? A Comparison of HTTP And MQTT in IoT

Authors: Jan Langen, Kerstin Sahler, Claus Brell
Comments: 13 Pages.

Today, the Internet of Things (IoT) is here to stay. In addition to various application areas, IoT is useful in the context of beekeeping, especially for digital and networked monitoring of hives. For practical implementation, differ-ent application layer protocols can be chosen. But which protocol is more suitable in the context of beekeeping? HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) or MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport)? This is one of the questions addressed in the Biene40 project, which focuses on networked sensors. In this paper, we derive the advantages and disadvantages of each protocol based on a literature review and the development of two IoT-based prototypes that communicate via either HTTP or MQTT. Our research show that the message overhead of the MQTT protocol is lower than that of HTTP. However, the connection cost of MQTT is quite high, especially at the beginning of a connection. Therefore, the choice of protocol depends on the specific use case. If only a few messages are transmitted at long intervals, HTTP is more resource efficient. With respect to the developed prototypes and the application context of beehive monitoring, HTTP is the preferred choice.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[523] viXra:2403.0043 [pdf] submitted on 2024-03-11 20:24:08

AB485: A Simplified Data Transfer Protocol for Process Control and Automation

Authors: Abdalrhman Alquaary, Hasan Bayhan
Comments: 11 Pages.

In industrial environments, achieving effective communication between electronic devices poses a multifaceted challenge that hinges on the seamless integration of both hardware and software protocols. This paper introduces AB485, a purpose-built data transfer protocol designed primarily for microcontroller-based systems, offering a streamlined solution to the complexities of software protocol implementation. We delve into AB485's design principles and features, underscoring its minimal hardware and software requirements. Notably, AB485 stands out for its ease of implementation, enabling engineers or system integrators to seamlessly integrate it into their projects. We also explore potential applications where AB485's efficiency and low overhead make substantial contributions to ensuring reliable data transmission. By presenting AB485, our research contributes to the field of data transfer protocols, offering an accessible and efficient solution for resource-constrained applications, while addressing the intricate interplay of hardware and software in data communication.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[522] viXra:2309.0147 [pdf] submitted on 2023-09-29 11:51:49

The Dirac Comb and its Fourier Transform

Authors: Marcello Colozzo
Comments: 2 Pages.

We determine the Fourier Transform of the Dirac comb.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[521] viXra:2309.0075 [pdf] submitted on 2023-09-16 19:55:42

Microcontrollers A Comprehensive Overview and Comparative Analysis of Diverse Types

Authors: Muhammad Samiullah, Muhammad Zohaib Irfan
Comments: 5 Pages.

This review paper provides a comprehensive overview of five popular microcontrollers: AVR, 8052, PIC, ESP32, and STM32. Each microcontroller is analyzed in terms of its architecture, peripherals, development environment, and application areas. A comparison is provided to highlight the key differences between these microcontrollers and assist engineers in selecting the most appropriate microcontroller for their specific needs. This paper serves as a valuable resource for beginners and experienced engineers alike, providing a comprehensive understanding of the different microcontrollers available and their respective applications.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[520] viXra:2308.0149 [pdf] submitted on 2023-08-23 00:30:59

Improvement of Imperceptibility Evaluation Method and Security of Non-Blind Digital Image Watermarking Technique

Authors: Jon Tae Bom, Kim Kyong Jin, Ri Hyo Il, HyonChol Kim, Jang Un Ju
Comments: 6 Pages.

This paper presents the new digital image watermarking technique that has high imperceptibility and robustness against various geometric image attacks such as rotation attack and cropping attack using discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and singular value decomposition (SVD).In this paper, watermark logo is scrambled by 3D Arnold’s cat mapping and Chebyshev mapping, then security of watermark logo is realized.And control parameters of chaos mapping are encrypted bythe proposed quantum resistant encryption technique.Also in this paper, the suitable color image similarity evaluation method and the suitable embedding scaling factor using the relative vision characteristic of human are defined,computed and used in evaluation of imperceptibility.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[519] viXra:2308.0104 [pdf] submitted on 2023-08-15 20:09:41

Establishment of a Security System Based on Arduino

Authors: GyongBong Ju, KyuSol Han, SongIl An, SongIl Han
Comments: 19 Pages.

Today, the security problem is emerging as a crucial problem for people, and research into solving this problem is now on its way worldwide. Everyone is aware of the urgency and seriousness of the security problem, and at this time, this problem has a giant impact on the overall social life. As science and technology develop, researches for solving security problems are advancing to a new stage, and their reliability is increasing day by day.In this study, a powerful quadruple security system was designed and realized by combining Keypad, RFID, Fingerprint, and Bluetooth (HC06) modules to thoroughly secure the security of medicines, jewelry, documents, and other valuables and doors.This system is based on the Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller and is an intelligent system with a display function, voice function, SMS transmission function by GSM module, and alarm function. The system is an excellent system that can thoroughly guarantee the safety of security with low cost and low power consumption.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[518] viXra:2305.0086 [pdf] submitted on 2023-05-11 00:47:25

Undocumented Feature or Potential Vulnerability?

Authors: Evgenii Litvinov
Comments: 7 Pages.

According Wikipedia, an undocumented feature is an unintended or undocumented hardware operation, for example an undocumented instruction, or software feature found in computer hardware and software that is considered beneficial or useful. Sometimes the documentation is omitted through oversight, but undocumented features are sometimes not intended for use by end users, but left available for use by the vendor for software support anddevelopment. Also, some unintended operation of hardware or software that ends up being of utility to users is simply a bug, flaw or quirk [1]. I believe that according to the definition of backdoor [2], and it refers to a special case of undocumented feature, because in both cases this information, which is known and used byvendors for software support and development. Manufacturers of advanced sensors, gate valves, pumps, video cameras and other lowlevel (abbreviated as LL) automation products offer "smart" versions of their products. All ofthese "smart" solutions involve variability, programmability and versatility in terms of productapplication, as well as cost and commissioning time reduction. Given that product variability, programmability and versatility are often achieved through the use of programmable elements, this imposes a great deal of responsibility on product manufacturers and requires vigilance on the part of consumers. This article will not discuss individual household products in the form of smart homes, smart TVs, the Internet of Things, etc., but anyone who reads the material outlined can imagine how unpredictable any item in their home can be if the manufacturer has not shown sufficient responsibility.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[517] viXra:2212.0071 [pdf] submitted on 2022-12-09 00:09:42

WAMS - Winternitz Abstract Merkle Signature Scheme

Authors: Herman Schoenfeld
Comments: 10 Pages. Copyright (c) Sphere 10 Software Pty Ltd, originally written in 2020.

A quantum-resistant, many-time signature scheme combining Winternitz and Merkle-Signatureschemes is proposed. This construction is compatible with the Abstract Merkle Signature (AMS)Scheme 1 and thus is an AMS-algorithm called "WAMS".
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[516] viXra:2212.0019 [pdf] submitted on 2022-12-04 01:16:13

An Abstracted Merkle Signature Scheme (AMS)

Authors: Herman Schoenfeld
Comments: 9 Pages. Copyright (c) Sphere 10 Software Pty Ltd, MIT license, originally written in 2020.

An abstract post-quantum digital signature scheme is presented that parameterizes a one-timesignature scheme (OTS) for "many-time" use. This scheme permits a single key to sign a (great)many messages without security degradation by following the original Merkle-Signature Schemebut without a coupling to a specific OTS. Various features are include a reduction of signaturesizes, resistance to denial-of-service attacks and smaller public keys. This construction comprisesa bit-level specification for the Abstract Merkle Signature Scheme (AMSS).
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[515] viXra:2211.0125 [pdf] submitted on 2022-11-21 01:10:29

Radio Holographic Method for UAV Detection and Recognition

Authors: Valeriy Kizka
Comments: 6 Pages. 1 Figure.

The article proposes to use a radio holography for the detection and identification of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[514] viXra:2210.0010 [pdf] submitted on 2022-10-02 23:37:17

Subsurface Canal Seepage Detection Using Risat-1 Sar Data in Parts of Hanumangarh District, Rajasthan

Authors: Ram Lal Mehta, Touseef Ahmad, Arundhati Misra
Comments: 10 Pages. 38th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS 2017)

Indira Gandhi Canal Project has enhanced considerable food production in the desert area of Rajasthan, it also brought problems such as waterlogging and secondary salinisation. Impounding of Ghaggar flood water in natural depression is the main cause of seepage. Villages are located at a lower altitude than the level of water stored in depressions, which creates a steep gradient and sand dunes being pervious, causing heavy seepage. The steady rise of the water table causes waterlogging conditions in surrounding areas. The unlined canals from the saddle dams and continuous application of surface irrigation at higher frequencies have further added to the problem. One of the significant advantages of SAR is penetration through dry soil and detecting subsurface geological and fluvial features. This paper presents the results of identifying subsurface canal seepage in the sand dune area of Hanumangarh district, Rajasthan using multi-date MRS RISAT-1 SAR data. Signatures of high subsurface soil moisture accumulated in the depressions below the sand dunes and along the canal was analysed and identified as seepage areas. Landsat-8 images and field soil moisture data were used as complementary information to find the surface and subsurface soil moisture, crop and vegetation condition of the area. Subsurface moisture was identified with higher sensitivity in the cross polarizations (HV) images due to high volume scattering caused by the buried moisture-bearing structures. The cross-polarization ratio (CPR) observed was higher in the case of subsurface soil moisture than surface moisture signature. Significant depletion in soil moisture of seepage areas was observed in the images acquired during the month of June 2015.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[513] viXra:2208.0172 [pdf] submitted on 2022-08-31 03:47:52

A Novel 1D State Space for Efficient Music Rhythmic Analysis

Authors: Mojtaba Heydari, Matthew McCallum, Andreas Ehmann, Zhiyao Duan
Comments: 5 Pages. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing

Inferring music time structures has a broad range of applications in music production, processing and analysis. Scholars have proposed various methods toanalyze different aspects of time structures, such as beat, downbeat, tempo and meter.Many state-of-the-art (SOFA) methods, however, are computationally expensive. This makes them inapplicable in real-world industrial settings where the scale of the music collections can be millions. This paper proposes a new state space and a semi-Markov model for music time structure analysis. The proposed approach turns the commonly used 2D state spaces into a 1D model through a jump-back reward strategy. It reduces the state spaces size drastically. We then utilize the proposed method for causal, joint beat, downbeat, tempo, and meter tracking, and compare it against several previous methods. The proposed method delivers similar performance with the SOFA joint causal models with a much smaller state space and a more than 30 times speedup.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[512] viXra:2204.0110 [pdf] submitted on 2022-04-18 00:22:10

Ġasaq: Provably Secure Key Derivation

Authors: M. Rajululkahf
Comments: 6 Pages.

This paper proposes Ġasaq; a provably secure key derivation method that, when given access to a true random number generator (TRNG), allows communicating parties, that have a pre-shared secret password p, to agree on a secret key k that is indistinguishable from truly random numbers with a guaranteed entropy of min(H(p), |k|). Ġasaq's security guarantees hold even in a post-quantum world under Grover's algorithm, or even if it turns out that P = NP. Such strong security guarantees, that are similar to those of the one time pad (OTP), became attractive after the introduction of Băhēm; a similarly provably secure symmetric cipher that is strong enough to shift cipher's security bottleneck to the key derivation function. State of art key derivation functions such as the PBKDF, or even memory-hard variants such as Argon2, are not provably secure, but rather not fully broken yet. They do not guarantee against needlessly losing password entropies; that is, the output key could have an entropy lower than password's entropy, even if such entropy is less than key's bit length. In addition to assuming that P != NP, and, even then, getting their key space square-rooted under Grover's algorithm---none of which are limitations of Ġasaq. Using such key derivation functions, as the PBKDF or Argon2, is acceptable with conventional ciphers, such as ChaCha20 or AES, as they, too, suffer the same limitations, hence none of them are bottlenecks for the other. Similarly to how a glass door is not a security bottleneck for a glass house. However, a question is: why would a people secure their belongings in a glass made structure, to justify a glass door, when they can use a re-enforced steel structure at a similar cost? This is where Ġasaq comes to offer Băhēm the re-enforced steel door that matches its security.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[511] viXra:2204.0094 [pdf] submitted on 2022-04-16 07:14:26

Clock Synchronization in Distributed Systems

Authors: Amey Thakur, Mega Satish
Comments: 6 Pages, 7 figures, Volume 9, Issue III, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), 2022.

Clock discrepancies are troublesome in distributed systems and pose major difficulties. To avoid mistakes, the clocks of separate CPUs must be synced. This is to ensure that communication and resource sharing are as efficient as possible. As a result, the clocks must be constantly monitored and adjusted. Otherwise, the clocks drift apart. Clock skew causes a disparity in the time values of two clocks. Both of these issues must be solved in order to make effective use of distributed system characteristics. In this study, we briefly explored the features of distributed systems and its algorithms.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[510] viXra:2204.0084 [pdf] submitted on 2022-04-15 08:57:55

My Definition and Dram Structure

Authors: Yuji Masuda
Comments: 2 Pages.

The purpose of this chapter is to illustrate in figures the similarities between My Definition and the basic DRAM structure, as well as expectations for its application.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[509] viXra:2204.0064 [pdf] submitted on 2022-04-13 20:44:34

Băhēm: A Provably Secure Symmetric Cipher

Authors: M. Rajululkahf
Comments: 4 Pages.

This paper proposes Băhēm; a symmetric cipher that, when used with a pre-shared secret key k, no cryptanalysis can degrade its security below H(k) bits of entropy, even under Grover's algorithm or even if it turned out that P = NP. Băhēm's security is very similar to that of the one-time pad (OTP), except that it does not require the communicating parties the inconvenient constraint of generating a large random pad in advance of their communication. Instead, Băhēm allows the parties to agree on a small pre-shared secret key, such as |k| = 128 bits, and then generate their random pads in the future as they go. For any operation, be it encryption or decryption, Băhēm performs only 4 exclusive-or operations (XORs) per cleartext bit including its 2 overhead bits. If it takes a CPU 1 cycle to perform an XOR between a pair of 64 bit variables, then a Băhēm operation takes 4 / 8 = 0.5 cycles per byte. Further, all Băhēm's operations are independent, therefore a system with n many CPU cores can perform 0.5 / n cpu cycles per byte per wall-clock time. While Băhēm has an overhead of 2 extra bits per every encrypted cleartext bit, its early single-threaded prototype implementation achieves a faster /decryption/ than OpenSSL's ChaCha20's, despite the fact that Băhēm's ciphertext is 3 times larger than ChaCha20's. This support that the 2 bit overhead is practically negligible for most applications. Băhēm's early prototype has a slower /encryption/ time than OpenSSL's ChaCha20 due to its use of a true random number generator (TRNG). However, this can be trivially optimised by gathering the true random bits in advance, so Băhēm gets the entropy conveniently when it runs. Aside from Băhēm's usage as a provably-secure general-purpose symmetric cipher, it can also be used, in some applications such as password verification, to enhance existing hashing functions to become provably one-way, by using Băhēm to encrypt a predefined string using the hash as the key. A password is then verified if its hash decrypts the Băhēm ciphertext to retrieve the predefined string.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[508] viXra:2202.0123 [pdf] submitted on 2022-02-19 21:04:47

Techniques De Réduction Du PAPR (PAPR Reduction Techniques)

Authors: Wendyida Kabore Kabore
Comments: 73 Pages. [Corrections made by viXra Admin to conform with the requirements on the Submission Form]

Power amplification efficiency enhancement is a critical issue for wireless communication applications. The amplification of signals that have a high dynamic range consumes a lot of energy. Amplifying signals with a constant envelope is a possible solution to get a maximum performance of the amplifier. However, the signals that are currently available in several systems, are multi-carrier signals which are very attractive but have a high PAPR in principle. During this internship, we studied a multi-carrier waveform (to enjoy all the benefits inherent in it) with a low PAPR. This is about to use PAPR reduction techniques like "adding signal" methods, coupled with a new definition of the multicarrier signal. The clipping for example, has been modeled as an adding signal technique, but the addition of the clipping signal occurs on certain free subcarriers that are not used to transmit data. Not all the clipping signal frequencies are used. The major problem is that the subcarriers on which the clipping signal can be added are reduced in number. So to add the clipping signal more efficiently we need to have more frequency space. The key idea here is to perform the duobinary coding in each of the OFDM subcarriers. The duobinary coding reduces the spectral occupancy by half. Thus, we can use the vacant spectrum to add the clipping signal orthogonaly to the data signal. Then comes the study of the performances of this new waveform in terms of gain in PAPR, complexity (receiving process) and ACPR. This study confirm the efficiency of the proposed technique.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[507] viXra:2201.0141 [pdf] submitted on 2022-01-20 18:41:26

A Blind Source Separation Technique for Document Restoration Based on Edge Estimation

Authors: Antonio Boccuto, Ivan Gerace, Valentina Giorgetti, Gabriele Valenti
Comments: 86 Pages.

In this paper we study a Blind Source Separation (BSS) problem, and in particular we deal with document restoration. We consider the classical linear model. To this aim, we analyze the derivatives of the images instead of the intensity levels. Thus, we can establish a non-overlapping constraints on document sources. Moreover, we impose that the rows of the mixture matrices of the sources have sum equal to 1, in order to keep equal the lightnesses of the estimated sources and of the data. Here we give a technique which uses the symmetric factorization, whose goodness is tested by the experimental results.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[506] viXra:2201.0050 [pdf] submitted on 2022-01-10 14:13:32

Blind Source Separation in Document Restoration: an Interference Level Estimation

Authors: Antonio Boccuto, Ivan Gerace, Valentina Giorgetti
Comments: 21 Pages.

We deal with the problem of blind separation of the components, in particular for documents corrupted by bleed-through and show-through. So, we analyze a regularization technique, which estimates the original sources, the interference levels and the blur operators. We treat the estimate of the interference levels, given the original sources and the blur operators. In particular, we investigate several GNC-type algorithms for minimizing the energy function. In the experimental results, we find which algorithm gives more precise estimates of the interference levels.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[505] viXra:2111.0040 [pdf] submitted on 2021-11-07 22:45:54

Tokenize the Food : A Permissionless NFT Information System

Authors: Jules Repusseau
Comments: 12 Pages. [Corrections made by viXra Admin]

Collecting and utilizing food data across the life cycle is difficult and expensive because of their movement across the multiple stakeholders on the agrifood supply chain. Interestingly, product centric approaches that present effective solutions to analyze product lifecycle have been problematic to deploy across multiple industries. Blockchain has been adopted in the food system and traceability and brings many advantages for provenance, compliance, authenticity and quality. However most of the applications are permissioned and mostly at the benefits of a private owner or consortium. Accumulated data therefore cannot be reused by all stakeholders and no common data model can be built. This lack of cooperation has an impact on farmers, where data governance can be a direct source of income and social benefits, and an impact on researchers that cannot reuse and improve food security models, study sustainability or carbon emission without relying on private companies. Food security is a public good and our proposal introduces a permissionless food product centered approach based on NFT to protect public information and farmers stability.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[504] viXra:2110.0151 [pdf] submitted on 2021-10-25 08:48:24

Foundations for Strip Adjustment of Airborne Laserscanning Data with Conformal Geometric Algebra

Authors: Eckhard Hitzer, Werner Benger, Manfred Niederwieser, Ramona Baran, Frank Steinbacher
Comments: 34 Pages. Accepted for publication in Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, Oct. 2021, 1 table, 1 figure.

Typically, airborne laserscanning includes a laser mounted on an airplane or drone (its pulsed beam direction can scan in flight direction and perpendicular to it) an intertial positioning system of gyroscopes, and a global navigation satellite system. The data, relative orientation and relative distance of these three systems are combined in computing strips of ground surface point locations in an earth fixed coordinate system. Finally, all laserscanning strips are combined via iterative closes point methods to an interactive three-dimensional terrain map. In this work we describe the mathematical framework for how to use the iterative closest point method for the adjustment of the airborne laserscanning data strips in the framework of conformal geometric algebra.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[503] viXra:2110.0094 [pdf] submitted on 2021-10-18 21:36:07

Simple and Effective Algorithm for Constant State Detection in Time Series

Authors: Andrei Keino
Comments: 4 Pages. GPL v. 3.0 License

The article introduces very simple and quite effective algorithm for constant state detection in time series. The algorithm, based on sliding window of variable length, searches a sections of time series with some given minimal length, that have all the values in some given range. It is shown that the computational complexity of aforementioned algorithm is O(N log N); where N is the length of time series.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[502] viXra:2109.0172 [pdf] submitted on 2021-09-23 04:01:04

The Evolution of Wi-Fi Technology in Human Motion Recognition: Concepts, Techniques and Future Works

Authors: Mahmoud Amin, Noha Mohamed
Comments: 13 Pages.

Human motion recognition is an important topic in computer vision as well as security. It is used in scientific research, surveillance cameras industry and robotics technology as well. The human interaction with the objects creates a complex stance. Multiple artefacts such as clutter, occlusions, and backdrop diversity contribute to the complexity of this technology. Wi-Fi signals with the usage of their features could help solve some of these issues, with the help of other wearable sensors, such as: RGB-D camera, IR sensor (thermal camera), inertial sensor etc. This paper reviews various approaches for Wi-Fi human motion recognition systems, their analytical methodologies, challenges and proposed techniques along with the aspects to this paper: (a) applications; (b) single and multi-modality sensing; (c) Wi-Fi-based techniques; d) challenges and future works. More research related to Wi-Fi human related activity recognition can be encouraged and improved.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[501] viXra:2108.0132 [pdf] submitted on 2021-08-24 09:51:43

Gravitational Quantum Bit

Authors: Fran De Aquino
Comments: 3 Pages.

The Quantum Computers use qubits (or qbits), the quanta bits, which can assume values 0 or 1, or a superposition of both. In this work, we propose a new type of quantum bit, the Gravitational Quantum Bit or Gqbit, which can be used as an information unit. The concept of the Gqbit is based on the theory of the Gravitational Electromotive Force (Gemf) [1], which shows that, when an electron absorbs a quantum of energy sufficient strong, the gravitational force acting upon it (its weight) changes of direction. The weight of the electron can assume two fundamental statuses. For up, (gravitational force in opposite direction to the gravity g )and, for down (gravitational force in the same direction of g ). Conventionally, we can then assume that for up, the weight of the electron represents the number 0, and that for down, it represents the number 1, similarly to the spin of the electron, which can be interpreted as if the electron rotates in one direction or the other - in this case, rotation in one direction would represent 0 and, in the other, it would represent 1.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[500] viXra:2108.0010 [pdf] submitted on 2021-08-03 22:00:24

Area Efficient Decoder and Simulation Study Using Quantum Dot Cellular Automata

Authors: Aarthi Nadarajan
Comments: 3 Pages.

The progress and dominance of the microelectronics industry has been based on scaling and maintaining functionality at ever smaller scales. The resulting changes in size and package density have limitations due to the physical laws that govern the transistor paradigm. Quantum dot cellular automata (QCA) offer a solution to accomplish device functionalities at nanometer scales. This paper details QCA implementation with simulation results which intuitively prove they are much smaller than the same circuits in standard CMOS technology. The proposed area efficient decoder in this paper is optimal in terms of usage of number of quantum dot cells with a simpler clocking scheme and good performance. The field of quantum dots is relatively at its infancy with significant opportunities for future growth and real time implementations.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[499] viXra:2108.0001 [pdf] submitted on 2021-08-01 18:49:37

A Machine Prototype to Assist Differently Abled People

Authors: Shiv Kokroo
Comments: 2 Pages. Creative Commons license.

Here, I describe a machine prototype that allows differently-abled people to walk again. The unique feature of this machine is that it can be mass-produced for a very reasonable cost and the hardware/software is mostly open source.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[498] viXra:2106.0123 [pdf] submitted on 2021-06-22 10:40:18

Using Spice to Simulate Gain Dynamics in Doped-fiber Amplifier Chains

Authors: Alberto Bononi, Lorenzo Barbieri, Leslie Ann Rusch
Comments: 2 Pages. This abstract was made public at the optical fiber conference 1998, workshop 204, monday Feb 23, 1998, but not included in the proceedings.

It has recently been shown that gain dynamics in doped-fiber amplifiers can be simulated by an equivalent electric circuit [1]. Here we include ASE-induced self- saturation in the model, and discuss its implementation using SPICE.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[497] viXra:2106.0018 [pdf] submitted on 2021-06-04 01:06:15

On Standardrization of Addresses

Authors: Arjun Dahal
Comments: 3 Pages.

On progressing world, where pigeons are no longer used to carry messages like as in fairy tales, and historical tales, need of standarization of address was felt, for physical and internet means. In this paper, author has attempted to describe address in standard form, allowing to be cited, as per available databases, uniqueness, and accuracy.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[496] viXra:2106.0006 [pdf] submitted on 2021-06-01 21:31:50

Development of a Quadruple Security System Combining Keypad, Rfid, Fingerprint, and Bluetooth Modules

Authors: Gyongbong Ju, Cholhyon Sim, Choljin Kim, Yongmin Kim
Comments: 16 Pages.

Today, the security problem is emerging as a crucial problem for people, and research into solving this problem is now on its way worldwide. Everyone is aware of the urgency and seriousness of the security problem, and at this time, this problem has a giant impact on the overall social life. As science and technology develop, researches for solving security problems are advancing to a new stage, and their reliability is increasing day by day. In this study, a powerful quadruple security system was designed and realized by combining Keypad, RFID, Fingerprint, and Bluetooth (HC06) modules to thoroughly secure the security of medicines, jewelry, documents, and other valuables and doors. This system is based on the Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller and is an intelligent system with a display function, voice function, SMS transmission function by GSM module, and alarm function. The system is an excellent system that can thoroughly guarantee the safety of security with low cost and low power consumption.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[495] viXra:2103.0094 [pdf] submitted on 2021-03-15 20:39:03

Rotational Motion Blur Invariants Based on Gaussian Hermit Moment

Authors: Guo Rui, Jia Li, Hao Hongxiang, Mo Hanlin, Li Hua
Comments: 13 Pages. [Corrections are made by viXra Admin to comply with the rules of]

How to recognize the target from blurred image is one of the fundamental problems in computer vision and pattern recognition. Image blurring caused by abnormal energy accumulation during exposure time because of relative rotational motion between imaging system and objects. Our work is different from most of others which need “deblurring”. We try to find the invariant features between original image and blurred image based on the mathematical model of blurring and the theory of moment invariants, instead of restoring the blurred image. Method In this study, based on degraded model of rotation motion blur and Gaussian Hermit moment, we demonstrated how the rotation motion blur Gaussian Hermit moment been built and proved the existing of low-rank rotation motion blur Gaussian Hermit moment invariants. Correspondingly, rotational motion blur invariants based on Gaussian Hermit moment is built. We filtrated 5 Gaussian Hermit moment invariants from exiting rotation geometry moment invariants which had been extended to Gaussian Hermit moment invariants to construct a highly stable 5-dimensional feature vector and named it RMB_GHMI-5, and we verified that RMB_GHMI-5 had great properties of invariability and distinguishability through experiments. Finally, we introduced RMB_GHMI-5 to the field of image retrieval. Result In invariance experiment, We validate the properties of invariance of the proposed feature vector on the dataset USC-SIPI. Tow set of 18 composite blurred image and been made to test RMB_GHMI-5. The result shows the feature distance between original image and composited blurred image are extremely tiny which means RMB_GHMI-5 has great properties of invariance. In addition to the image retrieval experiments, we introduce two image database including Flavia and Butterfly for original image. Composited image which are blurred by different degree of rotation、rotational motion and Gaussian noise or Salt-pepper noise have been used to validate the invariability and distinguishability of RMB_GHMI-5. Compared with 4 state-of-the-art saliency approaches, for leaf image degraded by rotation, rotational motion and Gaussian noise, at 80% recall rate, the recognition accuracy of RMB_GHMI-5 is 25.89% higher than others. For leaf image degraded by rotation, rotational motion and Salt-pepper noise, the recognition accuracy of RMB_GHMI-5 is 39.95% higher than others. For butterfly image degraded by rotation, rotational motion and Gaussian noise, at 80% recall rate, the recognition accuracy of RMB_GHMI-5 is 7.18% higher than others. For leaf image degraded by rotation, rotational motion and Salt-pepper noise, the recognition accuracy of RMB_GHMI-5 is 3.04% higher than others. Conclusion In this study, we proposed a highly stable 5-dimensional feature vector RMB_GHMI-5, and we verified that RMB_GHMI-5 had great properties of invariability and distinguishability through experiments. The experiment results show that RMB_GHMI-5 outperforms several state-of-the-art saliency approaches and has stronger practical application value.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[494] viXra:2102.0057 [pdf] submitted on 2021-02-10 20:30:48

Age of Information in an URLLC-enabled Decode-and-Forward Wireless Communication System

Authors: Chathuranga M. Wijerathna Basnayaka, Dushantha Nalin K. Jayakody, Tharindu D. Ponnimbaduge Perera
Comments: 6 Pages.

Age of Information (AoI) measures the freshness of data in mission critical Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications i.e., industrial internet, intelligent transportation systems etc. In this paper, a new system model is proposed to estimate the average AoI (AAoI) in an ultra-reliable low latency communication (URLLC) enabled wireless communication system with decodeand-forward relay scheme over the quasi-static Rayleigh block fading channels. Short packet communication scheme is used to meet both reliability and latency requirements of the proposed wireless network. By resorting finite block length information theory, queuing theory and stochastic processes, a closed-form expression for AAoI is obtained. Finally, the impact of the system parameters, such as update generation rate, block length and block length allocation factor on the AAoI are investigated. All results are validated by the numerical results.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[493] viXra:2102.0037 [pdf] submitted on 2021-02-06 18:43:52

IPTV Improvement Approach over LTE-WLAN Heterogeneous Networks

Authors: Mohamed Matoui, Noureddine Moumkine, Abdellah Adib
Comments: 19 Pages. [Corrections are made by viXra Admin to comply with the rules of]

IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) includes several video components. The IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) cannot differentiate between them what causes their treatment similarly. These sub-components must have different priorities because they have distinct QoS constraints. In this paper, we suggest the implementation of IPTV in a heterogeneous network that improved QoS by providing the capability to prioritize the sub traffic according to the system administrator policy. A new IPv6 flow label field definition was proposed that is ready for standardization. OPNET Modeler software is used to design our approached architecture. The results show that IPTV users receive different amounts of video data based on the stream's priority.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[492] viXra:2102.0028 [pdf] submitted on 2021-02-05 21:57:05

Hridai: a Tale of Two Categories of Ecgs

Authors: Priya Ranjan, Kumar Dron Shrivastav, Satya Vadlamani, Rajiv Janardhanan
Comments: 21 Pages. Proc. SIRS-2020.

This work presents a geometric study of computational disease tagging of ECGs problems. Using ideas like Earthmover’s distance (EMD) and Euclidean distance, it clusters category 1 and category −1 ECGs in two clusters, computes their average and then predicts the category of 100 test ECGs, if they belong to category 1 or category −1. We report 80% success rate using Euclidean distance at the cost of intense computation investment and 69% success using EMD. We suggest further ways to augment and enhance this automated classification scheme using bio-markers like Troponin isoforms, CKMB, BNP. Future direc- tions include study of larger sets of ECGs from diverse populations and collected from a heterogeneous mix of patients with different CVD conditions. Further we advocate the robustness of this programmatic approach as compared to deep learning kind of schemes which are amenable to dynamic instabilities. This work is a part of our ongoing framework Heart Regulated Intelligent Decision Assisted Information (HRIDAI) system.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[491] viXra:2012.0127 [pdf] submitted on 2020-12-16 21:36:55

Ten-bit Character Encoding Based in Extended ASCII

Authors: Juan Elias Millas Vera
Comments: 17 Pages.

Extended ASCII is a character encoding which uses 8-bit for every single symbol. My character encoding uses 10-bit for symbol, and it is more efficient in the transmission of the data in short and long texts because its properties.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[490] viXra:2009.0111 [pdf] submitted on 2020-09-15 09:29:35

An Injection Locked Oszillator as Adaptive Filter

Authors: Herbert Weidner
Comments: 3 Pages.

An Injection Locked Synchronous Oscillator is a narrowband digital filter that tracks its frequency to a variable frequency signal. This allows the detection of weak signals of variable frequency despite a strong noise background. The signal is processed in the time domain with negligible phase shift. The calculation effort is much lower than with comparable filter types.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[489] viXra:2009.0110 [pdf] submitted on 2020-09-15 09:30:49

Ein Injection Locked Oszillator Als Adaptives Filter

Authors: Herbert Weidner
Comments: 3 Pages.

Ein Injection Locked Synchronous Oscillator ist ein schmalbandiges digitales Filter, das seine Frequenz einem frequenzvariablen Signal nachführt. Damit lassen sich schwache Signale veränderlicher Frequenz trotz starkem Rauschhintergrund nachweisen. Das Signal wird im Zeit­bereich bei vernachlässigbarer Phasenverschiebung verarbeitet. Der Berechnungsaufwand ist wesentlich geringer als bei vergleichbaren Filtertypen.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[488] viXra:2009.0084 [pdf] submitted on 2020-09-12 11:17:11

Detektion Schwacher Signale Mit Einem Injection Locked Oszillator

Authors: Herbert Weidner
Comments: 4 Pages.

Ein Software-Ringoszillator mit einem Fangbereich von über ± 5% kann injizierte Signale mit SNR = -20 dB regenerieren und noch schwächere Signale mit SNR = -27 dB identifizieren. Injection-locking entspricht einer PLL erster Ordnung und ist immer stabil. Deshalb sind keine Berechnungen oder Abgleichmaßnahmen notwendig. Ein ILO ist sehr einfach zu implementieren: kein Phasendetektor, Varaktor oder Schleifenfilter.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[487] viXra:2009.0083 [pdf] submitted on 2020-09-12 11:19:00

Detection of Weak Signals with an Injection Locked Oscillator

Authors: Herbert Weidner
Comments: 3 Pages.

A software ring oscillator with a capture range of more than ± 5% can regenerate injected signals with SNR = -20 dB and identify even weaker signals with SNR = -27 dB. Injection Locked Synchronous Oscillators correspond to a first-order PLL and are always stable. Therefore no calculations or adjustments are necessary. An ILO is very easy to implement: no phase detector, no varactor, no loop filter.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[486] viXra:2008.0085 [pdf] submitted on 2020-08-12 12:36:18

Smart Systems for Road Traffic Congestion Detection and Control

Authors: Tannistha Pal, Farhan Hai Khan, Uttaran Chaudhuri, Tiyasa Kundu
Comments: 7 Pages.

By the dusk of the 21st century, both developed & developing countries will witness a tremendous rise in automobile sales. Everybody will want to travel as fast as possible and reduce traffic waiting time. The objective of this research is to provide efficient algorithms and sound scientific principles for accurate traffic density estimations even in the busiest traffic hours. The methodologies discussed in this paper include the use of Infrared, Ultrasonic, Pressure & Piezoelectric sensors, and also Inductive loop detectors. These methodologies are further used to control real-time traffic lighting systems based on threshold-based decision algorithms. Further, Digital Image Processing techniques are analyzed which involve camera installation for congestion assessment and traffic control. Therefore, proper application of these methodologies will lead to early traffic detection with immediate disaster preventive measures that will ensure better passage for vehicles.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

Replacements of recent Submissions

[42] viXra:2502.0039 [pdf] replaced on 2025-02-22 00:44:14

The Effective Algorithm for Constant State Detection in Time Series.

Authors: Andrei Keino
Comments: 6 Pages.

The article introduces a simple and effective algorithm for constant state detection in the time series. The algorithm, based on the sliding window of variable length, finds all the sections of the time series which have length greater or equal than some given minimal length and have difference between maximal and minimal value in the section less or equal than some given value. It is shown that the computationalcomplexity of the aforementioned algorithm is O(N log N), where N is the length of time series.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[41] viXra:2212.0019 [pdf] replaced on 2022-12-07 23:27:39

AMS - Abstract Merkle Signature Scheme

Authors: Herman Schoeneld
Comments: 9 Pages. Copyright (c) Sphere 10 Software Pty Ltd (originally written in 2020).

An abstract post-quantum digital signature scheme is presented that parameterizes a one-time signature scheme (OTS) for "many-time" use. This scheme permits a single key-pair to fficiently sign and verify a (great) many messages without security degradation. It achieves this by following the original Merkle-Signature Scheme but without a coupling to a specific OTS. Various improvements include a reduction in signature size, resistance to denial-of-service attacks and smaller keys. This construction comprises a bit-level specification for the Abstract Merkle Signature Scheme (AMS).
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[40] viXra:2211.0096 [pdf] replaced on 2023-01-29 18:58:40

Arbitrarily Accurate Classification Applied to Specific Emitter Identification

Authors: Michael C. Kleder
Comments: 7 Pages. Minor update

This article introduces a method of evaluating subsamples until any prescribed level of classification accuracy is attained, thus obtaining arbitrary accuracy. A logarithmic reduction in error rate is obtained with a linear increase in sample count. The technique is applied to specific emitter identification on a published dataset of physically recorded over-the-air signals from 16 ostensibly identical high-performance radios. The technique uses a multi-channel deep learning convolutional neural network acting on the bispectra of I/Q signal subsamples each consisting of 56 parts per million (ppm) of the original signal duration. High levels of accuracy are obtained with minimal computation time: in this application, each addition of eight samples decreases error by one order of magnitude.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[39] viXra:2205.0050 [pdf] replaced on 2022-05-12 03:09:47

FC1: A Powerful, Non-Deterministic, Symmetric Key Cipher

Authors: Michele Fabbrini
Comments: 25 Pages.

In this paper we describe a symmetric key algorithm that offers an unprecedented grade of confidentiality. Based on the uniqueness of the modular multiplicative inverse of a positive integer a modulo n and on its computability in a polynomial time, this non-deterministic cipher can easily and quickly handle keys of millions or billions of bits that an attacker does not even know the length of. The algorithm’s primary key is the modulo, while the ciphertext is given by the concatenation of the modular inverse of blocks of plaintext whose length is randomly chosen within a predetermined range. In addition to the full specification, we present a working implementation of it in Julia Programming Language, accompanied by real examples of encryption and decryption.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[38] viXra:2108.0132 [pdf] replaced on 2025-03-22 13:47:55

Gravitational Quantum Bit

Authors: Fran De Aquino
Comments: 3 Pages.

The Quantum Computers use qubits (or qbits), the quanta bits, which can assume values 0 or 1, or a superposition of both. In this work, we propose a new type of quantum bit, the Gravitational Quantum Bit or Gqbit, which can be used as an information unit. The concept of the Gqbit is based on the theory of the Gravitational Electromotive Force (Gemf) [1], which shows that, when an electron absorbs a quantum of energy sufficient strong, the gravitational force acting upon it (its weight) changes of direction. The weight of the electron can assume two fundamental statuses. For up, (gravitational force in opposite direction to the gravity g )and, for down (gravitational force in the same direction of g ). Conventionally, we can then assume that for up, the weight of the electron represents the number 0, and that for down, it represents the number 1, similarly to the spin of the electron, which can be interpreted as if the electron rotates in one direction or the other - in this case, rotation in one direction would represent 0 and, in the other, it would represent 1.
Category: Digital Signal Processing

[37] viXra:2106.0006 [pdf] replaced on 2023-08-15 09:50:01

Development of a Quadruple Security System Combining Keypad, Rfid, Fingerprint, and Bluetooth Modules

Authors: GyongBong Ju, CholHyon Sim,CholJin Kim, JongChol Chu
Comments: 19 Pages.

Today, the security problem is emerging as a crucial problem for people, and research into solving this problem is now on its way worldwide. Everyone is aware of the urgency and seriousness of the security problem, and at this time, this problem has a giant impact on the overall social life. As science and technology develop, researches for solving security problems are advancing to a new stage, and their reliability is increasing day by day.In this study, a powerful quadruple security system was designed and realized by combining Keypad, RFID, Fingerprint, and Bluetooth (HC06) modules to thoroughly secure the security of medicines, jewelry, documents, and other valuables and doors.This system is based on the Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller and is an intelligent system with a display function, voice function, SMS transmission function by GSM module, and alarm function. The system is an excellent system that can thoroughly guarantee the safety of security with low cost and low power consumption.
Category: Digital Signal Processing